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1、英语外研版module4资料5,基础 知能 回扣,重点 难点 突破,完成句子他唱了一首欢快的歌曲,感觉很高兴。He sang a delightful song and felt delighted.令我高兴的是,我通过了这次考试。To my delight,I passed the exam.,A woman was dug out _ after being buried deep in the ruins for more than 200 hours.2010兰州模拟A.living B.lively C.alive D.live【解析】选C。考查词义辨析。此处alive作主语补足语,

2、修饰a woman。本句就相当于:A woman was dug out and she was alive after being buried deep in the ruins for more than 200 hours.句意:在废墟中被埋了200多小时后一位妇女被挖出来后仍活着。类似的表达有:The enemy was caught alive.这个敌人被活捉了。Man is born equal.人生来是平等的。,完成句子迄今为止双方都遵守着那个协定。So far the agreement has been observed by both sides.杰克知道有人看到他和玛丽

3、见面了。Jack knew that someone had observed him meeting Mary.,They _ the novel because there were so many _ words in it.A.adapted;adopted B.adopted;adaptedC.adapted;adopting D.adopted;adapting【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意:他们改编了这部小说,因为小说中有太多的外来词。adapt改编,改写,adopt采纳,吸收(外来词语),因为adopt与word之间为动宾关系,应用过去分词。,Messi stands _ a

4、s the best young soccer player in the game.原创预测题A.for B.up C.by D.out【解析】选D。考查stand动词短语。stand for“代表”;stand up“站起”;stand by“袖手旁观”;stand out“突出”。句意:梅西在比赛中作为最优秀的年轻足球运动员很突出。,用destroy,damage,ruin的适当形式填空You will ruin your future if you continue to be so foolish.The old temple has fallen into ruin.The bac

5、k of the car was damaged in the crash,so I had to have it repaired.The fire caused a lot of damage.What was it that destroyed the Roman Empire?,用适当的介词或副词填空Heres my addressput it down in case you forget it.A new theory was put forward at the meeting.Kids,lets put your toys away and go out for lunch.T

6、here are many inconveniences that you have to put up with when you are away from home.He has put aside a lot of money.,In winter people burn a lot of coal to warm themselves,and this _ causes pollution and global warming.A.in turn B.in allC.take turns D.by turn【解析】选A。句意:在冬天人们烧煤取暖,这反过来造成了污染和全球变暖。,句型转

7、换What do you think of the actress in the film?What do you make of the actress in the film?How do you like/find the actress in the film?,What do you make of his latest book?_.A.By chance B.By accidentC.Interesting D.Surprisingly【解析】选C。问句表示“你认为他最新的书怎么样?”答者说“很有趣”。A、B两项都表示“碰巧;偶然”。D项是副词,意为“令人吃惊地”。,备考要点补充

8、,as用realise,reality,realistic填空Though he speaks fluent Chinese,he is a Japanese in reality.John has realised his ambition to become a writer.The painting is realistic which reflects our real life.,The students got tired _ hard work,so they wanted to have a rest.A.out B.of C.from D.in【解析】选C。句意:学生们由于辛

9、苦的劳动累了,想休息一会儿。get tired from因疲劳,符合语意。,They look exactly the samehow can you _ which is which?A.speak B.say C.talk D.tell【解析】选D。tell在此表示“辨别”。句意:他们看起来完全一样你怎么辨认得出哪个是哪个呢?,.单词拼写1.On the wall hangs the portrait(画像)of Mao Zedong.2.The girl cant stand(忍受)the harsh words from her teacher.3.The painting exhib

10、ition(展览)held by the twelve-year-old boy attracted many people.4.Parrots imitate(模仿)human speech.5.Popular styles(风格)in the 1960s were very short skirts for women and long hair for men.,6.Everyone wants to live a colourful(多彩的)life.7.The scenery was beautiful beyond expression(表达).8.They finally rea

11、lised(领悟)how important it was to protect nature.9.The suggestion adopted(采纳)by the students proved practical.10.Some of the animals caught alive(活着的)died of hunger.,.完成句子1.我们决定推迟拍这部电影。We decided to put off making the film.2.小男孩厌烦在大人面前表演。The little boy gets/is tired of performing before the adults.,3

12、.这一家人喜欢进行体育运动。This family are fond of having sports.4.你能分清adapt与adopt两个单词吗?Can you tell“adapt”from“adopt”?5.这部小说是鲁迅写的,他被认为是中国最伟大的作家之一。This novel was written by Lu Xun,(who was)considered(to be/as)one of the greatest writers in China.,.单项填空1._ is known to us all that Brazil will host the 2016 Olympic

13、 Games.A.Which B.As C.That D.It【解析】选D。此处it作形式主语,真正的主语是that Brazil will host the 2016 Olympic Games。干扰项是B。若选B,句子应改为As is known to us all,Brazil will host the 2016 Olympic Games.。,2.The temperature in London hit 21 yesterday,_ for this time of year,while the normal figure is around 14.A.outstanding B.

14、unusualC.common D.frequent【解析】选B。考查词义辨析。outstanding“卓越的”;unusual“不寻常的”;common“普通的”;frequent“经常的”。句意:昨天伦敦的气温达到了21摄氏度,对于每年这个时候来说是不寻常的,在这个时候正常温度大约是14摄氏度。,3.The American foreign minister is said _ a Chinese girl,who is receiving American education now.原创预测题A.to adapt B.to adoptC.to have adopted D.that h

15、e adopted【解析】选C。考查sb./sth.is said to do sth.。句意:据说那位美国外交部长收养了一个中国女孩,她现在正接受美国教育。根据句意可知adopt(收养)这一动作发生在is said之前,故要用不定式的完成式。,4.Wherever you are,you must _ the rules.Otherwise,youll be punished.A.see B.notice C.observe D.find【解析】选C。句意:无论你在哪儿,你都必须遵守规则。否则,你将受到惩罚。observe除表示“观察”外,还可意为“遵守”。,5.The Great Pyra

16、mid is such a famous place of interest in the world,_was built in ancient times in Egypt,_every tourist likes to visit.2010哈尔滨模拟A.which;that B.which;asC.as;which D.that;which,【解析】选B。考查定语从句与句子结构。which was built in ancient times in Egypt是非限制性定语从句,若把此从句连同两个逗号去掉,可看出句子中考查了such.as.结构,其中as every tourist li

17、kes to visit是定语从句,as在从句中作visit的宾语。干扰项是A。若选A,从句部分应改为that every tourist likes to visit it,因为that引导结果状语从句,从句成分要完整。,6.I cant stand _ with my parents.They just keep _ me.A.talking;to criticize B.to talk;criticizingC.talking;criticizing D.to talk;to criticize【解析】选C。cant stand doing sth.“不能忍受做”,keep doing

18、sth.“不停地/一直做”。,7.The student,_ her study,began to play games on the mobile phone in class.A.got tired of B.got tired fromC.tired of D.tired from【解析】选C。tired of her study=who was tired of her study意为“厌烦学习”。若选A应把got改为getting。get/be tired from意为“由于疲劳”。句意:厌烦学习的那个学生在课堂上开始玩手机游戏。,8.The waste can be recycle

19、d into new products,which _ will save natural resources.A.in turn B.above allC.by chance D.at least【解析】选A。句意为:废料能够被回收制成新产品,反过来这也将节省自然资源。in turn意为“反过来;轮流”;above all意为“最重要的是,首先”;by chance意为“偶然地,意外地”;at least意为“至少”。,9.Sushi is considered _ great contributions to the development of Hainans culture.2010北

20、京模拟A.to have made B.makingC.to make D.to be making【解析】选A。考查consider的用法。consider在此意为“认为”,表示“认为某人做了某事”时,要用consider sb.to have done sth.。用动词不定式的完成式表示此动作发生在谓语动作之前。,10.More and more young people are fond _playing tennis nowadays.A.on B.to C.in D.of【解析】选D。考查be fond of(喜爱)这一固定短语。,11.They _ the exhibition b

21、ecause the organizers hadnt decorated the gallery well.A.put forward B.put outC.put off D.put up【解析】选C。考查put动词短语。put forward“提出;把(钟表)拨快”;put out“扑灭(火)”;put off“推迟”;put up“举起;建造;留宿(某人)”。句意:因为主办方没有把画廊装饰好,他们推迟了展览。,12.Victor apologized for _ to inform me of the change in the plan.A.his being not able B.

22、him not to be ableC.his not being able D.him to be not able【解析】选C。考查-ing形式作介词后宾语。not应放在-ing之前,故选C。,13.“_ to Michelle and having two beautiful girls in my house,never allows me to look down upon women,”said Obama.A.Marrying B.Being marriedC.Having married D.Married,【解析】选B。根据后面的never allows可知前面being m

23、arried to Michelle and having two beautiful girls in my house在句中应作主语。故首先排除D,因为过去分词不能作主语。另外,注意marry的用法,“与某人结婚”的表达应是:marry sb.=get married to sb./be married to sb.。因此,若选A、C两项,空后的to应去掉。,14.The news that the worker trapped in the coal mine for 3 days was still _ was broadcast _ on TV.A.alive;alive B.liv

24、ing;aliveC.alive;live D.lively;live【解析】选C。第一个空可填alive或living表示“活着的”,第二个空填live,表示“现场直播的”。,15.The boy is old enough to _ the difference _ right and wrong.A.speak;from B.tell;betweenC.say;of D.judge;from【解析】选B。句意为:这个男孩年龄不小了,足以能够判断是非。tell the difference between.and.“区别和”。,.阅读理解原创预测题 The Mighty seemed to

25、 have fallenin December 2009.The release of Zhang Yimos latest picture has caused a serious wave of Mo producing waste on the Internet.As one netizen put it on Sinas twitter:“Mo is no Mo.”,I must say,it is fun to watch the mighty fall,and I have done my fair share of twittering on the subject as wel

26、l.The truth is,no one wanted to say anything bad about him for 18 months;after all,he is the Chinese creative wunderkind(神童,天才)who dazzled the world with the Olympic Opening Ceremony.The nation rallied behind him and he delivered,the show was amazing,and everyoneI mean just everyonewas terribly plea

27、sed.,So what went wrong with Mos latest film?On the surface:Nothing.It should have been another crowd pleaser.The script is an adaptation of the Coen Brothers 1984 film Blood Simple,Mo and his producer paid good money for the rights of the re-make.This action alone should have pleased the more intel

28、lectual critics of the director;the fact that he did the right thing in terms of copyright,and picked a script by the Coen Brothers,definitely Hollywoods less commercial strand of creative power.,San Qiang(Three Shots)as the film is known,brings together a list of Chinas most celebrated comedians.To

29、 start with,there is Xiao Shenyang,the 2009 CCTV New Year Gala comedy sensation.It seems that all he has to do is open his mouth,and the Chinese are already laughing.Why?Because he is so cheap,as one twitterer commented.,And then there is Xiao Shenyangs shifu(teacher),Zhao Benshan,a veteran comedian

30、 that Chinese TV audiences have loved for the past 20 years.As if thats not enough,Mo has thrown in Sun Honglei,Chinas leading man who has also an untainted record from both his TV and film work.And last,but certainly not the least,there is Mo himself.Great script,star-studded cast,the most renowned

31、 Chinese filmmaker of all times,and plenty of cash.Sounds like a recipe for a blockbuster.But instead,it turned out to be one of the most hated films of 2009.What happened?,1.According to the first paragraph,we can infer that Mos latest film is_.A.popular B.thought highly ofC.not well received D.abo

32、ut a serious issue【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段的最后两句可推出。,2.Which of the following statements about Mos latest film is wrong?A.It is adapted based on the film Blood Simple.B.The cast of the film include Xiao Shenyang,Zhao Benshan,Sun Honglei etc.C.It costs a lot of money.D.It is the most hated film of 2009.【解析】

33、选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的But instead,it turned out to be one of the most hated films of 2009.可知D项错误。,3.From the passage we know the writer thinks its _ for Mo to spend plenty of money on the copyright.A.right B.wrongC.incredible D.unacceptable【解析】选A。观点态度题。根据第三段中的This action alone should have pleased the mor

34、e intellectual critics of the director;the fact that he did the right thing in terms of copyright可知作者认为张艺谋买版权是正确的。,4.The word“dazzled”in the second paragraph means _.A.astonished B.disappointedC.amused D.embarrassed【解析】选A。词义猜测题。dazzled本意表示“使眩晕”,在此应引申为使人们震惊。故选A。,.任务型阅读2010沈阳模拟 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处

35、的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。There is an English saying that goes,“He who laughs last,laughs the best.”High School Musical star Zac Efron is laughing a lot these days.1,because he was always the smallest in his class and was laughed at because he had a big space between his teeth.In sixth grade,Efrons basketba

36、ll team made it to the league championships.In double overtime(两个加时赛),with three,seconds left,he rebounded the ball and passed itto the wrong team!2 3 Now at 21,Efron is one of People Magazines 100 Most Beautiful People,graces(荣登)the cover of Entertainment Weekly,Hollywoods most influential magazine

37、,and is traveling the world promoting the third High School Musical film.Director Adam Shankman described Efron as“arguably the biggest teen star in America right now.”Simply google“Zac Efron”,and you get more than 14 million responses.Yes,it seems Efron has a lot to smile about these days.,Efron wa

38、s born and raised in California.4 According to Efron,“he would flip out(发疯)if he got a B and not an A in school,and that he was a class clown.”It was his father who encouraged him to act.5 He also took singing lessons.He graduated from high school in 2006 and was accepted at the University of Southe

39、rn California to study film.But he put it offwhy study movies when you can star in them.Efron has risen all the way to the top of the movie business.And he can now laugh all the way to the bank.A.He owed it a lot to his father that he succeeded.B.But history,as they say,is a thing of the past.,C.He

40、took part in school performances and acted in a local theater.D.When he was young,Efron was an unqualified basketball player.E.He took school seriously.F.They scored and his team lost the game.G.As a young boy,Efron was picked on by his classmates.15.GFBEC,.单词拼写1.On the wall hangs the portrait(画像)of

41、 Mao Zedong.2.The girl cant stand(忍受)the harsh words from her teacher.3.The painting exhibition(展览)held by the twelve-year-old boy attracted many people.4.Parrots imitate(模仿)human speech.5.Popular styles(风格)in the 1960s were very short skirts for women and long hair for men.,6.Everyone wants to live

42、 a colourful(多彩的)life.7.The scenery was beautiful beyond expression(表达).8.They finally realised(领悟)how important it was to protect nature.9.The suggestion adopted(采纳)by the students proved practical.10.Some of the animals caught alive(活着的)died of hunger.,.完成句子1.我们决定推迟拍这部电影。We decided to put off maki

43、ng the film.2.小男孩厌烦在大人面前表演。The little boy gets/is tired of performing before the adults.3.这一家人喜欢进行体育运动。This family are fond of having sports.,4.你能分清adapt与adopt两个单词吗?Can you tell“adapt”from“adopt”?5.这部小说是鲁迅写的,他被认为是中国最伟大的作家之一。This novel was written by Lu Xun,(who was)considered(to be/as)one of the gre

44、atest writers in China.,.单项填空1._ is known to us all that Brazil will host the 2016 Olympic Games.A.Which B.As C.That D.It【解析】选D。此处it作形式主语,真正的主语是that Brazil will host the 2016 Olympic Games。干扰项是B。若选B,句子应改为As is known to us all,Brazil will host the 2016 Olympic Games.。,2.The temperature in London hit

45、21 yesterday,_ for this time of year,while the normal figure is around 14.A.outstanding B.unusualC.common D.frequent【解析】选B。考查词义辨析。outstanding“卓越的”;unusual“不寻常的”;common“普通的”;frequent“经常的”。句意:昨天伦敦的气温达到了21摄氏度,对于每年这个时候来说是不寻常的,在这个时候正常温度大约是14摄氏度。,3.The American foreign minister is said _ a Chinese girl,wh

46、o is receiving American education now.原创预测题A.to adapt B.to adoptC.to have adopted D.that he adopted【解析】选C。考查sb./sth.is said to do sth.。句意:据说那位美国外交部长收养了一个中国女孩,她现在正接受美国教育。根据句意可知adopt(收养)这一动作发生在is said之前,故要用不定式的完成式。,4.Wherever you are,you must _ the rules.Otherwise,youll be punished.A.see B.notice C.ob

47、serve D.find【解析】选C。句意:无论你在哪儿,你都必须遵守规则。否则,你将受到惩罚。observe除表示“观察”外,还可意为“遵守”。,5.A government should permit the free _ of political opinion.A.expression B.impressionC.pressure D.depression【解析】选A。考查词义辨析。expression“表达;表情”;impression“印象”;pressure“压力”;depression“沮丧;失落”。句意:政府应允许自由表达政治观点。根据句意可知选A。,6.I cant sta

48、nd _ with my parents.They just keep _me.A.talking;to criticize B.to talk;criticizingC.talking;criticizing D.to talk;to criticize【解析】选C。cant stand doing sth.“不能忍受做”,keep doing sth.“不停地/一直做”。,7.The student,_ her study,began to play games on the mobile phone in class.A.got tired of B.got tired fromC.ti

49、red of D.tired from【解析】选C。tired of her study=who was tired of her study意为“厌烦学习”。若选A应把got改为getting。get/be tired from意为“由于疲劳”。句意:厌烦学习的那个学生在课堂上开始玩手机游戏。,8.The waste can be recycled into new products,which _ will save natural resources.A.in turn B.above allC.by chance D.at least【解析】选A。句意为:废料能够被回收制成新产品,反过

50、来这也将节省自然资源。in turn意为“反过来;轮流”;above all意为“最重要的是,首先”;by chance意为“偶然地,意外地”;at least意为“至少”。,9.Sushi is considered _ great contributions to the development of Hainans culture.2010北京模拟A.to have made B.makingC.to make D.to be making【解析】选A。考查consider的用法。consider在此意为“认为”,表示“认为某人做了某事”时,要用consider sb.to have d


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