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1、非谓语动词,不定式,不定式的时态,不定式时态,1)不定式的一般式不定式的一般式表示的动作与谓语动词的动作是同时发生的或是在其后发生的。例如:Thousands of young people are learning to ski数以千计的年轻人在学习滑雪。(同时)Where can we get some sickles to cut the rice with?我们到哪儿去弄些镰刀割稻呢?,真题,The Minister of Finance is believed _of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.(2004-48)A.that

2、he is thinking B.to be thinkingC.that he is to think D.to think,B,不定式时态,不定式的进行式1.不定式的进行式强调其所表示的动作在主要谓语动词所表示的动作发生时正在进行。e.g.He pretended to be listening to the teacher carefully.,He is said to write a preface to the book.(He will write)He is said to be writing a preface to the book.(He is writing),Com

3、pare the two sentences:,不定式时态,2.不定式的完成进行式强调其所表示的动作在主要谓语动词所表示的动作发生之前发生,而且一直进行。e.g.She is known to have been working on the problem for many years.e.g.He looked to young to have been publishing books for six years.他看上去很年轻,不像是已经出版了六年书的人。,不定式的完成式,1.用在intended,expected,meant,hoped,wanted,promised,planned

4、,wished,thought,desired,was,were等后,表示过去没有实现的愿望,计划或期待等。也可用来表示先于谓语动词发生动作或状态,to have+过去分词表示动作,to have been表示状态。,Examples,I intended to have come to see you.(我本打算来看你的)He was to have fetched you here他本该去把你带来的。They were to have been married in May but had to postpone the wedding until June.She has to have

5、 passed Advanced Level in two subjects before she goes to university.(必先通过,才能)You are lucky to have won the girls heart(You have won)The girl was reported to have been missing for a month(She has been)I am sorry to have lost your key把你的钥匙弄丢了,我很抱歉。She was reported to have died据报道她已经死了。He was impatien

6、t to have finished the job他渴望已经完成了工作。,不定式的完成式,2.用在seem,appear,think,consider,believe 等后,不定式的完成式所表示的动作(状态)发生在主要谓语动词或特定的某时间之前,它一般强调事情的完成或结果。e.g.Judging from his manners at the party,he doesnt seem to have received much education.He was believed to have been a reporter.,不定式的完成式,3.在should/would like或sho

7、uld/would have liked后用不定式完成式表示没有实现的愿望。I should like to have gone with her.(但没有去)I should have liked to have seen her face when she read the letter.(我真想见到她读信时的表情。),真题,1.AIDS is said _ the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in that region.(2002-46)being B.to be C.to have b

8、een D.having been2.Professor Johnson said _ some significant advance in his research in the past year.(1999-43)having made B.making C.to have made D.to make3.At three oclock this morning,I seemed _ someone scream in the street.(1990-39)hearing B.having heard C.to have heard D.to hear,C,练习,1.The Viki

9、ngs are believed_ America.A.to have discovered B.in discovering C.to discover D.to have been discovered2.The students were to_ at the auditorium before 1:30 p.m.,but the lecture was cancelled at the last minute.A.assembled B.have assembled C.assembling D.be assembled3.He was to_ the new ambassador,b

10、ut he fell ill.A.having telephoned B.have telephoned C.has telephoned D.telephoning,A B B,be+动词不定式,1.表示最近,未来的计划或安排(相当于be going to)You are to see him today at six oclock.2.表示该做或不该做的事(相当于should/must/ought to/have to等)。e.g.You are to explain this.3.表示能不能发生的事(相当于can/may等)e.g.Similar conditions are to be

11、 found in all other Latin American countries.4.表示不可避免将要发生的事。e.g.They said goodbye,little knowing that they were never to meet again.5.用于条件从句,表示如果想,设想(相当于ifshould,或ifwant)。e.g.If we are to be there in time,well have to hurry up.,真题,I _ writing the paper as scheduled,but my mothers illness interfered.

12、I hope you will excuse me.(1993-54)A.am to have finishedB.was to have finished C.was to finishD.ought to finish,B,动词疑问句+带to的不定式,用于此结构的常见动词:advise consider decide discuss explain find out forget hear inquire know learn regard remember see settle show teach tell think understand wondere.g.Please show

13、me how to do that.(做宾语)e.g.When to hold the meeting has not yet been decided.(做主语)e.g.The problem is how to get there in time.(做表语)e.g.I had no idea which to read first.(做名词同位语),真题,The Clarks havent decided yet which hotel_.(1998-49)A.to stay B.is to stay C.to stay at D.is for staying,C,不定式的特殊句型,1.s

14、uch as to,suchas to,soas to表程度e.g.His story was such as to deceive everyone.e.g.It was such an accident as to claim 20 lives.e.g.Who could be so mean as to do a thing like that?2.so as(not)to,only to,in order to,so(such)as to(如此以便)表目的 We have got so plenty of food as to treat our guests.e.g.He kept

15、quiet about the accident so as not to lose his job.e.g.I come here only to say goodbye to you.,真题,His remarks were _ annoy everybody at the meeting.(2005-53)A.so as to B.such as to C.such to D.as much as toHis strong sense of humour was_ make everyone in the room burst out laughing.(1998-50)A.so as

16、to B.such as to C.so that D.such that,B B,不定式的特殊句型,3.tooto结构:1)太以至于2)当too前面有only,all,but时,意思是“非常”,too等于very。e.g.He was but too eager to get home.3)当too前或to前有否定词构成双重否定时,too等于very。e.g.He is too wise not to see that.4)当too后是glad,pleased,happy,delighted,satisfied,ready,willing,kind,apt,good,true,east,ne

17、ar,careful,well,early,delicious,eager,anxious等形容词或副词时,too等于very。e.g.They are too ready to help others.5)too与cannot连用,表示无止境。e.g.You cannot be too careful.越仔细越好。无论怎么仔细也不过分6)当不定式在句中做定语或真正的主语时,表示so(many/much)。e.g.There are too many problems to be solved.,不定式的特殊句型,4)only to+动词原形(不料竟会,没想到会)表示不好的结果。e.g.The

18、y hurried to the station,only to find the train had left.,真题,The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country,_ by the police each time.(1999-42)A.had been capturedB.being always capturedC.only to be capturedD.unfortunately captured,c,动词不定式的复合结构,1.强调不定式的行为属性,可用“

19、It is+形容词for somebody+不定式”句型。静态形容词多用于此句型。Easy difficult hard important possible impossible better necessary comfortable not enough essential the first the next the last the best too much too littlee.g.It was very difficult for me to learn Spanish.间或也可用“for+there to be”表示(而且there后面的不定式只能是to be)e.g.It

20、s a great pity for there to be much trouble in the company.e.g.Would you like there to be a meeting to discuss the problem?,动词不定式的复合结构,2.强调任务的性格和特征,则用“It is+形容词of somebody+不定式”句型。动态形容词多用于此句型。Kind nice stupid rude clever thoughtful brave considerate silly selfish careless impolite good naughty bold h

21、onest sensible wrong right bad,真题,The opening ceremony is a great occasion.It is essential _ for that.(2003-47)A.for us to be preparedB.that we are prepared C.of us to be preparedD.our being prepared,A,省略to的动词不定式,e.g.Id rather not have eggs and bacon for breakfast.Id sooner stay at home.I would as s

22、oon do it by myself.Since its a fine day we might as well walk.He would rather listen to others than talk himself.I would just as soon stay as go.,A 在情态成语之后,在would rather,would sooner,would(just)as soon(宁愿),may/might(just)as well(不妨,可以),cannot but/cannot help but(不能不,不由得不)之后,接不带to不定式。,Note:在否定句中,not

23、放在would rather,had better后,但在否定疑问句中,not放在had,would 后。I would rather not drink anything.Hadnt you better make haste?Had I not better do it tomorrow?,真题,That man has a bad reputation.You_ anything to do with him.(1991-10)A.had better not have B.have better have C.have better not have D.had better not

24、to have,A,They did nothing except work.Theres no choice but to wait.What he will do is to spoil the whole thing.All you do now is to complete the form.The only thing I can do now is to go on by myself.The thing to do now is to clear up this mess.,B.在介词except/but 之后,如果except/but之前有动词do的某种形式,其后通常用不带to

25、的不定式,否则带to。如果主语是由all,what等词引导的从句,或者是主语受only,first,one,least或形容词最高级修饰,主语部分有实义动词do的某种形式,则作主语补语的不定式也是既可带to,也可不带to。,Why argue with him?Why not give Mary some flowers?,C.在“why./why not.?”之后,Why表示不满,或者是委婉的批评;why not表示建议,二者都不带to,_ him tomorrow?(2001-43)A.Why not to call on B.Why dont call on C.Why not call

26、ing on D.Why not call on,D,必须带to的特殊情况,1.know better than后的不定式必须加to e.g.He knows better than to lend her the money.他很明智,不会把钱借给她。He knew better than to argue with such a rascal.,必须带to的特殊情况,2.“比较级+名词+than”后的不定式要加to e.g.She had more sense than to be deceived by him.她有理智,不会上当。He has a better heart than t

27、o betray his country.他有良心,不会叛国。,动名词,动名词时态和语态意义,动名词的时态,动名词和不定式一样,没有独立的绝对的时态意义,其时态意义从属于句中谓语动词的时态。一般式:表明动名词动作与谓语动作同时发生或在其后发生,或表示一般情况。使用doing.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。完成式:表明动名词动作在谓语动作前发生,使用having done.He was praised for having made a great contribution to his country.His having been elected chairman of

28、the club surprised us greatly.,真题,I never regretted _ offer,for it was not where my interest lay.(1993-53)A.not to accept B.not having accepted C.having not acceptedD.not accepting,B,动名词的语态,被动式:表明动名词的逻辑主语是该动作的承受者He did it without being asked.They insisted on being given the task.Being taken advantag

29、e of is not a good thing.但要注意,在want,need,deserve,require,repay,bear,take需要,brook忍受,stand等表示“需要、值得、忍受”等动词及形容词worth后,尽管表示的是被动的意思,却用动名词的主动形式.My pen needs filling.The point deserves mentioning.This problem requires studying with great care.Her method is worth trying.,在need,want后用主动态动名词表示被动意义,与用被动态的不定式意义

30、并无差别,但以用动名词较为普遍。The door is cracking.It needs oiling/to be oiled.The room wants cleaning/to be cleaned.require,deserve也能这样用,但不及need,want普通。,动名词的复合结构,如动名词动作的发出者不是谓语动作的主语,则需有自己的逻辑主语。两种形式:1)人称代词所有格+动名词 He insisted on my going with him to the party.Compare:Tom insisted on going with them.Tom insisted on

31、 my going with them.2)名词所有格+动名词She dislikes her husbands coming back home late.Compare:He hates working late.He hates his wifes working late.若动名词的逻辑主语与句子主语相同,则不应再有主语。,练习,Though her father never approved of _ to drama school,she became a well-known actress.(1991-16)A.going B.her to go C.her going D.h

32、er goShe regrets _ idle when young.a.to have been b.her being c.her having d.having beenKey:C D,动名词和不定式的比较,1)动名词通常是泛指;不定式通常是特指。2)动名词通常指持续、反复的动作;不定式通常指一时、一次的动作。3)动名词通常用于书面语;不定式则倾向口语。,作主语的动名词与不定式在意义上的区别,动名词通常表示抽象动作,而不定式通常表示具体动作,特别是将来的未完成动作。Its no use crying over spilt milk.(抽象动作)His mother had advised

33、 him,however,that it was no use to argue with Selma.(具体动作),(指抽象动作,泛指),(指具体的一次动作),Spitting everywhere is not polite.,To spit here will be punished,随地吐痰是不礼貌的,在这里吐痰要受惩罚。,动名词和不定式的比较,动名词和不定式都可以作主语和表语。一般来说,在表示抽象的、一般的行为时,多用动名词;在表示具体某次动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式。但在Its no use(good),its useless后面常用动名词作主语。Her present j

34、ob is teaching music.=Teaching music is her(泛指)To teach music to Grade One is her present job.=Her present job is to teach(特指)Its difficult for him to finish the job in a week.Its no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收,分词,分词的形式,现在分词表示主动的意义;表示一般性的或正在进行的动作;在表面形式上有“一般式”和“完成式”与“主动式”和“被动式”之分。,过去分词一般表示完成的和被动的

35、动作,只有一种形式。,去分词与现在分词被动式的区别,现在分词的被动形式是being done,表示某一动作在讲话时下在发生,或与谓语动作同时发生。Who is the patient being operated on?正在被做手术的病人是谁?You will find the matter being talked about all over the town.你会发现城里到处都在谈论这件事。而过去分词表示的意义除了被动以外,还表示这个动作已经完成。如The patient operated on yesterday is a famous scientist.昨天被做手术的病人是一个著名

36、科学家。,真题,1.He noticed the helicopter hovering over the field.Then to his astonishment,he saw a rope ladder _ out and three men climbing down it.(1995-52)A.throwing B.being thrown C.having thrown D.having been thrown2.Mr.Brown had the report _as soon as he finished _ it.(1990-33)A.to be typed,to write

37、 B.typed,to writeC.being typed,writing D.typed,writing,B D,在look at,listen to,feel,hear,notice,observe,see,watch等动词后可以用不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语,意义差别不大。现在分词强调动作正在发生、还未结束;不定式说明动作的全过程。Did you hear someone knocking at the door?你刚才听到有人敲门吗?Yes I did.I heard him knock three times.是的,我听到他敲了三下.I saw your father workin

38、g in your garden yesterday.昨天我看见你父亲正在花园里干活。I saw your father work in your garden yesterday.昨天我见你父亲在园里干活。注意:find后面用分词(现在分词和过去分词)作宾补,不用不定式。如:正:I found him lying on the ground.误:I found him lie on the ground.,分词和不定式作宾语补足语时的区别,分词作状语,1.表时间 e.g.Hearing the news,we immediately set off for London.e.g.She sa

39、t down,listening to their talk.注意:on/in+doing也是常用的时间表示法,有些细微差别。On+doing相当于as soon as,强调瞬间动作。In+doing相当于when或while,强调的是连续的缓慢的动作。On entering the room,he found the woman lying dead on the floor.In doing the work she met a lot of difficulties.,分词作状语表时间时的位置,A.相当于when引导的从句这类状语通常放在句子的前半部分。Hearing the news,

40、we immediately set off for Beijing(When we heard the news,we)When leaving the airport,we waved again and again to him.B.也可放在主语后或句尾,放在句尾时表示强调。I listened to the music for a while,having written an important letter He,having finished his homework,goes to bedC.如果分词表示的动作紧接着谓语动作之后发生,分词应放在句尾。She opened the

41、 door,greeting her guestsHe sat down,listening to their talkD.如果分词表示的动作先发生,谓语动词动作紧接着发生,分词短语应放在句首,不能放在句尾。They stopped talking,hearing a strange sound(错)Hearing a strange sound,they stopped talking(对),分词作状语,2.表原因,相当于as,since,because引导的从句Not knowing anything about the accident,he went to work as well.3

42、.表方式或伴随e.g.She was sitting in an armchair reading a book.e.g.They all returned to the village convinced that the danger was over.,分词作状语,4.表条件,相当于if,unless等引导的从句 e.g.Given another chance,he will do it much better.5.表结果,相当于so that引导的从句 e.g.The old scientist died all of a sudden,leaving the project unf

43、inished.6.表让步,相当于though,even if引导的从句 e.g.Granting his honesty,we still cant employ him.,真题,1._ at in this way,the present economic situation doesnt seem so gloomy.(2000-51)A.Looking B.Looked C.Having looked D.To look2._ enough time and money,the researchers would have been able to discover more in t

44、his field.(1998-51)A.Giving B.To give C.Given D.Being given,B C,真题,3._ time,hell make a first-class tennis player.(1996-42)A.Having B.Given C.Giving D.Had4._,he was chosen and trained as a professional swimmer.(1991-20)A.He was born and raised in a fishing village B.Born and raised in a fishing vill

45、age C.That he was born and raised in a fishing village D.In addition to he was born and raised in a fishing village,B B,作状语的分词短语前的连词,分词短语作状语时,有时前面可以加一个连词,表示强调或出于表达的需要。常用的连词有:when,while,after,before,if,though,whetheror,unless,as if等 e.g.After taking the medicine,he felt better.e.g.The soldier walked

46、very slowly as if having been wounded.如果这些连词后的分词是being或含有being,则being可以省略。e.g.While(being)at school,she began to write the novel.If(being)well read,the book will give you much to think.e.g.Jack,(being)in a bad mood,did nothing yesterday.,和句子主语不保持一致的分词短语形式。,1._ the general state of his health,it may

47、take him a while to recover from the operation.Given B.To giveC.Giving D.Having given,A,Given作“鉴于,考虑到”解,为介词。,与此类似的有:,Considering(考虑到)judging from,seeing that(鉴于、由于)generally speaking/frankly/strictly speakingfollowing this.(在之后)taking all into consideration(从各方面考虑)talking of(谈到)taken as a whole(从整体

48、上看),Talking of cleaning,its about time you did the windows,isnt it?,Considering his age,the little boy reads very well.,Following this,60,000 Indians,including Gandhi,were put in prison.,Taken as a whole,there is nothing wrong.,练习,1._ the earth to be flat,many feared that Columbus would fall off the

49、 edge.(CET-4 1996,6)A)Having believed B)Believing C)Believed D)Being believed2.No matter how frequently _,the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.(CET-4 1995,6)A)performing B)performed C)to be performed D)being performed3._ as it was at such a time,his work attracted much attention.(CE

50、T-4 1996,1)A)Being published B)Published C)Publishing D)To be published,BBB,独立主格,独立主格结构,又叫独立结构(absolute construction)。它在句法上游离于句子主体之外,跟主句没有任何句法联系;但在意义上却与主句紧密联系在一起,共同构成一个完整的语义环境。独立主格结构没有主语和谓语,只有逻辑上的主语,因此,它在句法上不是句子,而是一个独立于句子成分之外的独特结构形式。独立主格结构可置于句首、句尾,用逗号与主句隔开。,独立主格结构的构成形式,1、逻辑主语v-ing2、逻辑主语v-ed3、逻辑主语形容词


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