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1、Unit 2,Lectured by dyl,Objectives of Teaching,To comprehend the whole textTo lean and master the vocabulary and expressionsTo learn to paraphrase the difficult sentencesTo understand the structure of the textTo appreciate the style and rhetoric of the passage.,Hiroshima-the“Liveliest”City in Japan,I

2、.Background InformationII.Introduction to the PassageIII.Text AnalysisIV.Special DifficultiesV.Questions For Discussion,Pre-reading Questions1.Can you guess the writers occupation and his nationality?2.What do you think was the aim of his visit?,Background information,The following are pictures rela

3、ted to our text,please point out the words or phrases in the text that best describes them.,Background Information,1)Hiroshima,city on southwestern Honsh Island(本州),Japan,capital of Hiroshima Prefecture,at the head of Hiroshima Bay.The city was founded in 1594 on six islands in the ta River delta.Hi

4、roshima grew rapidly as a castle town and commercial city,and after 1868 it was developed into a military center.,A Brief Introduction of Hiroshima(its geographical position and its industry),Hiroshima lies on the delta at the head of Hiroshima Bay,an arm of the inland sea.It is the capital of Hiros

5、hima prefecture(州)and the chief industrial and population center of the Chugoku(太田川河口)region.By the beginning of World War II,Hiroshima was the 7th largest city in Japan,with a population of 350,000.During the war it was a regional army headquarter as well as a major rail center and producer of war

6、materials.,By the beginning of world war II,it was the 7th largest city in Japan,with a population of 350,000.The Second Army and Chugoku Regional Army were headquartered in Hiroshima during world war II.The city also had large depots of military supplies,and was a key center for shipping.,In early

7、July,on his way to Potsdam,Truman had re-examined the decision to use the bomb.In the end,Truman made the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan.His stated intention in ordering the bombings was to bring about a quick resolution of the war by inflicting destruction and instilling fear of further

8、 destruction in sufficient strength to cause Japan to surrender.,1)(During World War Two)The U.S.wanted to limit its own casualties by forcing Japan to surrender as quickly as possible.2)At the Yalta Conference in Feb.1945,the Soviet Union secretly agreed to join the war against Japan within three m

9、onths of Germanys surrender.The U.S.wanted to force Japan to surrender before the Soviet Union could enter the war to secure a stronger political position after the war.3)The U.S.wanted to apply the weapon in war to measure its effectiveness.4)Japans stealthy surprise attack on the U.S.naval base at

10、 Pearl Harbor on Dec.7,1941 led to the action of revenge of dropping the A-bomb in Hiroshima.,The Bombing of Hiroshima,At 8:15 a.m.on August 6,1945,by order of President Truman,the first Atomic bomb,nicknamed Little Boy was exploded over a point near the centre of Hiroshima,destroying almost everyth

11、ing with a radius of 830-1,450 meters.The damage beyond this area was considerable,and over 71,000 people were killed instantly.Many more later died of injuries and the effects of radiation.Casualties numbered nearly 130,000.Survivors are still dying of leukaemia,pernicious anaemia and other disease

12、s induced by radiation.Almost 68%of the buildings were completely destroyed and another 7%severely damaged.,Atomic Bomb Cloud over Nagasaki,After bombing,After bombing,the Victim of the Atomic Bombing,Background Information,The Japanese dedicated post-war Hiroshima to peace.A destroyed area named Pe

13、ace City has been set aside as a memorial.A peace Park was built.A special hospital built here treats people suffering from exposure to radiation and conducts research into its effects.,Every August 6 since 1947,thousands participate in interfaith services in the Peace Memorial Park built on the sit

14、e where the bomb exploded.In 1949 the Japanese dedicated Hiroshima as an international shrine of peace.After the war,the city was largely rebuilt,and commercial activities were resumed.Machinery,automobiles,food processing,and the brewing of sake are the main industries.The surrounding area,although

15、 mountainous,has fertile valleys where silk,rice,and wheat are produced.Population(1990)1,085,705.,An elderly Japanese woman prays behind flames rising from incense for the victims of the World War Two atomic bomb blast over Hiroshima before a cenotaph at the citys Peace Memorial Park at daybreak on

16、 August 6,2004.Reuters,Japanese fold their hands in prayer in front of a cenotaph for the atomic bomb victims at Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima,Japan August 6,2004.Reuters,Words from Japanese,tempura 日式火锅 sake 酒 sakura 樱花sushi 寿司 kimono 和服 judo 柔道tatami 榻榻米 karate 徒手自卫术 kabuki 歌舞伎kakemono条幅,字画 tsu

17、nami 海啸 ikebana 插花tycoon大亨;大企业家 sumo相扑 Mikado天皇gobang五子棋,Hiroshima Nagasaki 长崎Tokyo东京 Osaka大阪Kyoto京都Yokohama横滨 Sendai仙台 Sapporo札幌 Kobe神户 Okinawa 冲绳Nagoya名古屋 the Ginza 银座,Writing Style,Narration:The telling of a story.A good narration has a beginning,a middle and an end.,Writing Style,In a narrative

18、writing,the actions or the incidents,events are generally presented in order of their occurrence,following the natural time sequence of the happenings,It is called to be in Chronological order.But it can also start in the middle or at some other point in the action and move backward to the earlier h

19、appenings.This is called flashback.,Writing Style,There are three basic components of a narration:a.Plot:the frame of the writing,which consists of a series of events.There are usu.one or several climaxes,the highest point of the story,with suspensions,conflicts,to arouse the interest of the audienc

20、e.After the climax is reached,the story quickly moves to a conclusion.,Writing Style,b.Characters:the leading character is called the hero or protagonist.c.Background:the time and place of the storyThe plot usually dominates narration,however,some narratives focus on character or theme or atmosphere

21、.,whenmany years after the atomic bombingwherethe city of Hiroshimawhatwhat he saw and heard(originally he wanted to interview the mayor)whoAmerican journalist,writing skills,the use of rhetorical devices of dialogues of formal words of American English,formal wordsto achieve humoreg.the spinal colu

22、mn,flexibleAmE:sidewalkcab driverstores,pavementtaxi drivershops,Part V Questions for Detailed Analysis,1.What does the title mean?2.Is Hiroshima the liveliest city in Japan?3.What do little old Japan,the kimono and the miniskirt symbolize?4.From P9-P17,a rhetorical device is used.What is it?Explain

23、 the effect it achieved.,5.Do you notice any difference in tone between the first half of the story(the narrators arrival and the meeting the mayor)and the second(the interview with the patient in the atomic ward)?What does this difference suggest?And why the story is told in such a way?,Hiroshima-t

24、he“Liveliest”City in Japan,The word“liveliest”is put in quotation marks to show that this is what the city is said to be and the writer perhaps considers it illogical to use the word“liveliest”to describe a city that had been struck by an atomic bomb.In the eyes of the author,Hiroshima should be the

25、 most lifeless city in Japan.,General Introduction of the unit,What type of writing is the text?Narrative writing How many sections is the text divided?Section 1-Arrival at Hiroshima(para 1-7)Section 2 Dinner with the mayor(para 8-27)Section 3 Interview with the patient(para 28-39)What is the theme,

26、tone,mood,point of view of the text?-The terrible effect of nuclear weapons upon people and their lives.A protest to nuclear weapons is voiced-the tone(meaning the way the author feels or thinks about the subject of the story):bitter,upset,sad,ironic)-point of view:first person participant,Section O

27、ne Arrival at Hiroshima,A.Discussion Questions 1.What do you know about the author?(His nationality;occupation;aim of the visit)2.How did the writer feel at the arrival?3.What have you learned about facts about Hiroshima and people there from this section?,Thought On arrival:A lump in my throatA lot

28、 of sad thoughtA far greater adventure than reportorial assignment The scene of the crime,Sense of guiltinessExpectation by preconceived idea,Description of routine city:Girls/ladies in kimonos robbed shouldersSerious looking Men exchanged the routine greetingTaxi drivers rushed for their livingBeyo

29、nd what he had expected,Taxi drivers attitude to touristsUshers warm reception Sharp contrast and odd combination of modern and tradition(kimono VS miniskirt)Twinge embarrassment of meeting mayor in my socksStrange emotion came back again:sense of guiltiness-standing on the site of the first atomic

30、bombardment,1.What do you know about the author?An American A reporter who had taken many reportorial assignments.To prove/find out whether Hiroshima is the liveliest city in the world.,2.How did the writer feel at the arrival?bitter,sad;guilty,depressed I had a lump in my throatI was choked with em

31、otion;I was so overcome with emotion that I could not speak or think clearly.(a feeling of pressure caused by repressed emotion)had a lot of sad thoughts on my mind I was occupied with some sad thoughts.The very act of stepping on this soil,in breathing this air:The fact that I was in Hiroshima was

32、in itself a much more exciting experience for me than any trip I had taken or any reporting work I had done in the past.Was I not at the scene of the crime?-the dropping of the A-bomb on Hiroshima(rhetorical question),3.What have you learned about facts about Hiroshima and people there from this sec

33、tion?Advanced in technology(rapid development after WWII,the fastest train magnetic train(517m/hr)Japan and Germany an obvious conflict between western influences and the traditional customs,they exist side by side teenagers and womenin western dress,miniskirt(fashionable groups)little girls and eld

34、er ladies in kimonos(kids and old ones keep the tradition)narrow streets,traditional houses on boats tall buildings,beige concrete skyscrapers constant bowing to each other tourism atmosphere the cab-drivers behavior towards travelers knowing little of the way,avoid losing face,1.slip:to move glidin

35、gly,smoothly,secretly or unnoticed 2.lump:a mass of sth.solid without a special size or shapea lump of lead,sugarBlack coffee,2 lumps,please!a hard swelling on the bodyShe was afraid when she felt a lump in her left breast.,to have a lump in ones throat:to have a tight feeling in the throat because

36、strong emotion,such as sorrow,pity,gratitude,or excitement,etc.All during her husbands funeral,she had a lump in her throat.Johns mother had a lump in her throat at his college graduation.,3.on my mind:troubling ones thoughts,causing anxiety,unhappiness.When you have sth.on your mind,you are complet

37、ely preoccupied and obsessed.His failure weighs heavily on his mind.He has got too much on his mind to worry about your problem.,cf:in ones mind:think about,think ofI think I know whats in your mind.Her mother was always in her mind.,4.the very act of stepping on this soil:act and action:Action refe

38、rs primarily to the process of acting;act to the result,the things done.The rescue of a shipwrecked crew is a heroic action while the launching of the lifeboat,a brave act.,5.on this soil:on this land,on this earth,ground(soil:an emotive word)A person in exile comes back to his motherland,he kneels

39、down to kiss the soil.,6.pop e.g.One of balloons popped.Champagne corks were popping throughout the celebrations.(burst(open)with a short,sharp,slightly explosive sound(onomatopoeia)lurched from side to sidescreeched to a haltI found myself in front of(without purpose,unexpectedly)The usher heaved a

40、 long,almost musical signis the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt the kimono-symbol of the old tradition the miniskirt symbol of the new development.,Information provided in the first paragraph,-1)The author was here on a reportorial mission.-2)Hiroshima was

41、not the authors fist assignment.-3)He was preoccupied with some sad thoughtsthe crime of the A-bomb.He was tortured by a guilty conscience.-4)He didnt understand Japanese.,7.appear Appear,Look,and Seem can mean to be as stated in ones view or judgement,but not necessarily in fact.Seem suggests an op

42、inion based on subjective impression rather than objective signs.He seems tired.My other visits to Beijing were twenty years ago.How would it seem after such a long time?,Look implies that the opinion is based on a general visual impression.His lips looked unnatural.He looks nervous.Appear suggests

43、a distorted impressionHis tongue could make the worse appear the better reason.He appeared not to have heard what had been said about him.,8.preoccupy:to fill ones mind completely so that not enough attention is given to other present matters When he is preoccupied with his hobby,he has no idea of w

44、hat is going on around him.I was too preoccupied to hear the bell.He had a preoccupied look on his face,as if sth.was troubling him.,preoccupation:extreme concern for sth.Reading is his main preoccupationIt seemed to me that the Japanese did not have the same extreme concern which is bothering me.I

45、was totally absorbed in the consideration of the crime,but the Japanese did not appear to be so.,9.rub shoulders with:to meet and mix with(people)This is not the sort of club where the great rub shoulders with the humble.A person in my position rubs shoulders with all kinds of people.In our class,pe

46、ople of all trades(porter,carpenter,coppersmith,etc.)rubber shoulders with each other.,10.oblivious:be unaware of,not noticing,unconscious of,lacking mindful attentionTheir government is oblivious of the rights of the poor.I am oblivious of my former failure.I was so preoccupied with the book that I

47、 was oblivious of the surroundings.,11.bob:to move up and down quickly and repeatedly The cork on the fishing line bobbed up and down on the water.,12.rite:a ceremonial act with a fixed pattern,usu.for a religious purpose,form of behaviour with a fixed pattern I dont know much about the rites of tha

48、t church.Secret society has their special rites.ceremonial/burial/marriage rites On Sunday we make our ritual visit to the the pub at lunchtime.(humorous usage),13.formula:an expression which is often used in a particular situation,esp.one that has come to sound stupid and meaningless They exchanged

49、 the set of conventionally fixed pattern of daily greetings.,whose door popped open at the very sight of a traveler:as soon as the taxi driver saw a traveler,he immediately opened the door-pop open:burst open with a short,sharp,slightly explosive sound-at the sight of:on seeing,14.He grinned at me i

50、n the rear-view mirror:grin:smile broadly as to show teeth,originally expressing amusement,foolish satisfaction or contempt etc.,but in current English,tending to imply nave cheerfulness,15.martyr:person who is put to death or caused to suffer for his beliefs a martyr to a cause/love/duty Eternal li


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