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1、主谓一致,以“and”或“both and”连接的并列主语,1.通常作复数用。Plastics and rubber never rot.塑料和橡胶从不腐烂。Both Tom and I are fond of medicine.我和汤姆都喜欢医学。2.如果并列主语指的是“同一个”人(事、物、抽象概念),作单数用。The worker and writer has come.这位工人作家来了。A cart and horse was seen in the distance.远处能看见有一套马车。Truth and honesty is the best policy.真诚是最好的策略。,3.

2、“and”前、后的单数词语都有“each,every,many a,no”等修饰时,仍作单数用。Every boy and every girl enjoys equal rights here.这里每个男孩和每个女孩都享有平等权益。No teacher and no student is excused from taking part in the activity.没有哪个教师或学生可以免于参加这项活动。,主语前、后加表“数、量”等的修饰语时,many a+单名 接单数谓语:Many a fine man has died for it.许多优秀战士为此献出了生命。16.Many a s

3、tudent _ the importance of learning a foreign language.a.have realized b.has realized c.have been realized d.has been realizeda good(great)many+复名 接复数谓语。A great many parents were present at the meeting.许多家长出席了会议。more than one+单名 大多接单数谓语。More than one person was(were)absent.不止一个人缺席。15.More than one w

4、orker _ dismissed.a.have been b.are c.has been d.has,more+复名+than one 接复数谓语。More students than one have been there.不止一个学生去过那儿。more than two(three,)+复名 接复数谓语。More than one hundred students have attended the concert.不止一百名学生听了这场音乐会。不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句等作主语,用单数谓语形式。To serve the country is our duty.How and

5、 why he left was a sad story.,主语前加表示“单位、度量”的短语如“a kind(sort/type/form/pair/cup/glass/piece/load/block/box/handful/quantity/ton/meter/)of”等时,表示“单位、度量”的这个名词的单复数决定谓语形式。There is only a small quantity of paper(books)left.只剩下少量的纸(书)了。Large quantities of water are needed.需要大量的水。This kind of apple is sweet.

6、这种苹果甜。This kind of apples is(are)sweet.(大多依 kind,作单数用)These kinds of apples)are sweet.(总作复数用)Apples of this kind are sweet.(总作复数用),定语从句中的主谓一致问题,one of+复数名词+定语从句:1.定语从句的先行词通常是这个“复数名词”,因此从句的谓语用复数形式。This is one of the best novels that have appeared this year.这是今年出版的最佳小说之一。(关系词“that”代“novels”)He was one

7、 of the boys who were praised.他是受表扬的男孩之一。2.若“one”前加“this,the,the only”等时,定语从句的关系词指代one,作从句主语时,接单数谓语。He was the only one of the boys who was praised.他是男孩中唯一受到表扬的。(关系词who 代 the only one),意义一致原则,有些名词指“整体”时作单数,指其中的“成员”时作复数。这些名词包括:Class;club;company;committee;couple crew;crowd family Army;audiencegovernm

8、ent;groupparty public populationstaffteam UnionOur family is a happy one.我们有个幸福的家庭。The family are early risers.这家人都起得早。The public are(is)requested not to litter.请公众不要乱扔废弃物。,有些名词以s结尾,看似名词复数,实际上是一个单数名词:,News;works某些疾病:diabetes;mumps;rickets;measles;rabies;shingles某些游戏:billiards;bowls;darts;表示学科的词:acou


10、形式决定谓语动词的单复数。例如:,Your trousers are tornYoud better change them你的裤子破了,最好换一条。One pair of trousers is not enough一条裤子是不够的。Here are some new pairs of trousers这儿有几条新裤子。英语中还有一些以-s结尾的名词,如archives(档案),arms(武器),clothes(衣服),contents(内容),eaves(屋檐),fireworks(烟火),goods(货物),minutes(记录),morals(道德,品行),remains(遗体),st

11、airs(楼梯),suburbs(郊区),thanks(谢意),wages(工资)等,通常作复数。例如:,The archives of this society are kept in the basement这个团体的档案保存在地下室里。The contents of this book are most fascinating本书的内容非常吸引人。Fireworks were postponed because of bad weather因为天气不好推迟了放烟火。High wages result in high prices高工资会导致高物价。His thanks were most

12、 profuse他满口道谢。,凡是由-ings结尾的名词,如clippings(剪下物),diggings(掘出物),earnings(收入,收益),filings(锉屑),lodgings(租住的房间),surroundings(环境),sweepings(扫拢的垃圾)等,通常作复数。例如:The clippings of the hedges are usually burnt由篱笆上剪下的枝叶通常烧掉。The sweepings of the garden have been disposed of仓库垃圾已经清除。,表示金钱,时间,价格或度量衡的复合名词作主语时,通常把这些名词看作一个

13、整体,谓语一般用单数。1.不定代词each,one,much,(a)little,either,neither,another,the other(+单名)等常作单数用。它们所修饰的主语也作单数。e.g.Each of the girls(Each girl)has a new hat.每个女孩都有顶新帽子。Neither plan suits me.Neither of the plans suits/suit me.两个计划都不适合我。2下列复合不定代词一般作单数用:someone,somebody,something,anybody,anyone,anything,everybody,e

14、veryone,everything,nobody,no one,nothingIs everybody here?都到齐了吗?There was nothing special then.那时没什么特别情况。,4下列代词须视其“具体所指”来决定单、复数:all,some,more,most,any,none,a lot(of),lots(of),half(of),plenty(of),the rest(of),(a)part(of),the remainder(of)All(of the students)are working hard.(所有的学生)都在用功。All(of the pai

15、nt)is fine.(这些油漆)都很好。Half of the apples are bad.苹果中有一半是坏的。Half of the apple is bad.这只苹果坏了一半。a number of/a variety of+复数名词,常作复数用。A number of students in this class are(is)from Sichuan.这个班有不少同学来自四川,但是,“the number/the variety(种类)+of+复数名词,作单数。The number of students in this college has doubled.这所大学的学生人数翻

16、了一番。The variety of goods in this shop is rich.这家商店货物品种丰富。有些名词,如population,proportion,majority+of 的结构有时看作单数,有时看作复数。取决于of 后的名词,the+形容词/分词作主语时,1.指“一类”人或事物时,常用作复数用。e.g.The English speak English.英国人讲英语。The rejected were heaped in the corner.废品堆在角落里。2.指“某一个”人,或“抽象的”事物时,作单数用。e.g.The deceased was his father

17、.去世的是他父亲。The agreeable is not always the useful.好看的不一定中用。The new and progressive always wins over the old.新生、进步的事物总是要战胜旧的东西。,what等引导的从句作主语时,1.大多作单数用。e.g.What we need is more practice.我们需要的是更多的实践。What he says doesnt agree with what he does.他言行不一致。2.若从句是含复数意义的并列结构、或表语是复数时,谓语动词用单数或复数两可。e.g.What you say

18、 and think is/are no business of mine.你怎么说以及怎么想,不关我的事。What he bought was/were some books.他所买的是几本书。,就远原则,主语后接“with”等构成的短语修饰成分时:谓语仍须与这类短语前的主语一致。可构成这类短语的常用“with,along with,together with,as well as,but,besides,except,added to,including,like,no less than,rather than,more than”等。A woman with two children

19、has come.一位妇女带着两个孩子来了。I as well as they am ready to help you.不仅他们,我也愿帮助你。55.Air pollution,together with overpopulation,_many problems in big cities today.(06)A.are causing B.is causing C.are caused D.is caused,就近一致原则也称“邻近原则”,1.由下列词语连接的并列主语:or;either or;nor;neitheror;whetheror;notbut;not onlybut also;等。e.g.What he does or what he says does not concern me.他的行为或言谈都与我无关。Neither you nor I am wrong.你和我都没错。Not you but your father is to blame.不是你,而是你父亲该受责备。2.在倒装句中:谓语可与后面第一个主语一致。In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people.在远处,能听见鼓掌声和人们的呼喊声。,


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