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2、的基础上从为每个问题提供的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。本部分满分为40分,每题2分。考试时间为55分钟。,阅读理解考试要点,1.能够掌握文章的中心思想、主要内容和细节;2.具备根据上下文把握词义的能力;理解上下文的逻辑关系;3.能够根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论;4.能够对文章的结构和作者的态度等作出简单的分析和判断,命题原则,1 Material Selection-not too specialised,not too complicated,right length.2 One-One Principle-each question is based on a particular

3、sentence/a group of sentences in the article3 Correct choice-exactly corresponding with the meaning of the original sentence,reasonable and sensible.4 Wrong choices-wrong information or partial information,irrelevant information,unreasonable conclusions.,考题类型,1 General questions-main ideas2 Specific

4、 questions-specific information3 True/False statements 4 Inference/implications5 Vocabulary 6 Tone of the article,考题形式,1 Sentence completion-e.g.Californias website before last September was introduced by the writer to _.2 Complete question-e.g.What do the citizens benefit from the new Californias w

5、ebsite?,总答题策略,1.Reading the article first2.Reading the questions first3.Locating the Key Words/Signal Words in the questions4.Tracing the original sentence by scanning the Key Words/Signal Words in the article5.Making first judgement by using common sense,then confirming your choice,英语篇章结构,1.Topic P

6、aragraph/Sentence2.Supporting Paragraphs/sentences3.Conclusion,阅读方式,1 Skimming-to get the main idea of the passage(浏览方式)2 Scanning-to locate a specific word or phrase in the passage(扫描方式),阅读理解题难度设计,1 Easy questions-the expression of the right choice exactly or partially corresponding with the origin

7、al sentence in the passage(App.60%)2 Difficult questions-the expression of the right choice just corresponding in meaning but not expression with the original sentence in the passage(App.40%),大意题常用提问方式,1.The best title for passage is2.The topic/main idea of this article is3.The passage is mainly abo

8、ut(concerned with)4.The title that best expresses the main idea is 5.The authors purpose in writing this passage is 6.What is the main topic(theme,subject,point)of the passage?7.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?8.What would be the most appropriate title for this passage?9.Wh

9、ich title suits this passage best?10.Which sentence best summarizes the article?,大意题命题原则,1 Understanding of the general idea of the passage2 Reflecting the main topic/theme/subject/point of the passage3 Usually based on the topic sentence and concluding sentence4 Using specific information for wrong

10、 choices5 Over-generalizaing the topic6 Using Irrelevant information for wrong choices,大意题答题策略,1 Locating the topic sentence and/or concluding sentence in the passage2 Locating the topic of each paragraph3 Choosing the choice corresponding to the topic sentence4 Choosing the choice with a general id

11、ea5 Excluding choices with specific information6 Excluding choice with irrelevant information,大意题例题1,Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage?A.The Communal Life of Bees.B.The Structure of the Bees.C.The Organization of Insect Colonies.D.The Life of Social Insects.Topic s

12、entence(1st sentence):Honeybees cannot live alone.,大意题例题2,This passage is primarily concerned with A.the greenhouse effect B.the burning of fossil fuels C.the potential effect of air pollution D.the likelihood of a new ice ageTopic sentences:It was once thought that air pollution affected only the a

13、rea immediately around large cities with factories and/or heavy automobile traffic.Today,we know that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution,the problem is literally worldwide,大意题例题3,The best title for the passage is _.A.The 1992 Los Angeles RiotsB.The Impact of Media on Current E

14、ventsC.The 1989 San Francisco Earthquake and the 1992 Los Angeles RiotsD.How Media Cover EventsTopic sentence:The media can impact current events.,大意题例题4,The best title for the passage is _.A.The Nature of Science and ScientistsB.Biology and the Scientific AgeC.Hypotheses and TheoriesD.On Distinguis

15、hing Fact from FictionTopic sentence:The word science is heard so often in modern times that almost everybody has some notion of its meaning.Concluding sentence:The host of scientists dedicating their lives to pure science are not apologetic(抱歉)about ignoring the practical side of their discoveries;

16、they know from experience that most knowledge is eventually applied.,细节题常用提问方式,1 What do we know about?2 How many(much)in this article?3 The real cause is.4 According to the author,the techniques can be used to.5 The author states that.6 The experiment shows that.7 Mr.X expects(hopes,wishes).,细节题命题原

17、则,1 Understanding of complex sentences2 Reflecting a particular piece information3 Usually based on complex sentences with specific information4 Using general information for wrong choices5 Using wrong information for wrong choices6 Using irrelevant information for wrong choices,细节题答题策略,1 Locating t

18、he Key Words/Signal Words in the given questions/half sentences2 Tracing the original sentence by scanning the Key Words/Signal Words in the article3 Understanding the corresponding sentence4 Comparing the meaning of the sentence with the right choice(in expressions/meaning)5 Excluding choices with

19、irrelevant information6 Excluding choice with wrong information,例题1,Why did Spring sell his false autographs in England and Canada?A.There was a greater demand there than in America.B.There was less chance of being detected there.C.Britain was Springs birthplace.D.The prices were higher in England a

20、nd CanadaSource sentence:To lessen the chance of detection,he sent his forgeries to England and Canada for sale and circulation.,例题2,According to Mr.Gretz,the present sum of money will enable the scientists to provide _.A.a little more than 3%of the EECs needs after the year 2000 B.3%of the EECs nee

21、ds before the year 2000 C.less than 3%of the EECs needs before the year 2000 D.only 3%of the EECs needs even after the year 2000Source Sentence:Mr.Joachim Gretz,told journalists that at present levels of research spending it was most unlikely that solar energy would provide as much as 3%of the Commu

22、nitys energy requirements even after the year 2000.,例题3,The counter-clockwise swirling of the hurricane is brought about by _.A.the low-pressure area in the center of the storm B.the force of waves of water C.the trade winds D.the increasing heatSource Sentence:As the heat increases,the young hurric

23、ane begins to swirl in a counter-clockwise motion.,例题4,After the Civil War,there was a great demand in Britain for _.A.Southern money B.Signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin C.Southern manuscripts and letters D.Civil War battle plansSource sentence:Right after the Civil War,Britain was st

24、ill fond of the Southern states,so Spring invented a respectable maiden lady known as Miss Fanny Jackson,the only daughter of General“Stonewall”Jackson.For several years Miss Fannys financial problems forced her to sell a great number of letters and manuscripts belonging to her famous father.,例题5,Ro

25、bert Spring spent 15 years _.A.running a bookstore in Philadelphia B.corresponding with Miss Fanny Jackson C.as a forger D.as a respectable dealerSource sentence:Robert Spring,a 19th century forger,was so good at his profession that he was able to make his living for 15 years by selling false signat

26、ures of famous Americans.,例题6,Specialization is encouraged because _.A.people can use their money to buy whatever they want B.people do not need to make a complete product for exchange C.people make a great contribution to the manufacture of a product D.people cannot use their money to buy whatever

27、they want Source sentence:Specialization,which is vital to an advanced economy,is encouraged,because people whose output is not a complete product but only a part of one in which many others are involved can be paid an amount equivalent to their share of the product.,例题7,A barter economy is one in w

28、hich _.A.value is decided by weight B.value is decided by number C.money is used and goods are not exchanged D.goods are exchanged and money is not usedSource sentence:In a barter economy it would be necessary to determine how many plates were worth one hundred weight of cotton,or how many pens shou

29、ld be exchanged for a ton of coal.which would be a difficult and time-consuming task.,正误判断题常用提问方式,AWhich of the following statements is(not)true?BWhich of the following is(not)mentioned in the article?CWhich of the following does not explain.?DWhich of the following statements is wrong according to

30、the author?EWhich of the following is not listed as.?FAll of the following fire true except.GThe author mentions a11 Of the items listed below except.HThe author(passage)does not tell us.,正误判断题命题原则,True choices-exactly corresponding with the meaning of the original sentence,reasonable and sensible.F

31、alse choices-wrong information or partial information,irrelevant information,unreasonable conclusions Right choice confirmation,正误判断题答题策略,1 Understanding the choices2 Sequencing the choices in order of reasons3 Locating the source sentence of each choice4 Comparing the meaning of the source sentence

32、 with the right choice(in expressions/meaning)5 Paying attention to“extreme words”in choices6 Excluding choices with irrelevant information7 Excluding choice with wrong information 8 Confirming the right choice in the passage,例题1,Which of the following statements is not true?A.The whole world is fac

33、ed with the problem of the increasing population.B.Some scientists argued that birth control can affect the level of intelligence.C.Genetics in one of the main factors to intelligence.D.Food,family attention and education have nothing to do with intelligence.Source Sentence:In addition to genetics,t

34、hey say,intelligence depends on an adequate diet,a good home environment,parental attention,and education,例题2,Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?A.We should pity all such unhappy people.B.Such unhappy people are critical about everything.C.If such unhappy people r

35、ecognize the bad effects of the habit on themselves they may get rid of it.D.Such unhappy people are also not content with themselves.,例题3,Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A.The EEC spends one billion pounds on imported energy each year.B.At the present level of research s

36、pending,it is difficult to make any significant progress in the provision of energy from the sun.C.The desired breakthrough could be obtained by the end of the next decade if investment were increased.D.The total yearly spending of the EEC on solar energy research amounted to almost 6 million dollar

37、s.,例题4,Which of the following statements is not true of hydroponics?A.Hydroponics is still too complicated and expensive for practical use.B.Hydroponics is considered a revolutionary method of agriculture.C.Hydroponics has created wonders in agriculture.D.Hydroponics has already been employed in foo

38、d production.Source Sentence:Hydroponics was once a complicated and expensive business,now it is well out of the experimental stage.,例题5,All the following statements are true EXCEPT that _.A.electronic media can extend ones contact with the worldB.those living far away from a certain event can also

39、have some perception of realities by watching televisionC.all the events occurring on the university campus at Berkeley were given national media coverageD.video coverage of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake gave the viewers the impression of total disaster,词汇题常用提问方式,1.What is the possible meaning o

40、f the word“”in line.?2.Which is the probable definition of the word“”?3.The italicized word in line“”means.4.Which of the following is nearest(closest)in meaning to“”?5.In line,the word“this(that,these,those,it,them)”stands for.6.The word(phrase)“”probably means.7.The word(phrase)“”is closest to.8.I

41、n line the word“”could best be replaced by.,词汇题命题原则,1 Discourse reading2 Checking basic grammar knowledge3 Guessing words from context4 Analyzing word formation5 Checking words with new meanings6 Recognizing signpost-word clues,词汇题答题策略,1 Understanding contextual sentences2 Locating contextual clues3

42、 Using grammar knowledge4 Using word-formation rules5 Paying attention to words with different meanings6 Recognizing signpost-word clues,例题1,Can you define the word“fallacy”in the sentence“However,some critics sees a fallacy in this argument”?A.False idea.B.Different idea.C.Unique idea D.Dangerous i

43、dea.,例题2,The phrase“sour the pleasures of society”most nearly means _.A.have a good taste to the pleasures of society B.arent content with the pleasures of society C.feel happy with the pleasures of society D.enjoy the pleasures of societySource Sentence:Therefore,they are continually discontented.B

44、y their remarks,they sour the pleasures of society,offend many people,and make themselves disagreeable everywhere.,例题3,“Erosion”in the last sentence of the second paragraph probably means _.A.“washing away”B.“taking away”C.“digging up”D.“picking up”Source Sentence:There are no large worthwhile reser

45、ves of potential farmland remaining,and good fertile land is continually being changed into industrial use.Moreover,erosion of the soil takes a constant toll.,例题4,Apparently the word“downpour”in the last paragraph means _.A.heavy rainfall B.dangerous waves C.the progress of water to the hurricane ce

46、nter D.the energy produced by the hurricaneSource Sentence:A typical hurricane brings 6 to 12-inch downpours resulting in sudden floods.,例题5,“For all the consumer interest”means _.A.to the interest of all the consumers B.for the interest of all the consumers C.all the consumers are much interested D

47、.though consumers are very much interested Source Sentence:For all the consumer interest,retailing in cyberspace was still a largely unprofitable business,however.,推断、引申题常用提问方式,1.The passage is intended to _.2.The passage implies that _.3.It can be inferred from the passage that _.4.It can be conclu

48、ded from the passage that _.5.We can conclude(infer,see)from the article that _.6.The writer implies that _.7.The author suggests that _.8.An inference which may(not)be made from the article is _.9.Which of the following can(not)be inferred from the article?10.What conclusion can be drawn from the p

49、assage?,推断、引申题命题原则,1.Discourse reading2.Reading between the lines3.Understanding by using contextual clues4.Making inferences5.Understanding implications6.Making conclusions7.Understanding by reasoning,推断、引申题答题策略,1 Understanding the choices2 Sequencing the choices in order of reasons3 Locating the s

50、ource sentence of each choice4 Comparing the meaning of the source sentence with the right choice(in expressions/meaning)5 Excluding choice with clearly stated facts6 Excluding choices with irrelevant information7 Excluding choice with wrong information 8 Excluding choices with“extreme words”9 Confi


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