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1、英语课件,人教课标版 高一 必修 2 Unit 4,Reading II,Dinosaur is an animal that we can not see on the earth now.What we see in the museum are the fossils of many kinds of dinosaurs.They were found by the people at home and abroad.Some dinosaurs have long necks and tails,while others look like birds.,Enjoy the video

2、,Using language,Reading,1.When did dinosaurs live?Tens of millions of years ago.2.When did dinosaurs die out?About 65 million years ago.,3.How did dinosaurs die out?A large rock hit the earth and put too much dust into the air.The earth got too hot to live on.,True or false,There are many different

3、species of dinosaur and all of them have been found in China.Not long ago,a rare new species of bird-like dinosaur was discovered in Henan Province.,several,Liaoning,F,F,3.Some scientists are sure dinosaurs died out because the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more.4.Dinosaurs died

4、 out quickly about 65 million years ago and many animals have died out in the same way.,F,T,think,They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.点拨1 本句是一个由and连接的并列句,其中,long before 引导时间状语从句,进一步解释说明tens of millions o

5、f years ago,意为“在之前很久”。注意:before long 意为“不久以后”。,Language points,如:I knew Tom long before I knew you.我在认识你之前很久就认识汤姆了。We hope to finish our experiment before long.我们希望不久就把实验做完。,It _ long before we_ the result ofthe experiment.A.will not be;will know B.is;will knowC.will not be;know D.is;know,拓展:before

6、long 不久以后e.g.:I hope to see you again before long.We were tired of waiting and hoped the bus would come before long.,点拨2 on the earth 在地球上。在earth,sun,moon等表达世界上独一无二的名词前,要加the。点拨3 come into being的意思是“开始存 在;发生”。我们不知道这世界是什么时候存在的。We dont know when the world came into being.,2.When scientists inspected t

7、he bones,they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees.点拨 本句中的to find that.是不定式作原因状语。不定式用来表原因时,常修饰表示情感、心理状态、性格等的形容词,如:,happy,glad,lucky,fortunate,surprised,angry,anxious,cruel,clever,frightened,shocked,sorry,eager,proud,disappointed,foolish,

8、impatient,unwise,naughty等。如:,We were surprised to see him.我们真想不到会见到他。We are proud to be young people of new China.作为新中国的青年,我们感到很骄傲。You were foolish to act like that.你那样做很愚蠢。,3.Some scientists think it came after an unexpected incident when a huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much dust i

9、nto the air.点拨 本句中when引导定语从句,其先行词为incident。关系副词when的先行词一般是表时间的名词,如:He came last night when I was out.但有时并不直接是表时间的名词,如:,In 1921 Einstein won the Nobel Prize,and was honored in Germany until the rise of Nazism when he was driven from Germany because he was a Jew.1921年爱因斯坦获得了诺贝尔奖,他在德国很受尊敬。纳粹上台后由于他是犹太人而

10、被赶出了德国。,4.According to a UN report,.according to 根据,据说 According to John,the bank closes at 4 p.m.Each man will be paid according to his ability.,dodo,渡渡鸟,Listening,Dodo鸟是一种不会飞的鸟,仅产于毛里求斯。拥有肥胖的身子和巨大的嘴。16世纪后期,欧洲殖民者来到了毛里求斯。不会飞又跑不快的Dodo鸟很快成为欧洲人来到岛上后主要的食物来源。人们开始大量的滥捕滥杀可怜的Dodo鸟,有时每天可以捕杀到几千只到上万只。由于过度的捕杀,很快

11、岛上Dodo鸟变得越来越少。1681年,最后一只Dodo鸟被残忍的杀害后,从此,地球上再也见不到这种东西了,除非是在博物馆的图片中。,Ex 3.Listen to the tape and choose the sentence which gives the main idea of the story.Say what is wrong with the other three.,This story is about how foolish the dodo was.This story is about how the dodo became extinct.This story is

12、 about how the dodo and Man became friends.This story is about how the other birds and animals tried to save the dodo.,Number 2 is correct.Number 1 is wrong.It is not fair to blame the dodo for his disappearance.,Number 3 only explain half the story.The dodo and man did become friends but only becau

13、se man wanted to kill all the dodos as easily as possible.Number 4 is wrong because the other animals and birds did not do much to save the dodo.They warned him but did not help him.,Listen to the tape and choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.,1.The dodo is_.A.fierce B.unkind C.friend

14、ly D.foolish,2.He wants to believe that Man is telling the truth because _.A.Man is friendly B.he thinks Man is friendly C.he thinks the bears and monkeys lie D.Man is his best friend,3.He didnt realize who had killed many of his friends until _.A.Man told him the truth B.the other birds told him C.

15、he saw how his friend was being killed by Man D.the monkeys told him,fierce adj.凶猛的,好斗的The house is guarded by a fierce dog.激烈的,猛烈的What he said met with fierce opposition.他的话语遭到激烈反对。酷烈的This heat is really fierce.这样的高温真叫人难受。,Speaking,In pairs choose another endangered animal which you know about.Anal

16、yse why this animal is endangered.,*Is it being hunted and killed?*Does it not have enough food?*Is it because its habitat is being threatened?,Intention,Purpose,Im going to,to help/save,I intend/mean/plan to,to protectfrom,I will,so that,Discuss what you might do to save it.These phrase may be usef

17、ul to you.,Id rather not,Id like to,Im ready to,I feel like,in order to,but do,to teacher them a lesson.,to punish those who do harm to wildlife.,Writing,Write a letter to WWF based on what you have discussed,asking them to help you save your endangered animal.,White Rhino,Africa,1 Destruction of th

18、e grasslands where it lives2 Hunting for horn3 too friendly and so easily caught,Polar bear,North Pole,Warming of the seas means it is losing its habitat of ice flows,Leatherback turtle,Pacific ocean,1 Pollutants in the sea2 Eggs taken by predators and/or humans3 Many baby turtles do not grow to be

19、adults,Whales and dolphins,Oceans,1 over hunting2 Gas and oil fields in its feeding founds3 Collisions with ships4 Getting caught in fishing nets,Elephants,Asia and Africa,1 Loss of habitat2 Conflict with people,Lynx,Europe and Asia,1 Loss of habitat 2 Conflict with people,Dear WWF,My friend,Chen Ti

20、ng,and I have been doing some research on endangered animals.We found that the habitat of polar bears is disappearing because the ice at the North Pole is getting warmer.I worry that when it disappears altogether,there will be nowhere for the polar bears to live.,Sample letter,First,I suggest we are

21、 very careful with the energy we use.Global warming happens because we are putting too much carbon dioxide into the air.One of the ways we do this is by driving everywhere by car.So I suggest we think carefully before using our cars unnecessarily.,Second,instead of using our cars we should think abo

22、ut traveling by bus or by train.These forms of transport are more environmentally friendly and do not put so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.,Third,we can join WWF which is fighting to save the habitat of the polar bear.We can raise money to help them by making and selling cakes,selling craf

23、ts or giving talent shows and charging money for our parents to watch.,I hope you will support us in our fight to save the home of the Polar Bears.Yours sincerely,Wu Xiaoxin,I.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。The natural history museum has a special exhibition of _(恐龙).2.The car raised quite a lot

24、of _(尘土)as we drove off.3.The police are connecting this _(事件)with last weeks terrorist bombing.,练习,dinosaurs,dust,incident,4.Because there is so much unemployment,the competition for jobs is f_.5.I quite enjoyed the book except the dull e_.,fierce,ending,II.根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻 译成英语。一个新规则很快就要出台了。(come

25、into being)2.很奇怪,上火车前,竟然没有人查看我的车票。(inspect),A new rule will soon come into being.,It was strange that nobody inspected my ticket before I got on the train.,3.根据专家的意见,他们马上放弃了这 项试验。(according to)4.把它拿近点儿,让我好好看看。(so that),According to expert opinions,they gave up the experiment immediately.,Bring it cl

26、oser so that I can see it better.,III.将下面方框中表示时间的短语填入短 文中,使短文连贯。long before,not long ago,at that time,after,in such a short time,recentlyThe story happened 1_.Old Joe and his son Tony were on their way to White River to catch some fish.They started on the trip 2_ the sun came up.3_ they had driven f

27、or a while,they saw a big tortoise(龟)on the road.,not long ago,long before,After,“I havent seen such a big tortoise 4_,”Old Joe said to his son.When I was young,there were a lot of tortoises in White River.They lived happily in the river 5_.We hadnt thought they nearly disappeared 6_.”“Lets help it return to the river,shall we?”said his son.“Thats a good idea,”said Old Joe.So they carried the tortoise into their car and put it in the river finally.,in such a short time,recently,at that time,


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