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1、Unit One,LOVE,Different kinds of love,Possible alternatives:1)Loving members of ones family:parents,grandparents,brothers,sisters,husband,wife,children,grandchildren2)Loving ones life,animals,nature,etc.3)Though therere all kinds of love,the essence of them is the same.Love is great!,Do you know how

2、 great love is?Time to love,What is the greatest love in the world?Motherly love and fatherly love are the greatest love in the world.P1.Ex2:Do you agree Erich Fromms view on Motherly love and fatherly love?Can you tell the difference between them?.,The following is a poem that shows a new definitio

3、n of mother:M is for millions of things she gives you O is only that she is growing old T is for her tears she shed for you H is for her heart of purest gold E is for her eyes with love light burning R is for right there she will always be,Motherly love and fatherly love,Fathers love is like broad s

4、ea while Im a boat on it.Fathers love is like a tall mountain while Im a tree in it.Difference:Mothers love is unconditional,fathers love is conditional;mothers love is gental and meticulous,fathers love is straightforward and strict,Motherly love and fatherly love,In-Class Reading,A Good Heart to L

5、ean On,Read the passage and underline the words unfamiliar to you,or the sentences you can not understand.After reading,finish Ex1,2,3,on page 9.,Read the passage,The main idea of this passage,This passage is about a fathers love.In this passage the writer recalled his fathers love,his fathers perso

6、nality and his fathers influence on him.The writer learned a lot from his father.Especially after his father died,he felt it more intensely that it was his father who guided him in his life.,Information structure:,Para 1-4 The fathers physical condition and how he managed to workPara 5-7 The sons co

7、mment on his fathers personalityPara 8-11 The fathers attempt to experience things directly or indirectlyPara 12-13 The fathers influence on his son,A Good Heart to Lean On,1).What do you think makes a good heart?I think there are many things to make a good heart.They are:kindness to others,be ready

8、 to help others,endurance,hard-work,never hurting others,being satisfied with life,patience,etc.,lean(title):n.瘦肉;adj.瘦削的,v.倾斜,斜靠;依靠 lean over:斜靠 e.g.:to lean over the desk 俯身在书桌上 lean on:依靠 e.g.:It is good to know you have friends to lean on.(depend on,rely on),Words&Phrases,Para 1-4 The fathers ph

9、ysical condition and how he managed to workHow is fathers physical condition?How did the father get to the subway station when the weather was fine or on snowy days?,Words&Phrases,people would stare(l.3)辨异:stare(at):(of eyes)be wide open 凝视gaze(at,on upon):look long and steadily 注视glare(at):stare an

10、grily or fiercely 怒目而视,Words&Phrases,and despite nasty weather.(L.9)despite=in spite ofin spite of/despite+名词=although+从句 e.g.Despite(In spite of)his old age,he still went to his office on foot everyday.Although(Though)he is old,he still went to his office on foot everyday.,kept it ice-free(l.18)类似的

11、词有:duty-free,rent-free,tax-free,a trouble-free journey,a salt-free diet,Words&Phrases,Para 5-7 The sons comment on his fathers personalityWhat is fathers personality?e.g.good-hearted,strong-willing,brave,etc.,Words&Phrases,subject(l.24):n.科目;主题;主语;e.g.She s taking 3 subjects in her examinations.e.g.

12、a book on the subject of love v.征服,使屈服,遭受subject to:e.g.subject oneself to criticism e.g.Ancient Rome subjected most of the Europe to her rule.,Words&Phrases,object:(l.26)n.物体;目标;宾语.e.g.an object of interest V.不赞成,反对 object to doing sth e.g.Do you object to smoking?,Fortune n./fortunate adj.(l.27)fo

13、rtune-teller(算命者)to tell ones fortune(算命)make a fortune(发财)seek ones fortune(离家闯天下,碰运气)unfortunate(ly)adj.(adv.)misfortune(n.),Words&Phrases,Para 8-11 The fathers attempt to experience things directly or indirectlyWhat hobbies did the father have?What happened at a beach party?How did the father fee

14、l about his son?,Words&Phrases,engage:(l.32)engage(oneself)in;be engaged in:忙于,从事,参与 e.g.The scientists who engaged themselves in research work would not be frustrated by the failures.e.g.He was engaged in a heated discussion when I came in.be engaged to:订婚,约定 e.g.Tom is engaged to Marry.,Words&Phra

15、ses,Take a dive:(l.42)(American slang)to agree to lose a match dishonestly 假装被击倒e.g.It was the first time any fighter was urged to take a dive even before the bout began.拳击尚未开始,就迫使对手认输,这还是第一次.,Words&Phrases,see to sth/see to it that(clause)(l.45)务必做到,确保,保证 e.g.This machine is out of order,please get

16、 a mechanic to see to it.e.g.Please see to it that all the windows are closed before you leave the room,Para 12-13 The fathers influence on his son,How did the son feel about his father after his father had been gone for years?What did the son learn from his father?,Words&Phrases,worthy:(unworthy)(l

17、.51)be of sth/doing sth of consideratione.g.be of being considered worthwhile:be worthwhile to do is to consider worth:be worth doing e.g.be considering worthless;priceless,What can you learn from this passage?,Parents love are the most precious and longlasting love in the world.Having a good heart

18、is more important than a good appearance.Its an honor for a scientist to win a Nobel Price;its an honor for an actor to get the Oscar.However,the honor for a father is just love and respect from his children.,Further development,1 Some phrases and sayings about“love”2 Discussion 3 Exercises4 Homewor

19、k,some phrases and sayings,love affairs(风流韵事)love child(私生子)love birds(情侣)love apple(番茄)calf love(初恋)lovers vow(爱情誓言)love token信物 not for love nor money(无论如何决不)for the love of God(Christ,heaven;mercy)看在上帝的份上;求求你,Witty sayings about“love”,“It is love that makes the world go round.”爱是推动世界的力量。“Love is

20、a symphony in which the sweetest notes are kisses.”爱情是一首交响曲,其中最美妙的音符是吻。Every man is a poet when hi is in love.恋爱中人人是诗人。Love me little,love me long.爱我一点点,爱我久一点。,Appreciation:,Beautiful sentences about“love”,Exercises,Ex.1,2,in P.12,“love”and“like”,The verb“like”is not as strong as the verb“love”and g

21、enerally does not imply deep emotions.“like”means to find pleasure or satisfaction in something or someone.In English,the word“love”is often used informally instead of“like”in an identified sense.However,they are not totally interchangeable.The verb“love”should not be used in the first person,when s

22、peaking to another person,except in romantic situations(I love you),Discussion,What are Chinese young peoples conditions for marriage?What kind of person would be your ideal husband/wife?Describe him/her to your group.The following words and expressions are for reference:put emphasis on appearance a

23、ge height character temperament(气质,性情)health profession money educational level religion social status economic status well-educated semi-invalid(半残废),Homework After-class Reading&Writing,Writing(after class),Make up a love story,try to use your imagination to make it as romantic as possibleto fall

24、in love at first sight(一见钟情)be in love with date on the telephonehave a lot in common,enjoy being together,love token(信物)film star lovely ask for ones hand,get married,handsome,beautiful,rose,ideal,The End.,Thank You!,The End.,Thank You!,What is love?,Love is a deep feeling of fondness,affection and friendship that grows between people To love is to be human,to be loved is also to be human.Love is a universal emotion that expresses itself in every culture.,


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