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1、诚信,Sincerity,Wolf is coming,The integrity of the story,诚信小故事,When George was about six years old,he was made the wealthy master of a hatchet of which,like most little boys,he was extremely fond.One day,as he wandered about the garden amusing himself by hacking his mothers pea sticks,he found a beaut

2、iful,young English cherry tree,of which his father was most proud.He tried the edge of his hatchet on the trunk of the tree and barked it so that it died.,Some time after this,his father discovered what had happened to his favorite tree.He came into the house in great anger,and demanded to know who

3、the mischievous person was who had cut away the bark.Nobody could tell him anything about it.Just then George,with his little hatchet,came into the room.,George,said his father,do you know who has killed my beautiful little cherry tree yonder in the garden?I would not have taken five guineas for it!

4、This was a hard question to answer,and for a moment George was staggered by it,but quickly recovering himself he cried:,Spicyspasbar,Some Foreign friends also join in us eat spicy bar.,NEWS ABOUT Spicy bar,“脏得不得了。”这是不少受访者对于辣条的第一印象。网友“潮汐君”宣称,自己亲身实验试吃十包辣条并记录下整个过程,“全部吃完大约用了一个半小时,之后从晚上7点一直腹泻至深夜12点,次日去医院

5、被诊断为急性肠胃炎。”而在亚马逊网站上,一些外国消费者留言表示,吃辣条后出现腹泻等症状。,Isitsimplybecause the hyginen(卫生)and food safety?,After all,we will find if our company to obey the law of food,and we take the Sincerity as our live rule.those things will not happened.And we can eat food by ourself without worry.,子曰:人而无信,不可知其也。认为人若不讲信用,在社会上就无立足之地,什么事情也做不成。Confucius said:people without a letter,dont know it.Think if a man does not keep promise,in the society is a place to live in,what also do not.,proverb,The word once spoken can never be withdrawn民间谚语说:一言既出,驷马难追,


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