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1、Unit one,n.成就;功绩n.福利;福利事业n.学会;学院;协会n.专家;专业工作者n.连接;关系人类n.运动;战役 vi.作战;n.组织;机构;团体vt.(举止或行为)表现行为;举止;习性,achievement welfare institute specialist connectionhuman being campaign organization behave behaviour,n.荫;阴凉处 vt.遮住光线离开;起程;出发adj.值得的;值得做的n.联系;关系;结合;纽带n.观察;观测adj.直言的;坦诚vt.&n.尊敬;尊重;敬意n.争论;争辩;争吵n.款待;娱乐;娱乐

2、表演过着的生活n.人群;观众 vt.挤满;使拥挤,shade move offworthwhile bondobservationoutspokenrespectargument entertainment lead a lifecrowd,(想法;问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海vt.鼓舞;激发;启示n.&vt.支持;拥护蔑视;瞧不起vi.谈到;查阅;参考n.观众;听众;读者碰巧;凑巧(偶然)遇见;碰见n.事业;生涯n.比率;速度n.疾病;恶心vt.计划;打算n.突发事件;紧急情况,crowd in inspiresupportlook down upon/onrefer to audienceb

3、y chance come acrosscareerratesicknessintendemergency,n.一代;一辈n.决心;果断n.仁慈;好意adj.考虑周到的n.考虑;体谅vt.递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说等)继续;坚持adj.谦虚的;谦让的;适度的,generation determination kindness considerate consideration delivercarry on modest,1.a man of great achievementsachieve ones goal/ambition/success/victory/peace of m

4、ind2.condition on that 如果 on no 决不 living conditons be in/out of conditon,3.connection connection A with/to B in connection with4.campaign for against to do sth.run/launch a campaign,5.behave well/badly to/towards.oneselfwell-behavedbadly-behaved6.in the shade of shadow shallow,7.move off/on/in/out8

5、.It is worthwhile to do/doing.The book is worth reading worthy of being to be 9.observe 观察,注意 遵守 庆祝,纪念,10.respectshow/have for/to sb.gain/win broad sb for sth.as11.argue with sb about/on/over.sb.into doing sth.out of doing for/against sth.,12.lead/live a life13.A good idea was crowding in.a crowded

6、bus crowd into14.inspire sb to do sth.sth.in sb.sb with sth inspired,inspiring,inspirationSuccess is 1%inspiration and 99%perspiration.,15.in support of give/lend/offer/provide support to sb support sb/his family/the fat man/a football team/his e across come about come out come up come up with come

7、over come on,17.intend(sb.)to do sth.He intends no harm.be intended to do sth/for.18.deliver a baby/a speech/some goods19.consider doing sth.sb.As/to be be under consideration in consideration of on no consideration take into consideration,Considering 句子considerable20.sb refer to sth the person refe

8、rred to refer to notebook refer this paper to the doctorreference book,Unit two,statistic(pl)statistics sunburnt struggledecade super outputdisturbing expandcirculate,数据;统计晒黑的斗争;拼搏十年特级的;超级的混合的;杂交的 产量;输出引起烦恼的;令人不安的 使变大;伸展循环;流传,Vietnamthanks to battlerid of be satisfied withfreedomwould ratherequip eq

9、uippedgrain peanutexport,越南(东南亚国家)幸亏;由于;因为战役;战斗摆脱;除去对感到满意自由;自主宁愿;宁可配备;装备谷物;粮食;颗粒.花生输出;出口,nationality occupation personalityconfuseregretchemical organic fertilefertilizer production bacteria(bacterium的复数形式)pestbuild uplead tonutrition,n.国籍n.工作;职业;占领n.性格;个性vt.使迷惑;使为难vt.n.遗憾;惋惜 adj 化学的;关于化学的.adj.有机的;器

10、官的adj.肥沃的;富饶的肥料 n.化肥n.生产;制造n.细菌n.害虫逐渐增强;逐步建立导致n.营养,mineraldiscovery focus on soilreduce keep free from/of root skim underline.summarycommentindustrial,n.矿物;矿石n.发现焦点;集中集中(注意力、精力等)于n.土壤vt.减少;减缩使免受(影响;害等)n.根;根源vt.浏览;略读vt.画底线标出;强调n.总结;概要评论;作出评论adj.工业的;产业的,1.struggle for,against,with to ones feetfight,co

11、mpete2.The dentist rid me of my pain.Its not easy to get rid of the habit of smoking.(break away from)3.would rather do than do=prefer to do rather than do Id rather you hadnt told him the news that day.,4.be fully/specially/poorly/well equipped with(for)5.be confused by/about 6.regret doing,to do t

12、o ones have/feel at/for/about.7.the water supply in short supply supply sb with sth sth for sb,8.focus sth.onI cant focus my mind on my study.concentrate on pay attention to be absorbed in be buried in be engaged in be devoted to be lost in,He sat there,with his eyes focused on me.9.make a comment/(

13、comments)on,Unit three,n.幽默;滑稽n.喜剧直到现在vt.使更愉快;使更有希望adj.忧愁的;沮丧的adj.满足的;满意的对满足n.表演者;演出者vt.使惊诧adj.令人感到惊讶的adj.幸运的;吉利的,humour comedy up to now brighten depressedContentfeel/be content withperformerastonish astonishing fortunate,adv.不幸地穷的;缺少的n.十几岁(13至19岁的年龄)adj.平常的;普通的adj.厌烦的vt.&vi.使欢乐;款待adj.愉快的;有趣的adj.迷人

14、的;有魅力的prep.遍及;贯穿adj.无家的;无家可归的n.小胡子adj.用旧的;用坏的adj.磨破的;穿旧的,unfortunately badly off teens ordinaryboredentertain entertainingcharmingthroughouthomelessmoustache wornworn-out,n.失败(者)n.乐观;乐观主义vt.&vi.战胜;克服n.失败者;处于劣势的一方n.暴风雪挑出;辨别出切断;断绝嚼碎;咀嚼(食物)n.一口;满口vt.使信服adj.令人信服的,failureoptimismovercome(pp.)snowstorm pi

15、ck out cut offchew mouthfulconvince convincing,导演;指示 adj直接的;直率的担任主角;主演adj.突出的;杰出的n.瑞士(欧洲中部国家)n.信心;信念n.服装;戏装n.姿态;手势 vi.做手势adv.特殊地;特别地n.时刻;场合n.预算;开支n.女演员vt.&vi.滑动;滑行 n.;幻灯片vt.使发笑;使愉快,directstar in outstandingSwitzerlandconfidence costume gestureparticularly occasion budget actressslide amuse,adj.好笑的;有

16、趣的n.烙饼;薄饼n.解释;讲解n.侦探n.耳语;低语,低语;小声说adj.巨大的;辽阔的n.节奏n.脏或乱的状态 vi.作出反应;回应n.粥;麦片粥adj.醉的,amusingpancake explanationdetective whisper vastrhythm messreactporridgedrunk,1.up to now 现在完成时,句首,尾,中 up to,多达,从事于,由决定,胜任,是的职责 up to six,What are you up to?Its up to you.Hes not up to the job.2.feel/be content with be

17、 content to do sth3.badly off-well off(worse,better),4.entertain sb with sth sb to sth entertaining entertainment5.astonishing astonished at sth/to do sth in astonishment to onesShe was astonished at the news.The news astonished her.The news was astonishing.6.fortunately,luckily Its fortunate for sb

18、 to do sth.seek ones fortune make a,6.a failure/difficulty/success fail to do sth Words fail me.The brakes of my bike failed.Her eyesight is failing.fail ones family7.ordinary/common/normal/usual8.pick out up on pick up a bad habit/French/the news/a room/ones health pick up,8.cut off/in/up/out/throu

19、gh/across/down/back9.convince sb of sth/that to do sth.sb be convinced of sth.Convincing10.direct 指挥/指路/命令 a direct road/a connection He went direct/directly to the airport.,11.star in12.withHe nodded with a smile on his face.He smiled with his face red.They all left with the light on.They were trap

20、ped in a cave with nothing to eat.I cant sleep with all that noise going on.The murder was brought in,with his hands tied behind.,13.as ifHe talked as if he had been told the news.He talked as if he were the president.He talked as if he would/could/might be elected.He talked as if to leave/hurrying/

21、elected.14.in particular be particular about,15.bring up/in/about/out/forward16.amuse17.occasionally=on occasion(s),Unit 4 Words and Expressions,statement greet represent association dormitory flight curiously Colombia approachcheek,n.陈述;说明vi.&vt.迎接;问候vt.代表;象征n.社团;联系;联想n.宿舍n.飞行;航班adv.好奇地n.哥伦比亚(南美洲国家

22、)vt.&vi.接近;靠近;走近 n.接近;方法;途径 n.面颊,保卫以免受n.防御;保卫adj.主要的vt.误解,误会n.误解;误会n.成年人 adj.成人的adv.简单地;只是,defend againstdefence majormisunderstand misunderstanding adult simply,adj.未说出口的;非口语的n.西班牙(欧洲国家)n.意大利(欧洲国家)adj.可能的很可能;有希望总的来说;通常n.十字路口n.雇员vi.皱眉;蹙额vt.读错;误解adj.面部的,unspoken Spain Italylikely be likely to in gene

23、ralcrossroadsemployee frown misreadfacial,n.作用;功能 vi.起作用;运转舒适;快活;自由自在丢脸背对;背弃n.拳头adj.恭敬的adj.主观的vi.&vt.拥抱n.等级;军衔,functionat ease lose face turn ones back to fistrespectful subjectivehugrank,1.represent sb to do sth.as/to be sth to sb.2.be curious about to do sth.It is curious that out of curiosity sat

24、isfy3.approach that house Spring is approaching.her approach to the problem,4.major in His major is an English major a major painter a major hotel5.be likely to doIts likely/possible/probable that6.the first/last/next person to arrive 7.not all/every/both nothing/none/nobody/neither/no8.function wel

25、l 9.feel at ease,Unit 5Words and expressions,题目;主题中心的;中央的各种各样的漫画;动画片以而闻名海盗神话故事幻想;怪念头消遣;娱乐n.秋千vt.&vi.摇摆;摆动有吸引力的事物;吸引难怪;不足为奇,themecentral various cartoonbe famous forPiratefairy tale fantasyamusement swing(swung,swung)attraction no wonder,旅游业独一无二的;仅有的木匠能工巧匠引擎;发动机vt.保存;保留 n.保护区行动;事迹模仿;仿造剑锦标赛;联赛,tourism

26、unique carpenter craftsman engine preservedeed be modelled aftersword tournament,移民;殖民者运动的译员;翻译少数;少数民族布丛林潜水员生物;动物阳光提前高级的;先进的商标;牌子,settlerathletic translatorminority clothjunglediver creaturesunlight in advanceadvanced brand,接近活跃起来外出;短途旅行允许进入;入场费;承认高速公路纪念品运动鞋小册子;指南,get close tocome to life outing admission freeway souvenir sneaker brochure,1.match/fit/suit2.more than tena doctor/I can describe/happy/more a doctor than a nuse3.be famous for his novels as a dentist to the public4.in advance d5.cloth(U)a table cloth clothing(单)clothes(复谓),


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