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1、,句 子 结 构,一:基本句型二:简单句到复杂句的扩展方法三:其他句型(there be句型),一,基本句型,陈述对象+陈述内容主语+谓语【记】谓语动词决定了一个句子的骨架结构启示:(1)分析复杂句时,先找谓语。(2)写句子时,要知道谓语动词的用法特点,句型一:主系表 句型二:主谓宾 句型三:主谓句型四:主谓宾宾句型五:主谓宾补,句型一:主语+系动词+表语,谓语动词特点:【概念】系动词:(1)be动词(2)感官动词(seem,look,taste,sound)(3)其他系动词“变得”(appear,come,go,become,get),【概念】表语:放在系动词之后的。常见形式:adj.n.介

2、词短语;doing;to do;从句,【练1/5】绿皮书P27birthday,【练2/5】互联网是当今世界所有知识和信息的关键。(剑6,G,TB,W)【主干】Internet is the key.【详细版】Internet is the key of all the knowledge and information in this world.,【练3/5】老师的任务是协助学生应用这些不自觉中所学到的知识。(剑7,T1,R),【主干】The teachers task is to help students.The teachers task is helping students.【详

3、细版】The teachers task is to assist the students to apply what they learned paraconsciously,and in doing so to make it easily accessible to consciouseness.,【扩展】,【知识点1】如果be动词之后是实义动词,绝不能使用动词原形,需要将动词变为doing 或 to do.【格式】:Be+doing/to do.【练】1,我的目标是出国。2,我的计划是通过雅思考试。【课后作业】:政府的任务是解决问题。,【剑8,T1,W】:,Some people t

4、hink that parents should teach children how to be good members of society.Others,however,believe that school is the place to learn this.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.【教育话题】,【练4/5】教育孩子是社会每个成员的责任。,【主干】Educating children is the responsibility.【详细版】Educating children is the responsi

5、bility of every member of a society.,【扩展】,【知识点2】如果主语是动词,绝不能使用动词原形,需要将动词变为doing 或to do。【格式】:doing/to do+be【练】1,出国是我的目标。2,通过雅思考试是我的计划。【课后作业】:教育孩子不只是父母的责任。,【剑8,T3,W】:,Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.To what extent do you agree or disagree?W

6、hat other measures do you think might be effective?【环保话题】,【练5/5】私家车是交通和污染问题的主要原因之一。,【主干】Private cars are one of the main causes.【详细版】Private cars are one of the main causes of the traffic and pollution problems.【课后作业】说服人们使用清洁燃料也是一个有效的方法。(Persuade;cleaner fuels;effective;strategy/way),句型二:主语+谓语+宾语,谓语

7、动词特点:及物动词(后面带有宾语,表示作用的对象。),【练1/5】该图表明了。(小作文)The picture/chart shows/reveals/illustrates/demonstrates that,【练2/5】教育满足需要。Education meets/satisfies the demand/need.,【练3/5】我们需要改善公共交通服务。(剑8,T3,W)We need to improve public transport service.【改善,提高】:improve,enhance,develop,【练4/5】提高油价会影响公共交通的成本。(剑8,T3,W)Incr

8、easing the price of petrol would affect the cost of public transport.【影响】:affect influence,【练5/5】越来越多的人同意男女同校。而一些国家却有单性教育模式。(剑8,TB,W)(co-education;single-sex education)An increasing number of people agree with the co-education,while some countries have single-sex education models.,句型三:主语+谓语,谓语动词特特点:

9、不及物动词(本身意思完整,后面不需要宾语)【练1/4】第一印象很重要。The First impression counts/matters.,【练2/4】近年来政府对报纸的控制已经放松了。The control has loosened.,【练3/4】当焦点人物或其角色成员对他在某特定时段所担任角色的确切定义在思想上存在疑惑时,就出现了角色模糊。(剑3,T2,R)Role ambiguity results when.,【练4/4】这种态度已随着以下的认识而有所改变,即边缘社区尽管已部分地融入了一个名声在外,变幻莫测的全球经济体系中,但仍具有其生存能力和适应性。(剑3,T3,R)This a

10、ttitude altered with the realization that.,句型四:主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语,谓语动词特点:双宾动词:人+物短语搭配,He showed the guard his passport.I am going to buy her a gift.=I am going to buy a gift for her.,【练1/3】大学授予了我奖学金。The university gave/granted me a scholarship.,【练2/3】迈克尔向经理递交了一份申请书。Michael gave/presented the manager hi

11、s application.,【练3/3】他还不让你有获取某些信息的机会。He has also denied you access to some information.,句型五:主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语,谓语动词特点:宾补动词:appoint,find,keep,make,prove,believe,think),They appointed John chairman.主 谓 宾 宾补(名词做宾补)A hedge between keeps friendship green.主 谓 宾 宾补(adj.)保持距离,友谊常青。(君子之交淡如水。),【练1/3】许多人觉得他们的回报不公平

12、。(剑6,T2,W)Many people think their reward unfair.,【练2/3】技术时代的到来使知识更加重要.The advent/coming of technology makes knowledge more important/crucial.,【练3/3】这些技巧会帮助他们在未来成为更有价值的员工。(剑3,T3,W)These skills will make them more valuable employees in the future.,练习:找主干进行翻译,【练1/2】在经济全球化的时代,许多跨国公司更愿意雇佣有留学背景的人。【练2/2】坐在

13、电视机前的30分钟时间里,我就可以广泛迅速地获取从重大的国内事件、工农业上的最新发展到最新的国际形式等信息。-(媒体话题),二,简单句-复杂句,主 谓一,名词的扩展二,动词的扩展,一,名词的扩展,(1)形容词/名词+名词(2)名词+不定式(3)名词+同位语(4)名词+介词结构(5)名词+定语从句(6)名词+分词,定语(修饰名词的)位置要求,【练】InformationUseful/similar/similar with mine/from developing countries to developed countries【总结】定语常见位置:前短后长1)定语字数比较少(1-2),则放在被

14、修饰的名词之前。2)定语字数比较多(2),则放在被修饰的名词之后。,【练1/3】许多女孩喜欢嫁给有责任感的男孩。许多男孩喜欢娶像凤姐一样的女孩。,【练2/3】互联网是当今世界所有知识和信息的关键。(剑6,G,TB,W)Internet is the key.Key-to/of all the knowledge and information in this world today.(介词短语扩展名词).,【练3/3】从国内政治到国外形式的信息Information Information from to Information which is from to Information ran

15、ging from to,【知识点】怎么运用名词的扩展:”内容具体化”-why【练1/2】Tom is my best friend.(雅思口语)(内容具体化)“Generous”Tom is a generous friend.(内容具体化)“经常给我钱”Tom is a generous friend who always gives me money.,best,(adj.),(adj.定语从句),【练2/2】It is a question.(雅思写作)“严重的,重要的”It is a serious/burning question.“大部分人都正在面临的”It is a serio

16、us/burning question that the majority of people are facing.,question,(adj.),(adj.定语从句),As you can see,the building youre in now which contains this main lounge,the dining room,the recreation room,the kitchen and the offices was part of the original old house,built in the 1840s to be used by the fami

17、ly of George Smith.(剑2,T2,L),Visitors can watch a short film made up of old newsreels and cinema material which clearly reveals the political mood of the day towards the suffragettes.(剑3,T4,R),练习:扩展名词,【练】在经济全球化的时代,许多跨国公司更愿意雇佣有留学背景的人。Company employ people.在经济(economy)全球化(globalization)的时代(era/times),

18、许多(many)跨国(international)公司更愿意(would like to)雇佣有留学(oversea)背景(background)的人。,二,动词的扩展,(1)副词+动词(2)动词-动名词组,副词位置要求:,一般来说,放在动词前后;有时,也可放在整句话的首末。【练】坐在电视机前的30分钟时间里,我就可以广泛迅速地获取从重大的国内事件、工农业上的最新发展到最新的国际形式等信息。-(媒体话题)I can get the information.I can quickly and widely get.,动词-动名词组,老年人的健康应该被考虑Old peoples physical

19、conditions should be considered.-Old peoples physical conditions should be taken into consideration.,(1)Be interested inHave/take an interest in(2)betMake a bet,练习:,(1)think about_ serious thought to(2)influence _ an influence on Key:give have/bring/exert,“have/bring/exert a/aninfluence on”【练1/3】沉迷于

20、电脑游戏对孩子们的身心健康有着不好的影响。(雅思写作)Being addicted to computer games has a bad influence on childrens physical and psychological health.【扩展1/2】physical and mental health body and mind【扩展2/2】good positive bad negative important big,【练2/3】我想谈论一次特殊的旅行,它对我的人生产生过重大影响。(雅思口语)I want to talk about a special journey/t

21、ravel/trip which had a big influence on my life.【扩展】influence=impact=effect,【课后练习3/3】,日本核辐射未对中国产生严重影响。,三,其他句型,There be 句型There be+名词 定语从句 分词 介词【扩展】:There come,emerge,exist,lie,live,occur,stand,【练1/4】越来越多的人反对这一看法.-(雅思写作)More and more people disagree it.(there be)There are more and more people who dis

22、agree/are against/object to this point.,【练2/4】每个孩子都想赚些零花钱来帮助交付高额的大学费用。-(家庭话题)Every child wants to earn a little money to help cover higher college cost.(there be)There is every child who wants to(高分作文句子)There is hardly a child who doesnt want to earn a little money to help cover higher college cost.

23、(常见句型)there is nothing we cannot do.,【练3/4】在20世纪50年代和60年代,西方社会开始意识到提供矿物质燃料能量的资源是有限的且有可能枯竭。(剑4,T4,R)In the 1950s and 1960s,there emerged an awareness in Western societies that resources for the provision of fossil fuel energy were finite and exhaustible.,【练4/4】预计将会在2030年轻微下降至18%。(剑5,T1,W)There is expected to be a slight drop to 18%in 2030.,THE END,复 习,一:基本句型二:简单句到复杂句的扩展方法三:其他句型(存在),


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