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3、了这六个要素,基本上就理解了整篇文章。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,专题导读,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,2014北京卷 The fittingin of Suzy KhanThe first time I saw Suzy Khan,I knew I had to help her.She was really small for her age of 12.The boys in my class often_1_ about her and laughed their heads off.She would open a book,pretending to r

4、ead,with tears dropping on the open page.,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,All I knew was that she was an orphan(孤儿)from Africa.She had just been adopted by a family in town who _2_ that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids.I looked down at this_3_girl and promised

5、myself that somehow I would help her.But how could I help her _4_in with us?There had to be a _5_.One day,when I went into the classroom,I saw that Suzy had _6_ her geography book to a picture of a train,and in her notebook,she had made a(n)_7_copy.,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,I was surprised and thought

6、 that she could do something in the coming _8_show.So,I took her to see the art teacher,Miss Parker,and showed her what Suzy had _9_.“Why,its wonderful,”said Miss Parker,who then showed us a poster she had painted _10_ the talent show.“I need more of these,but I just dont have enough _11_.Could you

7、help me,Suzy?”On the day of the talent show,Suzys _12_ were everywhereall over the hall and all over the school,each one different.,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,“And finally,”said Mr Brown,the schoolmaster,at the end of the show,“we have a(n)_13_ award.Im sure youve all noticed the wonderful posters.”Ever

8、yone nodded.“One of our own students _14_ them.”I could hear everyone whispering.“Who in our school could draw _15_ well?”Mr Brown waited a while before saying,“_16_ this student worked so hard on the posters,she deserves a _17_,too.Our mystery(神秘)artist is our new studentSuzy Khan!”,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形

9、填空,真题典例,Mr Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artists set.“Thank you,”she cried.I_18_,at that time when I was looking at her excited face,shed probably never _19_ anything in her whole life.Everyone started to _20_ their hands.Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile

10、and the applause was deafening.I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,1A.joked BCared Cforgot Dworried2A.reported Bdecided Ccomplained Dquestioned3A.rich Bproud Ctiny Dpopular4A.come Bfall Cfit Dtie5A.manner Bpattern Cchoice Dway6A.read Btaken Copened Dput7A.free Bperfect

11、 Cfinal Dextra8A.art Btalk Cquiz Dtalent9A.coloured Bwritten Ccarved Ddrawn,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,10A.at Bafter Cfor Daround11A.room BtimeCpaper Dinterest12A.gifts BbooksCphotos Dposters13A.special BacademicCnational Droyal14A.painted BfoundCprinted Dcollected15A.very BthatCquite Dtoo,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型

12、完形填空,真题典例,16A.If BThough CUnless DSince17A.prize Brank Crest Dplace18A.replied Brealized Cremembered Dregretted19A.offered Bvalued Cowned Dcontrolled20A.clap Bwave Craise Dshake,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,【文章大意】本文讲了一个来自非洲的儿童Suzy被美国家庭收养,为了让孩子了解美国生活,他们把孩子送进学校和美国孩子一起学习,但那些美国孩子却经常嘲笑她。一次偶然的机会,“我”发现了她的绘画才能,并把

13、她介绍给艺术老师。艺术老师也认同她的绘画才能,让她帮自己制作才艺秀的海报。在才艺秀结束的时候,校长颁发给Suzy一个特殊的奖项,同学们也接纳了她。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,1A班里的男孩子会拿她开玩笑,然后就是哄堂大笑。而她也只好眼含泪水地假装看书。joke about 拿开玩笑;care about介意,在乎;forget about忘记;worry about为担忧。根据语境可知选A。2B这个非洲孤儿被美国家庭收养,美国家庭决定(认定)和美国孩子在一起才能让她学会美国的生活方式。decide这里是“认定,断定”的意思。report报告,报道;complain抱怨,投诉

14、;question质疑,提问。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,3C根据上文叙述,这个女孩儿比同龄12岁的孩子都要瘦小,所以“我”低头看着这个小小的女孩子,下决心无论如何都要帮助她。rich富有的;proud骄傲的;popular流行的,受欢迎的。A、B、D三项显然都不符合语境。tiny very small。故选C。4C“我”打算帮助这个女孩与大家融洽相处。文章标题已给出提示。fit in with(与)合得来,适应。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,5D根据上文“我”决定帮助小女孩与大家融洽相处,所以“我”必须寻找一个方法。manner做事或行为方式,多指行动的

15、特殊方式或独特的方法;pattern模式,花样,图案;choice选择;way“方式,方法,手段”,可指一般的方法,有时也指个人的方法或方式。因为这里没有谈到什么方法,所以只能用笼统的方法way。6CSuzy把书打开到火车图片那里。opento“把翻到”,to是介词,表达“到地方”。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,7B根据下文提示“Why,its wonderful”可知,她对火车图的复制效果非常好,与此题选项中的perfect意思相近。8D根据后文提示the talent show可知这是一个才艺秀。9D根据上文可知Suzy在画火车,所以“我”把她画的东西展示给艺术老师看。c


17、so表示“那么,那样”,修饰形容词或副词,也可以使用that,两者意思相近。that wellso well。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,16D因为这位同学如此努力地画了这些海报,所以值得奖励。sincenow that/because。17A因为努力画了这些海报,这位同学值得奖励。prize奖励;rank等级,秩序;rest休息;place地点,位置。18B作者意识到Suzy从来没有拥有过什么,这些成就和别人的承认第一次让她意识到自己的重要性。reply回答;realize意识到;remember回忆;regret后悔,遗憾。19C因为是外来的移民,没有融入大家的生活中,

18、这次活动让大家看到了Suzy拥有的东西。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,真题典例,20A因为Suzy画得好,得到了校长表扬,也得到了大家的认可,所以大家为她鼓掌。clap ones hands鼓掌。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,(一)Its known that 62yearold Jim Bevier has a great passion.This former FedEx pilot isnt _1_ on his horse farm,teaching his grandkids to _2_.In his spare time,Bevier helps dis

19、tribute _3_ for blindness around the globe.,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,Bevier now is a volunteer pilot for ORBIS,a nonprofit organization which has fought blindness for over 25 years.One of _4_ weapons is the Flying Eye Hospital,an oldfashioned DC10 aircraft.Beviers mission is to land this giant sightsa

20、ving bird on runways that are most _5_ not designed for it.“Its not _6_ flying for FedEx,”says Bevier.“We have to _7_ the runway is long enough,figure out the fuel load,and find the _8_ place to park in case of accidents.”,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,Once he gets the _9_ to its destination,the aircraft b

21、ecomes a place for local _10_ to get training,so they can treat certain conditions and _11_ blindness for people.The plane stays on location for weeks._12_ Bevier is free to return home,he likes to stay and _13_ those who arrive for medical checks.“Im glad to see them get on the airplane and come ou

22、t the next day,and they can _14_,”Bevier says.Many walk on dirt roads for miles;many are blind children.,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,_15_,the volunteer doctors cant handle all the patients.“A Vietnamese boy was ever _16_ away,”Bevier says.“A pilots job involves hours and hours of boredom,so you must lear

23、n to keep your _17_ under control.But when the poor boy didnt get picked,I _18_ down,”he admits._19_ as the job may be,Bevier isnt looking forward to retirement any time soon.“I dont play golf,and I tell my kids not to buy me tennis shoes,”he says.“But I _20_ of my grandchildren back home,and all I

24、want is for those kids to be able to see their own grandparents for the first time.”,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,1A.anxious Bproud Ccontent Dactive2A.ride Bdrive Cwork Dstudy3A.signs Bcures Cfunds Dways4A.his Bher Cour Dits5A.similarly Bdefinitely Cdifferently Dexactly6A.beyond Bon Clike Dwithin,返回目录,专题十

25、四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,7A.refer to Bwork out Cmake sure Dgive up8A.safest Blargest Cwildest Dfarthest9A.shop Bhotel Crestaurant Dhospital10A.villagers Bpatients Cfriends Ddoctors11A.prevent Brestrict Cwarn Dstop12A.While BOnce CUnless DIf,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,13A.examine Bconsider Cmeet Dignore14A.walk Bs

26、ee Cleave Dconcern15A.Therefore BBesides CSomehow DHowever16A.put Bturned Cgiven Dthrown17A.efforts Badvantages Cplans Demotions18A.settled Bknocked Cbroke Dheld,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,19A.Exciting BChallenging CDisappointing DAttracting20A.think Bdream Chear Dtalk,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,【文章大意】Jim B

27、evier是一位六十二岁的退休飞行员,他一直为一个防治失明的非营利组织义务驾驶飞机,从事着到世界各地去救治失明患者的事业。尽管工作辛苦,但是看着进去接受治疗的盲人走出来重见光明是最让他感到满足的时刻。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,1C根据下文内容可知,他在业余时间去帮助失明的人们,由此可知他不“满足”带孙子孙女,或者待在自己的马场。2A根据情理可知,他只能教给小孩子们“骑马”,其余不符合情理。3B根据下文内容可知,Bevier是一位防治失明组织的志愿者,由此推断他是帮助发放“药品”。cure此处用作名词,意为“药物,药品”。4D根据上文内容可知,此处指a nonprofit

28、organization,故选D项。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,5BBevier驾驶的飞机大多数时候降落的地点不是有专门飞机跑道的地方。similarly相似地;definitely明确地,确切地,一定地;differently不同地;exactly精确地,确切地。6C根据下文Bevier的讲述可知,大多数降落的地方不“像”标准的飞机跑道,故选C项。7C根据后文内容可知,他们必须为了防止意外而确保跑道的长度等方面情况,故选C项。refer to参考,查阅;work out计算出,解决;make sure确定,确保;give up放弃。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新

29、题预测,8A根据前句内容和后面in case of accidents判断,他们要选择最安全的降落地。9D根据上文内容可知,这架飞机名叫the Flying Eye Hospital,故选D项。10D根据后文内容they can treat certain conditions可以判断,为了在他们离开后当地的医生能够去应付某些医疗情况,他们还要培训当地的“医生”,故选D项。11A根据and前面内容可以推测,医生要能治疗某些疾病,以免引起失明,也就是“防止”人们失明,故选A项。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,12A根据前后文内容可知,此处为让步关系,故选while,意为“尽管”。

30、句意:尽管他可以回家,但是他却喜欢待在那里看那些前来检査的人们。13C根据后句内容“Im glad to see them get on the airplane”可知,他是喜欢“见到”那些人们,故选C项。examine检查;consider 考虑;meet相遇,见面;ignore忽视,忽略。14B根据文章内容可知,Bevier工作的医院是诊治失明的,所以当人们治疗之后会恢复视力,重新看到光明,故选B项。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,15D根据上文提到他喜欢看到那些经过治疗后恢复视力的人们,而此处说他们不能处理治疗所有的病人,由此判断为转折关系,故选D项。16B根据上句内容可

31、知这些志愿医生不能治疗病人时,只能拒绝他们,让他们失望地离开。turn sb away意为“转过脸去;拒绝(某人)进入”。故选B项。17D前文提到他们的工作不仅有着长时间的枯燥,而且还要面对各种病人,各种情况,再根据下文内容可以判断,他们要学会控制自己的各种“情感”,故选D项。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,18CBevier是一名充满爱心的志愿者,当他看到那个男孩儿因不能接受治疗而被拒之门外的时候,他内心是痛苦的。break down意为“情绪垮掉,失声痛哭”。故选C项。19B根据上文的叙述可知,他们的工作是很“有挑战性的”,故选B项。exciting令人激动的;challe

32、nging挑战性的,引起兴趣的;disappointing令人失望的;attracting吸引人的。20ABevier因工作需要长时间离家在外,所以他看到这些孩子的时候会想起自己的孙子孙女们,故选A项。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,(二)During my second year of college,I was a parttime waitress in Chicago.I spent most of my time on _21_ and as little as possible on a conversation.I wasnt used to talking to

33、 unknown people except when taking _22_.,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,One night,a little old man came in and _23_ himself in my section.I took his order and went on my way.But I _24_ that he came in week after week and always sat at one of my tables.Slowly,I began having short _25_ with him.His name was M

34、r Rodgers,but he _26_ that I call him Don.I learned that he and his wife had gone to dinner and a movie every Saturday.Since she had died,he _27_ the tradition alone.,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,As the weeks went on,I began to sit and _28_ talk with Don.We talked about his wife,his days _29_ in the war,h

35、is son who had grown up and also served as a pilot in the army.Eventually,we began to talk about my _30_ going to school,my new boyfriend and the expectation of my future.,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,About four months after meeting him,I received _31_ from a nurse telling me that Don was in hospital.He w

36、as _32_ complications(并发症)from a heart operation.I _33_ drove to the hospital to see him.The first thing he did was thanking me for _34_ him to visit the doctor.At first I didnt know what he was _35_.Then I remembered that about three weeks earlier,Don was _36_ about chest pains and I gave him the n

37、umber of a _37_ I knew.A nurse asked,“Are you his daughter?”and I replied,“No,Im his _38_.”,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,_39_ can become good friends.I recently found it _40_ to talk to customers at the restaurant and I have had a lot more fun.21A.school Bwork Ccinema Dhome22A.orders Bnotes Cadvice Dcloth

38、es23A.raised Bgreeted Cseated Dbalanced24A.realized Bwondered Cunderstood Dnoticed,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,25A.examinations Bconversations Cpreparations Dcompetitions26A.ordered Bbelieved Crefused Dinsisted27A.called off Bleft out Ccarried on Ddealt with28A.actually Bhelplessly Cobviously Dhopefully2

39、9A.escaping Bworking Cwandering Dflying30A.ambition Bidentity Coccupation Dhobby,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,31A.an article Ba bill Can offer Da call32A.treating Bexperiencing Cstudying Dobserving33A.immediately Beventually Cfrequently Ddeliberately34A.forcing Bforbidding Curging Dinviting35A.going throu

40、gh Bsetting aside Creferring to Dmaking up36A.arguing Bcomplaining Cdiscussing Dthinking,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,37A.doctor Bdentist Clawyer Dmanager38A.student Bwaitress Cniece Dsecretary39A.Relatives BColleagues CNeighbours DStrangers40A.unbelievable Bpossible Cenjoyable Dreasonable,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形

41、填空,新题预测,【文章大意】作者在做兼职服务员时,很少和顾客说话。但是,一位老人Don的出现改变了作者的交际态度,并和Don成了好朋友。21B“我”大部分时间都用在“工作”上,很少和人谈话。22Atake orders 意思是为客人端上所点的饭菜,这从上文“I was a parttime waitress.”和下文“I took his order”可得到提示。23Cseat oneself(某人)就座。24D“我”“注意到”他每周都来,总是坐在“我”服务区的一张桌子旁。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,25B慢慢地“我”开始与他进行一些简短的“谈话”。26D他“坚持”要求“我

42、”称他为Don。“I call him Don.”一句中省略了should。27C他妻子去世后,他独自一人“继续”着这种习惯。28A以前的谈话都是礼节性的,很简短。现在,“我”开始坐下来与Don进行“真正”的谈话。29D根据后文“his son who had grown up and also served as a pilot in the army.”可知,他在部队当过飞行员。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,30A从下文内容“going to school,my new boyfriend and the expectation of my future.”可知,这是“我

43、”的“壮志,抱负”,而不是“身份”“职业”或“爱好”。31D根据上下文意并结合生活常识可知,此处是指护士给“我”打来电话。32B他正在“经历”手术后并发症,其余三项不合搭配和文意。33Aimmediately 表示作者的急切心情。34Curge sb to do sth 催促某人做某事。从下文所述的情节可得到提示。,返回目录,专题十四记叙文型完形填空,新题预测,35C一开始“我”并不知道他所指的是什么事。refer to 指的是;提到。36BDon因为胸部疼痛而发出抱怨,符合常识。37A“我”给他提供了“我”认识的一个医生的电话号码,劝他前去就诊。38B从文章第一句“I was a partt

44、ime waitress in Chicago.”可知答案。39D“我”和Don从陌生人成为好朋友。40C现在“我”发现和饭店里的顾客谈话是一种享受。说明作者经历此事以后思想认识和性格都有了转变,同时也与第一段中的“I wasnt used to talking to unknown people except when taking”呼应。,返回目录,教师备用习题,When I started riding a bike a couple of years ago,I didnt think my involvement would ever be more serious than the

45、 occasional short ride.But as I built strength,my friends _1_ me to step up my training and try some longer trips.The first one to come along was a 150mile trip,the MS150,an annual _2_ that raises money to fight AIDS.When I registered,the idea seemed fantastic and I trained with _3_.However,as the t

46、ime for the ride approached,my selfdoubts _4_ beyond my endurance(忍耐力)I _5_ wanted to raise money for the charity,but I didnt really want to bike all those miles for two days straight.,返回目录,教师备用习题,The ride began on a beautiful Sunday morning in the Georgia countryside,and for the first few hours I f

47、elt _6_.This was just the experience I had _7_,and my spirits were high._8_ by the end of the day,I felt tired out.If the body is _9_ to the mind,here was evidence.Every _10_ my brain pushed out seemed to travel right down to my legs.“I cant handle this.”became a leg cramp(抽筋),and“Everyone else is a

48、 better rider.”translated into _11_ of breath.I was sure Id have to _12_.,返回目录,教师备用习题,As I topped the crest(山顶)of a hill,the beautiful sunset kept me going for a few minutes more.Then in the distance,I saw a lone woman riding very slowly _13_ the bright red sun.I _14_ that the person looked differen

49、t in some ways,but I couldnt tell why.So I pushed myself to _15_.There she was,riding along slowly but _16_,with a slight and determined smile on her face and she had only one leg.,返回目录,教师备用习题,My focus changed in that instant.For a whole day Id been _17_ my body.But now I knew it wasnt the body,but

50、the _18_ that would help me reach my goal.It rained all the second day.I never saw the onelegged biker again,but I pushed on without _19_,knowing she was out there with me somewhere.And at the end of the day,still feeling _20_,I completed the 150mile trip.,返回目录,教师备用习题,1A.encouraged Bforbade Cforced


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