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1、Unit 2 Neat People vs.Sloppy People,新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材(修订版)高级英语1电子教案,Detailed Reading,Contents,Warm Up,Global Reading,Consolidation Activities,Text Appreciation,Further Enhancement,Section 1:Warm Up,Look at the two pictures.Think of words which you can use to describe the states of the rooms.,messy,

2、sloppy,untidy,disorderly,dirty,unclean,unorganized,neat,tidy,orderly,clean,organized,Lead-in,Background Information,Section 1:Warm Up,1.Which room would you like to work in?2.What is your room like?3.Look at another picture and tell what the picture implies.4.Does Suzanne Britt,author of the text we

3、re going to study,think in the same way?,Lead-in,Background Information,Section 1:Warm Up,Lead-in,Background Information,The picture implies that sloppiness is a moral problem,not just a problem of habit,for sloppy people are also“evil”people.,Section 1:Warm Up,About the Author Suzanne Britt:A poet

4、and essayist,and Assistant Professor of English.Suzanne Britt was born in Winston-Salem,North Carolina.She earned her bachelors degree from Salem College and her masters degree from Washington University.Britt currently teaches literature and writing courses at Meredith College in North Carolina.,Ba

5、ckground Information,Lead-in,Section 1:Warm Up,A prolific writer,Britts poems have appeared in quite a few literary magazines;her essays and articles have appeared in various newspapers and magazines,including Newsweek,The New York Times and The Boston Globe.Some of them have also been widely reprin

6、ted in college textbooks.Britt is author of several books,including Show and Tell(1982),and A Writers Rhetoric(1988).She also advisesThe Meredith HeraldandThe Colton Review.,Background Information,Lead-in,Section 2:Global Reading,What is the text mainly about?,Structural Analysis,Main Idea,Through a

7、 comparison of the peculiarities of sloppy people and neat people in their daily life,the author is trying to convince the readers of the argument that the main distinction between the two types of people is a moral one,and furthermore,sloppy people are even morally superior to neat people.,Section

8、2:Global Reading,Please divide the text into 3 parts and summarize the main idea of each part.,Structural Analysis,Main Idea,Part I,(Paragraph 1)Introduction,In Paragraph 1,the author introduces the topic of the text and presents her opinion that“neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people”

9、.,Structural Analysis,Main Idea,Part III,(Paragraphs 6-12)Description of Neat People,Paragraphs 6-12 concentrate on the description of neat people.In these paragraphs,neat people are portrayed as cold-blooded,ruthless and very practical.,Part II,(Paragraphs 2-5)Description of Sloppy People,Paragraph

10、s 2-5 focus on sloppy people who are portrayed as having a high moral standard and ambitious plans.Besides,they are also described as“giving loving attention to every detail”.,Section 2:Global Reading,Section 3:Detailed Reading,1 Ive finally figured out the difference between neat people and sloppy

11、people.The distinction is,as always,moral.1 Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people.2 Sloppy people,you see,are not really sloppy.2 Their sloppiness is merely the unfortunate consequence of their extreme moral rectitude.3 Sloppy people carry in their minds eye a heavenly vision,a precis

12、e plan,that is so stupendous,so perfect,it cant be achieved in this world or the next.,Neat People vs.Sloppy People,QUESTION,Section 3:Detailed Reading,3 4 Sloppy people live in Never-Never Land.Someday is their mtier.Someday they are planning to alphabetize all their books and set up home catalogs.

13、Someday they will go through their wardrobes and mark certain items for tentative mending and certain items for passing on to relatives of similar shape and size.Someday sloppy people will make family scrapbooks into which they will put newspaper clippings,postcards,locks of hair,and the dried corsa

14、ge from their senior prom.Someday they will file everything on the surface of their desks,including the,QUESTION,Section 3:Detailed Reading,cash receipts from coffee purchases at the snack shop.Someday they will sit down and read all the back issues of The New Yorker.4 For all these noble reasons an

15、d more,sloppy people never get neat.They aim too high and wide.5 They save everything,planning someday to file,order,and straighten out the world.But while these ambitious plans take clearer and clearer shape in their heads,the books spill from the shelves onto the floor,the clothes pile up in the h

16、amper and closet,the family,QUESTION,Section 3:Detailed Reading,mementos accumulate in every drawer,the surface of the desk is buried under mounds of paper and 6 the unread magazines threaten to reach the ceiling.5 7 Sloppy people cant bear to part with anything.They give loving attention to every d

17、etail.When sloppy people say theyre going to tackle the surface of the desk,they really mean it.8Not a paper will go unturned;not a rubber band will go unboxed.Four hours or two weeks into the excavation,the desk looks exactly the same,primarily because the sloppy person is meticulously creating new

18、 piles of papers with new,Section 3:Detailed Reading,headings and scrupulously stopping to read all the old book catalogs before he throws them away.A neat person would just bulldoze the desk.6 9 Neat people are bums and clods at heart.They have cavalier attitudes toward possessions,including family

19、 heirlooms.Everything is just another dust-catcher to them.10 If anything collects dust,its got to go and thats that.Neat people will toy with the idea of throwing the children out of the house just to cut down on the clutter.,QUESTION,Section 3:Detailed Reading,7 Neat people dont care about process

20、.They like results.What they want to do is get the whole thing over with so they can sit down and watch the rasslin on TV.Neat people operate on two unvarying principles:Never handle any item twice,and throw everything away.8 The only thing messy in a neat persons house is the trash can.The minute s

21、omething comes to a neat persons hand,he will look at it,try to decide if it has immediate use and,finding none,throw it in the trash.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,9 11 Neat people are especially vicious with mail.They never go through their mail unless they are standing directly over a trash can.If t

22、he trash can is beside the mailbox,even better.All ads,catalogs,pleas for charitable contributions,church bulletins and money-saving coupons go straight into the trash can without being opened.All letters from home,postcards from Europe,bills and paychecks are opened,immediately responded to,then dr

23、opped in the trash can.Neat people keep their receipts only for tax purposes.Thats it.12No sentimental salvaging of birthday cards or the last letter a,Section 3:Detailed Reading,dying relative ever wrote.13 Into the trash it goes.10 14 Neat people place neatness above everything,even economics.They

24、 are incredibly wasteful.Neat people throw away several toys every time they walk through the den.I knew a neat person once who threw away a perfectly good dish drainer because it had mold on it.The drainer was too much trouble to wash.And neat people sell their furniture when they move.They will se

25、ll a La-Z-Boy recliner while you are reclining in it.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,11 15 Neat people are no good to borrow from.Neat people buy everything in expensive little single portions.They get their flour and sugar in two-pound bags.They wouldnt consider clipping a coupon,saving a leftover,reus

26、ing plastic nondairy whipped cream containers or rinsing off tin foil and draping it over the unmoldy dish drainer.You can never borrow a neat persons newspaper to see whats playing at the movies.16 Neat people have the paper all wadded up and in the trash by 7:05 A.M.,QUESTION,Section 3:Detailed Re

27、ading,12 17 Neat people cut a clean swath through the organic as well as the inorganic world.People,animals,and things are all one to them.They are so insensitive.After theyve finished with the pantry,the medicine cabinet,and the attic,they will throw out the red geranium(too many leaves),sell the d

28、og(too many fleas),and send the children off to boarding school(too many scuff-marks on the hardwood floors).,QUESTION,ACTIVITY,Section 3:Detailed Reading,Does the article have an effective beginning?Why or why not?(Paragraph 1),Paragraph 1 proves itself a very effective beginning.Instead of drawing

29、 a conclusion at the end of the comparison,the author presents it at the beginning in a blunt and unexpected manner.The conclusion has completely overthrown the traditional opinions of the two types of people.Therefore,the beginning succeeds in arousing the readers interest.,Section 3:Detailed Readi

30、ng,Why does the author repeat the word“someday”so many times?(Paragraph 3),The parallel sentences beginning with the same word“someday”can emphasize the truth that more justifications can hardly be found for the behavior of sloppy people in their present life except offering some beautiful hope that

31、 all such will be compensated for by their future plans.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,What rhetorical device does the author employ in such sentences as“They save everything,planning someday to file,order,and straighten out the world”and“the unread magazines threaten to reach the ceiling?”(Paragraph 4

32、),Hyperbole is used in these sentences to exaggerate the rigidness and impracticability of sloppy people in their life.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,What is the function of the sentence“A neat person would just bulldoze the desk”in terms of the text structure?(Paragraph 5),The sentence serves as a tra

33、nsition from the description of sloppy people to neat people in the following paragraphs.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,Why are neat people no good to borrow from?(Paragraph 11),Neat people buy anything in expensive little amount and throw away anything theyve used.They dont have anything left that peo

34、ple can borrow from them.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,What do neat people look like in others mind?What makes the author think that the difference between neat people and sloppy people is moral?(Paragraph 12),They are insensitive and cold-blooded.According to the author,a more humane relationship is

35、reflected in the behavior of sloppy people.For neat people,the primary concern in their life is to establish a neat but cold and inhuman order even at the expense of the warm and friendly relationship between them and their belongings.Therefore,the author thinks the distinction between the two types

36、 of people is moral.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,Class Discussions1)Describe two people you know who have very different approaches to being neat and organized.Explain what it is like to be with each of them.2)How would you describe the household in which you grew up?In what ways were your parents ve

37、ry organized?In what areas were they disorganized?,Section 3:Detailed Reading,sloppy:a.careless;untidy,e.g.,a sloppy piece of worksloppy workmanship,Section 3:Detailed Reading,rectitude:n.honesty and moral uprightness,e.g.,strive for rectitude and righteousness,Section 3:Detailed Reading,in ones min

38、ds eye:in ones imagination or mental view,e.g.,Each person as he comes upon the scene is described for us so that we may see him in ourminds eye.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,stupendous:a.of astounding force,volume,degree,or excellence;marvelous,e.g.,a stupendous error/achievement stupendous sums of m

39、oney,Transformation:,stupendously ad.stupendousness n.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,Translate the following sentences.1)The roar of the explosion was stupendous.(=爆炸声震耳欲聋。)2)多愚蠢的行为!(=What stupendous follies!),Practice:,Section 3:Detailed Reading,Never-Never Land:The term“never-never land”,originated i

40、n J.M.Barriers Peter Pan,now usually refers to something dismissiveused when someone is dreaming unrealistically about a utopian future.“Going to Never-Never Land”can also mean going to sleep,or,more darkly,dying.Never-Never Land is a real place,though.The name was first recorded in the late 19th ce

41、ntury,describing the uninhabited regions of Australiathen called just“The Never-Never”.The more remote outback regions of the Northern Territory and Queensland are still known by that name.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,mtier:n.an occupation,a trade,or profession,work or activity for which a person is

42、particularly suited,e.g.,This was assuredly not my mtier.Hes found his mtier at last.,Synonym:,calling,Section 3:Detailed Reading,alphabetize:v.arrange in alphabetic order,Practice:,Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1)The listings are arranged by state and are alphabetized by city.(=表中项

43、目按州编排,以各个城名的字母顺序排列。)2)Please alphabetize the documentation by the names of the authors in the bibliography.(=请将索引中的文献书目按作者的姓名字母顺序排列。),Section 3:Detailed Reading,scrapbook:n.a book with blank pages used for the mounting and preserving of pictures,clippings,or other mementos,Section 3:Detailed Reading

44、,corsage:n.a small bouquet of flowers worn by a woman at the shoulder or waist or on the wrist,e.g.,a corsage of orchids,Section 3:Detailed Reading,prom:n.a formal dance held for a high-school or college class typically at or near the end of the academic year,Section 3:Detailed Reading,straighten:v.

45、make or become straight,e.g.,He helped him straighten his tie.,Collocation:,straighten up:make ones body straight or upright,especially after one has been bending or droopinge.g.,He straightens up,combs his hair and walks into the meeting.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,e.g.,Itll take six weeks to get t

46、hings straightened out.A legal contract does help to straighten out the mess when things go wrong.,straighten out:make organized or tidy,Section 3:Detailed Reading,take shape:assume a distinct form;develop into sth.definite or tangible,e.g.,The past months have seen the states insurance legislation

47、begin to take shape.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,hamper:n.a large basket,usually with a cover,used usually for carrying food in,or clothes to be washed(as in the context),e.g.,We packed a big wicker hamper and went for a picnic.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,memento(pl.mementoes or mementos):n.a reminde

48、r of the past;a keepsake,e.g.,the Presley napkin,a memento of the singers farewell concertone of the precious mementoes of his Presidency,Synonym:,souvenir,keepsake,Section 3:Detailed Reading,excavation:n.sorting out things meticulously,Transformation:,excavate v.dig(When people excavate a piece of

49、land they remove earth carefully from it and look for very old things such as pots,bones,or buildings which are buried there,in order to discover information of the past.)e.g.,The project has excavated and partially restored the hilltop fort.,Section 3:Detailed Reading,meticulously:ad.carefully and

50、exactly,e.g.,The arrangements were planned meticulously.,Synonym:,precisely,fastidiously,painstakingly,Transformation:,meticulous a.giving or showing great attention to detailse.g.,a meticulous young manmeticulous observation of wild animalsHe had prepared himself with meticulous care.,Section 3:Det


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