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1、中考英语常见的作文类型,二、英文书信,五、英文通知,六、英文日记,三、英文请假条、便条,四、英文讲稿(发言稿、自我介绍),一、描写 记述(与一般的课文一样),中考英语作文常见的题型,看图写话:给出画面,或英文提示,按要求写作。,看图(或材料)填空,材料作文(近年各地市常考的题型):给出一定的书面(中文或英文)材料,按题目要求写作,命题作文(多为描写,记事,叙述),写英语作文时应注意的事项,切题:用足所给材料,写作最简单的英文句子,千万别漏了所给的“要点材料”,句子结构:人(物)+干(是).+(宾语或表语)+其他,动词的时态:依据文义或句子的 意义,确定使用正确的时态并使用准确的动词形式(最重要


3、误是,写错动词的过去式;被动式:was/were+done,用于将要发生的事件中:will+do 或 be going to do,常见错误是,will 或 to 之后不使用动词原形;被动式:will be+done;is/are going to be done,一般过去时:,一般将来时:,英文信件!注意:写信的格式(地址、日期、称呼、落款、标点),地址日期,称 呼,落 款,书面表达(本题20分)假设你是Li Ping,潍坊十八中的一名学生。请根据提示写一封约120个词的英文信和一个英文信封。信息提示:,VIII英文信封Li Ping188 East Dongfeng StreetWeifa

4、ng,Shandong,China Jim 438 King Street,New Town Sydney,Australia,写信人地址:信封左上角与汉语相反,收信人地址:信封右下角与汉语相反,写地址时注意:名字、街(路)号、镇(区)、市、省、国,信的正文 188 East Dongfeng Street Weifang,Shandong,China June 23,2008 How are you?Im very glad to write the letter to you.My name is Li Ping.Im a Chinese boy.Im from Weifang,China

5、.Do you know Weifang?Its a beautiful city in Shandong.Its a kite city.I study in No.18 Middle School.Our school is very beautiful.Im in Class 1,Grade 3.There are 24 classes in our school.We study Chinese,maths,English and other subjects.I like English very much.I like playing computer games,football

6、 and watching TV.I have many good friends.We help each other.There are three people in my family.They are my father,my mother and I.I want to make friends with you.Please write to me soon.Welcome to Weifang.Yours Li Ping,Dear Jim,B)假如你是李雷,你收到英国朋友Jack的一封信,他希望交一些中国笔友。你给他写一封回信,将你的朋友魏华介绍给他。内容应包括“出生年月、生活

7、地方、父母情况、他的兴趣爱好、最擅长的科目、你们在一起常做些什么和他长大后准备干什么”。根据以上要求,请你用6070个单词来完成这封短信。要求意思连贯、符合逻辑。信的开头和结尾已写在试卷上。(本题共10分,广东02年中考),No.9 Minzu Road,Zhongshan City,Guangdong,China 528400 June 22nd,2008Dear Jack,I am glad to receive your letter and know you want to have some pen friends in China.Now let me tell you somet

8、hing about my friend,Wei Hua,a student of Class 3,Grade 2 in Yucai Middle School.He would like to know something about your school life and your country.I m sure you will be good friends soon.Yours,Li Lei,请假条(便条)!格式,与写信差不多(写日期、称呼、内容、落款),C)书面表达(共10分)请代为韩梅给英语老师Mr Smith出写一张病假条,可选用下列单词或短语(有的要作必要的变动)。请假条

9、的开头部分已给出。(字数5070),June 20,2008Dear Mr Smith,Im sorry to tell you that,June,20,2008 Dear Mr Smith,Im sorry to tell you that Im not feeling well today.I have caught a bad cold because I went swimming in the river yesterday afternoon.The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days.So I cant go to school

10、 today and tomorrow.I hope I 11 get well very soon.Thank you.Your student Han Mei,书面表达(共计15分)根据提示和要求完成下面短文。假如你(Li Lei)在去年夏令营认识的一个朋友Jim从英国给你寄来一件礼物一件红色的衬衫,并附有一封信。在信中他向你问好,他想知道你近来在忙些什么。请你给他写一封回信(100个词左右)表示感谢。回信要包括以下内容:1向Jim问好并对他表示感谢。2礼物是你最喜欢的颜色,疋寸很合适,你非常喜欢。3告诉Jim你近来很好,上周刚过完生日,生日聚会很热闹。询问Jim的近况,并表示希望他能来中

11、国。,How are you?Many thanks for the shirt!Im very happy to hear from you again.I love the shirt very much,Jim.And red is my favourite colour!You remembered!It7 s just my size.Every time I wear it,I will think of you.Im fine here in China Last week I had a birthday party.Many of my classmates came and

12、 my mother made us a lot of good food.We really had a wonderful time together.How,are you doing in England,Jim?I miss you very much.I always miss the days we were together last summer.I hope you can come to China some day.Please write back soon.Your friend,Li Lei,Dear Jim,June 21st,200865 Zhonghua s

13、treet Shijiazhuang 050000 Hebei China,VIII书面表达(共15分)根据中文设置的情景、英文提示词语以及表格所提供的信息,写出语法正确、意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文文段。注意:1字数60一80。2所给的英文提示词语及表格所提供的信息必须都用上。(可适当发挥)3发言稿的开头和结尾已给出。(请不要抄写在答题卡上)假设你是张斌,今年暑假你将参加学校组织的赴加拿大“绿色之旅”夏令营活动。请你准备一篇在开营式上的自我介绍发言稿。,发言稿(介绍),name,Zhang Bin,fifteen years old,live in Beijing,favorite subjec

14、t,biology,Dear friends,Im very glad to introduce myself to you.Thats all.Thank you for listening.,Dear friends,Im very glad to introduce(介绍)myself to you.My name is Zhang Bin.Im fifteen years old.I live in Beijing.One of my favorite subjects is biology.Im interested in drawing.In my free time,I ofte

15、n go camping(野营),draw some pictures of plants,and enjoy the singing of birds in nature.I want to be a biologist(生物学家)when I grow up.I feel lucky to join you.I hope we can be good friends and do our best to make our earth more beautiful and much greener.Thats all.Thank you for listening.,英文通知,【实例】请你以

16、校长室的名义拟写一个书面通知,告诉同学们明天去参加植树活动。提示:明天是植树节,天气暖和。你们不上课,去公园植树。早晨八点在学校门口集合,骑自行车去。中午在那里吃饭,请带好水和食物。(词数:5070words),【分析】书写通知要注意格式。此题要先定好正文部分的工作或活动是 Tree Planting Day,plant the trees;参加的方式和要求是meet at the school gate,go there by bike,bring some food and water;参加对象是the students(we);该活动集合的时间是at 8:00am,发通知的单位是Head

17、master Office。,【参考范文】NOTICE To morrow is Tree Planting DayIt is warm You will have no classesWe shall plant trees in the park We will meet at the school gate at 8:00in the morning and go there by bikeWe will(shall)have lunch therePlease bring some water and food with youDont be late Headmaster Offic

18、e Mar11,2008,One Possible Version(参考答案)NoticeAttention,please.Tomorrow is Saturday.We re going to hike on our field trip.We re going to hike to the top of a mountain.Please wear strong shoes and bring some food and drinks with you.We are going to have a picnic on the mountain.(Im sure thats going to

19、 be great fun.)We are going to/will meet at the school gate at 7:30 tomorrow morning.Don t be late/Please be there on time.Thats all.Thank you.,英文日记,七、书面表达(共1题,计15分)2001年12月11日中国正式加人世贸组织(WTO)。初三(1)班全体学生听到这个消息非常高兴,第二天晚上举行了庆祝活动。请根据以下内容写一篇日记,词数6080。开头已给出,不计人总词数。可能遇到的生词:特别(especially),【实例】就植树节这一天的植树活动写一

20、篇简短的日记单词数:50左右。提示:1穿旧衣服;2早餐后乘车到西山;3挖坑、种树、浇水,每人种树3棵;412点结束;5感想;6天气晴朗。Monday Mar12th,2008 Fine,【分析】试题中已将日记的格式写好,我们只需根据所给提示内容写出日记的正文即可。答题前,先定好应该使用的词汇。如:Tree Planting Day,the West Hill,by bus,in old clothes.plant three young trees等。最后别忘了写上一两句发表感想的话语。,【参考范文】Monday Mar12th,2008 Fine Today is Tree Planting

21、 Day.After breakfast we went to the West Hill to plant trees by bus.We were all in old clothes and worked very hard.Some dug holes,some put trees in them and others watered them.Each of us planted three young trees.When we finished our work,it was already twelve oclock.We felt a little tired,but we

22、were very happy.,例请根据下面所给李玲的个人档案,以My Good Friend为题,写一篇英文短文,介绍李玲的基本情况。要求条理清楚,语句通顺,体现所给的全部内容,不得少于12句话。中文名:李玲英文名:Susan 性别:女年龄:15 祖籍:青海学校:第八中学 班级:三年二班 特长:数学、英语 爱好:唱歌、看电视、打排球 优点:友好、善良、乐于助人、学习努力,例.要求写一篇人物简介 My good Friend的英语短文,这一内容学生非常熟悉,也容易下笔。要求重视提示,把握要点,切忌疏忽遗漏。介绍基本情况,应用一般现在时;描写人的性格时常用kind,friendly;描写人的心

23、理感受时用happy,pleased,glad,;描写人的外貌特征时用tall,short,fat,thin,strong。书写时,最好是先列好提纲,避繁就简。如:My good friend is Li from QinghaiShe is interested in joys playing volleyballSheisgood helps others书写的句子要主从兼顾,并选择自己熟悉的句型。如:She is good at mathsShe does well等。,十、书面表达(10分)以My Mother为题,写一篇短文。内容要点:1、我的妈妈是护士,工作努力 2、上个月去北京,

24、抗击SARS(fight against)3、一个多月没回家 4、保护我们免受SARS的侵害 5、我爱妈妈,为妈妈自豪注 意:1、标题已给出2、要点要完整 3、可适当发挥 4、60词左右 My Mother,(The answer for reference)My mother My mother is a nurse.She works very hard at her job.Last month she went to Beijing to fight against SARS.She has been away in Beijing for more than one month.I

25、miss her very much,but I know she is trying her best to protect us from SARS.I love my mother.I am proud of her.,八、书面表达根据图表内容写一篇英语短文,介绍你的朋友David Turner。短文题目已给出。要求 不得逐字翻译,允许适当发挥;可用不同方式表达图表内容;词数:60词左右。,David Turner is my good friend.Hes an English boy.He was born in London on June 18,1986.He likes pla

26、ying football,working on a computer and listening to music.David came to Beijing,China with his parents three years ago.Now hes studying at No.101 Middle School in Beijing.Hes good at his lessons,and hes on the school football team.,2003年10月16日,中国神舟五号(Shenzhou5)载人航天飞船发射成功,并按预定计划返回地面,中国首位宇航员(Chinas f

27、irst astronaut)杨利伟成为中国人民的英雄(hero),请你依据以下材料写一段话(可适当发挥):1、神五发射成功(send up successfully)2、知道此消息高兴、激动。3、中国人民以此为骄傲。4、杨利伟成为英雄。5、作为中学生应努力学习,把祖国建设得更加强大。,模拟训练题,(The answer for reference),Shenzhou 5 made by Chinese people was sent into space successfully on October 16,2003.All Chinese people were very excited

28、to know the great news.We are allproud of it.The first Chinas astronaut,Yang Li Wei has been knownto the people from all over the world and become a great hero in China.As a middle school student,we should study hard to make our country much morebeautiful and stronger.,来宾市是一个新建的年轻的“绿色生态”化的地级城市。下周五将有

29、一外国考察团对来宾市进行考察(do some investigating)。下面是考察的有关事项,请你向外国朋友写一份书面的通知。1、乘车前往糖厂(the sugar factory)。半小时到达。2、集中时间:上午8:000。3、集中地点:市政府门前(the citys government)。4、在糖厂与工人们一起吃午饭。5、午饭后在厂会议室集中,下午2:00 离开。,模拟训练(通知),(The answer for reference)Notice Attention,please.You are going to visit the sugar factory by bus.It wi

30、ll take you half an hour to get there.We will meet in front of the citys government at 8 oclock in the morning.We will have lunch with the workers at the factory.We will meet at the factory meeting room after lunch.You will leave the factory at 2:00 p.m.,张蕾,育才中学初一年级的学生,她家庭困难,但学习刻度,成绩优异,是位好学生。上学期得到意大

31、利外国友人Nika的支持,张蕾很感激。请你以张蕾的名义向Nika写一封感谢信,汇报一下在学校学习、生活的情况以及未来的打算(60-80 字)。(对不起,暂时无参考答案),模拟训练(感谢信),假设你叫小明。下面的图画讲述了你和一位男孩在上周发生的事情。请根据图画写出一篇日记。日记的开头已给出(不计入字数)。,看图写英文日记,(The answer for reference)Monday June 2,2008 Fine Last Monday I went to school in the morning.When I was at the school gate,I saw a boy fall off his bike and lay on the road.He was badly hurt and couldnt move.I carried him to the hospital.When he was in hospital,I visited him with some flowers and he was very happy.After he was fine,he came to school and said“Thanks”to me.I said it was nothing and we should help each other.,


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