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1、Passage B Frog Story,Assignments for students before the class,A.Answer the following questions1.What happened to the author and the frog?2.What is the authors purpose in writing the story?3.What does the story imply to you?,Assignments for students before the class,B.Translate the following sentenc

2、es1.As I would check my morning email and on-line news,he would be there with me surveying the world.2.I was suddenly overtaken by an urge to know why he was there and not in the greenhouse,where I figured hed live a happier life frog life.3.As I looked at him,dead on,his eyes looked directly at me

3、and I heard a tone.The tone seemed to hit me right in the center of my mind.,Assignments for students before the class,B.Translate the following sentences4.At that rate I knew that the maple trees that I love to tap each spring for syrup would not survive for my children.5.The frogs have a message f

4、or us and it is the same message that some sober folks have hadfor us.“There are no more choices.”We have reached the time when we must be the adults for the planet,for the sake of the future generations of human and for frogs.,Assignments for students before the class,B.Translate the following sent

5、ences6.Then I understood that there are no boundaries,that there is no more time.7.And then I understood,not only why frog was there,but,also why I am here.,Assignments for students before the class,C.Find the English equivalents in the text几桩怪事很惬意 在住下有一种强烈的欲望全球气候变化物种指示灯绿色的深浅度 用全力 内里朝外 我们已到达了的时刻,Ref

6、erences,A.Answer the following questions1.The frog was endangered by the worsening environment and came to“inform”the author of the severe situations.2.He wants to encourage readers to fight against pollution.3.Man and animals are related as they live in the same environment.,References,B.1.As I wou

7、ld check my morning email and on-line news,he would be there with me surveying the world.清晨我上网查收邮件,阅读新闻时,他会在我旁边,与我一起关注着这个世界.2.I was suddenly overtaken by an urge to know why he was there and not in the greenhouse,where I figured hed live a happier life frog life.我突然有一种强烈的欲望想了解他:为什么他要待在这儿而不乐意待在花房里呢?我

8、认为对树蛙来说,花房显然要舒服得多3.As I looked at him,dead on,his eyes looked directly at me and I heard a tone.The tone seemed to hit me right in the center of my mind.我直直地看着它,他也直视着我.这种声音似乎一下子就击中了我的大脑中枢.,References,B.4.At that rate I knew that the maple trees that I love to tap each spring for syrup would not surv

9、ive for my children.我知道,照这种速度下去,每年春天我都爱去提取树浆制糖的这片枫林,到我孩子的那一代就将不复存在。5.The frogs have a message for us and it is the same message that some sober folks have hadfor us.“There are no more choices.”We have reached the time when we must be the adults for the planet,for the sake of the future generations o

10、f human and for frogs.青蛙要向我们传递一个信息。一些头脑清醒的人也曾向我们传递过同样的信息,那就是“我们别无选择”我们已经进入了关键时刻,为了人类的子孙后代,也为青蛙,我们必须对这个星球负气起成年人的责任。,References,B.Then I understood that there are no boundaries,that there is no more time.我还明白了我们之间没有界限,明白了时间的紧迫。And then I understood,not only why frog was there,but,also why I am here.于是

11、不但我明白了这只青蛙此行的目的,也知道自己在这儿该做些什么。,References,C.a couple of odd thingsIt is a joy to.take up residence inbe overtaken by an urgeglobal climate changeindicator species shade of green(with)full force turn inside outwe have reached the time when,Structure of the text,I.Part DivisionParas1-9 Its odd and int

12、eresting that a tree frog has taken up residence in my studio.Paras.10-18 I realized the frogs have the message for us that there are no boundaries between human beings and frogs and we human must fight against pollution.,Questions for Part I,What did the author do to his log cabin?Are a computer an

13、d a studio necessary for him?Why(not)?How to understand“a tree frog that taken up residence in my studio”?Describe the behavior of this tree frog in his studio with the help of the following words or phrases.(stop,turn around,sit,look at,ride,a tone communication),Questions for Part II,1.What will h

14、appen if the earth is warming at 1.9 degrees each year?2.What did the author understand from the frog?,chunks&patterns,It is a joy to live in.To take up residence If you take up residence somewhere,you go and live there.e.g.1.They have taken up residence on the top floor of a hotel.2.You win somethi

15、ng sizeable,and thereafter gambling takes up residence in your imagination.,chunks&patterns,I dont have a clue if Translate:他考试有没有通过,我一点消息也没有 I dont have a clue if he has passed the exam.Be comfortable doing sth./be comfortable with sth.or/and vice versa“Vice versa”is used to indicate that the rever

16、se of what you have said is also true.For example,“Women may bring their husbands with them and vice versa”means that men may also bring their wives with them,chunks&patterns,“为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。Version 1To promote the development of China US relations,China needs to know the US be

17、tter and the US also needs to know China better.Version 2To promote Sino American relations,China needs to know the US better and vice versa.Check my email,chunks&patterns,be there As I would check my morning email and on-line news,he would be there with me surveying the world.清晨我上网查收邮件,阅读新闻时,他会在我旁边

18、,与我一起关注着这个世界 is Jeanne,who left college,but was brought back by her classmates because they wanted her to see the end of the self-reliance house project.I was there when she came back.I was there when she told me that she later became interested in the urban poor and went on to become a civil rights

19、 lawyer.还有珍妮。她中途辍学,但是她的同学把她拉了回来,因为他们想让她看到自力更生整修旧房这一项目的结果。我亲眼看到她回来了。我亲耳听到她对我说,她后来对城市贫民产生了兴趣,继而成了捍卫公民权的律师。,chunks&patterns,surveyIf you survey something,you look carefully at the whole of it.Eg.1.He drove to a point where he could survey the beach.2.She stepped back and surveyed her work.,chunks&patte

20、rns,My computer was humming along.英语声色词 她呼的一下把书扔到了桌子上She slammed the book on the desk.来复枪哐啷一声落在了地板上.The rifle clattered to the floor.他咕噜咕噜地喝起了可乐。He let the coke gurgle down his throat.远处雷声隆隆。Thunder rumbled in the distance.他的肚子饿得咕咕作响。His stomach rumbled emptily.,chunks&patterns,I was suddenly overta

21、ken by an urge to know why he was there and not in the greenhouse,where I figured hed live a happier life frog life.All of a sudden I had a strong wish to know why the was with me here and not in the greenhouse,where I thought he,being a frog,would lead a better life.我突然有一种强烈的欲望想了解他:为什么他要待在这儿而不乐意待在花

22、房里呢?我认为对树蛙来说,花房显然要舒服得多overtake=overwhelm,chunks&patterns,If a feeling overtakes you,it affects you very strongly.1.Utter weariness overtook me.我感到筋疲力尽2.Despair overwhelmed me.我感到极为绝望。3.Something like panic overtook me in a flash.4.The people all over the world were overtaken by the 9-11 attack in Ne

23、w York.If an event overtakes you,it happens unexpectedly.A storm overtook the children.孩子们遇到了暴风雨。,chunks&patterns,urge If you have an urge to do something or to have something,you strongly want to do it or to have it,often without being able to explain why.1.The people with a powerful urge to compet

24、e and succeed are more likely to have heart attacks.2.Having managed to resist an urge to hit the speaker in the face,I stormed out of the auditorium with clenched fists.当时我真想朝那个演讲人的脸上揍一拳,但我克制住了,握紧双拳,冲出了礼堂.,chunks&patterns,Dead on=exactly right完全正确的,十分精确的 我直直地看着它,他也直视着我.1.As I looked at him,dead on,

25、his eyes looked directly at me and I heard a tone.2.Her judgment was dead on.这种声音似乎一下子就击中了我的大脑中枢.,chunks&patterns,My mind jumped in.The question came into my mind.reach up his hand to his left ear and cup it there 伸出手来拢起左耳(凝神倾听)If you cup something in your hands,you hold it with your hands touching

26、all round it把做成杯形.Eg.His hands were cupped around his lighter打火机.focused聚精会神的(with)full force用全力do sth.full force=go all out Lets go full force,chunks&patterns,We have reached the time when 我们已到达了的时刻.for the sake of If you do something for the sake of something,you do it for a particular purpose or

27、in order to achieve a particular result.e.g.1.I usually check from time to time,just for safetys sake.2.Let us assume,for the sake of argument,that the level of unemployment does not fall.,Assignment after class,Rewrite the story with the title“I,the tree frog”Finish the exercises from the text,THANK YOU!,


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