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4、,涉及英美文化背景、社会习俗、教育、科学、人物等。,听力试题的类型,听句子选择正确答案:A)Better than never.B)It doesnt matter.C)Youd better go to bed earlier tonight.,单句理解实例,Answer:C Youd better go to bed earlier tonight.Mike tells you that he is tired because he went to bed late last night.Question:What would you say to him?,单句理解实例,听对话选择正确答

5、案:A)At a post office.B)At a bus stop.C)At a railway station.,对话理解实例,A:B(at the bus stop)Man:Whore you waiting for,Kate?Woman:Im waiting for nobody,Im waiting for the No.7 bus.Here comes the bus.Bye!Man:Bye!Q:Where is Kate talking to the boy?,对话理解实例,(1)Many students learn English because _.A)its is e

6、asy to learn B)they want to find a jabC)its one of their subjects(2)Which sentence is not true?A)Many people think English is useful and helpful for their work.B)Most of the business letters are written in Chinese.C)Many students learn English at school.(3)If you travel in a foreign country,you can

7、speak _to know each other better.A)English B)Japanese C)French,短文理解实例,短文理解答案,A:C(Many students learn English at school because it is one of their subjects.)B(Most of the business letters are written in English)A(If you learn a little English,youll find it easy to know each other when you travel in a

8、ny other country in the world.),短文理解实例,Why do many people want to learn English?Its difficult to answer the question.Many students learn English at school because it is one of their subjects.Many people often learn English because its useful and helpful for their work.Most of the business letters ar

9、e written in English,and English is also used very widely.If you learn a little English,youll find it easy to know each other when you travel in any other country in the world.,听力训练方法一,有意识地给自己营造听英语的语言环境为了能尽快更有效地提高英语听力水平,我们应该有意识地给自己营造听英语的语言环境。我们可以听故事、听新闻、听演讲、听话剧、听歌曲,只要有利于提高听力能力的材料都可以拿来听。听的形式多指的是要听各种各



12、一些听力技巧,如预测能力、加强短时记忆能力等。泛听,我们可以每天坚持收听英文广播,给自己营造一种英语环境。久而久之,你就会发现自己的英语听力水平有意想不到的进步。,Walking in the Air-Declan Galbraith,Walking in the Air-Declan Galbraith,Were walking in the air,Were floating in the moonlit sky,The people far below are sleeping as we fly.Im holding very tight,Im riding in the midnig

13、ht blue,Im finding I can fly so high above with you.Far across the world,The villages go by like trees,The rivers and the hills,The forest and the streams.Children gaze open mouthed,Taken by surprise,Nobody down below believes their eyes.Were surfing in the air Were swimming in the frozen sky Were d

14、rifting over icy mountains floating by.,课间休息五分钟,听力解题技巧1-保持良好的心态,良好的心理素质有利于提高听力效率,加快对听力材料的理解。我们要善于控制自己的情绪,尤其要排除对听力测试的恐惧感,坦然放松,静心聆听。试题有难也有易,遇到未听懂或未完全听懂的内容,不必心慌意乱,不知所措,而应该继续静心倾听下面的内容。对于没有把握的内容也应该迅速猜出一个答案,在旁边划一个记号,等到做完其它题后再来处理。我们一定不能因为一个单词或一句话没听清楚而急躁慌乱,影响后面内容的聆听从而影响答题。,听力解题技巧2-重视选择项,因为听力理解的问题不是以书面形式出现在卷





19、利用已有的知识。我们不仅要熟知本国文化,而且要了解西方文化,掌握英美与中国文化习俗的差别,扩大知识面。除了对教材中出现的背景知识详细了解外,还要有目的地阅读有关英语国家人文、地理、历史、风俗、习惯等方面的书籍,这对提高听力大有裨益。如果缺乏对说英语国家的文化背景、历史知识、风土人情、宗教信仰、礼仪等方面知识的了解,听时一定会在理解上产生一定的障碍。如中国人说话喜欢拐弯抹角,而英美人则喜欢开门见山,直来直去,因此英语口语中表明态度、观点、建议大都直截了当,多半在开头部分,只要听懂第一句甚至前几个词,整体意思就掌握得差不多了。,趣味听力,请听英文儿歌,并努力跟读。,兴趣听力,Listening t

20、o English songs is a good way to interests you and improve your English as well as your English listening.,听力解题,听句子,选答案:A)Im sorry.B)May I come in?C)All of the above.,听力解题,A:CYoure late for class and you missed the first bus.Question:What will you say to your teacher?,听力解题,听句子,选答案:A)Hello,are you Mr

21、.King?B)I hope to speak to Mr.King.C)Hello,may I speak to Mr.King?,听力解题,A:C You want to talk on the telephone to your headmaster,Mr.King.Someone answers,Hello.Q:What will you say?,听力解题,听句子,选答案:A)Im afraid not.Its for Tom.B)Yes,please.C)No,of course not.,听力解题,A:A Youre reading a book in the reading r

22、oom.Some one says to you,May I take the seat next to you?But its Toms seat,he is just left for the toilet.Q:What would you answer?,听力解题,听对话,选答案:A)They decided not to meet.B)They would not have the meeting in the classroom.C)They would meet at 11:00.,听力解题,A:C Woman:Im afraid I cant meet you at 10 in

23、the library.Man:Then wed better make it an hour later in the classroom.Woman:Thats all right.Q:What did they decide to do?,听力解题,听对话,选答案:A)87659413B)87759314C)87669413,听力解题,A:C Woman:Could you tell me your telephone number?Man:Of course,87669413.Q:Whats the telephone number?,听力解题,听对话,选答案:A)He went to

24、 see the film.B)He had to wait for his uncle.C)He went to play football.,听力解题,A:B Woman:Why didnt you go to watch the football match,Tom?It was very exciting.Man:Mary,I would like to go,but mother asked me to stay at home to wait for my uncle.Q:What did Tom do last night?,听力解题,听长对话,选答案:What are the

25、girl and the boy going to do this Saturday morning?A)Have a picnic.B)Plant trees.C)Play in the street.,听力解题,A:B-Hi,Linda.Are you going to have a picnic this Saturday?-No,we arent.Were going to plant trees this Saturday morning.Will you join us?-Thats good.But Bob asked me to go swimming with him.Ill

26、 tell him I wont go.Where and when shall we meet?-We shall meet outside the school gate at 7:30.,听力解题,听长对话,选答案:1.Where are they talking?A)At the doctors.B)In the classroom.C)In the library.2.How long has the boy been ill?A)A few hours.B)Three days.C)Four days.,听力解题,A:A B-Whats your trouble,boy?-Im n

27、ot feeling well,doctor.I have a high temperature and a headache.-How long have you been like this?-Three days.-I think youve got a bad cold.,听力解题,听长对话,选答案:1.What is the man not going to buy for woman?A)Eggs.B)Mutton.C)Rice.2.How many eggs does the woman want to have?A)Fifteen.B)Fifty.C)Half a kilo.,

28、听力解题,A:C A-You told me you are going to town this afternoon,didnt you?-Yes,I have to get some rice for this week.What can I do for you,Mrs.King?-Buy me 15 eggs and a kilo of mutton if it wont give you too much trouble.-No problem.,听力解题,听短文,判断正误:1.Mozart was a great musician.2.He began to learn to pl

29、ay the violin at the age of four.3.Only few people enjoyed his music.4.He died young because he was poor.,听力解题,听短文,判断正误:1.Mozart was a great musician.2.He began to learn to play the violin at the age of four.3.Only few people enjoyed his music.4.He died young because he was poor.,T,T,F,T,听力解题,Mozart

30、 was born in 1756.He played the violin when he was four.In his short life,he wrote much music.Everyone in the world liked his wonderful music.But nobody paid him any money.He became poor and poor,later he was ill.At last,he died at the age of 35.He was one of the greatest musicians in the world.,听力解

31、题,听短文,选答案:(1)I thought it would be _ to make pen friends with Americans.A)helpful B)interesting C)important(2)Which statement is true?A)I wrote to the teacher again.B)I wrote to the boy again.C)I didnt write to the teacher any more.(3)Why didnt the boy write to me?A)Because he didnt like me at all.B

32、)Because he had lost my address.C)Because he had moved to another place.(4)Now _ in America write to me.A)a few students B)a few teachers C)many pen friends,听力解题,听短文,选答案:(1)I thought it would be _ to make pen friends with Americans.A)helpful B)interesting C)important(2)Which statement is true?A)I wr

33、ote to the teacher again.B)I wrote to the boy again.C)I didnt write to the teacher any more.(3)Why didnt the boy write to me?A)Because he didnt like me at all.B)Because he had lost my address.C)Because he had moved to another place.(4)Now _ in America write to me.A)a few students B)a few teachers C)

34、many pen friends,听力解题,I like making friends by writing letters.I thought it would be interesting to have a pen friend in America.So I wrote a letter to a school in New York.I received a nice letter from a teacher.She said that she had found a boy who would like to be my pen friend.She gave me the bo

35、ys name and wrote something about him.I waited for a letter from the boy for almost a month,but he never wrote.I wrote to the teacher again.She told me that the boy has moved to another town with his parents and she would try to find another pen friend for me.She told me that she had shown my letter

36、 to her students.She said that they were interested in reading my letter and wanted to know more about China.Now many students write to me.I have lots of pen friends in America.,听力解题,听短文,选答案:(1)Mr.White and his wife came back from the farm_ A)in the afternoon B)in the morning C)in the evening(2)They

37、 heard someone talking on their way_ A)to the bedroom B)downstairs C)upstairs(3)They stood outside quietly_ A)to try to see the boys.B)to make sure if there is someone talking there.C)to see whats happening(4)There was no answer in the bedroom because_ A)the two boys had run away.B)there wasnt anyon

38、e there at all.C)the two boys were keeping silent.(5)When Mr.White came into the bedroom,he found_ A)nothing B)anyone C)his radio was still on.,听力解题,听短文,选答案:(1)Mr.White and his wife came back from the farm_.A)in the afternoon B)in the morning C)in the evening(2)They heard someone talking on their wa

39、y_.A)to the bedroom B)downstairs C)upstairs(3)They stood outside quietly_.A)to try to see the boys B)to make sure if there is someone talking there C)to see whats happening(4)There was no answer in the bedroom because_.A)the two boys had run away B)there wasnt anyone there at all C)the two boys were

40、 keeping silent(5)When Mr.White came into the bedroom,he found_.A)nothing B)anyone C)his radio was still on,听力解题,Last Saturday Mr.White and his wife went to the farm.They got home very late.Mr.White open the front door and they went into the house.It was very dark.So Mr.White turned on the lights.On

41、 the way upstairs Mrs.White said,“listen,I can hear someone in the bedroom.”They went downstairs again and stood quickly outside the room.“Yes,youre right.”said Mr.White.“They are two boys there.They are talking!”Then he called out,“Who is there?”But nobody answered.Mr.White opened the door and quic

42、kly turned on the light.The room is empty,then he saw something and laughed.The radio was still on.“Oh,dear!he said,“I forgot to turn off the radio this morning.”,听力解题,听短文,回答问题:1.What was the relationship between Jack and Jim?2.What did Jack want to do one day?3.What did Jim want to borrow from Jack

43、 the next day?4.Why didnt Jack want to lend it to Jim?5.What might happen after Jacks words?,听力解题,听短文,回答问题:1.What was the relationship between Jack and Jim?2.What did Jack want to do one day?3.What did Jim want to borrow from Jack the next day?4.Why didnt Jack want to lend it to Jim?5.What might hap

44、pen after Jacks words?,They were friends.,He wanted to borrow some books from Jim.,A broom.,Because Jim didnt lend books to him before.,Jim was sorry for what he did the other day.,听力解题,Jim had many good books.Jack wanted to read them very much.One day at Jims house Jack said to Jim,Jim,could you le

45、nd me some books?I want to read them at home.Ill return them in two weeks.Jim didnt want to give the books to his friend and said,Why do you want to take my books home?You can read them at my house.Jack was very unhappy,but he said nothing.The next day,Jim came to Jacks house and said,Jack,I have to clean my room but I cant find my broom.Could I take your broom?Ill use it for about two hours.Jack answered.Why do you want to take my broom home?You can work with it in my room.,本节课到此结束 请同学们下节课准时学习!,


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