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1、Vocabulary,Unit 1hemoglobin polycythemiahypertrophy atrophy mutateanomaly congenital defectlesion,infectious agentpathogenesisdiagnosisprognosisautopsyheredityhemophilia syndrome,Vocabulary,alcoholism anemia pregnancydelivery leukemiamalnutrition hyperactive thyroidhyperthyroidism,Mongolismurinalysi

2、sphysiciansurgeonremissionrelapsecomplication,Vocabulary,pneumonia sequelaparalysis polio fallopian tubesalleviatemasterpiece defectivedeficient,concurrentrespectivelyUtilizeperceiveterminalseverityfractureprostate,Vocabulary,transmit triggerprotrude counteractprescribeexacerbate manifestaggravatere

3、semble,subsideonsetconfined tocompensatetraumatizeaccompanyobserve manifest,aftermathrheumatic feversterilityresemble,health professionalcomprehensive,1.The human body is a masterpiece of art.The more one understands the functioning of the body,the greater appreciation one has for it.Even in disease

4、,the body is quite remarkable in attempting to right what is wrong and compensate for it.,Homework:translations,Homework:translations,2.Congenital birth defects,mental or physical,may be due to a developmental error resulting from a maternal infection such as rubella or German measles during pregnan

5、cy,the use of certain drugs,or the mothers excessive consumption of alcohol.,Homework:translations,3.Stress adversely affects the entire body,it reduces the ability of the immune system to counteract disease.Stress causes several diseases of the gastrointestinal system such as peptic ulcers and ulce

6、rative colitis.It also aggravates respiratory ailments asthma,for example and other allergic conditions.,Homework:translations,4.Signs are objective evidence of disease observed on physical examination,such as abnormal pulse or respiratory rate,fever,and pallor,or abnormal paleness,whereas symptoms

7、are indication of disease perceived by the patient,such as pain,dizziness,and itching.,Homework:translations,5.The aftermath of a particular disease is called the sequela,a sequel.The permanent damage to the heart after rheumatic fever is an example of a sequela,as is the paralysis of polio.The ster

8、ility resulting from severe inflammation of the fallopian tubes is also a sequela.,Vocabulary,Vocabulary,Vocabulary,Vocabulary,Vocabulary,Translations,1.In the early days,the CDC did not have an official name for the disease,often referring to it by way of the diseases that were associated with it,f

9、or example,lymphadenopathy,the disease after which the discoverers of HIV originally named the virus.,Translations,2.Since then,much research has been directed towards pinpointing the changes in the human immune system due to infection,seeking ways of reversing these changes,or supplementing the com

10、promised immune system to hold the infection in check.,Translations,3.The drug mixture typically contains a so-called nucleoside analog,which blocks genetic replication,and inhibitors of two enzymes that are critical enzyme in the making of new virus(protease and reverse transcriptase).,Translations

11、,4.Treatment strategies,vaccine-based or otherwise,will need to address the different isolates of the AIDS virus that are present in various regions of the globe.,Translations,5.Research to improve current treatments includes decreasing side effects of current drugs,further simplifying drug regimens

12、 to improve adherence,and determining better sequences of regimens to manage drug resistance.,unit 4,translations,1.For severely affected preschoolers,the diagnosis may not be difficult,but in less obvious cases,parents may resist believing the child has any problems or may be convinced the child wi

13、ll grow out of it.,translations,2.ADHD must also be differentiated from several conditions that can be present concurrently,such as learning disorder,conduct disorder,oppositional defiant disorder,anxiety disorder and mood disorder.,translations,3.Psychopharmacological treatment with psychostimulant

14、s is widely used and is effective in up to 90%of ADHD children.Other medications used in clinical practice include some antidepressants and clonidine.,translations,4.It was previously thought that children outgrew their symptoms in adolescence,and it was possible to stop medications as the child got

15、 older.Recently there has been increasing focus on adolescents and adults treated as children who continue to show some or all of the symptoms of ADHD on follow-up.,translations,5.An 8-year-old girl,the only child of an intact middle-class family,was brought to the child psychiatry outpatient clinic

16、 at the medical center because she was doing very poorly in the second grade,and the school was considering having her repeat the year.,Vocabulary,unit 5rehabilitation interdisciplinary premalignant predisposition prophylaxis radiotherapy radiopaqueirradiationchemoprevention,metastasis chief complai

17、nt cholangiopancreatogrambenignprogressionregressionretrogressionretrospective ureter,Vocabulary,recommend modification optimal subsequent interventionresect eliminate promptly,minimize in the long run eligibilitystratifycollaboration evaluate/estimate revolve around,Vocabulary,daunting oncologiston

18、cologyadvanced disease evaluationperceptive necessitateinternist representative,bone marrowpartially obstructed intestineobstruction/construction/destruction/instructionelucidate radiopaque radiolucentcompilation,Vocabulary,daunting oncologistoncologyadvanced disease evaluationperceptive necessitate

19、internist,representativerepresent bone marrowpartially obstructed intestineelucidate radiopaque radiolucentcompilation,Vocabulary,derangedarrangealleviatepalliaterelievesymptomatic treatment asymptomaticeligibilitystandardize,aid,helpfacilitate,assistprognosisparameterdelineate neoplasmcategorizepot

20、ential,Vocabulary,sufficientlyefficient proficientintervalrecurrencerelapsediminishin terms ofdosimetry,contribute toureter/urethralocoreginalcomplicationduplication replicationimplicationvigorous,Translations,1.If cancer prevention fails,detecting cancer as early as possible is important.For many p

21、rimary sites of cancer,early detection is a reasonable goal and will result in less intense treatment and improved treatment results.In every instance,a well-conceived management plan is critical.,Translations,2.Although the plan for evaluation and treatment usually requires the efforts of an interd

22、isciplinary team to obtain optimal results,leadership in this enterprise still necessitates a perceptive and knowledgeable coordinating physician who may be an oncologist,the primary-care physician,an internist,or a general surgeon.,Translations,3.Although the primary focus of the initial physical e

23、xamination is on the presenting symptoms,patients who are being evaluated for the presence of cancer require a complete physical examination and the recording of a complete history so as to elucidate possible sites of metastatic spread of the cancer.,Translations,4.To minimize patient discomfort and

24、 limit cost,physicians should avoid tests that have a low likelihood of providing useful information and should avoid any tests that provide information similar to that obtained from other tests already performed or planned.,Translations,5.Not only might this offer an obstacle to future administration of effective pain medication,but surgical relief of this problem may be the one thing that can be done to relieve the symptom of most significance to such patients.,


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