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1、Unit 3,Smoking,Lead-in Background InformationWords and PhrasesMedical suffixTranslation SentencesAssignment,Lead-in Part-smoking,What does a length of cigarette consist of?In other words,Why is the cigarette so charming to some people?,Nicotine 尼古丁tar焦油一氧化碳carbon monoxide 一氧化氮nitric oxide 氢氰酸丙烯醛,Bra

2、instorming:,1.In what way is smoking harmful?,2.What advice would you give to someone who wanted to quit smoking?,From the medical viewpoint,Smoking can lead to stroke.,Smoking may cause the other diseases:,哮喘 Asthma sm,z-肺癌 lung cancer肺气肿 emphysema,emfisi:m.,Respiratory system,Pharynx friks 咽部Laryn

3、x lriks 喉部Trachea trki:气管Bronchi brkai 支气管Bronchiole brkiul n.解剖 细支气管Alveoli lvilai n.肺泡;齿槽;巢房,Respiratory system,The primary function of the respiratory system is to supply the blood with oxygen in order for the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body.The respiratory system does this throu

4、gh breathing.When we breathe,we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.This exchange of gases is the respiratory systems means of getting oxygen to the blood.,Respiration is achieved through the mouth,nose,trachea,lungs,and diaphragm.Oxygen enters the respiratory system through the mouth and the no

5、se.The oxygen then passes through the larynx(where speech sounds are produced)and the trachea which is a tube that enters the chest cavity.In the chest cavity,the trachea splits into two smaller tubes called the bronchi.Each bronchus then divides again forming the bronchial tubes.,The bronchial tube

6、s lead directly into the lungs where they divide into many smaller tubes which connect to tiny sacs called alveoli.The average adults lungs contain about 600 million of these spongy,air-filled sacs that are surrounded by capillaries.The inhaled oxygen passes into the alveoli and then diffuses throug

7、h the capillaries into the arterial blood.Meanwhile,the waste-rich blood from the veins releases its carbon dioxide into the alveoli.The carbon dioxide follows the same path out of the lungs when you exhale.,2.How to Ban Smoking?,No smoking Day firstly started in America in 1984.It aimed at all peop

8、le who would like to give up smoking,including teenagers.Each year,many countries carry out(进行)all kinds of campaigns(活动)on this day to help smokers to quit.,No Smoking Day May,31st 禁烟日,Ban Smoking,Ads of Forbiding smoking,Individual,Background Information,First-hand smokingSecond-hand smokingThird-

9、hand smoking,First-hand smoking,We can look at cigarette smoke in three ways.Mainstream(firsthand)smoke is the smoke that a smoker inhales.Obviously,it is harmful to be smoker,although the cigarette filter sifts some of the toxins(tar)out.,Second-hand smoking,Secondhand smoke is the combination of t

10、he mainstream smoke that come off the burning end of the cigarette into the environment.Volume for volume,side-stream smoke is more hazardous than mainstream smoke because it is unfiltered.,Third-hand smoking,Winickoff and Colleagues have now given us a new name for the toxic particles that settle a

11、s dust in rooms and on clothing that have been exposed to cigarette smoke.They call this third-hand smoke,or“residual tobacco smoke contamination that remains after the cigarette is extinguished.”,In summary,While first-hand smoke is that inhaled directly by the smoker and second-hand is the smoke e

12、xhaled(and inhaled by others),third-hand smoke is the residue from second-hand smoke.,TEXT Questions:,1.What is smoking and its history?,2.What diseases can smoking cause?,3.What is the current situation of tobacco-caused diseases?,重点四、六级词汇表,From overview:Inhale evolve offerings alter enlightenment

13、instituteCurb deter enforce premature death be cited as From SIVC1:Well-documented negate survival odds quit the habitsFrom SIVC2:be associated with=be linked to kick the habits postponeFrom SIVC3:Take up the habit overtake susceptible trigger,From SIVC4:Pick up expose out-rated depict harness From

14、S1VC5:Put doubt to a rest shake the habit plague In contradiction downside on the rise resonate From S1VC6:Be hooked on addictive screening horn in fuelFrom S1VC7:Claim lethal crunch be subject to comment on regulate proponentFrom S1VC8:Treacherous residual extinguish air-bound compoundsLinger,Words

15、 and Phrases,Inhale v.Evolve v.Offerings n.Enlightenment n.Institute v.Launch v.Enforce v.,Inhale v.to take air,smoke,gas,etc.into your lungs as you breathes 吸入,吸气,She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.她合上双眼,深深地吸了一口气。He inhaled deeply on another cigarette.他又点了一根烟,深深地吸了一口。Local residents needed hosp

16、ital treatment after inhaling fumes from the fire.反义词 Exhale v.名词 InhalationHundreds of children were treated for smoke inhalation.,evolve,Develop gradually,especially from a simple to a more complicated form;使.逐渐发展,形成The company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer.Each school must evolve

17、 its own way of working.每个学校必须形成自己的办学方式。,offerings,Sth.That is given to a God as part of religious worship 贡品All these sacrifices are especially offerings to the gods.所有供奉是专门献给上帝的贡品。用品,作品,剧作That is the hottest offerings from the Chinese writer.startling every step by 桐华,Enlightenment n.,The enligten

18、ment 启蒙Knowledge about and understanding of sth.The newspaper provided little enlightenment about the cause of the car crash.,Institute v/n.,N.institutes of higher education 高等学校V.introduce a system,policy,start a process建立,制定;开始,实行The new management intends to institute a number of changes.Institut

19、e criminal proceedings against sb.对某人提起诉讼。,launch v.,In 1970,China successfully launched a man-made satellite.1970年,中国成功地发射了一颗人造卫星。They launched a violent attack on the enemy at dawn.他们在拂晓时向敌人发动猛攻。The municipal government will launch an extensive public works program next year.市政府将于明年开始一项大规模的市政工程计划。

20、,Enforce v.强制执行,Enforce sth.On/against sb/sth.Make sure that people obey a particular law or ruleIt is the job of police to enforce the law.You can not enforce cooperation between the players.,decrease v./n.,n.in sth./of sth.There has been a decrease of nearly 5%in the number of visitors to the muse

21、um.V.decrease from.to.The price of wheat has decreased from 1 yuan per Jin to 9 mao per Jin.,下降,Decrease/decline/reduce the risk of+疾病The risk of 疾病 drops/falls/decline to the level,Deter v.,To make sb.decide not to do sth.or continue doing sth,especially by making them understand the difficulities

22、and unpleasant results of their actions制止,威慑,使不敢I told him I wasnt interested,but he was not deterred.我已告诉他我不感兴趣,可他却不罢休。The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice.这么高的服务费可能使咨询者望而却步。,hook-1,v.,device used for catching or holding things钩子,钩状物,catch sth.by hook 钩住,hook-2,把你的衬衫

23、挂到挂钩上。Hang your shirt on a hook.I hooked a 20-pound fish last week.我上周钓到了一条20磅的大鱼。The cigarette ads are designed to hookyoung people.这香烟广告设计得很吸引年轻人,hook-3,被吸引;着迷;迷上使某人摆脱困境某人/沉溺某事,be/get hooked on let/get somebody off the hook hook up with sb/sth.,Structures,BACK,Shake the smoking habitKick the habit

24、Get rid of the habitQuit the habit,影响,Influence/affect/impact sb.significantly/profoundly/negatively/positively 短语 have a profound/significant/negative/positive/influence/effect/impact on sth.动词还可以用 exert an important effect on,重点医学词汇表,From Overview:Shorten life-span缩短寿命Premature death早逝From S1VC1:S

25、urvival odds 存活率Lung cancer 肺癌From S1VC2:cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病 stroke 中风Cognitive test/ability/decline 认知测试/能力/下降Mental decline 智力下降,From S1VC3:COPD慢性阻塞性肺病 Airway 呼吸道From S1VC4:National Cancer Institute 美国癌症研究机构From S1VC5:Smoking cessation 停止吸烟From S1VC6:Epidemiology 流行病学Nicotine dependence 尼

26、古丁依赖性Receptor 受体,From S1VC8:Cancer-causing substances=carcinogenic substance 致癌物Exposure to the toxins 接触毒素,词根词缀,anti-pre-meta-pulmono-carcino-gen,复习Cardio-Vaso-,Anti-against 抗,Antidepressant 抗抑郁剂Antinauseant止恶心的,止恶心药,防晕药Antioxidant抗氧化剂,抗氧化的,Pre-before 在前,Precarcinomatous癌前期的Precardiac心前的Precava上腔静脉

27、,Pulm(o)-plmu lung,Pulmometry 肺容量测定Pulmolith 肺石Pulmonal 肺的Pulmonectomy 肺切除术Pulmonitis 肺炎,Pneum(o)-lung,air,Pneumonia 肺炎Pneumocyte 肺泡细胞,肺细胞Pneumonosis 肺病PneumonopathyPneumocentesis 肺穿刺术,Meta-变,转,偏,Metabolism 新陈代谢Aerobic metabolism 有氧代谢In vitro metabolism 体外代谢,Carcino-cancer 癌,Chemical carcinogen化学致癌物

28、Carcinostatic抑制癌生长的,制癌的Brochogenic carcinoma支气管癌,-gen agent 原,Antigen 抗原Oxygen Hydrogen,Cardio-heartcardiac asthma 心源性哮喘cardiac insufficiency 心功能不全Vaso-blood vesselVasodilatation 血管扩张 Vasoligation 输精管结扎,Translation,Many governments are trying to deter people from smoking with anti-smoking campaigns

29、in mass media stressing the harmful long-term effects of smoking.Passive smoking,or second-hand smoking,which affects people in the immediate vicinity of smokers,is a major reason for the enforcement of smoking bans(p37.line 1-4 para5).许多政府通过媒体展开了各种禁烟运动,强调吸烟所导致的长期危害,促使人们戒烟。被动吸烟,或二手烟(吸烟会影响吸烟者身边的人)成为执

30、行禁烟令的主要原因。,overview,Tobacco-related diseases are some of the biggest killers in the world today and are cited as one of the biggest causes of premature death in industrialized countries.In the United States some 500,000 deaths per year are attributed to smoking-related diseases(p38.line1-4 in the la

31、st para).当今世界,与烟草有关的疾病成为最大健康杀手之一。此外,在工业化国家,这些疾病被列为过早死亡的最主要原因之一。美国每年有五十万人死于吸烟有关的疾病。,Three studies all conclude small variations in genes can have a profound impact on the risk of lung cancer for smokers by making cigarettes more deadly,more addictive,or both(p46,line1-3 in para2 in s3vc6).三项研究均得出以下结论

32、:基因发生的微小变异使得吸烟更加致命,更易上瘾或两种情况同时发生。这样,吸烟者患肺癌的风险就会变大。,Using a high-tech screening technique,researchers were able to horn in small changes within the genes that control nicotine receptors,the part of cells where nicotine attaches(p46,line1-3 in para5 in s3vc6).研究人员能够使用高科技筛选技术,干预控制尼古丁受体(尼古丁附着的细胞部分)的基因,使

33、其发生微小变化。,Another dramatic finding:the researchers say the nicotine itself may fuel the development of lung cancer.Until now there has been little solid evidence that nicotine causes lung cancer.It has been blamed on tar and other additives(p46,line1-3 in para8 in s3vc6).另外一个显著发现:研究人员称,尼古丁自身可能加剧患肺癌的风险。迄今为止,没有确凿证据表明尼古丁会导致肺癌。但焦油和其他添加剂一直被认为是肺癌的罪魁祸首。,Assignments,Finish the suffixes and roots,and translation of section 4.Why do people still choose to smoke when they know smoking is harmful to health?,


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