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1、第二部分交际用语,USE OF ENGLISH,大学英语(B)专题讲座,交际用语考试题型及比分 学习、练习中应注意的几 个方面三.根据交际功能分类练习四.根据语法句型分类练习,交际用语考试题型及比分。交际用语这部分试题由5个选择题形式的小题组成,主要是针对英语日常会话设计而成,这些试题体现了英语交际功能的多样性和应用性,目的是为了检测在不同的情景中运用英语进行交际的能力。,二.学习、练习中应注意的几个方面 1.熟悉日常交际的句型。在日常交际中,人们为了获取所需的信息 或达到交际的目的,在特定的情景中使用了 不同的交际功能的句型,熟悉掌握这些句型 有助于了解说话人的意图及题目的考点在,为选出正确

2、的答案奠定良好的基础。,2.找出规律来帮助判断。就是根据问话选答语或根据上文选下文时 在熟悉交际功能句型的基础上,找出答语或 下文具有共性的一些规律,如“礼貌原则”、时态、句型一致、肯定或否定的一致性等规 律来帮助自己作出正确的判断与选择,A.礼貌原则 无论在任何场合、表达什么看法/情感,发话/发问和应答都要有礼貌,即使表达不同看法或批评意见,也要委婉间接表达,使对方听起来不刺耳,例如:Do you think I can use your car for one day?.A.Im afraid not.B.No,you cant.C.I wont let you do that.D.Abs

3、olutely not.解析:此题第一说话人向对方提出请求“想借车一用”,对方如果不能答应,应该委婉地表示拒绝。因此选A。礼貌原则还表现在委婉地拒绝一个请求的方式上:先表同意,然后用“but”来个转折,表达出不同意例如:I would like to,but(我很愿意,但是由于)Thats a good idea,but,B.利他原则 在日常交际中,英语国家人民形成了一种习俗,即要尽可能为对方提供帮助和方便,对别人遇到的好事/成功要表示高兴,坏事要表示难过/惋惜,因此在交际用语中也要体现出来这种倾向,例如:I am going to the City Hall,can you tell me

4、how to get there,madam?.A.No,you dont knowB.I dont know.C.Yes,you will.D.Sorry,I am new here too.But you can ask the policeman over there.解析:此题第一说话人在向对方询问道路,按照利他原则,应尽可能为对方提供帮助和方便。所以选D,首先表示歉意,同时给出一些有帮助的建议。,C.文化遵从原则 在选择交际用语时,大家要有跨文化视角,也就是说,要克服本民族的习惯思维和应答模式,要使用得体的、符合对方习惯的方式来应答。例:Mary,your dress is real

5、ly beautiful.How is John?.Thank you very much B.No,no,John is not badC.Thank you.He is fine D.Dont say that.Its ugly.John is good解析:按照英美国家的文化,当受到他人的赞扬时,应该真诚地表示感谢,这也是对说话人的尊重。如果一味谦虚说“不、没有、还差得远”等,反而就不礼貌了,这与中国人的习惯和思维不太一样,所以选C。,三.根据交际功能分类练习 为了帮助同学们更好的学习掌握交际用语这部分知识,下面我们把常见的一些交际用语进行分类归纳总结,希望通过这些练习,使大家能熟悉了解

6、,并逐渐培养自己的分析判断和运用交际语言的能力。,一).提出请求,征求意见。May I?Would you?Can/could I?Do you think?Yes/Sure/Certainly Of courseHere you are.Thats OK/All rightIm afraid Im sorryYoud better not,1.Hello,may I talk to the headmaster now?A _ A.Sorry,he is busy at the moment B.No,you cant C.Sorry,you cant D.I dont know,Do yo

7、u think I could borrow your dictionary?C _ A.Yes,you may borrow.B.Yes,go on.C.Yes,help yourself.D.It doesnt matter.,3.Would you mind changing seats with me?C _ A.Yes,you can B.Of course I like to C.No,I dont mind D.Certainly,please do,May I see your tickets and passports,please?C _ A.No,you cant B.Y

8、es,you can C.Here you are D.No,they are mine,5.Can you turn down the radio,please?B _ A.Oh,I know B.Im sorry,I didnt realize it was that loud C.Ill keep it down next time D.Please forgive me,6.Excuse me,may I sit here?C _ A.Please sit down B.Youre welcome C.Yes,certainly.This seats free D.Yes,it doe

9、snt matter,二).提供、寻求帮助。Can/Could I help you?Is there anything I can do for you?Do you want me to?What can I do for you?Let me do/carry/help?Thanks.That would be nice/fine Thats very kind of you.Thank you for you help,No,thanks/thank youThank you all the sameThats very kind of you,butI wonder if you c

10、ould help me Please give me a handCertainly/Of courseYes,what can I do for you,Can I help you with your suitcase?D _ A.I have no idea.B.No,no.I can carry it myself.C.Thats a good idea.D.Thank you.I can manage myself.,2.Can I help you to get it down?C _ A.No problem B.Yes.Lets get it C.Thanks.Its so

11、nice of you D.Its no trouble at all,3.I wonder if you could help me?D _ A.I could B.Yes,I do C.No,not at all D.Certainly 4.Please give me a hand,wont you?A _ A.Of course I will B.Youre welcome C.You are so kind D.Dont mention it,5.Oh,the box is too heavy.B _?A.Whats in it?B.Can I help you to carry i

12、t?C.Whose is it?D.May I have a try?,三).提出建议、劝告。Youd better(not)Shall we?You should/ought to Lets What/How about?Why not?Why dont you?Sure/Great Thats a good idea No,thanks,There is an hour to go.Could we seat somewhere to have a drink?B _ A.Have a try.B.sure.C.Dont go please.D.No,I cant.2.What about

13、 another coffee?A _ A.No,thanks.B.Youre so kind.C.Yes,of course.D.Sorry for the trouble.,3.What about going for a walk?D _ A.Walking is good to you.B.Thats all right.C.So,do I.D.Why not?A good idea.,4.In my opinion,youd better take a couple of days off.D _ A.I will take your advice.B.Let me see.C.Ne

14、ver mind.D.Im afraid so.,5.Please tell David not to drink too much.B_ A.OK,lets go.B.I see.C.Its time for lunch.D.Please have a drink.,四).表示邀请与约会。Will you come to?Would you like to?Id like to invite you to Yes,Id love to Yes,its very kind/nice of you Id love to,but,Are you/Will you be free?How about

15、 tomorrow?Shall we meet at?Yes,thats all right Yes,Ill be free thenAll right.See you thenNo,I wont be free then.,Would you like to have a dinner with us this evening?C _ A.OK,but I have to go to a meeting now.B.No,I cant.C.Sorry,I will go to airport this evening.D.I dont know.,2.We are going to have

16、 a dancing party tonight.Would you like to join us?A_ A.Yes,its very kind of you.B.Of course not.I have no idea.C.No,I cant.D.Thats all set.,3.Can you come over for dinner with us?A _ A.Id love to,but I have a meeting tonight.B.It doesnt matter.C.No,I dont like.D.Oh,that sounds well.,4.I have got tw

17、o tickets for the match.Shall we go and watch it together?C _ A.The tickets must be expensive.B.The match must be exciting.C.Why not?Lets go.D.The place is too far away.,5.I have an appointment with Dr.Johnson C _ A.The appointment is put off.B.You look sick and weak.C.Please wait for a minute.He is

18、 busy now.D.Tell me your ID number.,五).表示感谢、祝贺、称赞 Thank you(very much)Thanks a lot Many thanks Thanks for Not at all Youre welcome Its/Thats all right Dont mention it Congratulations Well done How beautiful,These are certainly beautiful flowers.Thank you so much.B _ A.No,no.Its nothing.B.You are wel

19、come.C.Yes,I agree.D.Yes,I think so too.,2.I was worried about chemistry,but Mr.Brown gave me an A!B _ A.Dont worry about it.B.Congratulations!Thats a difficult course.C.Mr.Brown is very good.D.Good luck to you.,3.Congratulations!You won the first prize in todays speech contest.C _ A.Yes,I beat the

20、others.B.No,no.I didnt do it well.C.Thank you.D.Its a pleasure.,4.Well done.Congratulations on your success.A _ A.Thank you very much.B.Oh,no,no.C.No,I didnt do very well.D.Sorry,I couldnt be any better.,5.You have lovely children.D _ A.No,no,they are not.B.Oh,no,no.C.You are talking too much.D.Than

21、ks.,六).表示道歉、同情 Im sorry for/about Excuse me for Im afraid of Thats all right It doesnt matter Thats nothing Thats OK.Im sorry to hear What a pity/shame!,Oh,sorry to bother you.A _ A.Thats okay.B.No,you cant.C.Thats good.D.Oh,I dont know.,2.Excuse me.I dont want to interrupt you but C_ A.Can I help y

22、ou?B.Certainly,how dare you?C.Its quite all right.D.Yes,you did.,3.Oh,Im sorry.But I promise Ill be careful next time.B _ A.Its nothing at all.B.Oh,never mind.It doesnt matter.C.Thank you.D.There are no questions.,4.My grandmothers taken ill and Ive got to go down to the hospital.B _ A.We are going

23、to the same place.B.Very sorry to hear it.I hope its nothing serious.C.Really?D.Let me go with you.,5.Ed said that his boy fell off tree.A _ A.Oh dear!I hope he wasnt hurt.B.Oh,no.A luck boy.C.He might have broken his arm.D.Nothing serious.,七).问候与告别 How are you?Hows everything?Fine,thank you,and you

24、?Very well,thank you Just so so Im afraid I must be leaving now I think its time for us to leave now Good night Good bye See you later/tomorrow,Hello,Sally.Hows everything?D _ A.Good for you.B.Oh,I agree.C.Thats right.D.Just so so.,2.How are things with you,Bill?B _ A.Hello,sure.B.I am terribly busy

25、 these days.C.Mind you own business.D.See you later.,3.Good night and thanks again.B _ A.You cant say that.B.Oh,no.Its what I can do.C.How can you see that.D.Good night.,4.Well,its getting late.I must be going.Thank you again for inviting me to the party.B _ A.Oh,its so late.B.Thank you for coming.C

26、.Oh,so soon?D.I really had a happy time.,5.Mrs.Johnson,Ive come to say good-bye.A _ A.See you next time.B.Have a pleasant journey.I will miss you.C.Thats OK.D.Thank you for saying that.,八).购物 What can I do for you?May/Can I help you?I want/Id like How much is it?Thats too expensive,Im afraid Thats f

27、ine.Ill take it.,What can I do for you,madam?A _ A.I want a kilo of apples.B.You can go your own way.C.Thanks.D.Excuse me.I am busy.,2.Good morning,Sir.May I help you?C_ A.No,I dont buy anything.B.No,I dont need your help.C.Yes,I need some sugar.D.Oh,no.That OK.,3.Id like to buy a shirt.C _ A.How mu

28、ch is it?B.Thats fine.C.What color do you want?D.Yes,I think so.,4.Can I help you,Sir?A_ A.Thanks,Im just having a look.B.I dont mind.C.No,Im leaving soon.D.Its all right.,九).就餐 What would you like(to have)?Would you like something(to eat/drink)?Id like Two eggs,please Would you like some more?Help

29、yourself to some Thank you.Ive had enough.Im full,thank you.Just a little.,Would you like to order now?B _ A.Im full now.B.Yes.Id like fish and soup.C.But the price is high.D.Its very kind of you.,2.Excuse me.Is this table taken?C _ A.We havent booked the dishes.B.We havent ordered the dishes.C.Yes.

30、Im saving these seats for friends.D.Yes.Im stuffed.,3.Please help yourself to the fish.A _ A.Thanks,but I dont like fish.B.Sorry,I cant help.C.Well,fish dont suit me.D.No,I cant.,4.Can I take your order now?D _ A.Thank you for your offer.B.Sorry,its beyond my order.C.I no means.D.Just a moment.Two f

31、riends are coming.,5.Have you got a table for four,Waiter?B _ A.We are going to restaurant.B.Yes,sure.This way,please.C.We have booked the seats.D.Here are the menu.,十).打电话与接电话 Hello!Is(Tom)in?Is that(speaking)?May/Could I speak to?Hold on,please.Hello,who is it?He/She isnt here right now Can I take

32、 a message for you?Hello,this is speaking,Hi,is Marry there,please?A _ A.Hold on.I will get her.B.No,she isnt here.C.Yes,she lives here.D.Yes,what do you want?,2.Could I speak to Harris,please.D _ A.Oh,how are you?B.Im John.C.Im listening.D.Speaking.,3.Hello,Id like to speak to Mark,please?B _ A.Yes

33、,Im Mark.B.This is Mark speaking.C.Its me here.D.This is me.,4.Im sorry.Bobs not in the office.A_ A.Can you take a message for me?B.Are you sure for that?C.Would you like to leave a message?D.Can you phone me?,5.Hello,could I speak to Don please?D_ A.Who are you?B.Whats the problem?C.Are you Jane?D.

34、Who is speaking?,十一).问路与指路 Excuse me.Where is the?Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to?Go down this street/turn right/turn left Its about meters from here.Go straight ahead till you see,1.Excuse me,sir.Where is Dr.Browns office?D _ A.You cant ask me.B.Pardon?I have no idea.C.Please dont say so.D.Sor

35、ry I dont know,but you can ask the man over there.,2.Excuse me,but can you tell me the way to the airport?B _ A.Dont ask that.B.Sorry,I am a stranger here.C.No,I cant say that.D.No,you are driving too fast.,3.Excuse me,is this the right direction for the school?A _ A.Well,no,youre going in the wrong

36、 direction.B.No,dont ask me.C.No,I dont know.D.Dont go this way.,4.Excuse me,how can I get to the nearest supermarket?D _ A.Its not far from there.B.The supermarket is very large.C.The goods there are very expensive.D.Go down this street and turn left.,5.Is the toilet on the ground floor or second f

37、loor?C _ A.No,there isnt.B.Yes,it is.C.On the ground floor.D.It is empty.,十二.看病、询问病情 There is something wrong with Ive got I feel terrible I dont feel well.Are you feeling better?Take this medicine three times a day Drink plenty of water and have a good rest Its nothing serious Youll be all right/we

38、ll soon,Is there anything serious,doctor?C_ A.Im going to have another check-up.B.The results of the blood test are wrong.C.No.Just stay in bed and drink more water.D.Yes.You can go home tomorrow.,2.Hey,Barbara.You look so pale.A _ A.Im just getting over the flu.B.It doesnt matter.C.You didnt sleep

39、well last night.D.Im sorry to hear that.,3.Are you feeling better today,Mrs.Silver?D _ A.Dont worry about me.B.Just stay in bed and have a good rest.C.There must be something wrong.D.Yes,thanks doctor.But I still feel dizzy.,4.I have got a pain in my neck.C _ A.Yes,I agree.B.Yes,you are quite right.

40、C.Im sorry to hear that.D.Im feeling sick.,5.Whats the matter with you?C _ A.It matters with you.B.Not too bad.C.I feel a bit sick.D.Thats right.,十三).表达喜欢、同意、肯定与否 I like/love very much I dont like/love I hate No problem.All right.I agree with you No,I dont think so Im afraid I cant agree with you.Im

41、 sure.Im not sure.Perhaps/May be,1.What kind of TV program do you like best?C_ A.I like them very much.B.I only watch them at weekend.C.Its hard to say,actually.D.Im too busy to say.,2.I really enjoy pop music.Whats your favorite?D _ A.No,not at all.B.Neither do I.C.So did I.D.Well,actually I like c

42、lassical music.,3.Its a great race!Do you agree?D _ A.Yes,it is really disappointing.B.No,I like it.C.No,its worth seeing it.D.Yes,its really exciting.,4.Are you sure about that?D _ A.You neednt worry about that.B.I like the idea.C.Oh,no.Im afraid of that.D.Oh yes,Im absolutely positive.,5.You may h

43、ave seen this film.C _ A.It is said to cost much.B.It will be shown next week.C.Actually,I havent.D.You may too.,十四).谈论天气、旅行、娱乐 Whats the weather like today?How is the weather in?Its fine/cloudy/windy/rainy What/How about your?Very interesting,Nice weather,isnt it?C _ A.Im not sure.B.You know it wel

44、l.C.Yes,it is.D.Yes,it isnt.,2.Whats the weather like in your hometown?D _ A.Its a nice place.B.I like the food there.C.He asks me if I like the weather.D.Its cold in winter and hot in summer.,3.What was your journey like?A _ A.It was terribly interesting.B.Yes,I like it very much.C.I like traveling

45、.D.I dont like traveling at all.,4.How is the movie?Interesting?C_ A.It was shown late until midnight.B.It was starred by a few famous people.C.Far from.I should have stay at home watching TV.D.I was seated far away in the corner.,5.What do you think about this story?C _ A.Thank you for telling me t

46、he story.B.Yes,its a real story.C.I like it very much.D.So do I.,四.根据语法句型分类 一).特殊疑问句 特殊疑问句的答语通常针对特殊疑问词作 出具体的回答 1.That man is alone over there.Who is he?B _ A.He is a student B.He is Doctor Took C.A driver,I suppose D.Hes drunk,2.Why dont you travel to New York on vacation?C _ A.I dont want to go.B.E

47、xcuse me,because I cant.C.I want to,but I havent got enough money.D.Because Im going to school today.,3.What subjects are you studying?C _ A.Yes,Im study history.B.Im studying now.C.Im studying philosophy.D.Im doing my homework.,4.Which language do you speak at home?D _ A.I speak English very well.B

48、.I can speak English and French.C.English is my mother tongue.D.English,most of the time.,5.When does the next bus leave for Glasgow?C _ A.Ive never been there.B.The next one is faster.C.They leave every hour.D.The city is far away.,6.Excuse me,how far is the airport from here?B _ A.You can take a t

49、axi.B.Its about thirty miles.C.Ill fly to Sidney.D.Its only six hundred dollars.,7.Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs?C_ A.Id like to buy it.B.Its of very good quality.C.About eighty-five dollars.D.It depends on how you like it.,8.Do you mind telling me where you are from?D _ A.Certain

50、ly,Im from London.B.Sure,I was born in London.C.Not really,you can do it.D.Certainly not.Im from London.,9.How often do you have listening classes in a week?D _ A.Listening classes are difficult.B.Last week and the week before.C.They have no listening classes.D.Every Monday and Friday.,10.What does


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