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1、Useful Expressions Unit Two,Text A(Book Three),The Freedom Givers,为纪念把乘客送往目的地轻风,微风(风)吹拂在平原上苗条的女士回到过去这一带定居地是的家/曾住在一座普普通通的教堂自豪地谈论坚信要(某人)做,in honor of carry passengers to the destination a gentle breeze(a wind)sweep the plain a slender woman back to a time when the surrounding settlement home to sb.a p

2、lain church speak highly of be confident that intend sb.to do sth.,人生来平等没停止过做争取自由权利的斗争对的忠诚不仅仅关乎一己之骄傲家族荣誉仍为人所知一个美国小说人物逆来顺受的奴隶汤姆叔叔的小屋,All men are created equal.never give up doing sth.struggle for the freedom ones devotion to sb.be about more than personal pride family honor live on the character in A

3、merican fiction a long-suffering slave Uncle Toms Cabin,具有讽刺意味的是不愿意做奋起力争,支持对这种说法颇为愤慨有原则的人肯定地说历史遗迹在很多方面摆脱黑奴身份获得自由,ironically be unwilling to do sth.stand up for get angry at the thought a man of principle(sb.)said firmly a historic site in many ways win ones freedom from slavery,所承担的繁重使命的一部分一长串名字中的一个

4、勇敢的人创建“地下铁路”逃亡路线解放黑奴多达为拨款纪念民权斗争,only part of a much larger mission one name on a long list ofcourageous men forge the underground railwayescape routes liberate slaves(from)as many as authorize(some money)for sth.honor sb./sth.civil-rights struggle,计划于,预定于默默无闻,鲜为人知功绩无人颂扬热衷于,坚决要做轻轻的敲门声向门外窥望认出某人一个可靠的邻居

5、一群(人)急迫地低声说,be scheduled to open remain too little remembered Ones exploits remain largely unsung.be intent on doing sth.a soft knock peer out the door(into)recognize the face of sb.a trusted neighbor a party of(sb.)whispered urgently,把揣进口袋生来即为奴隶拖着镣铐行走在黑奴市场打定注意要做自由地生活学会手艺铸铁靠这门手艺秘密地,push sth.into one

6、s pocketsbe born a slave walk in chains on the slave market be determined to do sth.live free get trained in iron molding work at this tradeon the side,在白天一家铸铁厂在晚上避开追捕黑奴的人悬赏抓捕某人在那个阴冷的夜晚丧魂落魄的发现某人跑开去报告,告密,by day an iron foundry by night slip by the slave hunters a reward for ones capture on that chill

7、y night be frozen with fear spot sb.race off to do sth.spread the news,大喝一声(小船)驶向对岸眼睁睁地看着包围,团团围住留下到达,抵达安排做某事 旅途的第一程在某人的一生中带领(某人)抵达安全之地,with a shout(a boat)slide across the riverwatch helplessly close in on/around leave behind make it to(some place)arrange for to do sth.the first leg of the journey o

8、ver the course of ones life guide sb.to safety,受驱使某人自己痛苦的经历受驱使,由于宗教信仰吩咐某人做给饥饿的人食物给衣不蔽体的人衣服穿没有谈及肤色问题消息传来,据说逃亡的奴隶,be motivated by ones own painful experiencebe driven by religious convictions bid sb.to do sth.feed the hungry clothe the naked say nothing about color word spread that fleeing/escaping/ru

9、naway slaves,在得到庇护庇护逃亡者随时备着(做)将某人送上下一段行程三条主要路线汇合中央车站经常受到死亡的威胁面临危险课以罚金判以短期监禁,find refuge at/inshelter fugitives keep ready to do sth.convey sb.on the next leg of ones journey three principal routes convergecentral terminal receive frequent death threatsface risks impose a fine impose a brief jail sen

10、tence,被判入狱数月被关押年记录用鞭子鞭挞三下路标信任;全凭 口耳相传的路线往树上钉钉子在夜色的掩护下赶路脸上涂着厚厚的白粉,be sentenced to months in jail be imprisoned for yearskeep a log of three stripes with the whip road signs put ones trust in directions passed by word of mouth drive a nail into the tree travel under cover of night(the face)be caked wi

11、th white powder,给某人穿上衣服有一次将某人伪装成送葬队伍,出殡队伍首选的终点站废除奴隶制在某地定居处女地;未开垦的土地被痛打;遭受毒打很认命尽力而为,dress sb.in on one occasiondisguise sb.as a funeral procession the primary destination abolish slaverysettle(some place)a virgin land be harshly beaten make the best of ones lot make the best of,干活勤勉深受某人的器重强迫某人做某事多年辛苦

12、劳作可怕的消息和家人分离只有一条路可以走冒着极大的风险出发;上路极其饥饿,精疲力竭,work diligently rise far in ones regardcompel sb.to do sth.labor for several years alarming news be separated from ones familythere is only one answer at huge riskset off starving and exhausted,和取得联系提供食宿生长在自由的土地上扑倒在地在沙土里打滚在(某人)看来被认为是疯子疯狂的人;疯子,make contact wi

13、th provide for ones welfare grow on free soil throw oneself on the groundroll in the sand in the eyes of sb.pass for a madman a crazy fellow,Unit Two,Text B,Rosa Parks:the Mother of the American Civil Rights Movement,改变国家的面貌 某人的美国黑人同胞民权 上不同的学校 给某人让座 为此遭到拘留 和平的不服从行为少数民族权力开创了一个新时代,change the face of ones nation ones fellow black Americans civil rights attend separate schools give up ones seat to sb.(else)be detained for this offense the act of peaceful disobedience minority rights usher in a new era of,


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