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1、小学二年级常识课 白蟻,Life Cycle 生命周期,Young Termite King and Queen 年幼的白蟻皇/后,Termite Queen白蟻后,Termite King 白蟻皇,Mature Termite Queen 成熟的白蟻后,Can you tell the length of this termite queen?你知道這隻白蟻后身體有幾長?,2cm,Alate 飛白蟻,Can you tell the body structure of Alates?你知道飛白蟻的身體結構嗎?,Head 頭,Abdomen 腹,Wings 翅膀,Alate 飛白蟻,Do yo

2、u know the responsibility of Alates?你知道飛白蟻的責任是什麼嗎?,ANSWER答案,To expand the termite colony during the swarming season 在繁殖季節時擴大白蟻社群,Soldier 兵蟻,Do you know the responsibility of Soldiers?你知道兵蟻的責任是什麼嗎?,Defend the colony保衛家園 Fight against other aggressors.對抗其他侵略者,ANSWER答案,Build up a nest 築巢Find the food 找

3、食物Look after the queen,larva and eggs 照顧白蟻后,白蟻幼蟲,白蟻蛋,Worker 工蟻,Do you know the responsibility of Workers?你知道工蟻的責任是什麼嗎?,ANSWER答案,Do you know what they are?你知道這是什麼嗎?,They are termite eggs這是白蟻蛋,What will you see in a termite nest?在白蟻巢中你會看到,Workers are looking after the termite eggs工蟻在照顧白蟻蛋,Soldiers are

4、 protecting the workers and the termite eggs 兵蟻在保護工蟻和白蟻蛋,Termite mud tubing 白蟻路,Since termites do not have shell to protect themselves,they cannot expose to air or else they will die within two hours due to dehydration.Therefore they need to make“mud tubes”to keep the moisture and forage under it.由於

5、白蟻沒有殼保護其身體,故此牠們不能長時間暴露於空氣中,否則牠們會在兩小時內因脫水而死,所以牠們需要築起“蟻路”以保持濕度,並以蟻路作為尋找食物的隧道。,Foraging route 尋找食物路線,Termites can forage(wood as food)for a distance of 500 feet from the colony.They may get into our houses through water pipes as they provides moisture to termites.白蟻能夠離開巢穴五百呎尋找食物(木)。由於白蟻需要水份,牠們往往通過水管進入我

6、們家裡。,Where can you find the termite mud tubing?你在什麼地方可找到白蟻路?,Pavilion in the playground 遊樂場的休憩亭,Bottom of the doorframe 門框底部,Where can you find the termite mud tubing?你在什麼地方可找到白蟻路?,Surface of the wooden wall 木牆表面,Surface outside the water tank 天台水箱外的位置,What damages will termite make?白蟻會造成什麼破壞?,The w

7、ooden floor swells up 木地板會拱起The wooden floor gets black 木地板變黑,The surface of the wooden floor becomes as thin as a paper 木地板的表面變得像紙一樣薄,What damages will termite make?白蟻會造成什麼破壞?,Damage is found on the baseboard 對地腳線造成破壞,Damage is found on the doorframe 對門框造成破壞The doorframe gets black 門框變黑,What damage

8、s will termite make?白蟻會造成什麼破壞?,Termites damage the inner part of the tree 對樹木造成破壞,Termites damage the intercom of the building 對大廈對講機造成破壞,What would you do if you found termites at home?假如家裡發現白蟻,你會怎樣處理?,2.Use Ant Powder?用螞蟻粉?,3.Fire the termites?燒白蟻?,4.Use disinfectant?用消毒劑?,1.Use Insecticide?用殺蟲劑?,

9、NO,What you should do when you found termites at home.發現白蟻時,你應該,When you found termites 發現白蟻時,Do nothing and DONT spray insecticide 不要做任何事,更不應噴殺蟲劑,Contact a professional Pest Control Company 聯絡專業滅蟲公司,A professional termite consultant inspect your home 白蟻專家到府上考察情況,Recommend you with a comprehensive solution 並提供正確及全面的解決方法,


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