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1、翻译的相关因素,文化与翻译逻辑与翻译风格与翻译文体与翻译,一、文化与翻译,定义:文化(culture)是“一个复合的总体,包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及人作为社会成员而获得的其他的能力和习惯”。(an integral whole which embraces knowledge,beliefs,moralities,laws,customs and other abilities and habits a man has acquired as a member in a society.)-Edward Tylor语言是文化的一部分,又是文化的反映。例:称谓(表),英汉文化差异

2、在语言上的反映:词汇意义不同peasant vs 农民peasant 具有贬义:新编韦氏大学词典:一般指未受过教育的、社会地位低下的人;美国传统词典:乡下人,庄稼人,乡巴佬,教养不好的人,粗鲁的人汉语:贫农谈到他们现在的幸福生活。英语:The poor peasants talked about their happy life today.贫农 富农farmer 又不同,缺乏对应表达如:cowboy,hot dog,hippy 天干、地支、赤脚医生、楷书,联想意义不同松树:象征长寿、气节 pine 不含此义狗:贬义居多,狗腿子、狗奴才、狗嘴里吐不出象牙、狗眼看人低 狗腿子lackey;狗杂种

3、bastard;狗养的,狗崽子son of a bitch;狗胆包天monstrous audacity;狗急跳墙A cornered beast will do something desperate;狗嘴里长不出象牙A filthy mouth cant utter decent language.,dog:褒义居多,dog tired 非常疲劳;top dog重要的人;lucky dog幸运儿;as faithful as a dog像狗一样忠诚;help a lame dog over a stile助人于危难之中;Give a dog a bad name and hang him.

4、给人强加恶名将毁人一生;Love me,love my dog爱屋及乌;Every dog has his day凡人皆有得意的日子。dog eat dog 狗咬狗,颜色:红 VS RED 英语里有red-letter days(纪念日,喜庆的日子),一般指圣诞节或其它节日;to paint the town red狂欢;roll out the red carpet for sb隆重地欢迎某人。也都表示“危险”、“亏损”等,如红灯(red light),出现赤字(be in red)。不同的是,英语中红色多指愤怒、暴力等贬义,如see red(怒不可遏),waving a red flag(

5、做惹人生气的事),turn red in the gills(发怒),a red battle(血战)。而汉语中红色常带喜庆色彩,如开门红、生活红火、又红又专等。,要注意转换形象:红人a favorite with somebody in power;红榜honour roll;红茶black tea;红利bonus/extra dividend;红尘the world of mortals;红绿灯traffic lights;红运good luck;红光满面ones face glowing with health红糖brown sugar;红装gay feminine attire;红颜a

6、 beautiful girl;红豆 love pea;红喜wedding。Red也不能一律以“红”译之了事:red wine 红酒;red ruin 火灾;red battle 血战;red sky 彩霞。,东风 vs East Wind西风vs West Wind,东风:温暖、春风、春天闲愁万种,无语怨东风。(西厢记)辛弃疾:东风夜放花千树,更吹落,星如雨。,East wind:Matthew Arnold:a sort of spiritual east wind was at that time blowing;neither Butler nor Gray could flower.

7、“东风”盛行时,像Butler和Gray这样的诗人雅士都不可能有生花之笔,可见在英国人心中的东风形象。Henry Hart翻译时译成east wind后加注:The east wind is symbolic of spring,with its urge to love and mating.,西风:寒冷干燥马致远:古道西风瘦马,小桥流水人家,断肠人在天涯。(天净沙秋思)West wind:温暖而湿润John Mansfield:Its warm wind,the west wind,full of birds ciresOde to the West Wind 西风颂,夏天 Summer:

8、温暖如春Shakespeare Sonnet 18Shall I compare thee to a summers day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summers lease hath all too short a date:,语用上的差异(1)打招呼:英语:How do you do?How are you?Hello!Hi!Good morning/afternoon/evening!汉语:您好!吃了吗?上哪儿去?(2)称呼:汉语:老

9、王、小李职务英语:Mr.Doctor,Professor,judge,governor,mayor,presidentTeacher Chen,(3)接受恭维或赞美A:Your English is excellent.Really quite fluent.B:No,no.My English is quite poor.B:Where,where.,比喻和联想上胆小如鼠-“胆小如兔”as timid as a rabbit,落汤鸡a drowned rat;养虎为患cherish a snake in ones bosom;瓮中捉鳖like a rat in the hole;like a

10、 duck to water如鱼得水;like a hen on a hot girdle像热锅上的蚂蚁;as stupid as a goose愚蠢如猪;as stubborn as a donkey/a mule犟得像头牛,二、逻辑与翻译,钱歌川:逻辑是翻译者的最后一张王牌,是他必须具有的基本要素。俗话说“岂有此理”,正是翻译者随时需要的考虑。凡是翻译出来的一字一句,一事一物,都必须合乎逻辑,合乎情理,否则必然有误。,例子:Jefferson refused to accept other peoples opinions without careful thought.原译:杰斐逊没有认

11、真考虑,就拒绝了别人的意见。改译1:只有经过认真思考,杰斐逊才接受别人的意见。改译2:未经认真考虑,杰斐逊绝不接受别人的意见。,肯定与否定:例子1:Some friend you are.You wont lend me a shilling.你真不够朋友,连一先令都不肯借。例子2:I am enough of a German to give them to go-by.我是德国人,我可不愿理睬他们。例子3:In the vestibule was an electric button from which no moral finger could coax Ting.过道里有个电铃,鬼才

12、能把它按响。,单数与复数例1:I want to know just what control everyone at this table has.我想试试在座诸位到底有多大克制力。例2:Different men often see the same subjects in different lights.不同的人往往以不同眼光看同一问题。,大与小例:The stockholders entered suit,and Rubinstem hired a small army of lawyers.股东们提出诉讼,鲁宾斯坦便雇了一大群律师来辩护。小汽车、小洋房 small car-comp

13、act car;sub-compact car,里与外例:Robinson stepped into the cave and saw eyes glaring out of the darkness.鲁宾逊进到洞里,看见一对眼睛在黑暗里闪闪发光。,前与后例1:But we are getting ahead of the story.不过我说到故事后头去了。例2:After you.请先走。/请走在前面。,静与动例1:The whole city is in holiday array.全城披上节日盛装。例2:The magistrates sat six days a week at th

14、e court.该法庭的理事们一星期开庭6天。例3:This is an article that carries conviction.这是一篇有说服力的文章。例4:National Day falls on Friday this year.今年的国庆节是一个礼拜五。,More examples:例1:Im in good health now and I can resume my work.我现在身体很好,(因此)可以继续工作。-so that例2:-“You havent finished your homework,have you?”-The student shook his

15、head and said,“No,I have not.”学生点点头并说“是的,还没有”。例3:They had barely enough time to catch the train.原译:他们仅有足够的时间赶上火车。改译:他们差点儿没赶上火车。,例4:We realized that they must have become unduly frightened by the rising flood,for their house,which had sound foundations,would have stood stoutly even if it had been alm

16、ost submerged.原译:我们想他们一定给上涨的洪水吓坏了,因为他们的房子基础坚实,即使快遭淹没了,也会屹立不倒的。改译:我们认为,他们对上涨的洪水过于担忧,因为他们的房子地基坚固,即使差不多被洪水淹没,也不会倒塌。,Keep dry!谨防潮湿!Wet paint!油漆未干!Hunger march 反饥饿游行 Did I get your address right?我没有弄错你的地址吧?Make yourself at home.请不要客气。,西方人理性思维,东方人直觉思维。“东方人见到了统一忽视了区别,西方人见到了区别遗忘了统一。”(费尔巴哈)汉语重意合parataxis,一盆散葡萄;英语重形合hypotaxis,一串葡萄。,


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