1、网络作家,Internet writer,Today I show some famous Internet writer,我吃西红柿,WoChiXiHongShi autonym is ZhuHongZhi.Born in Jiangsu Baoying,graduated from Mathematics Department of Soochow University in 2009(苏州大学)He is QiDian famous columnist.Magnum opus:星辰传说寸芒星辰变 盘龙 九鼎记吞噬星空莽荒记,树下野狐,ShuXiaYeHu,formerly known a
2、s Hu Geng,Born in Fujian Province,graduated from Peking university.He is created the Chinese Neo mythicism Oriental Fantasy style,。,Magnum opus:搜神记仙楚莽荒记不周记光年云梦泽传说,南派三叔,NanPaiSanShu Autonym is XuLei,He is Chinese writers billionaires list writer.He is khown as Chinas first best-selling author of adve
3、nture.In march decided to seal the pen.,Magnum opus:盗墓笔记大漠苍狼藏海花沙海怒江之战,酒徒,JiuTu,Autonym is Meng Hu,male,born in 1974,height 180cm,Inner Mongolia Chifeng person,graduated of Southeast University He is a member of the chinese writers association.,Magnum opus:秦明指南录开国功贼家园烽烟尽处盛唐风云,血红,XueHong Autonym is Li
4、uWei,The Miao nationality people,native of Hunan of Changde.Graduated from the computer department of Wuhan University.He began to engage in the network novels since 2003.,Magnum opus:偷天邪龙道邪风曲逍行纪光明纪元升龙道林克神魔巫颂人途等,失落叶,ShiLuoYe Autonym is DingZongLei.Born in Jiangsu,Huaian.Graduated from the Nanjing Un
5、iversity of Information Science.,Magnum opus:网游之盗版神话网游之纵横天下网游之天下无双极品菜鸟斩龙。,鱼人二代,YuRenErDai Autonym is Linhan.Native of Heilongjiang.,Magnum opus:重生之追美很纯很暧昧校花的贴生高手,纷舞妖姬,FenWuYaoJi Autonym is DongQun,Graduated from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University.He is Chinese military novels.He like to study martial arts and firearms,received military training in the army。,Magnum opus:第五部队之海贼王生存法则诡刺第五部队弹痕,流潋紫,LiuLianZi Autonym is WuXueLan.She graduated from the Zhejiang Normal University and began writing in 2005.She is a teacher.,Magnum opus:后宫玉簟(dian)秋 后宫甄嬛传后宫如懿传,Thanks!,测一 景小东,