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1、翻译与忠实面面观,四川外语学院翻译研究所廖七一,2,一、翻译学科发展概况二、感知的的欺骗性三、视觉的转换四、翻译的定义五、意义的界定与忠实的判断 丘吉尔的肖像,3,一、翻译学科发展概况,1972年,James Holmes 在翻译研究名与实中首先描述了翻译研究的学科内涵和研究领域,标志着翻译学学科的确立,随后,许多国家和地区都将翻译研究纳入了正规的教育体制。目前英国有近四分之一的大学设有翻译系或翻译研究中心,许多能培养翻译学的硕士和博士。香港主要的七所大学几乎都能培养翻译学的博士。,4,相比之下,中国翻译研究和学科建设比较滞后。1987年夏,第一次全国翻译理论研讨会在青岛举行,标志翻译研究在中

2、国的创始。时隔14年之后,2001年全国译学学科建设专题讨论会在青岛召开,将学科建设正式提上议事日程。在翻译学科建设过程中,一直伴随着“有无之辩”和“中西之争”。1通过这些论争,中国译学得到长足的发展,研究范式逐渐脱离最初对翻译技巧讨论的热衷而向理论研究深入。1 即有没有翻译理论,或翻译理论有无意义;西方的翻译理论是否适用于中国的翻译实际,翻译理论有无普遍性。,5,2009年,全国翻译学系统建构高层论坛再次在青岛召开,标志中国译学研究已经进入一个崭新的发展时期。研究领域逐渐扩大,向跨学科迈进,研究方法更加科学,从规约性的研究向描述性、甚至解释性的研究转化,研究模式更加多元,体现出比较、互动等特

3、征。,6,中国翻译研究学科发展概况表现在如下几个方面:1、翻译研究教学与研究机构的设立;2、研究资料的完善;3、学科发展的专业化;4、重要学术活动与研究成果。,7,1、翻译教学与研究机构 从体制上看,目前已成立翻译学院7个,翻译系5个,翻译研究中心超过40个,全国性翻译研究资料中心2个(北京外交学院和广东外语外贸大学)1。1 易林、田雨:逐渐走向成熟的中国翻译研究2005年中国译学研究述评,中国翻译,2006年第2期。,8,2005年,中国第一个独立的翻译学学位点(外国语言文学一级学科下的二级学科)上海外国语大学高级翻译学院开始招生,标志着翻译研究的一大突破。2006年广东外语外贸大学又获得“

4、翻译学”学位点。,9,2007年初,国务院学位办一致通过设立翻译硕士专业学位(Master of Translation and Interpretation,简称MTI),首批15个院校得到授权。2009年又有25所院校得到授权。总数达40所。2010年授权下放到省市自治区,有108所院校得到授权,总数达158所。,10,2006年教育部正式比准复旦大学、广东外语外贸大学和河北师范大学设置本科翻译专业。到为止,全国分四批共有近25所院校得到本科翻译专业的试办权。,11,全国现有英语语言博士点:,12,四川外语学院,西安外国语大学,13,在上述30多个英语语言文学、外国语言学与应用语言学博士点


6、务丛书(50余册)10、外语院校翻译系列教材,19,外语教学与研究出版社,11、国外翻译研究译丛12、国外翻译研究丛书13、翻译专业硕士(MTI)教材,20,译林出版社,14、译林学论丛书,21,北京航空航天大学出版社,15、翻译资料与翻译研究丛书,22,南开大学出版社,16、高等院校翻译专业必读系列,23,北京大学出版社,17、翻译专业必读书系,24,上海译文出版社,18、译学新论丛书,25,其他出版社,北师大出版社商务印书馆中央编译出版社上海译文出版社武汉大学出版社中国社会科学出版社四川人民出版社,26,3、学科发展的专业化,1)IS(Interpretation Studies)和 TS

7、(Translation Studies)的分野;2)翻译研究本身的专业化与跨学科性,27,4、重要学术活动与研究成果,1)翻译研究成果呈爆炸性增长;2)翻译学术会议频繁;3)社科立项;,28,论文统计 年/篇 著作按年统计:部/年1980 7 31981 11 71982 70198354198461219857119868419872071988247198921819902281991251019922271993301019943513,历年著作与核心刊物论文统计,29,论文统计 年/篇 著作按年统计:部/年199546 61996 80121997 90111998992619999



10、日:北外,对外传播翻译委员会中译英研讨会6.4月27日:北外,对外传播翻译委员会中译法研讨会,36,6.5月7-10日:河南大学,全国典籍英译探讨会第六届年会7.5月13:中国译协本地化委员会会议8.7月7-11日:西南财经大学,翻译与全球化研讨会9.7月20-23日:江西吉安,英汉比译20年及审稿会10.9月25-27日:哈尔滨师范大学,专业翻译教学理念与教材建设学术研讨会 11.10月14日:四川大学,全国翻译院系负责人联席会议12.10月15-16日:四川大学,第八届全国口译大会暨国际研讨会13.10月中:福建外事办,第五届中译外研讨会,37,14.10月:南京大学,面向翻译的术语研究1


12、晋身成为学科,译学重点是首要的强调,绝非对错这种枝节性的技术问题。(李奭学:33),41,对翻译的界定和忠实的描述是翻译研究的核心问题。如果对这两个术语不能达成基本一致的理解,我们对翻译的讨论永远也不会有较大的进展。我们对翻译和忠实的观念,通常是由传统和教育所构建起来的。我们能否稍微超越传统划定的界限,从另一个角度来思考翻译?,42,43,少女,44,老太太,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,Now enjoy some music.,52,三、视觉的转换,53,I M O M:Medium(媒介关联物)O:Object(对象关联物)I:Interpret(解释关联物),54,A ma

13、n in the society could be:a loving husband;a caring father;a disciplined soldier;a most talented killer;a generous donator;a heartbreakingly wayward boy;.What is the man anyway?,55,人们倾向于感知他们所期待发现的东西,集中精力注意环境中那些支持他们所期待的特征,并过滤掉那些不支持他们所期待的特征。,56,Some scholars reported that among all information sent by

14、 people,facial expressions account for“fifty-five per cent”,paralanguage“thirty-eight per cent”,and verbal communication only“seven per cent”.(Rogers and Steifatt,1999:162),57,Under nonverbal communication,the following are essentially relevant:proxemics:the study of peoples use of space;kinesics:th

15、e study of peoples use of language;haptics:the study of peoples touching,chronics:the study of peoples use of time.,58,What is said?What is meant?How it is said?,59,Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,All the Kings horses and all the Kings men Couldnt put Humpty Dumpty toget

16、her again.,60,张打铁,李打铁,打把剪刀送姐姐;姐姐留我歇,我不歇,我要回去打毛铁。毛铁打了三斤半,娃娃崽崽都来看,,61,小鸡小鸡嘎嘎,小鸡爱吃蛤蟆,蛤蟆蛤蟆流水儿,小鸡爱吃鸡腿,鸡腿鸡腿有毛,小鸡爱吃仙桃,仙桃仙桃有胡,小鸡爱吃牛犊,牛犊牛犊撒欢儿,一直撒到天边儿,,62,The materials and productsThe norms and value systemThe cultural presuppositions,63,Assumption,Norms and values,Products,64,SL culture TL culture,65,Spectr

17、um:红 橙 黄 绿 蓝 紫 英语 X Y Z 光谱 icii?ico dootliz 纳瓦霍语,66,Contrastive study of the symbolic meanings of the color terms in English and Chinese:RED:revolutionary countries:the red armytoward sexual desire(derog):red bloody,red light districtembarrassment,shamed:become red facedanger:see red;wave a red flag

18、joyful occasions:paint the town red;red-letter dayviolent,danger:red light;,67,红色:revolution;advancement;progress:红色政权,又红又专,红卫兵love,joyous:红对联,红喜字love:红娘shamed:脸红envy:红眼病victory;success:开门红,满堂红,68,69,70,71,72,Value Classification System_Value Primary Secondary Tertiary NegligibleIndividuality W B E

19、MGratefulness EA MB W-Peace E B WA MMoney WAB M E-Modesty E BAM-WPunctuality W B ME ASaviorism W M-EBAKarma E-MWBAFirstness W B-EAMAggressiveness WB M AE-Collective Re-siponsibility EAM B-W,73,Respect for elders EAM B-WRespect for youth W MABE-Hospitality EA B MW-Inherited Property E-MWAB-Sacredness

20、 of Farmland E A-BMWEfficiency W B EM-Legend:W=Western cultures E=Eastern cultures B=Black cultures A=African cultures M=Muslim cultures,74,四、翻译的定义,75,翻译的定义:把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来(也指方言与民族共同语、方言与方言、古代语与现代语之间一种用另一种表达)(现代汉语词典:345),76,达芬奇曾经将艺术家看成是“在自然与人类之间做翻译的人”。(苏福忠:7)弗吉尼亚吴尔夫曾经说:For after all,the novel

21、ists are the great interpreters.(说到底,小说家是了不起的翻译家。)(同上),77,翻译定义:翻译是转换 翻译是变换翻译是临摹 翻译是复制翻译是意译 翻译是重述翻译是再现 翻译是释义翻译是替代 翻译是复述翻译是改写 翻译是暴力 翻译是美化 翻译是叛逆 翻译是创造,78,翻译是操控 翻译是表现 翻译是交际 翻译是自我殖民化翻译是女人 翻译是颠覆翻译是后续生命 翻译是变通翻译是入侵 翻译是仿拟翻译是照相 翻译是挪用 翻译是注入新的血液 翻译是花瓶的碎片 翻译是窥探神的语言 翻译是?,79,理论视角(Shift of Theoretical Frames)以各国权杖头

22、为例:示意图 解剖图 俯视图,80,(1)Mimesis(2)Expression(3)Structuralism(4)Deconstruction(5)Social action(6)Power relations(Cultural studies),81,那么,什么不是翻译?莎士比亚的戏剧?曹禺的雷雨?郭沫若的诗歌?新时期的文学?,82,On the one hand,the world is presented to us as a collection of similarities;on the other,as a growing heap of texts,each slight

23、ly different from the one that came before it:translations of translations of translations.(Bassnett:12),83,例1春睡好不觉天晓,鸟雀声处处喧闹。忆昨宵风声雨声,天知道落花多少!(余冠英)白发长到三千丈,只因愁绪是这样长。我对着明亮的镜子,不知道从哪里得了这么多的寒霜。(周振甫),84,什么是忠实?不折不扣地再现原文的意义?再加上形式?精神?意味?意图?效果?功能?而有折扣地再现?例2It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest.恶鸟渎巢。家丑不可外扬

24、。,85,例3:Their accent couldnt fool a native speaker.他们的口音不能愚弄本地人。本地人不会听不出他们是外地人的。一听他们的口音本地人便知道他们是外地人。,86,例4:Did you say“pig”or“fig”?said the Cat.(Alices Adventure in Wonderland.)你刚才说的是“猪”还是“无花果”?你刚才说的是“pig”还是“fig”?你刚才说的是“猪”还是“书”?,87,例5:(Its an order from President Bush.)I dont care if it is from bush

25、,tree,or grass.(这时布什总统的命令。)我才不管它来自灌木,树木还是草。我才不管它来自布什,树木还是草呢。我才不管它什么布什、布头,还是布片。,88,例6:In the evening,when the twilight creeps slowly over the northern hills,when the noise of the day diminishes,when the moon rises majestically over the West Lake,there comes the magic hour of this paradise.日薄时分,北边群峦徐徐

26、腾起了一层苍茫暮霭,日间的喧扰之声已然悄逝,湖面上皓月当空,洁穆雍然,人间天堂的神奇时刻也便在此时降临。,89,Against the purple dome of the sky rise the needles of the pagodas and the artfully carved roofs of the temples.Clusters of trees are interspersed,providing an incredibly beautiful setting.但见那,禅林塔尖与梵宫巧筑峨然矗立,直指苍穹;古木丛丛,点缀如簇,绝妙地映托出一幅令人难以置信的瑰丽衬景。,9

27、0,The people step out of their houses and have their evening meals or a cooling drink on the broad streets along the lake front.人们纷纷步出家宅,在那宽阔的沿湖街上,或凭湖便餐,或纳凉悠饮,91,例7:O sons of earth!Attempt ye still to riseBy mountains piled on mountains to the skies?Heavn still with laughter the vain toil survey,And

28、 buries madman in the heaps they raise.上古之人,欲避洪水,造巴别塔,高与天齐;后人求福,但靠富贵,徒劳无益,其愚亦然。嗟彼疯人,萦情名利。葬身利禄。真福未享;以此求福,愈求愈远。(李提摩太 任延旭,1898:33),92,例8:My beloved parent has just passed to his heavenly reward.(frozen)My dear father has just expired.(formal)My father has just passed away.(consultative)My dad has died.

29、(casual)My old man just kicked the bucket.(intimate),93,例9:The pen is mightier than the sword.The pen is a Parker.-Time,Dec.21,1986 文略胜于武功。,94,例10:All good things come in pears.(Good things do not come in pairs.)好事成双;好梨天天吃,好事天天来。,95,例11:Studies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability.Their ch

30、ief use for delight,is in privateness and retiring;for ornament,is in discourses;and for ability,is in the judgment and disposition of business.读书足以怡情,足以傅采,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其傅采也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。(王佐良译),96,求知可以作为消遣,可以作为装潢,也可以增长才干。当你孤独寂寞时,阅读可以消遣。当你高谈阔论时,知识可以装潢。当你处世行事时,求知可以促成才干。(何新译)读书能给人乐趣、

31、文雅和能力。人们独居或退隐的时候,最能体会到读书的乐趣;谈话的时候,最能表现出读书的文雅;判断和处理事务的时候,最能发挥由读书而获得的能力。(廖运范译),97,五、意义的界定与忠实的判断丘吉尔的肖像,98,什么是语言的意义?维特根斯坦不仅认为语言与现实同构,而且语言决定了现实的结构;meaning is the usage of the word in the language.奥斯汀将语言分为descriptive and performative:I apologize.康德将句子分为分析和综合命题;格莱斯语言的意义就是言者的意图。,99,意义并非自身固有的属性,而是来自我们解读其属性的方

32、式。将文本与其起源相混淆意图谬见(intentional fallacy)。将文本与其效果相混淆感受谬见(affective fallacy)。谁是忠实的评判者?原作者?译者?通双语的专家?抑或是单语原读者?译文读者?,100,马克思对翻译自己的著作要求,“译者必须是党员”。(单继刚:32)恩格斯强调翻译马克思著作最重要的翻译原则就是“忠实”“内容上是否再现了马克思的原意,风格上是否再现了马克思的特点。”(同上),101,马克思的态度与恩格斯有所不同。“他最关心的与其说是忠实,到不如说是如何尽可能地扩大无产阶级意识形态的影响。只要译文对上述目的有利,完全可以根据需要增加、删除、修改原文内容。”

33、(同上:33),102,马克思亲自参加翻译和校阅的(资本论)德文第二版作了相当多的修改和补充将翻译变成了“再创作”和“重写”。(同上:33)对原作者自己的翻译,是否应该有不同的评判标准?原作者是否是解释文本意义的上帝?,103,Winston Churchill”s Portrait,104,105,106,107,108,When Sir Winston Churchill,the great British prime minister,reached his eightieth birthday in November 1954,he was presented with his por

34、trait by a well-known modern artist,Graham Sutherland.The painting had been ordered and paid for by the members of Parliament,who wanted to honor the Grand Old Man of World War II.,109,Sir Winston and Lady Churchill were deeply moved by this mark of respect and affection.Neither of them,of course,al

35、lowed the donors to see how much they both disliked the portrait.“It makes me look stupidwhich I am not!”protested Churchill in private.Publicly,he only remarked that it was“a fine example of modern art.”,110,Churchill was so unhappy about the portrait that finally his wife had it destroyed.Churchil

36、l died at ninety in January,1965.Lady Churchill followed his in 1977.Shortly after her death,the public learned what happened to Sutherlands painting,and a heated argument broke out.,111,The painter was understandably sad.The artistic community,shocked and angry,claimed that the destruction of the p

37、icture had been a crime.Historians said that they regretted the disappearance of a historical document.All agreed that the Churchill didnt have the right to do what they had done.,112,Well-did they?A good part of the public felt that the subject(and owner)of a portrait had the right to get rid of it

38、 if it made him so unhappy.The question,however,has been raised many times before:who has the right to a work of art-the sitter,the owner,the donor,or the artist who created it?And when the painting is the portrait of a historical figure,should the right of posterity be considered,as the historians

39、claimed?,113,Another question comes to mind:who is qualified to judge a portrait?Graham Sutherland had told Sir Winston that he would paint him“as he saw him.”Churchill found out only when he received his present that Sutherland had seen him as a heavy,sick,tired old man.Since he hated old age,he wa

40、s naturally hurt and offended.,114,But was the portrait a good one,as many(including the painter)said?Or was it bad and offensive as others(and the sitter)thought?Who is to judge?It is well known that we never see ourselves as others see us;but do we see ourselves better than they do?,115,None of th

41、ese questions have been answered yet to everybodys satisfaction.That is also the dilemma of Translation.,116,成吉思汗像,117,成吉思汗,抑或是?,118,成吉思汗陵塑像,119,西方书籍中孔子像,120,121,中国孔子像,122,123,Then,what on earth is translation?What is NOT a translation?What is an acceptable translation or a good translation?What are

42、 those things that are essential to a good(an acceptable)translation?What is the criterion of faithfulness?Who is the judge or has the final say?Does faithfulness really matter so much in any case?,124,Its damned too hard,but I shall find it out anyway.,125,THE LAST ROSE OF SUMMER Tis the last rose

43、of Summer,Left blooming alone;All her lovely companions Are faded and gone;No flower of her kindred,No rosebud is nigh,To reflect back her blushes,Or to give sigh for sigh!Ill not leave thee,thou lone one,To pine on the stem;Since the lovely are sleeping,Go sleep thou with them.Thus kindly I scatter

44、 Thy leaves oer the bed Where thy mates of the garden Lie scentless and dead.So soon may I follow,When friendships decay,And from Loves shining circle The gems drop away!When true hearts lie withered,And fond ones are flown,Oh!who would inhabit This bleak world alone?,126,Letzte Rose in unserem Gart

45、en Letzte Rose in unserem Garten,die verborgen im Laub ich fand,willst noch immer auf Sonne warten,doch der Herbstwind weht uebers Land.Laengst verwelkt sind alle Blumen,all die Pracht ging laengst dahin.Letzte Rose in unserem Garten,so alleine musst du verbluehen,La la la.Laengst verwelkt sind alle

46、 Blumen,all die Pracht ging laengst dahin.Letzte Rose in unserem Garten,so alleine musst du verbluehn,so alleine musst du verbluehn.,127,1.夏天最后一朵玫瑰,还在孤独的开放。所有它可爱的伴侣,都已凋谢死亡。再已没有一朵鲜花,陪伴在它的身旁。映照它绯红的脸庞,和它一同叹息悲伤。2.我不愿看你继续痛苦,孤独的留在枝头上。愿你能跟随你的同伴,一起安然长眠。我把你那芬芳的花瓣,轻轻散布在花坛上,让你和亲爱的同伴,在那黄土中埋葬。3.当那爱人的金色指环,失去宝石的光芒。当那珍贵的友情枯萎,我也愿和你同往。当那忠实的心儿憔瘁,当那心爱的人儿死亡,谁还愿孤独的生存,在这凄凉的世界上。,128,129,400031 重庆四川外语学院 翻译研究所,


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