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1、Job Classification,Evaluation and Compensation,Methods of Job Classification,Rank in PersonRank in Position,Classification Principles,Classify positions,not persons.Distinguish positions by duties and responsibilities.Classify positions on the basis of qualifications(education,knowledge,experience,s

2、kills)Administer equal pay for equal work.,The Classification Systemin Government,Occupational Groupings,Class Series,Class,Positions,Federal Classification Standards,General ScheduleOccupational GroupSeriesGradeClass of PositionsPosition Description,Types of Pay Systemsin the Federal Government,Gen

3、eral SchedulePostal Service Schedule Law Enforcement Foreign Service Senior Executive ServiceEtc.Blue Collar,Equitable Compensation Policy,The Equal Pay Act of 1963Title VII,Section 703(a)and 703(h),of 1964The Pay Comparability Act of 1990,The Equal Pay Act of 1963,No employer.shall discriminate.Bet

4、ween employees on the basis of sex by paying wages to employees.for equal work on jobs the performance of which require equal skill,effort,and responsibility,and which are performed under similar working conditions,except where such payment is made pursuant to(1)a seniority system,(2)a merit system,

5、(3)a system which measures earnings by quantity or quality of production,or(4)a differential based on any other factor other than sex.,Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,It shall not be an unlawful employment practice under this subchapter for any employer to differentiate upon the basis of s

6、ex in determining the amount of wages or compensation paid or to be paid to employees of such employer if such differentiation is authorized by the provisions of the Equal Pay Act of 1963,Grave Diggers and Archeologists:Who Should Be Paid More?,What criteria would you use to base your determination?,KnowledgeSupervisory controlsGuidelineComplexityScope and effectPersonal contactPurpose of contactPhysical demandsWork environment,A Model of the Factor Evaluation for Jobs,Calculating the Worthof a Job,Translating Factor Scoresto GS Pay Grades,Merit Pay:Problems?,,


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