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1、,介词,什么是介词?它的作用是什么?,1.Look at me.()2.He goes to school by bike.()3.He is interested in drawing.()4.The book is on the desk.(),代词,名词,动名词,介词:通常用在_、_、_ 之前,表示某个人、事物/东西、事件与 另一个之间的_。,名词,代词,名词,动名词,关系,介词的主要分类:,1.at the cinema,in the hospital _2.Write with a pen,by bus _ 3.in summer,on September 1st _4.by the

2、 way,at last,in the end _,地点介词,方式介词,时间介词,固定搭配,一.地点介词,1.at the village,at home,at the corner of the street._2.in Shanghai,in the country,in Asia,in the world,in space _3.in the box,on the chair,under the desk,next to Kate,on the right of Lucy,in front of the house,behindthe door _,表示小地方用at,表示大地方用in,表

3、示不同地方用具体不同的介词,Lucy,Lily,Mary,Sunny,Kitty,between,next to,Tommy,in front of,behind,词汇大阅兵-让我们先来把耳朵和眼睛唤醒,on the right,on the left,A,B,C,on,under,between,F,One,Two,in the front of,on,in,under,fall off/down from the tree,一、将下列词组译成汉语。1beside the house_ 2on the bed_3in the bag_4under the desk_5in front of

4、the classroom_6in the river_7behind the tree_,在房子旁边,在床上,在袋子里,在桌子下,在教室前面,在河里,在树的后面,经典例题,填上正确的地方介词:,1.在广州 _ Guangzhou 2.在电影院 _ the cinema3.在湖边 _ the lake 4.在海里 _ the sea5.树上的苹果 apples _ the tree6.树上的小鸟 birds _ the tree7.在天空上 _ the sky8.在教室外 _ the classroom9.在农场上 _ the farm,in,at,by,in,on,in,in,outside

5、,on,on 在的上面,与表面接触,over 在的正上方,垂直上方,不接触表面,小组讨论并总结,above 在上方,不强调是否垂直,1.Look!There is a bridge _the river.A.on B.over C.above2.Can you see the egg _ the plate?A.on B.in C.over3.We live _ a small bookstore.A.on B.over C.above,4.The sun rose _the horizon(地平线).A.on B.above C.over,2)under 在正下方(是on,over的反义词)

6、below 在下方,不强调垂直,是above的反义词1.The temperature will fall_ zero at night.A.below B.above C.over2.They were playing chess _ the tree.A.on B.above C.under,二、选择适当的介词填空。1What row are you _?Aon Bat Cin Dwith2This is the school building.Its _ the park.AnearBinCat Dbetween3Whats _ Picture 9?Aat Bon CunderDin4T

7、here are some ducks _ the lake.Aunder Bon CoverDin5They are waiting for a bus _ the bus stop.Ain Bto Cat Dnear,C,A,D,D,C,老师摆擂,0ff,fall/jump off the tree,in the tree,on the tree,Task 3:Run quickly!,through,across,up,down,over,round,Prepositions of movement 运动介词,横穿,从内部穿过,through 从内部穿过,across 横穿,up 向上,

8、down 向下,over 越过,round 环绕 在周围,小组讨论并总结,in 在某范围之内 to 在某范围之外 on 与某地相邻、接壤,方位介词,1.China lies _the east of Asia and _the north of Australia.A.in,on B.in,to C.to,in 2.Mongolia is _the north of China.A.in B.on C.to,There is a cat under the tree.,A cat is under the tree.,There are two dogs under the tree.,Two

9、 dogs are under the tree.,There is a cat and two dogs under the tree.,There are two dogs and a cat under the tree.,A cat and two dogs are under the tree.,there,there 是个近视眼。,There is an apple on the chair.,请使用There be-描述下图,There is a ball in the basket.,There is a pencil in the pencil-box.,There are

10、three books on the desk.,在桌子上有3支钢笔。There are three pens on the table.在树上有一些苹果。There are some apples on the tree.在椅子上有一只兔子。There is a rabbit on the chair.在铅笔盒里有一块橡皮。There is an eraser in the pencil-box.,高考最新热门题1)典型例题假设你是一位生活在某城市的中学生,暑假打算去乡村度假。请根据下面两幅图提供的信息,写一篇短文。简要说明城市生活的不足,重点说明你去乡村度假的原因。注意:1短文应包括图中所

11、提供的主要信息,并做适当发挥,使短文内容连贯、完整;2词数:100左右。命题目的与解题技巧:本题考查图表作文。,假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Bob将于九月到你所在城市的建新华文学校学中文,来信请你在学校附近为他找一套住房。请根据图画提供的信,写信介绍住房的情况,并告知住房面积为25平方米,月租500元。,1词数:100左右。2参考词汇:房租rent(n),Dear Bob,Im,so glad to learn that youre coming in September.Ive found a place for you.Its a small flat of 25 square metres

12、,with a bedroom,a bathroom and a kitchen.In the bedroom there is a bed,a sofa,a desk and a chair.The rent is 500 yuan per month.The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street,which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School.Bus No.11 cantake you straight to the school.In fact,it is only one stop.Do you thi

13、nk youd like it?If not,I can try and find another place for you.Just let me know.Yours,Li Hua,你是Tom,五年后再次来到这个城市,发现它变化很大(如图所示),你给朋友Rose发电子邮件,告诉她这里的变化。,1.字数:约100字。2注:立交桥overpass;私家车privatecar,I was born _ June 1,1992.I was born _ Childrens Day.,I was born _ June,1992.,I was born _ 1992.,好郁闷啊!分不清了耶!,in

14、,in,on,on,三.时间介词,1.at six oclock,at noon,at that time,at half past three,at mid-night _2.on Sunday,on New Years Day,on March 21st,on my birthday on the afternoon of May 1,on a cold morning_3.in three days,in a week,in a month,in May,in 1998,in a century _,表示点钟或具体一点时间用 at,表示具体的某一天用 on,表示表示周、月、季节、年大于一

15、天的时间用 in,5.at night 在晚上6.in the day 在白天7.in the morning 在早上8.in the afternoon 在下午9.in the evening 在晚上,在早上/下午/傍晚 用 in,在下列情况下,时间状语前不用介词:,1.当时间状语是today,tonight,yesterday,the day before yesterday,yesterday morning/afternoon/evening,tomorrow,tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening等时。She went to the park yeste

16、rday.Ill be free tomorrow morning.2.含有this,that,these,those,last,next,every,each等的时间状语不用介词。We are going to play basketball this afternoon.I saw him in the street last Sunday.My mother gets up early every morning.We are working on the farm these days.,星期一:Mon.=Monday星期二:Tues.=Tuesday星期三:Wed.=Wednesda

17、y星期四:Thur.=Thursday 星期五:Fri.=Friday星期六:Sat.=Saturday星期天:Sun.=Sunday,一月份Jan.=January二月份Feb.=February三月份Mar.=March四月份Apr.=April五月份May=May六月份Jun.=June七月份Jul.=July八月份Aug.=August九月份Sept.=September十月份Oct.=October十一月份Nov.=November十二月份Dec.=December,futureno time(马上)ones childhoodones spare timeones teensone

18、s youthre-cent yearsspringthe morningthe pastthose days,in,in,in,in,in,in,in,in,in,in,in,on a certain day,on Christmas Day,on ones birthday,on Sunday,on that date,on the Monday morning,on the New Years Eve,on this day,语篇模板,交待活动的时间、地点和目的We bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees on the morning of Apri

19、l 12th.,请在一分钟内熟读背诵,1.记为祖父母安排旅行的经过(2010北京)假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华,利用上周末的时间帮助祖父母安排了去北戴河的旅行。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,叙述你从准备到送行的全过程。,专题练析,参考范文 I helped my grandparents prepare their trip to Beidaihe.,together with my grandparents,I searched the Internet for the train schedule,the weather in Beidaile and some h

20、otel information.,I went to the train station and managed to buy two tickets for my grandparents although there was a long queue.,Last weekend,On Saturday morning,In the afternoon,After dinner,I packed into the suitcase the things my grandparents need,such as clothes,glasses,an umbrella,and a map.,I

21、 went to the station to see them off.Waving goodbye to them on the platform,I felt happy for them and wished them a safe journey.,The next morning,2.报道茂名特大洪灾茂名市2010年9月21日遭受特大洪灾,请写一篇英语短文向外国朋友报道灾情。写作内容1.发生的时间地点。2.灾情:死伤人数达到400多人,成千上万的房屋被毁,几十万人无家可归,水、食物和电都很难得到,据说是有史以来最大的洪灾。3.救援工作:灾后不久,部队派了大量的战士去灾区协助救援人员

22、。他们为那些家园被毁的幸存者盖起了避难所,用火车、卡车运来了水和食物。慢慢地,这座城市又恢复了生机。,参考范文:A terrible flood happened,in Maoming,on September 21,2010.,二.方式介词,1.write with a pen,cut with a knife 2.see with our eyes,do with our hands,smell with our noses,eat with our mouths 3.in English,in French,in your own words,in three language,使用工具

23、用介词 with,使用器官用介词 with,使用语言用介词 in,4.in a loud voice,in a low voice _5.in this way,in these ways,by this means _6.by bike,by bus,by train,by plane,by ship,by car(on foot)_,使用声音用介词 in,使用方法用介词 in 或 by,使用交通工具用 by,但:on the bike,on the bus,on the train,on the plane,on the ship,in the car,7.in a red coat,th

24、e girl in yellow,the boy in white _9.lie in bed,after a while,in the sun(),表示穿衣服用 in,固定搭配,(1)目的介词:for 为了(表示目的或原因)to 为了(2)比较介词 like 象一样 as 与一样(连词),作为;按照 句子 than 比 to 与相比较,Do you remember them?,在岁时 _ the age of 有时 _ times 开始,在起初 _ the beginning of 此刻 _ the moment=now 在结尾,在尽头_ the end of 例如 _ example 匆

25、忙地 _ a hurry 到的时候 _ the time 从到 _ 在户外,在野外 _ the open air,at,at,at,at,at,for,in,by,from,to,in,比一比,哪组好,相邻,靠近 next _ 将来 _ the future 由于,幸亏 thanks _ 过了一会儿 _ a while 在地球上 _ earth 遍及 all_ 下课/放学/下班后 _ class/school/work 展出 _ show 值日 _ duty 独立,单独 all _ oneself 令(某人)惊讶 _ ones surprise,to,in,to,after,on,after,

26、on,on,by,to,over,比一比,哪组好:,1._weekends,I often go _ movies _ my friends,Mike.2.What events do you have _ your school?3.I stay _ home and look _ pictures _ Beijing Opera?4._ a word,I can learn a lot _ Chinese history.5.I usually go _school _ seven oclock.6.He listens _ music _ TV _ the morning.,介词总动员-句子填介词,On,to,with,at,at,at,of,In,about,to,at,to,on,in,Michaels neighborhood,FifthAve,Pine Street,Supermarket,House,Hotel,go(straight)along,Michaels neighborhood,FifthAve,Pine Street,Supermarket,House,Hotel,Turn right,Michaels neighborhood,FifthAve,Pine Street,Supermarket,House,Hotel,Turn left,


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