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1、THE CIVIL WAR南北战争;美国内战,-Hemingway,Union vs Confederacy,union美利坚合众国(简称联邦),confederate美利坚联盟国(简称邦联),III.Civil War(18611865),The Causes of the Civil War(P114,2-3)Two different economic systems existed side by side.The north demanded high tariffs and asked the government to build an infrastructure of roa

2、ds and railways.The south advocated free trade,so opposed high tariffs.,9/15/2023,3,III.Civil War(18611865),The Outbreak of the Civil War Abraham Lincoln became the 16th president in 1861.(the Republican Party)The South formed a new nation-the Confederate States of America.Lincoln was determined to

3、maintain Federal Government as a union.The war broke out on April 12,1861.,9/15/2023,4,Emancipation Proclamation解放奴隶宣言,It freed the slaves only in states that have seceded from the Union.It did not free slaves in border states.1863Emancipation=freedom,Lincoln met with his cabinet on July 22,1862 for

4、 the first reading of a draft of the Emancipation Proclamation,III.Civil War(18611865),The train which took his body to his former home in Springfield,Illinois,traveled 12 days before reaching its destination,for all the towns,villages and even the railway itself were packed with people paying their

5、 last respect to Lincoln.,The Result of the Civil WarOn Apr 9,1865,General Lee,commanding general of the Confederate army,surrendered(投降).On Apr.14,Lincoln was assassinated.It resolved two fundamental issues:Slavery was completely abolished;America became a single and stronger nation.,9/15/2023,6,Li

6、ncolns life 1838年,29岁,努力争取成为州议员的发言人,没有成功1840年,31岁,争取成为被选举人,落选了1843年,34岁,参加国会大选,又落选了1846年,37岁,再次参加国会大选,这次当选了1848年,39岁,寻求国会议员连任,失败了1849年,40岁,想在自己州内担任土地局长,被拒绝了1854年,45岁,竞选参议员,落选了1856年,47岁,在共和党的全国代表大会上争取副总统的提名得票110张1858年,49岁,再度参选参议员,再度落选1860年,51岁,当选美国总统 1864年,55岁,连任美国总统,北方军取得胜利1865年,56岁,内战结束公开地被枪杀在剧场,II

7、I.Civil War(18611865),9/15/2023,7,Born into poverty,Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life.He lost eight elections,twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown.生下来就一贫如洗的林肯,终其一生都在面对挫败,八次竞选落败,两次经商失败,甚至还精神崩溃过一次。He could have quit many timesbut he didnt and because he didnt quit,

8、he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of the country.不忘初心,方得始终。他成为美国史上最伟大的总统之一。I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。-Abraham Lincoln,9/15/2023,8,Abraham Lincoln was elected President as candidate of _.A.the Democratic Party B.the Republican Party C.the Whig

9、 Party D.None of the above,III.Civil War(18611865),9/15/2023,9,The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by _ during the Civil War.George Washington Abraham LincolnThomas JeffersonFranklin Roosevelt,III.Civil War(18611865),9/15/2023,10,9/15/2023,11,I dont know or even if she knows me she is the place im heading,and i hardly know her.怀念那年的自己,我甚至完全不了解她,但我曾爱她胜过爱自己。-Anthony Minghella cold mountain,


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