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1、.单词思忆(一)基本单词1_ adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.使不安;使心烦2_ vt.不理睬;忽视3_ vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的4_ vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n担心;关注;(利害)关系5_ vi.安家;定居;停留 vt.使定居;安排;解决6_ vt.&vi.遭受;忍受;经历7_ vi.&vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得8_ vi.&vt.捆扎;包装;打行李 n小包;包裹9_ n十几岁的青少年10_ adv.确实如此;正是;确切地11_ adj.感激的;表示谢意的12_ n提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费 vt.倾斜;翻倒,(二)派生单词13_

2、 adv.在户外;在野外_ adv.在室内;在户内14_ adj.整个的;完全的;全部的_ adv.完全地;全然地;整个地15_ n能力;力量;权力_ adj.强大的;强有力的_ adj.无力的;没有能力的;无权力的16_ vi.不同意_ n不同意;不一致.短语回顾1合计add_2(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来calm_3关心;挂念be concerned_4经历;经受;完成;仔细检查go_5记下;放下;登记set_6一连串的;一系列;一套a _of7故意地;有目的地_ purpose8对厌烦get/be tired _9与相处;进展get along_10加入;参加join_,.佳句仿练1W

3、hile walking the dog,you were careless.(while walking是while you were walking的省略。)在大街上散步时,我碰巧遇到了一位老朋友。_,I happened to meet an old friend of mine.2You will tell him that he should have studied.(should have done表示“本应该做而没有做”。)你本来不应该告诉他这件事情。You _ about it.3She and her family hid away for nearly twenty fi

4、ve months before they were discovered.(before引导时间状语从句。)再过些时候我们才能知道全部结果。It will be some time _.,4I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(its.that.是强调句型。)正是因为有了互联网我们才可以轻松地与他人分享信息。_ we can share the information wi

5、th others easily.5It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.(it/this was the first time that.某人第一次做某事,that从句中用完成时态。)这是他第二次因超速而被罚款了。_ he had been fined for speeding.同步语法直接引语和间接引语()(陈述句和疑问句),.1.upset2.ignore3.calm4.concern5.settle 6.suffer7.recover8.pack9.teenager1

6、0.exactly11.grateful12.tip13.outdoors;indoors14.entire;entirely15.power;powerful;powerless16.disagree;disagreement.1.up2.down3.about4.through5.down6.series7.on8.of9.with10.in.1.While walking along the street2.shouldnt have told him 3.before we know the full results4.It was because of the Internet th

7、at5It was the second time that,1upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.使不安;使心烦;弄翻;打翻;打乱;扰乱(计划等)Your friend comes to school very upset.(P1)你朋友来到学校很烦。She was still upset about the argument shed with Harry.她仍然为跟哈里发生的争论而感到烦恼。(朗文)It upset him that his father didnt take him to Shanghai.让他不高兴的是,他父亲没有带他去上海。,【温馨提醒】upset

8、为表语形容词,不用作定语。upset的过去式和过去分词形式仍为upset。upset的现在分词形式为upsetting。,about/over/at,【即时应用】Last night our national football team was defeated by 05,which _ us very much.AworriesBsatisfiesCupsets Dattends【解析】句意:昨天晚上我国足球队以05输了比赛,所以我们非常心烦(upset)。【答案】C,2calm vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的 n平静;宁静;镇静Charlie tri

9、ed to calm the frightened children.查理努力安抚受惊的孩子们。Keep calm,and try not to panic!沉住气,别惊慌。It was difficult to calm down the football fans.要使足球迷们平静下来是很困难的。After dinner,they were enjoying the calm of the evening.晚餐后,他们享受着夜晚的宁静。,calm sb.down 使某人平静下来calm down平静/镇静下来keep/be calm保持镇定calmly adv.平静地,镇定地,calm/q

10、uiet/still/silentcalm平静的,沉着的。指无风浪的或人的心情不激动的。quiet宁静的,安静的。指不吵闹的或心境不烦躁的。强调“没有一点声音”。still静止的,不动的。指(人体等)不运动的。silent沉默的,缄口的,寂静的。指不讲话或没有声音。,【即时应用】用calm/still/quiet/silent填空(1)The most important thing for a person who is in danger is keeping _.(2)Please keep _.Or the sleeping baby will be woken up.(3)No ma

11、tter what I asked the boy,he kept _ for the whole night.(4)Please stand _ while I take your picture.【答案】(1)calm(2)quiet(3)silent(4)still,3concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n担心;关心;(利害)关系The fact that she spends so much time on her own really concerns me.她很多时间都是一人独处,这真让我担心。His main concern is to be able to prov

12、ide for his family.他主要关心的是要能够养活一家人。(朗文)This article concerns a man who was wrongly imprisoned.这篇文章写的是一个被冤枉而入狱的人。,concern oneself 关心;从事;参与concern oneself 担心;关心be concerned sth.关心;挂念be concerned 与有关;参与;牵涉到show/express concern about/for.对表示关心/挂念as/so far as.be concerned就而言,with,about,with/in,about,【即时应

13、用】选用上述词汇完成下列情景Besides doing his research work,Professor Li(1)_(从事)social work.For example,he(2)_(关心)world peace and human progress.He also has made it clear that his research work should(3)_(与有关)the farmers income because(4)_(据他所知),to increase the farmers income is of greater importance than anythin

14、g else.【答案】(1)concerns himself with/in(is concerned with/in)(2)shows concern about/for(is concerned about)(3)be concerned with(4)as far as he is concerned,4settle vi.安家;定居;停留 vt.使定居;安排;解决;决定;确定She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place.(P4)她发现很难在躲藏地安顿并且安静下来They settled their

15、differences in a friendly way.他们友好地解决了他们的分歧。I hate all this travel;I want to get married and settle down.我讨厌到处跑,我想结婚过安定的日子。,settle down稳定;定居;舒适地坐下;平静下来;专心做;沉没settle in定居;习惯于;适应(新工作)(新居)settle on/upon决定/确定选定,就达成协议settle for勉强接受,【即时应用】写出下列句子中settle的含义(1)There were two birds that settled on my bike whe

16、n I came out._(2)You must settle the differences with your father first._(3)The teacher settled the students down and began the class._(4)In the end they had to settle for a draw._【答案】(1)停留(2)解决(3)使某人安静下来,平静下来(4)勉强接受,5suffer v遭受;忍受;经历She suffered from loneliness,but she had to learn to like it there

17、.(P4)她感到孤独,但她得学会喜欢住在那里。He looked very pale and seemed to have suffered a great deal.他看起来脸色苍白,好像很痛苦。Im sorry to make you suffer for the wrong of others.我很抱歉让你因别人的错误而受苦。,suffer vt.遭受,蒙受;后常跟pain/defeat/loss/poverty/hunger/punishment/hardship/damage等。suffer vi.后常跟介词from,表示“受折磨;受之苦;患某种疾病”。,【即时应用】(1)Many

18、coastal areas are _ a shortage of fresh water.Asuffered from BsufferedCsuffering from Dsuffering【解析】suffer from意为“遭受,受之苦”,符合句意,并且要用主动语态,表示目前正在遭受缺水之苦。【答案】C,(2)The company _ huge losses in the last financial year.Asuffered Bsuffered fromCwas suffered Dwas suffered from【解析】suffer后接loss,pain,hardship时常用

19、作及物动词,没必要用介词from,由空后的宾语losses可知用主动形式,故答案为A。【答案】A,6recover v重新获得;重新找回;恢复;痊愈How can Linda recover from her illness in this room when its so dirty?(P4)屋子里这么脏琳达怎么能恢复健康?She soon recovered herself and went on with her lecture.她很快恢复正常,继续进行演讲。,recover 从中恢复recover oneself清醒过来recover ones losses弥补损失,from,【即时应

20、用】Lorri has completely _ from the bad illness and will come back to work next Monday.Arecognized BreturnedCresulted Drecovered【解析】recognize认出;return返回;result“导致”;recover康复。句意:Lorri已经完全从重病中康复了,而且她下周一会回来工作。【答案】D,1add up合计;加起来Add up your score and see how many points you get.(P1)把你的分数加起来,看看能得到多少分。These

21、 figures in the bill dont add up right.账单上的这些数字加起来得到的结果不对。,add up to加起来共计/达(不用于被动语态);总之就是;意味着add 增加;增添(后多接抽象名词)add.把加到/进里add that.补充(说)add in包括;加进;算进,to,to,【即时应用】介/副词填空(1)The music added _ our enjoyment in the party.(2)The number of the students in our class adds _ 54.(3)Please add some sugar _the s

22、oup.(4)Before you finish the total,please add _ these new figures.【答案】(1)to(2)up to(3)to(4)in,2go through经历;经受;浏览;检查;通过;用完;做完Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you,or would not understand what you are going through?(P2)或者你是不是担心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢?We went through two caves,an extremel

23、y unusual part of the journey.我们通过了两个山洞,这是这次旅行中的一个相当不平凡的部分。Have you gone through all your money already?你已经把所有的钱都花光了吗?At night,Lucy started to go through the letters that she received in the day.晚上,露西开始看她白天收到的信件。,go about着手干;四处走动;(故事等)流传go against反对;违背;对不利go 逝去;过去go 复习,仔细检查go 上涨,上升,攀登,by,over,up,【即时

24、应用】To their disappointment,the couple _ the house but couldnt find the missing ring,which was to bring them into great trouble.Agot through Bwent throughClived through Dlooked through【解析】句意:令他们失望的是,这对夫妇仔细检查了这所房子,却没有找到丢失的戒指,这注定会让他们陷入极大的困境。go through经历,经受,仔细检查;get through通过,完成,接通电话;live through度过,经受住;

25、look through浏览,温习。【答案】B,3set down记下;放下;登记;(司机)让某人下车I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do.(P2)我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水帐The bus sets the children down just outside the school gate.公共汽车紧靠学校门口停下,让孩子们下车。,set(doing sth.)着手(做某事)set out(to do sth.)开始,着手(做某事)set 动身;引爆(炸弹等);引起;激发set

26、aside留出,拨出,把放在一边set 开办;建立;设立;创设,about,off,up,【即时应用】I have the details _ here in my notebook,which you can refer to.Aset off Bget onCset down Dget along【解析】句意:我把细节记在我的笔记本上,你可以参考。set off动身,引起;get on/get along“相处”;set down记下,写下。【答案】C,4get along/on with与某人相处;某事进展(如何)Im getting along well with a boy in m

27、y class.(P6)我跟我们班的一个男生相处得很好。How are you getting along with your English lesson?你的英语课程学得怎么样?Very well.很好。,get to认真做;开始着手做get(话)传达;使人懂get 克服;摆脱get rid of消灭;摆脱;除掉get(电话)接通;用完;通过,down,across,over,though,【即时应用】完成句子(1)If you two are going to share a room,youd better _(学会如何相处)(2)_ your granddaughter _(在学习怎

28、样)at university?【答案】(1)learn how to get along(2)Hows;getting along,5join in 参加;加入.to join in discussions and show interest in other peoples ideas.(P7)和别人一起讨论,对他们的想法表现出感兴趣I invited him to join us in the argument.我邀请他参加我们的辩论。,join sb.in(doing)sth.加入某人一起(做)某事join hands sb.与某人携手/合作join up with sb./sth.和

29、某人/物连起来join.把连接起来,to,with,join/join in/take part in/attendjoin参加某组织或团体,并成为其中的一员。join in参加正在进行着的活动,如游戏、讨论、辩论、谈话等。take part in参加会议或群众性活动,并在其中发挥一定的作用。attend正式用语,指参加会议、仪式、婚礼、葬礼、上课、上学、听报告等。重在强调“参与”的动作,不强调参加者的作用。,【即时应用】用join/join in/take part in/attend的适当形式填空(1)I decided to _ the club to have dance traini

30、ng.(2)Would you like me to _ the game?(3)I _ physical labor yesterday.(4)I will have to _his funeral(葬礼)next week.【答案】(1)join(2)join in(3)took part in(4)attend,1While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.(P1)遛狗的时候,你太粗心以至于狗跑了后被车撞了。句中的while walking the dog是一种省略形式,相当于

31、while you are walking the dog。当when,while,until,if,unless或though等连词引导的状语从句中的主语与主句的主语相同,或者主语为it,从句的谓语动词又含有be的某种形式时,可以省去从句中的主语和be。While(she was)still a student,she played roles in many plays.在她还是个学生的时候,她就在许多剧中扮演角色。Come to have a chat when(it is)convenient to you.你方便时过来聊天。,【温馨提醒】如果主、从句的主语不一致,从句不能省略,而应使

32、用状语从句的完整形式。When seeing the stone,the car stopped.When seeing the stone,the driver stopped his car.,【高考链接】(2010浙江高考)The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise,if _ regularly,can improve our health.Abeing carried out Bcarrying outCcarried out Dto carry out【解析】句意:试验表明,如果有规律地进行适量的锻炼,就能够提高身体健康状

33、况。if carried outif it is carried out,依句意可知itproper amounts of exercise,与carry out构成动宾关系,所以用过去分词表被动含义。【答案】C,【即时应用】完成句子(1)_(上网时)the Internet,I heard a terrible noise coming from the kitchen.(2)_(当住在)in Britain,the businesswoman picked up some English.【答案】(1)While/When surfing(2)When/While living,2.it

34、was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.(P2)这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚“It is/was the first(second,third,last)time that 主语完成时”,该句型表示“是第几次做”,it也可以换成this或that。主句用现在或将来时态时,that从句中通常用现在完成时态。主句用过去时态时,that从句中多用过去完成时。To tell the truth,its the first time that I have ever had western

35、food.说实话,这是我第一次吃西餐。Was that the last time that he had taken part in the Olympic Games?那是他最后一次参加奥运会吗?,【即时应用】完成句子(1)Mr.Black,I should tell you this is the 5th time you _(把我和我双胞胎哥哥弄混)(2)That was the last time that he _(向他父亲要钱)【答案】(1)have mistaken me for my twin brother(2)had asked his father for money,

36、.单词拼写1Business has _(遭受)loss since the economic crisis(经济危机)happened.2My father has made a full _(康复)from the operation.3The teacher told the students to _(定下心来)down and study the text.4When he was abroad,his parents were _(担心)about his safety.5_(确切地)speaking,I disagree with you on this matter.6Not

37、knowing a single person at the party,he felt i_ by all the people present.,7All the plan was u_ by the sudden change of the weather.8He prefers to work o_,for he can have more time to get close to nature.9We were so g_ to him for the help he had offered to us.10The e_ company can be managed by a com

38、puter with the help of modern technology.【答案】1.suffered2.recovery3.settle4.concerned5Exactly6.ignored7.upset8.outdoors9.grateful10entire,.完成句子1_(遭受)such a heavy loss,the businessman lost the courage to go on.2You may find it hard _(与相处)such a bad tempered boss.3_(厌倦了)staying indoors for days,we are

39、longing to go out and relax ourselves.4_(为了)make more money,he decided to move to Qing dao and work there.5_(我们首先关心的)is the cars safety performance,when we purchase a car.6_(在欧洲旅行时),he found many interesting things and experienced different cultures.【答案】1.Having suffered2.to get along with3.Having g

40、ot tired of4.In order to5.What we are concerned about first6.While traveling in Europe,.语法专练将下列句子转换为间接引语1The teacher asked Li Ming,“Were you playing the computer game when your parents arrived at home?”The teacher asked Li Ming _the computer game when his parents arrived at home.2Mary said,“I will s

41、ee you tomorrow.”Mary said that _.3He said to her,“Whats the matter with you?”He asked her _.4All the people cried,“What magnificent clothes these are!”All the people cried _.,5Mr.Smith said,“How long did it take you to fly to New York,John?”Mr.Smith asked John _ to fly to New York.6He said,“Im usin

42、g the knife.”He said that _.【答案】1.if he was playing2.she would see us the next day3.what was the matter with her4.what magnificent clothes those were5.how long it had taken him6.he was using the knife,.教材活用用本单元的词汇或句式完成下面的短文(每空不超过三个单词)Recently,I have been always feeling 1._.It seems that I dislike al

43、l.A series of upsetting things happen to me every day.Firstly,my mother 2._ me all the time.I wonder if she is doing this on purpose or not.I feel that she is not 3._ about me at all.However,she spends much time on her pet dog and she walks her every evening.I am planning to have a talk with her 4._

44、 so that I may settle my problem.Secondly,I have so much homework at school that even if I make full use of the time I cant 5._ the work at school.So I 6._ work on them at home until 11 oclock pm.,which makes me tired of my study.,Thirdly,I have been 7._ a severe headache.I telephoned my doctor this

45、 morning and she promised to help me 8._ from my illness.She seems kind and helpful to me,so I am grateful to her.Then I will be able to fly kites 9._ with some teenagers in my neigh bourhood.Believe it or not,I am 10._ quite well with them.Even their parents join us in playing together,sometimes.Th

46、inking of this,I feel happy about my life.Anyway,life is full of sunshine.What counts is my own attitude to life.【答案】1.upset2.ignores3.concerned4.face to face5.get through6.have got to7.suffering8.recover9outdoors10.getting along,(一)动词的时态和语态,表1.主要时态的主要考点,将主动语态变为被动语态应注意以下几点1句子谓语为give,send,show,lend,p

47、ay,tell,hand,bring,get,make,leave,pass等后面可接双宾语的动词时,变其中一个宾语为主语,多将表示人的间接宾语改为主语,也可将表示物的直接宾语改为主语。间接宾语之前通常要加介词to或for。We were shown all kinds of kites she had made.All kinds of kites she had made were shown to us.她给我们展示了她制作的各种各样的风筝。,2短语动词改为被动语态时,短语中的副词或介词不可丢。The poor are taken good care of by the government.穷人得到了政府很好的关照。3有些动词在主动语态中后接省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,在改为被动语态时,不定式to不能省略。A bird was seen to fly into the window.有人看到有只鸟飞进窗户。4get过去分词可以表示被动,此结构比较口语化。The patient got treated once a week.那位病人一周得到一次治疗。,课时知能训练,本小节结束请按ESC键返回,


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