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1、大学英语预备,2012考前辅导,考试题型,Part I 多项选择(40%)Part II 阅读理解(20%)Part III 完形填空(10%)Part IV 词形转换(10%)Part V 翻译(20%),注意事项,试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟。选择题涂在答题卡上,其余题目答在答题纸上,试卷与答题纸分开交。,复习范围,课文及课后练习阶段练习及网上作业,第一部分 多项选择,词汇例题1.“Where have you been?I was _ about you.”the teacher asked us.A.excitedB.nervousC.worriedD.anxious 2.Thi

2、s is an _ solution to the situation.A.imaginationB.imaginable C.imaginativeD.imagine3.We were _ in winning the contest.A.confident B.accidentC.incidentD.sufficient,4.We thought that he would come,but he let us _ again.A.upB.downC.outD.away5.You could buy the camera for about 1,000 Yuan and 1,200 at

3、_.A.lestB.moreC.mostD.better,解题 区分近义词、近形词、同根词词组搭配1.“Where have you been?I was _ about you.”the teacher asked us.A.excited激动的B.nervous紧张的C.worried担忧的D.anxious 焦急的 D,3.We were _in winning the contest.A.confident B.accidentC.incidentD.sufficient-ent adj后缀A 有信心的 D 充分的-ent n.后缀B 事故C 事件 be confident in do

4、ing A,2.This is an _ solution to the situation.A.imaginationB.imaginable C.imaginativeD.imagineimage n.形象imagine v.想象imaginative adj.富有想象力的imaginable adj.可以想象imagination n.想象力 C,4.We thought that he would come,but he let us _ again.A.upB.downC.outD.awaylet up 放松let sb.down 让某人失望let out the secret 泄秘

5、let tears away 落泪 B,5.You could buy the camera for about 1,000 Yuan and 1,200 at _.at best 最多,至多at least 至少at most 最多,顶多at last 最终C,复习,形容词的用法1.historical figures 历史人物 historic sites 古迹2.be worth trying 值得努力 be worth reading 值得一看 be worthy of praise 值得表扬3.do extra work 加班 pay for excess baggage 支付超重费

6、,4.be blind to consequences 无视结果 turn a deaf ear to sth.置若罔闻5.be ready to help 乐于助人 be ready for the show 做好演出准备 6.feel awkward in the dress 不自在 an embarrassing question 尴尬的问题 7.be responsible for sth.负责任 be reliable 可靠的8.an influential power 强国 potential markets 潜在市场,9.be suitable for sb.合适某人 fit i

7、n well with the team 融入团队,名词用法1.title of the article 文章标题 theme of the movie 电影主题2.have a good memory 记性很好 take down in the memo 写入备忘录3.take this opportunity 利用这个机会 take the challenge 接受挑战 take immediate action 立即行动4.make a careless mistake 大意出错 find fault with sb.找茬,5 show tolerance for the kids 对孩

8、子宽容6.have a great passion for art 醉心于艺术 takes a deep interest in music 对音乐感兴趣7.willingness to cooperate 愿意合作 a strong will to live on 强烈的生存意志8.graduation from college 大学毕业 departure from common sense 违背常理 9.make a fortune 发财 accumulate great wealth 聚财,10.play a trick on sb.捉弄某人 set a trap for sb.设圈套

9、11.on ones lap 放在膝上 in ones lap 交给某人12.under pressure 有压力 in trouble 有麻烦13.as a matter of fact 实际上 in fact 事实上,14.made arrangements to meet sb.安排接人事宜15.a local myth 地方神话 an ancient fable 古代寓言 16.enjoy the privilege of education 享有受教育的特权 have the advantage over others 占优势,动词用法1.affect the young 影响年轻人

10、 be infected with flu染上流感2.lean back in the chair 靠在椅子里 bend over the desk 伏案3.feel exhausted 感到筋疲力尽 an exhausting journey 劳顿的旅途4.be separated from sb.与某人分离 prevent sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做事,5.convince sb.of sth.让某人信服某事6.be amazed at the changes 惊讶于变化 be amused by his jokes 被玩笑逗乐7.threaten to kill sb

11、.扬言要某人的命 surrender to violence 屈服于暴力 be overcome with fear 惊恐万状,短语动词1.stand out 显眼 stand by sb.支持某人2.sign up for sth.报名参加 sign in 报到、注册3.give away presents 分礼物 give up the chance 放弃机会4.pass by 经过 pass away 过世,5.glance at sb.看一眼 glance over the front page 浏览首页6.be based on a real story 改编自真实故事 lay th

12、e foundation for 打下基础7.set up a business 开业大吉 set out on a journey 踏上征途8.hopes fading away 希望消失 voice fading out 声音减弱9.add 5%to the price 价格上涨15%add up to 15%上涨到15%10.let us down badly 令人大失所望 let out the secret 泄露秘密,副词1.mostly Chinese 大部分是中国人 hardly noticeable 几乎察觉不到2.lost it somehow 莫名地失去 anyhow 总之

13、3.whereas 而、反之 meanwhile 与此同时,介词1.in some way 某些方面,些许 get in the way 阻碍、妨碍 on the way home 归途中 by the way 顺便2.congratulations on your success 恭贺成功3.be excused of the meeting 另有他事不用出席会议,4.instead of going by car 代替驾车出行 take the place of manual labor 取代体力劳动5.from my point of view 在某看来 as far as Im con

14、cerned 就我而言,语法复习名词 1.a cup of tea/two glasses of milk 2.a herd of sheep/a gang of foxes 3.a group of Americans/Chinese 4.be made of wool/cloth/wood 5.people/the local people/the peoples,6.a lot of work to do the works of art the fireworks for the festival 7.your student number both room numbers8.a l

15、arge audience the audience9.try every means 10.an instant of hesitation the instant he said it,动词时态1.I will take her when I go to the museum.2.Sorry,I didnt know smoking is not allowed here.3.Few know how long she has been here.4.The news she has got made her very happy.,5.What will happen if he goe

16、s alone?6.My boyfriend is coming to see me.He will be here soon.7.My book is missing;I still havent found it.8.We had intended to come,but couldnt.9.She said she would have finished her paper by then.,10.We were writing when he left the room.11.I had known for some time that a store was going to ope

17、n here.12.All preparation work will have been completed by 2015.,非谓语动词 动名词 be used to doing sth.need repairing consider buying a car be kept waiting avoid doing sth.remember doing sth.imagine sb.doing sth.feel like taking a walk,现在分词1.He stood there,watching people coming and going.3.He locked the s

18、afe,making sure it was all safe.4.Not knowing which bus to take,we stopped to ask the policeman.5.Although driving carefully,he had an accident.,过去分词1.Frequently performed,the play attracts large audience.2.Compared with others,she is doing very well.3.a surprised look on her face,4.Absorbed in the

19、book,I forgot the time.5.Given enough care,the plant may not die.,第二部分 词形转换派生法词根、词缀前缀、后缀,例题 1.Can you tell the _ between the twins?(different)2.Reading can our life.(rich)3.It is _ to eat an apple every day.(health)4.We arrived late,but _ our plane was delayed.(fortunate),解答先确定词性再构词 1.Can you tell t

20、he _ between the twins?(different)the+名词 different(形容词后缀)difference(名词后缀)2.Education can our life.(rich)can+动词原形 rich(adj.)+en-(动词前缀)enrich,3.It is _to eat an apple every day.(health)It is+adj.+to do sth.health(n.)+-y-healthy(adj.)4.We arrived late,but _ our plane was delayed.(fortunate)n.+v.+adv.fo

21、rtunate(adj.)+-ly-fortunately(adv.),练习1._ is necessary since we will live together.(tolerate)tolerate-tolerance2.Water is used to _ electricity.(generation)generation-generate-generates 3.The _ mess turns everybody away.(ugliness)ugliness-ugly,复习名词动词变名词disappoint disappointmentdecide decision critic

22、ize criticismemploy employmentdecorate decoration,形容词变名词curious curiositystrong strengthconfident confidenceconvenient conveniencephysical physics physicist,其他biology biologistcomplain complaint,形容词energy energeticsun sunnyhope hopeful success successfulemotion emotional end endless,动词rich enrichmem

23、ory memorizewide widen副词fortunate fortunately unfortunately,否定前缀certain uncertainable unableencourage discourageappear disappear,第三部分 翻译 1.有价格标签 have a price tag2.的确有用 do count/matter3.充分睡眠 get enough sleep4.再看一眼 give a second glance5.让某人信服这个理论 convince sb.of the theory,6.看上去跟其他人一样 look like the oth

24、ers 7.影响人得品味 affect ones taste8.倾其所有 give everything for 9.永不会放弃 never give up10.不同程度的理解 different levels of understanding,第四部分 阅读理解 例文Baths and bathing have long been considered of medical importance to man.In Greece there are the ruins of a water system for baths built over 3,000 years ago.The Rom

25、ans had warm public baths.In some baths,as many 3,000 persons could bathe at the same time.Treating disease by taking bathing has been popular for centuries.Modern medical bathing first became popular in Europe and by the late 1700s has also become popular in the United States.,For many years freque

26、nt bathing was believed to be bad for ones health.Ordinary bathing just to keep clean was avoided,and perfume was often used to cover up body smells!By the 1700s doctors began to say that soap and water were good for health.They believed that it was good for people to be clean.Slowly,people began to

27、 bathe more frequently.During the Victorian Age of the late 19th century,taking a bath on Saturday night became common.,In the United States ordinary bathing was slow to become popular.During the 18th and early 19th C,many Americans were know as“The Great Unwashed!”In one American city,for example,a

28、 person was only allowed to take a bathe every thirty days!That was a law!Frequency of bathing today is partly a matter of habit.People know that bathing for cleanliness is important to health.Doctors know that dirty bodies increase the chance of diseases.As a result,in the United States,people gene

29、rally bathe often.Some people bath once a day at least.They consider a daily bath essential to good health.,1.A water system for baths was built by _ over 3,000 years ago.A.the Romans B.the Greeks C.the Americans D.the Europeans2.Dirty bodies can_ A.ruin ones business B.cause diseaseC.drive customer

30、s away D.cause good health3.In the 18th century doctors believed that being clean was _.A.unimportant B.good for health C.harmful D.important,4.The underlined word perfume means _.A.a sweet smelling substance B.good health C.a strange smelling substance D.large wealth5.Which of the following gives t

31、he main idea?A.Everybody in America takes a daily bath.B.A bath a day keeps the doctor away.C.Taking baths has become popular in the world.D.Bathing has become easier and cheaper.,复习阶段练习1 passage 2、3阶段练习2 passage 3、4阶段练习3 passage 3、4阶段练习4 passage 1、3,第五部分 完形填空 例文 As she walked round the large shop,E

32、dith realized _1_ difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas _2_ for her father.61.A.whatB.howC.thatD.it62.A.suitB.cardC.thingD.gift,She wished that he were as easy to please _3_ others,who is _4_ satisfied with perfume._5_,shopping at this time of the year was a most _6_ job.People _7_ on your

33、 feet,pushed you with their shoulders and almost knocked you over in their _8_ in order to find something cheap ahead of you.3.A.soB.withC.asD.for4.A.neverB.seldomC.alwaysD.scarcely5.A.Therefore B.Besides C.Fortunately D.Finally6.A.unhappyB.carefulC.excitingD.happy7.A.walkedB.steppedC.liftedD.stood8

34、.A.rushB.urgencyC.hurryD.fast,Partly to have a rest,Edith paused in front of a counter,_9_ some beautiful ties were on show.“They are real silk,”the shop assistant told her with a smile trying to _10 _her to buy one.But Edith knew from past _11_ that her choice of ties _12_ ever pleased her father.9

35、.A.whereB.thereC.thatD.which10.A.talkB.sayC.letD.persuade11.A.experienceB.things C.booksD.school12.A.alwaysB.hardly C.sometimes D.never,She moved on slowly and then,quite by chance,_13_ where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter.She found some fine pipes on sale and the _14_ were very b

36、eautiful.Edith did not hesitate for long,_15_ her father only smoked a pipe once in a while,she believed this was certainly to please him.13.A.sawB.askedC.foundD.stopped14.A.moneyB.cigarette C.shapesD.shop15.A.becauseB.since C.although D.if,When she got home,with her small but well-chosen present _1

37、6_ in her handbag,it was time for supper and her parents were already at table.Her mother was in great _17_.“Your father was at last decided to stop _18_,”she told her daughter _19_.Edith was so _20_ that she could not say a single word.16.A.hiding B.hiddenC.hideD.hid17.A.excitementB.angerC.sadness D.disappointment18.A.smokeB.smoking C.to smoke D.smoked19.A.unhappilyB.calmly C.happily D.angrily20.A.glad B.happy C.surprisedD.Excited,复习教材课后练习Unit 2、4、6,


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