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1、Exercise,1.He took part in politics when he was young.Now he is a very famous p2.I m d to be here to make a speech.3.Yesterday evening when I was looking through my t I noticed something y strange in the sky.4.Most of the boy in this school like watching football match.They are all football f5.There

2、 wasnt enough e to prove him guilty,so he was set free.6.He is an(业余爱好者)in table tennis.7.He had no great(相信)in his doctor.8.Nothing can(取代)a mothers love and care.9.Amateur(天文学家)David Bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night.10.It was said that someone saw aliens get out of a

3、宇宙飞船.,olitician,amateur,elighted,elescope,ans,vidence,belief,replace,astronomer,spaceship,11.As a world-famous a,she has developed her own manner of acting.12.As a result of cutting down too many tree,quite a large area of rich land has become d.13.Jane is going to marry next month.Her f is working

4、in a large company in London.14.The speech made by the hero was so m that most of the audience present couldnt help tearing.15.This painting is one of the m of Qi.Baishi.16.Charli chaplin acted in many(喜剧).17.Yang Lipings(优雅的)-dance at the concert made her a great success.18.(女性的)-citizens in China

5、now are enjoying equal rights with men.19.The horse(跳跃)over the fence and ran into the field.20.There are many(海报)-in public in the street.,ctrss,esert,iance,oving,aserpieces,graceful,Female,leapt,posters,comedies,1.How many c can your TV pick up?2.Its an amusing and interesting story.That means the

6、 story is e.3.We can use man-made satellites to send and receive TV p.4.Do you agree or d that the adverisements are entertaining?5.The foreigner is interested in Chinese 戏剧.6.When you write a film review,you should tell us about the 情节 of the story.7.Watching film in English is a good way to 提高 you

7、r English.8.He is always 争论 with me。9.The plan has been 普遍地 accepted.10.When will work be 完成 on he new road?,hannels,entertaining,programmes,isagree,drama,plot,improve,arguing,generally,completed,1.In my o,you are wrong.2.Spielberg is the greatest American film d.3.He showed that he had u ability in

8、 English.4.Besides the title of the text,there is a s.5.He has 一定 made more successful films than any other director in the West.6.London and New York are both 金融的 centre.7.The Peoples Republic of China wasd f in 1949.8.The 标题 of the news is:British Prime Minister Arrives in China.9.The Time is the

9、most famous q newspapers.10.Films directed and p by Zhang Yimou are well received at homes and abroad.11.Have you seen Johns 照片 in the newspaper.12.He is one of the most famous 名人 in the city.,pinion,irector,nusual,certainly,ubtitle,financial,ounded,headline,uality,roduced,photograph,celebrities,1.G

10、 speaking,Its quite a fair settlement.2.I like watching televiision s.3.Picassosfirst cubist paintings were all painted in b and grey.4.Picasso 发起的an important new artistic movement called Cubism with Spanish artist George Braque.5.He was already an 优秀的 artst at the age of ten.6.The enemy 毁坏 the cit

11、y.7.The accident 由 引起 from his carelessness.8.The 表情 on her face is very friendly.9.They rushed to the 现场 of the accident.10.I doubted the 真实性 of what he had said.11.He is a 当代的 famous scientist.12.The sunrise is a beautiful 风景.13.He followed the 传统的 Chinese style of painting.,enerally,eries,rown,st

12、arted,excellent,destroyed,resulted,expression,scene,reality,contemporary,scene,traditional,1The Great Wall is one of the _ of the world.2.When the police arrived,he had destroyed the e_ of his guilt.3.Have you seen the latest d_ for the new library?4.Her parents died in the accident,but she s_.5.I g

13、ot a very friendly r_ when I arrived there.6.Theres some d_ whether John will come on time.7.My mother gave me this pen as a birthday g_ last week.,wonders,vidence,esign,urvived,eceived,oubt,ift,8.Ms.Jean is able to make her classes lively and interesting.What a g_ teacher she is.9.The Art Museum wa

14、s broken into and a lot of t_ were stolen.10.The thief went into the reception room s_,trying to steal the precious(珍贵的)vase in it.11.Well h_ up some milk for the coffee.12.He went into his office and l_ up a cigarette.13.She r_ at home to look after the children when her husband went out to work.,i

15、fted,reasures,ecretly,eat,it/lighted,emained,14.The C_ Revolution happened in China in the 1960s.15.The f_ in your room looks new at the first sight.16.The f_ style attracted a large number of people.17.I dont want to go;b_,Im too tired.18.He is in a poor s_ of health.19.They are pretty r_.Only abou

16、t a hundred were made.20.The Potala Palace in Lhasa,Tibet remains a m_ to many foreigners.21.I gave him some apples _ _ _(作为的报答)his help.,ultural,urniture,ancy,esides,tate,are,ystery,in,return,for,22.He _(移开)his trousers and I found the wound.23.The two countries were then _ _(交战).People lived a har

17、d life.24.A team of 350 experts(专家)were sent to the desert(沙漠),_ _ _ the buried ancient city(寻找埋在地下的古城).25.Your suggestion will be carefully _(考虑).26.In order to _(证明)her point,she showed them the latest sales figures.27.The headmaster _ _ _(器重)me because of my good performance.28.Recently Ive found

18、 a rare Qing Dynasty vase.But I dont know whether it should _ _(属于)me.29.The old man saw some Germans _ _(拆开)the Amber Room and moving it away.30.The police have received the letter and they are _ _(调查)it.,removed,At war,In search of,consder,prove,thought highly of,belong to,taking apart,looking,int

19、o,1.The Chinese delegation has won 32 gold m_ in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.2.A_ from all over the world will come to attend the Games every four years.3.Mr.King has r_ Mike as captain of the team.4.Tom will have an i_ with the boss of the company he wants to work in.,5.Mary was not at home,so he

20、r son acted as h_.6.Many c_ will compete in a race to be held next month.7.She was a_ into the party.8.They often do some p_ exercise after school.,edals,thelets,eplaced,nterview,ost,ompetitor,dmitted,hysical,9.Its f_ of you to make so many mistakes.10.You can find some a_ ruins in the village.11.Th

21、e two countries are closely r_ as the lips and teeth.12.The football match will be held in the Peking Workers S_.13.The people without tickets are not a_ to enter the stadium.14.The newspaper has lots of a_,which help us to find a good job.15.He is an h_ person.You can believe in him.16.The family h

22、as many r_ in Canada.17.The girl won the first p_ in the competition.18.It is an h_ for me to be invited to your birthday party.19.We gave Alice and Tom a dish made of s_ as a wedding present.20.He is tired of being treated like a s_.,oolish,ncient,elated,tadium,llowed,dvertisements,onest,elatives/r

23、elations,rize,onour,ilver,lave,21.The _(有魔力的)tools are popular with young children.22.He never listens to anything,expect when it _ _ _(有关系)himself23.We _ _(曾经)work more than ten hours a day.24.We achieved victories _ _ _(一个接一个地).25.I went to see my grandfather _ _(每两周).26.He decided to travel by ca

24、r _(而不是)by train.27.If you make a _(诺言),you should try to keep it.28._ _(举办)the Olympic is a rich prize for a country.29.All countries can take part if they reach the standard to _ _ _(参加)the game.30.At last he succeeded in _ _(解决出)this problem.,magical,be,related to,used to,one after another,every

25、two weeks/every other week,rather than,promise,To hold/to host,take part in,working out,In c_ with most educated people,he prefers classical music to jazz.2.He is quite clever a boy though he looks s_-minded.3.In the past 20 years,my hometown has t_ changed.4.Computers are often used to deal with in

26、formation and communicate with each other around the world by the I_.5.In the early 1960s,computers were connected by a n_,so that people could share information and talk to each other.6.Could you tell me the advantages and d_ of being famous?7.He is so clever that he is considered to have high i_.8

27、.The new type of mobile phone is expensive,_,its worth buying it.,ommon,imple,otally,nternet,etwork,isadvantages,ntelligence,anyway,9.I think we can work together to c_ an even better system.10.A computer can solve many m_ problems.11.She didnt like the plan,but p_ I see nothing wrong with it.12.The

28、 21st century is the century of information t_.,13.The b_ of their first child was a joyous occasion(高兴的事).14.There are so many different t_ of bread that I didnt know which to buy.15.Stone is often used as a building m_.16.The invention of computer was a t_ revolution.,reate,athematical,ersonally,e

29、chnology,irth,yped,aterial,echnological,17.There are many ways of c_ in the modern world,such as telephone,fax,and so on.18.His report d_ with the fact.20.Im trying to c_ how much paint we need.21.They were _ _(监视)by three policemen.22._ _ _(在某种程度上),I like this book very much.23.She has _(徘徊)up and

30、down the road,not knowing what to do and where to go.24.As time _ _(流逝),my memory seems to get worse.,ommunication,isagrees,alculate,watched over,In a way,wandering,goes by,25.How are you going to _ _(处理)the water pollution of the area?26.You have to _ _ _(做出决定)whether to accept the job or not.27.To

31、 be a good learner,you must _ _ _(充分利用)the library books,newspapers and magazines.28.I would really like to _ _(和打比赛)a human team sometimes.30._ _ _ _(在的帮助下)my English,I have made rapid progress in my English study.,deal with,make a decision,make full use of,compete with,With the help of,1.Most peop

32、le are afraid of w_ animals.2.The p_ of the old buildings is poor.3.It is hard for the graduates to a_ for ideal jobs.4.China is becoming a p_ country in international affairs.5.The story of Hong Zhanhui a _ millions of Chinese.6.Why are pandas in d_ of disappearing?7.He is wearing sunglasses to p_

33、his eyes from the strong sunlight.8.They tried their best to bring the new law into e_.9.Why are they in danger of d_?,ild,rotection,pply,owerful,ffected,anger,rotect,ffect,isappearing,11.Another problem is the l_ of bamboo.12.The number of South China tiger has risen from very few to about 60 after

34、 being left in p_ with no hunting.13.What do you s_ we(should)do to protect wildlife?14.We are killed for the wool that is taken from under our s_.15.More a_ should be paid to improving the living condition of farmers.16.I have not heard from her r_.17.It was as f_ as tiger.18.Sea water c_ salt.,oss

35、,eace,uggest,tomachs,ttention,ecently,ierce,ontains,19.He is the l_ boy in the family.20.Poverty and ignorance are e_ of progress.1.They were both punished _ smoking.由于的结果2.Many animals have _in the past(灭绝)3.He is _ losing life.(危险)4.What other _ do you know?濒危物种)5.Our fur_ make sweaters like yours

36、.正被用来6.The tour companies _ be allowed to hunt some for a fee,which made a lot of money for the farmers.申请7.The teacher stood in front of us,_.(脸上带着微笑)8.Suddenly,a cat jumped out _(从门后).,aziest,nemies,as a result of,died out,In danger of,endangered species,is being used to,applied,with a smile on he

37、r face,from behind the door,9._(面积是多少)of this temple?10.They lived on the earth tens of millions of ago,long before humans _.(形成)1.Im sure she is h_ with me although I met her for the first time.2.The poor girl was kneeling on the ground,begging money from the p_.3.Youll get an e_ gift if you buy so

38、mething during the Christmas.4.Even the medium can play j_ on the president on April Fools Day.5.The Internet games are a_ to some young people.6.The former USSR(苏联)b_ up many years ago.7.The assistants of the library are s_ out the books.,What is the area,came into being,onest,assers-by,xtra,okes,t

39、tractive,roke,orting,8.Chinese government will always s_ to the policy to reform and open up to the world.9.The f_ music is very familiar among the villagers.10.The boy sings so well that he dreams of being a m_ tomorrow.11.We left our hometown and moved to the big city to e_ much money.12.When the

40、famous singer appeared on the stage,all the f_ cheered.13.He did it so well to win a good r_ rather than money.14.They put an a_ in a newspaper looking for rock musicians15.Man has the a_ to speak.16.They are going to give a p_ of Hamlet.17.I will see you _(.后来),tick,olk,usician,arn,ans,aputation,dv

41、ertisement,bility,erformance,afterwards,18.As the _ goes,“Time and tide wait for no man.”(谚语)19.The doctor is _ an operation now.(施行)20.He expressed it in the _ of fiction.(形式)1.她曾经梦想当一名医生。She _ _ _a doctor.2.我将和你坦诚相见。I shall _ _ you.3.当年轻时一个人就应该养成良好的习惯。One should _ _ when young.4.我以特别高的价格买下了这幅画。I b

42、ought the picture at an _ _ _5.他总是喜欢拿我开玩笑,因为我们是朋友。He likes to _ _ me because we are friends.,saying,performing,form,dreamed of becoming,be honest with,form good habit,extra high price,play jokes on,6.你能不能借我十元来钱?Can you lend me ten yuan _ _?7.警察驱散了人群。The police _the_ _.8.昨天我在街上无意遇见他。I met him _ _ in

43、the street yesterday.9.根据颜色把这些卡片分类。_ _ _according to their colors.10.四天后他去了国外.Four days _,he went _.11.不管你说什么,我还是坚持自己的计划。Whatever you say,I still _my plan.12.我们不能任何东西,最重要是不要浪费时间。We mustnt waste anything._ _ we mustnt _ _13.你应该履行你的诺言。You should your _.,or so,broke up,crowd,by chance,Sort out cards,af

44、terwards,abroad,stick to,above all,waste time,perform,promise,Unit4:A.1.wild 2.protection 3.apply 4.powerful 5.affected 6.danger 7.protect 8.effect 9.disappearing 10.Reserve 11.loss 12.peace 13.suggest 14.stomachs 15.attention 16.recently 17.fierce 18.contains 19.laziest 20.enemiesB.1.as a result of

45、 2.died out 3.in danger of 4.endangered species 5.is being used to 6.applied 7.with a smile on her face 8.from behind the door 9.What is the area 10.came into beingUnit5:A.1.honest 2.passers-by 3.extra 4.jokes 5.attractive 6.broke 7.sorting 8.stick 9.folk 10.musician 11.earn 12.fans 13.,sorting 8.st

46、ick 9.folk 10.musician 11.earn 12.fans 13.reputation 14.advertisement 15.ability 16.afterwards 17.performance 18.saying 19.performing 20.formB.1.dreamed of becoming 2.be honest with 3.form good habit 4.extra high price5.play jokes on 6.or so 7.broke up,crowd 8.by chance 9.Sort out cards10.afterwards

47、,abroad 11.stick to 12.Above all,waste time 13.perform,promise,Reference answers:Unit 1:1.wonders 2.evidence 3.design 4.survived 5.replaced 6.doubt 7.gift 8.gifted 9.treasures 10.secretly 11.heat 12.lit/lighted 13.remained 14.Cultural 15.furniture 16.fancy 17.besides 18.state 19.rare 20.mystery 21.i

48、n return for 22.removed 23.at war 24.in search of 25.consider 26.prove 27.thought highly of 28.belong 29.taking apart 30.looking into,Unit 2:medal 2.Athletes 3.replaced 4.interview 5.host petitor 7.admitted 8.physical 9.foolish 10.ancient 11.related 12.stadium 13.allowed 14.advertisements 15.honest

49、16.relatives/relations 17.prize 18.honour/honor 19.silver 20.slave 21.magical 22.be related to 23.used to 24.one after another 25.every two weeks/every other week 26.rather than 27.promise 28.To host/To hold 29.take part in 30.working out,Unit 3:mon 2.simple 3.totally 4.Internet work 6.disadvantages

50、 7.intelligence 8.anyway 9.create 10.mathematical 11.personally 12.technology 13.birth 14.typed 15.material 16.technological munication 18.disagrees 19.analytical 20.calculate 21.watched over 22.In a way 23.wandering 24.goes by 25.deal whit 26.make a choice 27.make full use of pete with/compete agai


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