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1、Unit 10,Words&expressions,in dangerin great danger(不加a)在困难中in trouble/in difficulty身体不健康in poor health,en 前缀danger-endanger n vcourage encourage large enlarge第二教材:P129,濒危动物:,endangered animals,老虎是濒危物种,Tiger is an endangered species,as a result,因此,结果=thereforeas a result of+宾语 因此,结果=because ofThe tre

2、e was cut down;as a result(of it),the birds lost their home.She fell off the high bar when playing gym.As a result of her wound,she couldnt walk any longer.,The guide led us through the forest.You lead,well follow.He will lead the scientists going to London.He is fit to lead the expedition.Hes the c

3、hief trouble-maker;the others just follow his lead.lead to(cause)The way leads to the railway station.His smoking led to his poor health.,通向,导致,带领,带路,率领,领导,名词 领导;榜样,cause-What led to the accident?-_.A.Because he drove carelessly.B.Because of his careless driving.C.His careless driving.D.He drove car

4、elesslykey:C,是什么导致他的失败。What caused/led to his failure?What caused him to fail?=Why did he fail?Because he was lazy.,wolf-wolvesthief-thieveswife-wivesroofs,beliefs,chiefs,gulfs,proofs帮助记忆:首领相信屋顶有海湾事件的证据。,measure n,vtA foot-ruler is a measure.An inch is a measure of length.Your majesty,we will make t

5、he new clothes to your own measure.The school will take measures to stop students from cheating in exams.(take action,do something)The cloth measures 18 by 20 feet.,尺寸,测量器具,单位,措施,测量,米是长度的计量单位.这些衣服是依尺寸定制的.测量体温摸清某人的实力,给某人良身,a meter is a measure of length,These clothes are made to measure.,Measure ones

6、 temperature,take ones measure=take the measure of sb,他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬的措施。,They took strong measures against dangerous drivers.,我们采取什么措施抓住那个贼?,What measures shall we take to find out the thief?,被动:,What measures shall be taken to find out the thief?,adapt to 适应He cant adapt to the surroundings here.(b

7、e used to,agree with)I suggested he should adapt himself to the new situation as soon as possible.我们把这个剧本根据我们的需要改编一下吧.Lets try to adapt this old play to our needs.,我们必须尽快适应新的变化.,We must adapt to the new changes as soon as possible.,Vt 使改变,使适应,devote todevote much time to sth./doing sthdevote ones li

8、fe to.be devoted to 极力奉献于.(溺爱)这老科学家把一生奉献给科学事业The scientist devoted his life to science career.我将把所有的爱奉献给你I will devote all my love to you.,You dont know how much time I devote _ English.A.to learn B.to learning C.learning D.in learning She is so _ to her son that she would give whatever he wants.A.l

9、ove B.devoted C.loves D devotes,B.,B,respond,respond 表示“回答;响应”只能做不及物动词,要表示“对作出回答”用介词 to 常用的结构为:respond to sb/sth(with sth)她收到了我的信,给我回了个电话.She_她从没回过我的邮件.She_He responded _ his dirty word _ a blow.,responded to my letter with a phone call.,never responded my e-mail.,to,with,表示“以方式回答;响应”要用介词With和 by.例如

10、:对于他的侮辱鲍勃回敬以拳头(给了他一拳)Bob_她用微笑回答了我的问题.She_,responded to my question with a smile.,responded to his insult with a blow,/by giving him a blow.,amount,1.The insurance company will pay any amount due to you.保险公司将赔偿你应得所有款项.2.You will receive a bill for the full amount.你将受到一张全部金额的帐单.1.2.表示金额=a sum of3.Weve

11、 had an enormous amount of help from people.4.The sever is designed to store huge amount of data.an amount of time/money/information,u.c,amount to,His earnings are said to amount to 300 000 per year.Her answer amounted to a complete refusal.Their actions amount to a breach of contract.amount to=be e

12、qual to or the same as 等于;相当于,共计,总计=add up to,at presentpresent 出席的,.在场的All the people _ express their worry about the pollution problems _.Key:present,at present.set free,set sb.free valuable invaluable 极宝贵的;极有用的This is a watch which belonged to Washington.It is _.A.valuable B.valueless C.invaluabl

13、e D.worthlessKey:C,valueless 不值钱的,无价值的,die out 灭绝If we dont protect pandas well,they will die out in the world.die of+sickness,poison,hunger,old age die from+weakness,wounds,overwork die _ hunger,die _ lack of food.She die _ an earthquake.She died _ grief soon after her husbands death.die from主要指死于某

14、种事故,外部创伤等外部因素,强调客观因素.die of 用来表示因害怕,饥饿,衰老,悲伤等内在感情而造成的死亡.,of,from,from,of,die down/away:减弱,渐息,die for:为而死,die out:灭绝,(灯,火)熄灭,die of/from:因 而死 内因:die of,外因:die from,1.The wind has _.2.The noise _.3.He _ his native land.4.Many kinds of animals have _.5.The fire _ out at last.6.Many old customs are grad

15、ually _.7.The people in this village _ from diseases.8.The flowers _ because of less rain.9.The old lady _ old age.10.Many westerners _ heart illness.11.Careless drivers usually _ traffic accidents.,die off:(家族,种族)相继死亡,(草木)先后枯死,1.died down/away,2.died down/away,3.died for,5.died out,4.died out,7.die

16、d off,8.died off,9.died of,10.died of/from,11.died from,6.dying out,.make a difference to sb./sth.:have effect on some/much/little/no雨对于比赛没有什么影响。The rain didnt make much difference to the game.Does that make any difference?It wont make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.One false step

17、will make a great difference.失之毫厘,谬以千里。,1.The use of horse on farms has almost _ in this modern country.2.Little John wont be able to go to school for a couple of days _ the fall from the tree3.A recent research shows that eating too much sugar can _all sorts of health problems.4.The government is _

18、 to reduce price rises of food at the moment.5.When we moved to France,the children _the change very well.,Make a difference,devote to,set free,throwaway,lead to,throw away,take measures,adapt to,respond to,die out,as a result of,本单元重要动词短语练习:,lead to,taking measures,as a result of,adapt to,thrown aw

19、ay,6.We badly need your support,which will certainly in completing our project7.Christine gave up work to _ her full time _ her music.8.Someone has cut through the bars and _ the prisoners _.9.It is a pity to _ such a good opportunity to go abroad for further education10.Most of us will _ the sudden light by blinking(眨眼)our eyes.,Make a difference,devote to,set free,throwaway,lead to,throw away,take measures,adapt to,respond to,die out,as a result of,devote,to,set,free,throw away,adapt to,make a difference,


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