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1、全日制普通高级中学英语教科书修订介绍 人民教育出版社英语室 生 平,教材特点教材使用的几点建议,按照现行高中大纲编写,同时吸纳新课标的基本理念和教学思路,现行高中大纲,新课标,RSEFC,修订目的?,本套教材共有五册,总共58个单元。本套教材覆盖了新课程标准所要求的24个话 题66个功能意念项目和3000多个单词及习惯用语和固定搭配。本套教材采用板块式编写方式。,教材概况,教材编排体系和结构,Students Book,教材特点,1.现代性 5.语言知识和技能2.趣味性 6.评价 3.学习策略 7.融合性和扩展性4.综合能力 8.中外文化交织,一、教学内容贴近现代生活,富有较强的时代气息,加强

2、课程内容与学生生活以及现代社会科技发展的联系,帮助学生树立正确的人生观、世界观和价值观,增强社会责任感,全面提高人文素养。,新旧高一上对比,The summer holidaysIn the lab(删除)American EnglishTravelWhy do you do that?A new factory(删除)EarthquakesComputersSportsCountry musicEnglish programmes(删除)Abraham lincoln(删除),Good friendsEnglish around the worldGoing placesUnforgetta

3、ble experiencesThe silver screenGood mannersCultural relicsSportsTechnologyThe world around usThe sounds of the worldArt and literature,高一下话题,1、饮食健康 2、节日传统3、戏剧表演 4、科学实验5、伟大女性 6、异域风情(新西兰)7、现代农业 8、幽默喜剧9、交流与文化差异 10、休闲娱乐,高二上,1 科学与科学家 6 未来生活2 新闻媒体 7 疾病与医疗3 建筑与艺术 8 急救4 诗人与诗歌 9 保护地球5 不列颠群岛 10自然灾害,二、关注学生情感,

4、激发学习兴趣,实现情感态度目标,材料的选择 Oprah Winfrey&Yang Lan Unit 3 Adventure travel Unit 5 The silver screen:Spielberg2.教学活动设计 Unit 14 Integrating skills Unit 7 Living with disease(warming up:a quiz)Unit 10 Frightening nature(listening:look at the picture and predict,tick,reason),三、帮助学生明确学习目标,优化学习方式,形成有效的学习策略,为其终身

5、学习创造条件1.认知策略(goals,language study,tips,pre-reading.)2.调控策略(goals,assessing)3.交际策略(speaking,listening,tips,writing.)4.资源策略(warming-up,projects.)You cannot teach a man anything;you can only help him find it within himself.,四、采用话题、功能、结构、任务相结合的教学方法,有利于培养学生的创新精神、合作精神和实践能力 与现行教材相比,修订本在设计不同层次和多种形式的听说读写活动时,

6、更注意以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,尽可能提供真实的情景,使学生综合地运用语言完成一些任务,促使他们获取处理和使用信息,用英语与他人交流,解决实际问题,甚至完成某个项目。,Book 1A unit 3Project(Presentation is needed)Work in groups and try to think of good ideas for travelling,五、对英语语言知识和技能训练作了更为系统的安排,更加有利于学生构建知识系统,减少跳跃性,注重连贯性由简到繁,不断加深,循序渐进,Unit 1 Direct&Indirect Speech(1)Unit 2 Dire

7、ct&Indirect Speech(2)Unit 3 Verb tensesUnit 4 The Attributive Clause(1)Unit 5 The Attributive Clause(2)Unit 6 The Attributive Clause(3)Unit 7 The Passive Voice(1)Unit 8 The Passive Voice(2)Unit 9 The Passive Voice(3)Unit 10 Review Direct&Indirect SpeechUnit 11 Review the Passive VoiceUnit 12 Review

8、the Attributive Clause,1A structure,Unit 13 Modal verbs(1)Unit 14 Modal verbs(2)Unit 15 Modal verbs(3)Unit 16 Word formationUnit 17 Subject-Verb AgreementUnit 18 The use of“It”(1)as SubjectUnit 19 The use of“It”(2)for EmphasisUnit 20 The ing Form(1)as Attribute and Object ComplementUnit 21 The ing F

9、orm(2)as Subject,Object and PredicativeUnit 22 The ing Form(3)as Adverbial,1B structure,Unit 1 The InfinitiveUnit 2 The past participle(1)Unit 3 The past participle(2)Unit 4 The past participle(3)Unit 5 Noun Clauses(1)Unit 6 Noun Clauses(2)Unit 7 The Subjunctive Mood(1)Unit 8 The Subjunctive Mood(2)

10、Unit 9 InversionUnit 10 Ellipsis,2A structure,六、增加行为表现评价与形成性评价,体现学生在评价中的主体地位 本套教材在各个单元的练习册中专门设了“评价”(Assessing)这一板块,采取学生自我评价的方式,鼓励学生在学习的过程中不断反思。,Learner log,1=Not comfortable 2=Need more practice 3=Comfortable 4=Very comfortable,Comfort level Talk about eating habits and health 1 2 3 4Practise seeing

11、 seeing a doctor 1 2 3 4 Give advice and make suggestions 1 2 3 4 Use the modal verbs had better,should,ought to 1 2 3 4 Use the new words and expressions 1 2 3 4 Read and write recipes 1 2 3 4Reflection I learnt _.I would like to know more about _.Im still not sure about _.,Talking about eating hab

12、its and health 1.Can you talk about your favourite food(what/why/how)?2.Can you say something fluently about your usual breakfast/lunch/dinner(what/when/how to improve your health)?3.Can you give us a clear report of your exercises and health?,细化问题,An achievement chart,在新单元的学习开始前,将学生分成若干组,每组中每个学生自有分

13、工。结合本单元的目标,根据每个学生的实际确定自己的目标。设计成绩表。应包含每个学生在每个板块中的学习情况。从“热身”到“写作”,都尽量以小组进行,让学生自己跟踪自己的全程学习过程。单元学习结束后,反思评价(如第2单元的Assessing),Wish list(Unit 7),Yes NoI feel ready to go on and use what I have learnt in this unit.I would like to read more texts related to cultural relics.I would like to listen to more info

14、rmation about this topic.I would like to talk more about this topic.I would like to think more about this topic.I would like to learn more about the grammar in this unit.I would like to learn more about the words in this unit and how to use them.I would like to write more about this topic.,Based on

15、a specific activity(Unit 9),Think back to the Speaking activity on page 58 and answer the questions below.How can you make the next discussion more successful and interesting?Name:_ Date:_Did the discussion go well?Could you express your ideas clearly?Were there long pauses or silences?Was your pron

16、unciation clear and correct?,七、注意渗透社会和自然学科知识,使教材具有学科融合性和拓展性。文化知识面很广,今昔兼容。科技 Book 1B Franklins experiment 农业 Book 1A greenhouses,GM,soilless culture 社会 Book 2A Aids,3 biggest killer,八、教材注意中外文化的交织,体现了教材的国际性和民族性。,学习语言和学习文化是两件不同的事情,但它们又相互依存,在学习语言中两者缺一不可。(美国语言学家Halliday)Unit 20 humor in different countri

17、es Unit 21 body language(different meaning in different countries)Unit 14 festivals Unit 3&4(2A),教材使用的几点建议,英语课程标准中明确地指出:“基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力”.Teaching is different from testing.高考的定位:突出语篇、强调应用、注重实际,综合能力的培养应融于日常的教与学,1语言知识与语言技能并重2.增加教学的灵活性,因材施教3重视学生学习的过程体验与评价4将更多的语言实践的机会给于学生,以学生 为中心,教师为主导5鼓励

18、学生进行多种方式的学习(如合作学习和自主学习),培养学习策略,Goals,话题(主线)功能意念项目(听说)语法项目写作要求(先输入后输出,强读重写)要求学生以此结合自己的实际,制定本单元学习目标.,Warming up(10 min.),Brainstorm and listingLook at the pictures,graphs and maps DiscussComparing(unit 14)matchingFill in the formSearching for information(unit17)Watch the video Make up a storyImagine,p

19、redict and guessQuiz or questionaireListen to the music and sing,Listening(20min.),Pre-listening:(导入)Tell students the topic predict look at the questions and pictures(unit 14,20)Listening:(精听和泛听)unit 20 unit 3(title,key words)unit 18 dictation,answering questions,ticking off items,filling in gaps,o

20、rdering the pictures,drawing a map,solving the mystery,matching the pictures,note takingAfter listening:unit 15 unit 15,Speaking(10-15min.),说的活动设计分角色合作(采访、表演)如unit 5 and 10 interview作决定(Decision-making):为学生提供一个问题和多个结果,让他们通过协商、讨论做出选择。如:unit 14 decide a holiday,unit 19 how to use the land,unit 2(2A)Ch

21、oose 5 things to report?团体创作(creating)如:unit 15 create a short play信息差(Information-gap):两组信息互相补充,你有我无、你无我有,互相协商、互相帮助完成任务观点交换(Opinion exchange):学习者参与讨论、交换意见,不必达成统一意见。如:unit 16 scientific discoveries and applications,unit 5(2A):study English,geography,island nations6 解决问题(Problem-solving):提供学生一个问题和一系列

22、信息,找出解决问题的办法。如:unit 22 find the way*,Speaking(10-15min.),Listen or study the sample dialogueUseful expressionspair workGroup work:leader,note-taker and speaker,helper etc.PresentationAfter class(3-minute speech,English day/corner/festival),Reading(40-45min.),Pre-reading(10 min.)1.Relate to students

23、experience 2.do pre-reading exercises(discussion)3.predict the contents though title and illustration 4.Introduce the background information Reading(25 min.)Intensive reading For information Extensive reading For pleasurePost-reading(10 min.)comprehension,retell,discussion,a play,debating,writing,Re

24、ading activities,Structure 1.function(text&within text)2.main idea&topic sentence 3.supporting details 4.organization chronological sequence description analogy&contrast classification argumentative&logical relation,Reading activities,Understanding meaning 1.new words(context and word-formation)2.re

25、lations within the sentence 3.link-words:Link sentences and ideas 4.Solve the problem:read a map and graph 5.Reorganize the information reorder events and pictures fill in a table pare texts and pictures 7.match Output(Reading and writing;Retell;Assessing),Language study(40-45min.),Vocabulary(New wo

26、rds&word formation)Grammar 感知语言材料 对比 归纳语法规则 活用规则再实践 机械训练,Integrating skills(40-45min.),Reading(20min.)writing(25min.),Review and assess(40-45 min.),WBProjectAssessing,高中英语系列配套,模范英语强化阅读丛书,力求实现多元目标,语言知识目标情感态度目标文化意识目标学习策略目标,新教材对教师提出的挑战,新教材对教师备课的深广度的要求师生合作的要求教师不断提高自身的知识水平和知识结构教学新理念的深刻度10分精力=5分准备+3分展示+2分修补,Thank you!,联系方式,Add:北京沙滩后街55号人民教育出版社英语室 生 平Tel:010-64016633-6226E-mail:读者服务部010-64044211,


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