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1、Chapter 6 Literature,The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,英语国家概况,CONTENT,I,The Postmodern Period(1945-),VII,1.2 The Old English Period,Old English:the epic Beowulf A folk legend brought to England by the Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes.,Early writings,Book of Kells Engl

2、ish literature began with the Anglo-Saxon settlement in England.The study of English literature usually begins with the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf.,Beowulf:It is one of the oldest“Old English”literary works in British literature.,1.3 The Middle English Period,With the Norman Conquest in 1066,Brit

3、ain entered the Middle Ages(1066-1485).Middle English:The Canterbury Tales(1387-1400)Geoffrey Chaucer(1340?-1400),2023/9/19,tiantianyeh,8,The Canterbury Tales,A work written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the late fourteenth century about a group of pilgrims,of many different occupations and personalities,w

4、ho meet at an inn near London as they are setting out for Canterbury,England.Their host proposes a storytelling contest to make the journey more interesting.The language is Middle English.,Geoffrey Chaucer(ca.1343-1400)乔叟:one of the greatest English poets The Canterbury Tales“坎特伯雷故事集,内容提要:4月的一天,一群香客

5、去坎特伯雷朝圣,投宿在泰巴旅店。次日,店主、香客与在此住宿的作者一起出发。店主提议在去坎特伯雷的路上每人讲两个故事,回来时再讲两个,被大家公认为最佳的讲故事者可以在回来时白吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。,The Renaissance(1500-1660),Elizabethan Drama,By the time of Queen Elizabeth Is reign(1558-1603),English was basically as it is today.In the works of Shakespeare and later in the King James version of the

6、Bible,English reached its peak of purity and beauty.In all the centuries since,the English language has undergone gradual changes.Shakespeare lives in this age but he belongs to all ages.He is the greatest playwright and poet.,Renaissance is characterized by admiration of the Greek and Latin classic

7、 works.sonnet(十四行诗)drama The drama types are tragedy,comedy and farce(滑稽剧).,2.1 General Knowledge,2.2 William Shakespeare(1564-1616),2.2 William Shakespeare(1564-1616),Shakespeares Birthplace,2.2 William Shakespeare(1564-1616),English playwright William Shakespeare was born in that house on Henley S

8、treet in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564.Shakespeares father,John,purchased the building in two stages,in 1556 and 1572.Today,Shakespeares birthplace is a museum,furnished as it might have been in Shakespeares time.It also houses an exhibit on Shakespeares life.,William Shakespeare(1564-1616),Brie

9、f introduction of William Shakespeare:(1)Dramatist/poet(2)Stratford-on-Avon(his hometown)(3)family background:merchant(wool)(4)marriage:in 1582,married a farmer girl who is ten years older than he.(5)In London he became an actor in theatre.(6)In 1610,he retired and went back to his hometown until he

10、 died.,His works(I),37 plays altogether:Comedy:A Mid-Summer Nights Dream(1595)The Merchant of Venice(1596)As you Like It(1599)Twelfth Night(1600)Winters Tale(1610),His works(II),Tragedy:Hamlet(1601)/Othello(1604)Macbeth(1605)/King Lear(1605)/Timon of Athens(1607)Historical plays:Henry VI(1590)/Richa

11、rd III(1592)/Richard II(1595)/King John(1596)/HenryIV(1597)Julius Caesar(1599)/Henry VIII(1612)Poems:Venus and Adonis(1593)/The Rape of Lucrece(1594)/The Sonnets(1609),Four Tragedies:,Four Comedies:,哈姆莱特(Hamlet),奥赛罗(Othello),李尔王(King Lear),麦克白(Macbeth,),威尼斯商人(The Merchant of Venice),,第十二夜(Twelfth Ni

12、ght),,仲夏夜之梦(A Midsummer Nights Dream),无事生非(As You Like It)又叫.,2023/9/19,20,William Shakespeare,Hamlet,Othello,King Lear,Macbeth,MERCHANT VENICE,2.2 William Shakespeare(1564-1616),All the worlds a stage,And all the men and women merely players;They have their exits and their entrances,And one man in

13、his time plays many parts,His acts being seven ages.As You Like It(Act 2,scene 7,139143),2.2 William Shakespeare(1564-1616),To be,or not to be(from Hamlet 3/1)To be,or not to be:that is the question:Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms

14、against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them?,Study of Sonnet,Definition of sonnet:A sonnet is a fourteen-line lyric poem with a single theme.Sonnets vary but are usually written in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格).There are 2 kinds of sonnets:(1)The Petrarchan or Italian sonnet abba abba cde cde(rhym

15、e scheme)(2)The Shakespearean sonnet abab cdcd efef gg(rhyme scheme),Kinds of Stanza(诗节),(1)couplet(两行押韵的诗体)(2)tercet(三行押韵的诗体)(terza rima:隔行押韵的三行诗体,如:Ode to the West Wind)(3)quatrain(四个诗行组成的诗体)(4)ottava rima(八行诗体)(5)Spenserian stanza(九行诗体)(6)sonnet(十四行诗)(又叫商籁体),Example of sonnet Sonnet 18,Sonnet 18

16、of William ShakespeareShall I compare thee to a summers day?Shall I compare thee to a summers day,Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.And summers lease hath all too short a date;,Sonnet 18by William Shakespeare,Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shine

17、s,And often is his gold complexion dimmd;And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance,or natures changing course untrimmd;But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou owst,Sonnet 18(3)by William Shakespeare,Nor shall death brag thou wanderst in his shade,When i

18、n eternal lines to time thou growst;So long as men can breathe,or eyes can see,So long lives this,and this gives life to thee.,5-foot Iambus(Iambic Pentametre),(五步抑扬格),Translation,或许我可用夏日将你作比方,但你比夏日更可爱也更温良。夏风狂作常会摧落五月的矫蕊,夏季的期限也未免还不太长。有时候天眼如炬人间酷热难当,但转瞬又金面如晦常惹云遮雾障。每一种美都终究会凋残零落,或见弃于机缘,或受挫于天道无常。然而你永恒的夏季却

19、不会终止,你优美的形象也永远不会消亡,死神难夸口说你在它的罗网中游荡,只因你借我的诗行便可长寿无疆。只要人口能呼吸,人眼看得清,我这诗就长存,使你万世留芳。,2.2 William Shakespeare(1564-1616),Q.What makes Shakespeare so famous?,A:His great understanding of human nature and his ability to find universal human qualities and to put them in dramatic situations.,John Milton(1608-1

20、674)Paradise Lost(1667)Paradise Regained(1671)Samson Agonistes(1671),3.2.1 John Milton,The Neo-classical Period(1660-1785),III,The 17th century witnessed the Bourgeois Revolution and the Restoration.The 18th century is a comparatively peaceful development period.(The Industrial Revolution),3.1 Histo

21、rical Background,3.1 Historical Background,Classicism prevailed for the most part of the century with Alexander Pope as its representative.Satire(讽刺文学),making fun of people,came to full growth in this century.Alexander PopeJonathan Swift Daniel Defoe,3.2 Representatives,3.2.2 Alexander Pope,Alexande

22、r Pope(1688-1744)An Essay on Criticism(1711)The Rape of the Lock(1712-1714)translated Homers Iliad and part of Odysseythe first English poet who could lived off the sales of his works,3.2.3 Jonathan Swift,Jonathan Swift(1667-1745)Gullivers Travels(1726)an unparalleled satirical depiction of vice,fol

23、ly and mere weakness of mankind.,3.2.4 Daniel Defoe,Daniel Defoe(1660?-1731)Robinson Crusoe(1719),The Romantic Period(1785-1830),Romantic period,Roughly the first third of the 19th century makes up English literatures romantic period.Writers of romantic literature are more concerned with imagination

24、 and emotion than with the power of reason,which marked the 18th century.Wordsworth and Coleridge published their Lyrical Ballads in 1798,which was called romantic poetrys Declaration of Independence.Together with Robert Southey,they were called“Lake Poets”since all of them lived in the lake distric

25、t and admired nature very much.Byron,Keats and Shelly are all well-known figures in this period.,The Nature of Romantic Movement,(1)The Romantic Movement expressed a more or less negative attitude toward the existing social and political conditions that came with industrialization and the growing im

26、portance of the bourgeoisie.,(2)The Romantics demonstrated a strong reaction against the dominant modes of thinking of the 18th-century writers and philosophers.When their predecessors saw man as a social animal,the Romantics saw him essentially as an individual in the solitary state.They emphasized

27、 the special qualities of each individuals mind.,(3)Romanticism constitutes a change of direction from attention to the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit.In essence Romanticism designates a literary and philosophical theory which tends to see the individual as

28、 the very center of all life and all experience.,(4)Romanticism places the individual at the center of art,making literature most valuable as an expression of his or her unique feelings and particular attitudes,and valuing its accuracy in portraying the individuals experiences.,4.1 Pioneers of Roman

29、tic Poets,Pioneers:William Wordsworth(1770-1850)“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772-1834)“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”“Declaration of Independence”of romantic poetryLyrical Ballads(1798)a volume of poems written by Wordsworth and Coleridge,William Wordsworth(1770-1850),Lyr

30、ical Ballads抒情歌谣集,Written by Wordsworth and ColeridgeThe collection of poetry that marked the beginning of the Romantic periodThe uncompromising simplicity of much of the language,the strong sympathy not merely with the poor in general but with particular,the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling

31、s,4.2 The Major“Second Generation”of Romantic Poets,A:The major“second generation”of Romantic poets included Lord Byron,Percy Bysshe Shelley,John Keats.,Q.Who are the major“second generation”of Romantic poets?,4.2 The Major“Second Generation”of Romantic Poets,George Gordon Byron(1788-1824),known as

32、Lord Byron Child Harolds Pilgrimage(1812,1816,1818)Don Juan(1818-1823),Don Juan,Don Juan is about the romantic adventures of a legendary Spanish youth who has many love affairs with various women.He is immoral.Byron invests in Juan the moral positives like courage,generosity and frankness,which,acco

33、rding to Byron,are virtues neglected by the modern society.,4.2 The Major“Second Generation”of Romantic Poets,Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822)long poem“The Revolt of Islam”(1818)political lyric“The Masque of Anarchy”(1819)essay“A Defense of Poetry”(1821)lyrical dramaPrometheus Unbound(1819)short poem

34、s“Ode to the West Wind”(1819)and“Ode to a Skylark”(1820),The Victorian Period(1832-1901),V,5.1 Critical Realism,A:The critical realists described the chief traits of the society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint.,Q.Whats the characteristic of the Critical Realism novel

35、s?,5.2 Representatives,5.2.1 Charles Dickens,Charles Dickens(1812-1870)a fierce critic of the poverty and social stratification of Victorian England,5.2.1 Charles Dickens,The Pickwick Papers(1836-1837)brought him immediate fameGreat Expectations(1860-1861)Oliver Twist(1837)A Tale of Two Cities(1859)

36、David Copperfield(1849-1850),5.2.1 Charles Dickens,A:In his enormous body of works,Dickens combined masterly storytelling,humor,pathos(伤感),and irony with sharp social criticism and acute(敏锐的)observation of people and places,both real and imagined.His works had great social relevance,psychological in

37、sight,and narrative and symbolic complexity.,Q.Whats the writing style of Charles Dickens?,5.2.1 Charles Dickens,5.2.2 Jane Austen,Jane Austen(17751817)Sense and Sensibility(1811)Pride and Prejudice(1813)Mansfield Park(1814)Emma(1816),Pride and Prejudice,It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a

38、 single man in possession of a good fortune,must be in want of a wife.However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood,this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families,that he is considered as the rightful property of some one

39、or other of their daughters.凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。这样的单身汉,每逢新搬到一个地方,四邻八舍虽然完全不了解他的性情如何,见解如何,可是,既然这样的一条真理早已在人们心目中根深蒂固,因此人们总是把他看作自己某一个女儿理所应得的一笔财产。,Jane Austens main literary concern,(1)Her literary concern is about human beings in their personal relationships.She believes that a mans relationsh

40、ip to his wife and children is at least as important a part of his life as his concerns about his belief and career.It reveals his moral quality more accurately and truthfully.,(2)Stories of love and marriage provide the major themes in all her novels,in which female characters are playing an active

41、 part.,5.2.3 Bronte Sisters,Bronte sisters:Charlotte(1816-1855)Jane Eyre(1847)Emily(1818-1848)Wuthering Heights(1847)Anne(1820-1849),5.2.4 George Eliot,George Eliot(1819-1880)“philosophical writer”Adam Bede(1859)The Mill on the Floss(1860)Silas Marner(1861)Middlemarch(1871-1872),Thomas Hardy,Hardy,T

42、homas(1840-1928),English novelist and poet of the naturalist movement,whopowerfully delineated(portray)characters,portrayed in his nativeDorset,struggling helplesslyagainst their passions andexternal circumstances.ThomasHardy provoked readers with his1895 tragic novel Jude theObscure,a scathing atta

43、ck on theinstitution of marriage and sexualrepression in 19th-centuryEngland.,5.2.5 Thomas Hardy,Thomas Hardy(1840-1928)The Return of the Native(1878)The Mayor of Casterbridge(1886)Tess of the DUrbervilles(1891)Jude the Obscure(1895),The Modern Period(1914-1945),6.1 Fiction,Fiction Joseph Conrad(185

44、7-1924)Virginia Woolf(1882-1941)James Joyce(1882-1941)D.H.Lawrence(1885-1930),6.1 Fiction,Joseph Conrad(1857-1924)The Heart of Darkness(1902),6.1 Fiction,Virginia Woolf(1882-1941)a central figure of the“Bloomsbury Group”Mrs.Dalloway(1925)To The Lighthouse(1927)Orlando(1928)A Room of Ones Own(1929),6

45、.1 Fiction,A:Stream of consciousness makes it first appearance in the late 19th century.It is a kind of literary technique which depicts the characters mental and emotional reactions in an unpunctuated or disjointed form.,Q.What is Stream of Consciousness?,6.1 Fiction,James Joyce(1882-1941)Ulysses(1

46、922)Finnegans Wake(1939),6.1 Fiction,D.H.Lawrence(1885-1930)Sons and Lovers(1913)Rainbow(1915)Lady Chatterleys Lover(1928),6.2 Poetry,Poetry William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)Thomas Stearns Eliot(1888-1965),6.2 Poetry,William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923“The Wild Sw

47、ans at Coole”“Michael Robartes and the Dancer”“The Tower”,6.2 Poetry,Thomas Stearns Eliot(1888-1965)The Waste Land(1922)Four Quartets(1935-1942),6.3 Drama,Drama George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950)Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant(1898)Widowers Houses(1892)Mrs.Warrens Profession(1893)Arms and the Man(1894)Pyg

48、malion(1913)Saint Joan(1924),The Postmodern Period(1945-),7.1 Fiction,A:1)Modernism tends to present a fragmented view of human subjectivity(主观),but presents that fragmentation as something tragic,something to be lamented as a loss.While Postmodernism doesnt lament the idea of fragmentation but rath

49、er celebrates it.,Q.Whats the distinction between Modernism and Postmodernism?,7.1 Fiction,2)Modernists look for buried meaning below confusing surfaces,while Postmodernists abandon that search.,7.1 Fiction,George Orwell(1903-1950)Nineteen Eighty Four(1948),7.2 Drama,Samuel Beckett(1906-1989)Waiting

50、 for Godot(1952)Awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1969“for his writing,whichin new forms for the novel and dramain the destitution(穷困,缺乏)of modern man acquires its elevation.,7.2 Drama,“Mr.Godot told me to tell you he wont come this evening but surely tomorrow.”,7.2 Drama,ESTRAGON:No,nothing


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