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1、Tools of Software Need Analyzing需求分析工具,Ning Hong-yun2009.8,Tools of Software Need Analyzing需求分析工具,Data flow diagram(DFD,数据流图)the hierarchical structure of DFD(数据流图的层次结构)Structural analysis method Based on DFD(基于DFD的结构化分析方法)The principle of Checking DFD(检查和修改数据流图的原则)Data dictionary(DD,数据词典)Some tools

2、 writing the basic processing logic description(基本加工逻辑描述的工具)Structured English Decision table Decision Tree,Data flow diagram(DFD,数据流图),The most important tools of Project Need Analyzing Used forStage of Feasibility study Stage of Need Analyzing进行项目需求分析的重要工具适用的软件项目开发阶段:可行性研究阶段软件需求分析阶段,Data flow diag

3、ram of the main graphic elements(主要图形元素),DFD of Bank Withdrawals Process描述银行取款过程的数据流图,Example of DFD:,DFD of Order System订货系统的数据流图,Example of DFD:,Branch Data flow(分支数据流),the hierarchical structure of DFD(数据流图的层次结构),Using the hierarchical structure(层次结构)Method:gradual decomposition(逐步分解)gradually de

4、compose the system into several functional models(将系统逐步分解成若干功能模块),分层数据流图,Example,Top-level DFD(顶层流图):Contains only one processing.The underlying DFD(底层流图):its processing without further decompositionMiddle layer flow diagram(中间层流图):is the detailed processing of one of its father DFD,at the same time

5、,it can be decomposed into a group of sub DFD.顶层流图:仅包含一个加工,它代表被开发系统。它的输入流是该系统的输入数据,输出流是系统所输出数据底层流图:是指其加工不需再做分解的数据流图,它处在最底层中间层流图:则表示对其上层父图的细化。它的每一加工可能继续细化,形成子图。,Example:Building an Store business processing system(商店业务处理系统)Analyzing:Top-level DFD(顶层流图):reflects the target of the system.这个数据流图只是一个高层的系

6、统逻辑模型,它反映了目标系统要实现的功能.,Structural analysis method Based on DFD(基于DFD的结构化分析方法),Drawing the top-level DFD(顶层流图,0层)Find out input and output of the system Find out the data source and the end-point of the data flow Draw the top-level DFD to reflect the most important business processes首先确定系统的输入和输出确定数据流输

7、入的源点和输出终点是顾客和供应商。根据商店业务,画出顶层数据流图,以反映最主要业务处理流程,Drawing steps of DFD(数据流图绘制步骤),Structural analysis method Based on DFD(基于DFD的结构化分析方法),Store business processing system商店业务处理系统,Drawing the 1-level DFD(1层流图)By analyzing,we know that store business processes has three main functions,marketing,purchasing,a

8、ccounting.From the input data flow of the processing,事务处理,draw the processing in detail,gradually to the output data flow of the processing.经过分析,商店业务处理的主要功能应当有销售、采购、会计三大项。然后从输入端开始,根据商店业务工作流程,画出“事务处理”的数据流流经的各加工框,逐步画到输出端,得到第一层数据流图,The 1-level of DFD(第一层数据流图),销售细化,采购细化,The principle of Checking DFD(检查和

9、修改数据流图的原则),Data flow diagram of all the graphic symbols is limited to the aforementioned four basic graphic elementsData flow diagram of the main chart must include the aforementioned four basic elementsData flow diagram of the main chart on the data stream must be closed in the external entitiesEac

10、h processing at least one input data stream and an output data stream数据流图上所有图形符号只限于前述四种基本图形元素数据流图的主图必须包括前述四种基本元素,缺一不可数据流图的主图上的数据流必须封闭在外部实体之间每个加工至少有一个输入数据流和一个输出数据流,In the data flow chart,according to the layer to the processing box number.Any subgraph must be consistent with one process in the upper

11、DFD.DFD can be added to the material flow,to help users understand the DFD.在数据流图中,需按层给加工框编号。编号表明该加工所处层次及上下层的亲子关系规定任何一个数据流子图必须与它上一层的一个加工对应,两者的输入数据流和输出数据流必须一致。此即父图与子图的平衡数据流图分层,每个主要处理都细化为一张数数据流图分图,一般每个图中少于9个处理可以在数据流图中加入物质流,帮助用户理解数据流图,Each element must have a nameDFD can not be attached to control flowI

12、n the beginning,the trivial details could be ignored,in order to concentrate on the main data stream图上每个元素都必须有名字数据流图中不可夹带控制流初画时可以忽略琐碎的细节,以集中精力于主要数据流,Naming for each elements of DFDIf it is difficult to give a name,it is possible because DFD decomposition problemData Flow(Database):Using data nounPro

13、cessing:using verb-object phrase.Data source:using normal noun数据流(或数据存储)有意义且具有代表性如果在为某个数据流(或数据存储)起名字时遇到了困难,则很可能是因为对数据流图分解不恰当造成的,应该试试重新分解。处理 有意义且采用动宾词组,避免用“处理”、“加工”等空洞词。如果必须用两个动词才能描述整个处理的功能,则把这个处理再分解成两个处理可能更恰当些。数据源点/终点 普通名字,Data dictionary(DD,数据词典),Data dictionary and data flow diagram with a clear e

14、xpression of data-processing requirementsTerm to describe-in the data flow diagram for each was named the graphic elements are defined,its contents are as follows:name,alias or number,classification,description,definition,location,other,etc.数据词典与数据流图配合,能清楚地表达数据处理的要求词条描述 对于在数据流图中每一个被命名的图形元素,均加以定义,其内容

15、有:名字,别名或编号,分类,描述,定义,位置,其它,等,1.Description of Data Flow(数据流描述),Data Stream Name:Description:reason and resultthe Source:the data coming fromthe direction:the data coming tothe components:data structureThe amount of data:the volume of data,the circulation of data数据流名:说明:简要介绍作用即它产生的原因和结果数据流来源:来自何方数据流去向

16、:去向何处数据流组成:数据结构数据量流通量:数据量,流通量,2.the description of data(数据元素描述),NameType:digital or textLengthValue rangeRelated data elements and data structure数据元素名:类型:数字(离散值,连续值),文字(编码类型)长度:取值范围:相关的数据元素及数据结构:,Data File NameBriefly:What is the data storedInput dataOutput dataData files composition:the data struct

17、ureStorage methods:the order,direct,key codeAccess Frequency数据文件名:简述:存放的是什么数据输入数据:输出数据:数据文件组成:数据结构存储方式:顺序,直接,关键码存取频率:,3.the description of data file(数据文件描述),Processing NameID Number:to reflect the level of processingA brief description:processing logic and function introductionInput data streams&Out

18、put data streamProcessing logic:method of processing加工名:加工编号:反映该加工的层次简要描述:加工逻辑及功能简述输入数据流:输出数据流:加工逻辑:简述加工程序,加工顺序,4.the description of process(处理描述),Name:external entity nameA brief description:What external entitiesThe data stream:About data flowsThe number of the data source名称:外部实体名简要描述:什么外部实体有关数据流数

19、目,5.the description of data source(源点及汇(终)点描述),Difficulty 1.how to describe Data structure,Symbol MeaningFor example 符 号 含 义 举 例-被定义为 与 x=ab.,.或.|.或 x=a,b,x=a|b.或 m.n 重复 x=a,x=3a8(.)可选 x=(a)“.”基本数据元素 x=“a”.连结符 x=1.9,Example:Back Passbook Format(存折格式),存折户名所号帐号开户日性质(印密)1存取行50户名2字母24所号“001”.“999”帐号“000

20、00001”.“99999999”开户日年月日性质“1”.“6”注:“1”表示普通户,“5”表示工资户等印密“0”注:印密在存折上不显示存取行日期(摘要)支出存入余额操作复核,Each process in DFD must have a basic processing logic description.The basic processing logic description must describe how to transform input data stream to the output data stream and give the processing rules对数

21、据流图的每一个加工,必须有一个基本加工逻辑说明基本加工逻辑说明必须描述基本加工如何把输入数据流变换为输出数据流的加工规则,Difficulty 2:how to describe the processing logic,give the strategy for the realization of processing,rather than give details of the realized product.The information contained should be adequate,comprehensive and useful,and there is no du

22、plication of redundant information.加工逻辑说明必须描述实现加工的策略而不是实现加工的细节加工逻辑说明中包含的信息应是充足的,完备的,有用的,没有重复的多余信息,Difficulty 2:how to describe the processing logic,Some tools writing the basic processing logic description,Structured English Decision table Decision Tree 结构化英语 判定表 判定树,Some tools writing the basic pro

23、cessing logic description,Structured English glossary by English command verb Any name defined in Data Dictionary limited Custom words Logical relationship words,such as,IF_THEN_ELSE、SWITCH_CASE、WHILE_DO、REPEAT_UNTIL.结构化英语的词汇表由 英语命令动词 数据词典中定义的名字 有限的自定义词 逻辑关系词 IF_THEN_ELSE、SWITCH_CASE、WHILE_DO、REPEAT

24、_UNTIL 等,Some tools writing the basic processing logic description,A Mid-language between natural language and formal languageUse structured segmentation and natural language phraseThree basic structure:Simple declarative sentenceRepeat:WHILE_DO or REPEAT_UNTIL structureJudge:IF_THEN_ELSE or SWTITCH

25、_CASE structure是一种介于自然语言和形式化语言之间的语言正文用基本控制结构进行分割,每个操作可用自然语言短语来表示其基本控制结构有三种:简单陈述句结构:避免复合语句;重复结构:WHILE_DO 或 REPEAT_UNTIL结构。判定结构:IF_THEN_ELSE 或 SWTITCH_CASE 结构;,Example:Store business processing systems“Check invoice“(商店业务处理系统中“检查发货单”),IF 发货单金额超过$500 THEN IF 欠款超过了60天 THEN 在偿还欠款前不予批准 ELSE(欠款未超期)发批准书,发货单

26、 ENDIFELSE(发货单金额未超过$500)IF 欠款超过60天 THEN 发批准书,发货单及赊欠报告ELSE(欠款未超期)发批准书,发货单 ENDIFENDIF,Decision tableIf the data flow diagram of processing need to rely on the conditions in a variety of logic value,use the table to determine more appropriate to describe如果数据流图的加工需要依赖于多个逻辑条件的取值,使用判定表来描述比较合适,Some tools w

27、riting the basic processing logic description,Example:Inspection invoice as an example(以“检查发货单”为例),Decision Tree Decision tree is used to express for processing logic.Sometimes it is more intuitive than the judge table.,Some tools writing the basic processing logic description,Data flow diagram(DFD,

28、数据流图)the hierarchical structure of DFD(数据流图的层次结构)Structural analysis method Based on DFD(基于DFD的结构化分析方法)The principle of Checking DFD(检查和修改数据流图的原则)Data dictionary(DD,数据词典)Some tools writing the basic processing logic description(基本加工逻辑描述的工具)Structured English Decision table Decision Tree,Summary,彩电销售



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