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1、(1)Dont leave for tomorrow _ you can do today.A.if B.what C.that D.unless,正确答案:B,(2)Its better to have half of _ than nothing at all.A.one wants B.what one wants C.which one wants D.that one wants,正确答案:B,(3)When do you think _ the new attack?A.they will start B.will they startC.they start D.do they

2、start,正确答案:A,(4)It is interesting to look back in history,and to try to guess _ colors meant to the first humans.A.what B.which C.whatever D.whichever,正确答案:A,(5)The question sometimes comes to my mind _ it was worth all the effort.A.if only B.that C.if D.whether,正确答案 D,(6)Its better to have half of

3、_ than nothing at all.A.one wants B.what one wants C.which one wants D.that one wants,正确答案 B,(7)Dont leave for tomorrow _ you can do today.A.if B.what C.that D.unless,正确答案 B,(8)When do you think _ the new attack?A.they will start B.will they start C.they start D.do they start,正确答案 A,(9)It is interes

4、ting to look back in history,and to try to guess _ colors meant to the first humans.A.what B.which C.whatever D.whichever,正确答案 A,(10)The question sometimes comes to my mind _ it was worth all the effort.A.if only B.that C.if D.whether,正确答案 D,(11)_ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praisi

5、ng.A.Who B.The oneC.Anyone D.Whoever,正确答案 D本题详解:由 is worth praising 这一谓语可知前面是主语从句,排除不能引导从句的 B 项和 C 项;whoever 引导主语从句表示“任何的人”,在此它相当于 anyone who。,(12)Eat _ cake you like and leave the others for _ comes in late.A.any,who B.every,whoever C.whichever,whoever D.either,whoever,本题详解:两个空格处均为引导宾语从句的引导词,而四个选项中

6、两者可引导宾语从句的只有 C.,(13)最终真相大白了,他与那件事毫无关系。(truth),正确答案:Finally the whole truth came out that he had nothing to do with it.,(14)免费教育使那些上不起学的孩子们有机会接受教育。(afford),Free education enables the children who cant afford to go to school to have opportunities to receive education.,(15)我不知道为什么一些很苗条的女孩还想减肥。(wonder),

7、我的答案i wonder that why many slim girls still want to go on a diet,正确答案:I wonder why some slim girls want to lose weight.,(16)不要虚度光阴,否则你将一事无成。(accomplish),正确答案:Dont waste time,or you will accomplish nothing.,(17)今日事今日毕,决不要拖到明天。(finish),我的答案do not do the things tomorrow if you can do it today,正确答案:What

8、 should be done today must be finished today,and never put it off till tomorrow.,(18)在四川地震中,中国人民向全世界展示了巨大的勇气和团结。(occur),我的答案the earthquake in sichuan occured the giant 勇气 and 团结,正确答案:In the earthquake which occurred in Sichuan Province,the Chinese people showed great courage and unity to the whole w

9、orld.,(19)西藏属于中国,这是谁也不能否认的事实。(deny),我的答案it is no deny on that the tiblet belongs to the china,正确答案:Tibet belongs to China,which is the fact nobody can deny.,(20)你要充分利用你的长处,避开你的短处。(avoid),我的答案you should avoid usingyour shortage while you use your advantage,Wang Wei is one of many Chinese students _ o

10、n the go.A.who lives life B.who live lifeC.that lives living D.that live living我的答案:A,正确答案:B“one of+名词/代词”接定语从句时,先行词是前面的名词或代词,而不是one,因此可以排除A和C;再根据live用作及物动词时一般要接同源宾语live(a happy/sad/poor,etc.)life,因此选B。其中on the go可以看着是相当于形容词的短语作定语,(21)The construction project had to be put off_lack of money.A.since

11、B.through C.besides D.because我的答案:C,正确答案:B through=because of,(22)Nearly all the foreign guests said that our crisp-skinned chicken tasted _.A.quite well B.rather nicelyC.pretty wonderfully D.just perfect我的答案:A,正确答案:B,(23)Many people in Japan are fond of eating_fish with special seasoning.A,live B.a

12、live C.lively D.lovely我的答案:C,正确答案:A,(24)The accident_the foolishness of not being prepared.A.is served as B.used to be servedC.serves to show D.is used to serve我的答案:B,正确答案:C,(24)He has been shying away from desserts since he _.A.got on diet B.went on a diet C.was on diet D.was on a diet我的答案:C,正确答案:B

13、,(25)The play _great success and brought a large profit to the theatre.A.appreciated B.enjoyed C.expected D.undertook我的答案:C,正确答案:B,(26)Being a country of immigrants,the United States enjoy ethnic food.Which of the following answers in improper?A.a wide variety of B.a wide range of C.a wide choice of

14、 D.a wide set of我的答案:B,正确答案:D 错误的选项中,D无此种搭配。其它都是合理搭配,平时都有用到过。,(27)The inspectors from FDA found the food unhealthy:it _too many addictives.A.involves B.contains C.includes D.consists of,我的答案:C,正确答案:B 大的包含小的,用contain。,Health food became popular when people began to take more seriously well-being(当人们开

15、始更加认真地考量他们的身体健康状况时)。,翻译:,(28)Health food became popular _(当人们开始更加认真地考量他们的身体健康状况时)。,(29)In Shanghai,_.(你能听到多种多样的方言每天在被说)。,In Shanghai,you can hear a variety of dialects being spoken every day.(你能听到多种多样的方言每天在被说)。,(30)However great your current life might be,you should always _(尝试新事物,打开视野)。,However gre

16、at your current life might be,you should always try something new and expand your horizons.(尝试新事物,打开视野)。,(30)With so many tasks at hand to settle,she has to _(每天匆匆应付三餐)。,With so many tasks at hand to settle,she has to rush through three meals every day.(每天匆匆应付三餐)。,(31)Most canned food_(含有防腐剂,使食品能保存更长时间)。,Most canned foodcontains preservations to make it last longer(含有防腐剂,使食品能保存更长时间)。,


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