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1、公共关系概论,An Introduction to Public Relations,第一章 公共关系的基本问题,第一节公共关系的涵义第二节公共关系的要素第三节公共关系的工作程序,第一节公共关系的涵义,一、公共关系的定义二、公共关系的职能,一、公共关系的定义,伯内斯的定义 In 1923,Edward Bernays described the function of his fledgling public relations counseling business as one of providing“information given to the public,persuasion

2、directed at the public to modify attitudes and actions,and efforts to integrate attitudes and actions of an institution with its publics and of publics with those of that institution.”,社会学辞典的定义 In 1944,the Dictionary of Sociology defined the field as“the body of the theory and technique utilized in

3、adjusting the relationships of a subject with its publics.These theories and techniques represent applications of sociology,social psychology,economics and political science,as well as of the special skills of journalists,artists,organizational experts,advertising men,etc.to the specific problems in

4、volved in this field of activity.”,1978年墨西哥世界公关大会的定义 Public relations practice is the art and social science of analyzing trends,predicting their consequences,counseling organization leaders and implementing planned programs of action which will serve both the organizations and the publics interest.

5、,英国公关协会的定义 Public relations is a deliberate,planned,and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics.,公共关系:职业与实务的定义 Public relations is a management function that helps to define organizational objectives and philosophy and facilitate organi

6、zational change.Public relations practitioners communicate with all relevant internal and external publics in the effort to create consistency between organizational goals and societal expectations.Public relations practitioners develop,execute,and evaluate organizational programs that promote the e

7、xchange of influence and understanding among organizations constituent parts and publics.,美国公关学会的定义 The public relations profession in servicing the legitimate interests of clients or employers is dedicated fundamentally to the goals of better mutual understanding and cooperation among the diverse g

8、roups,institutions and elements of our modern society,国际公关协会的定义 Public relations is a management function,of a continuing and planned character,through which public and private organizations and institutions seek to win and retain the understanding,sympathy and support of those with whom they are or

9、 may be concernedby evaluating public opinion about themselves,in order to correlate as far as possible their own policies and procedures,to achieve by planned and widespread information more productive cooperation and more efficient fulfillment of their common interests.,有效公共关系的定义 Public relations

10、is the planned effort to influence opinion through good character and responsible performance,based upon mutually satisfactory two-way communications.Public relations is the management function that establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the publics o

11、n whom its success or failure depends.,格鲁尼格的定义 Public relations is the management of communication/relationships between an organization and its publics for the purpose of building relationship of trust with those publics.,哈洛的定义:Public relations is a distinctive management function which helps estab

12、lish and maintain mutual lines of communications,understanding,acceptance,and cooperation between an organization and its publics;involves the management of problems or issues;helps management to keep informed on and responsive to public opinion;defines and emphasizes the responsibility of managemen

13、t to serve the public interest;helps management keep abreast of and effectively utilize change,serving as an early warning system to help anticipate trends;and uses research and sound and ethical communication techniques and its principal tools.,管理职能说,雷克斯哈罗博士:“公共关系是一种独特的管理职能。它帮助一个组织建立并保持与公众之间双向的交流、理




17、公众的科学与艺术。”,职业定义,中国公共关系职业标准对公关从业人员的定义:专门从事组织机构公众信息传播、关系协调与形象管理事务的调查、咨询、策划和实施的人员。,二、公共关系的职能,1、Publicity Publicity is information from an outside source that is used by the media because the information has news value.It is an uncontrolled method of placing messages in the media because the source does

18、 not pay the media for placement.,1、(新闻)宣传(新闻)宣传是媒体采用的来自外部信源的信息,因为这些信息有新闻价值。这是一种不可控的向媒体投放信息的方法,因为信息源不向有关媒介支付报道的费用。,2、Advertising Advertising is information placed in the media by an identified sponsor that pays for the time or space.It is a controlled method of placing messages in the media.,2、广告 广告

19、是由明确的发布者通过向媒介为其所占用的时间或版面支付费用,而在媒体上发布信息。这是一种可控的向媒体投放信息的方法。,3、Press Agentry Press agentry is creating newsworthy stories and events to attract media attention and to gain public notice.,3、新闻代理 新闻代理是创造有新闻价值的故事和事件,以吸引媒体的注意并获得公众的关注。,4、Public Affairs Public affairs is the specialized part of public relati

20、ons that builds and maintains mutually beneficial governmental and local community relations.,4、公共事务 公共事务是公共关系的一项专门领域,旨在建立与政府和地方社区的关系,以影响公共政策。,5、Issues Management Issues management is the proactive process of anticipating,identifying,evaluating,and responding to public policy issues that affect orga

21、nizations and their publics.,5、议题管理 议题管理是对于影响到组织及其公众的公共政策议题进行预测、识别/确定、评估和反应的前摄过程。,6、Lobbying Lobbying is the specialized part of public relations that builds and maintains relations with government primarily for the purpose of influencing legislation and regulation.,6、游说 游说是公共关系的一个专门领域,是建立并维护与政府的关系,

22、其主要目的是为了影响法律、法规的制定。,7、Investor Relations(Financial Relations)Investor relations is the specialized part of corporate public relations that builds and maintains mutually beneficial relationships with shareholders and others in the financial community.,7、投资者关系(金融关系)投资者关系是企业公共关系的专门领域,建立并维护与股东和金融界其他人士互利

23、的关系。,8、Development Development is the specialized part of public relations in private nonprofit organizations that builds and maintains relationships with donors and members for the purposes of securing financial and volunteer support.,8、组织发展 组织发展是私营非营利组织里公共关系工作的一个专门领域,它建立并维护与捐赠者和会员的关系,目的是为了获得金融支持和志

24、愿者的支持。,9、Employee Relations/员工关系10、Media Relations/媒介关系11、Community Relations/社区关系12、Special Events/专题活动 13、Crisis Management/危机管理14、CIS(Corporate Identity System)/企业形象识别系统,第二节 公共关系的要素,一、公共关系的主体组织二、公共关系的客体公众三、公共关系的手段传播,公共关系的主体组织,1、组织的概念2、组织的类型3、公共关系组织机构,组织的概念,组织是人们为实现特定目标而有计划建立起来的有机统一体,具备有序的结构,并通过有意

25、识协调的活动并同外部环境保持密切联系。,组织是一个有明确目标导向的实体;组织是一个有精心设计的结构和有意识协调的活动系统;组织是由人组成的社会实体;不仅组织内部的子系统相互联系,而且组织与外部环境也必须成为有机结合的统一体。,正式组织的基本特征,有明确的目标拥有资源:人、财、物、信息和时间 保持一定的权责结构 保持相对的稳定性,具有立体的协调层次 拥有法定的领导权威 有相对稳定的规章制度体系 职位的可取代性,组织的类型,按组织的规模程度,可分为小型组织、中型组织和大型组织。根据组织内部是否有正式分工关系分类,可将组织分为正式组织和非正式组织。,根据组织的社会职能,可将组织分为文化性组织、经济性


27、影响的人们构成的、积极的社会单元,这些人认识到了他们可以寻求到共同解决办法的共同问题。,公众的特征,广泛性 共同性 相关性 变化性 层次性,公众的分类,根据组织公众关系的重要程度,可分为重要公众和次要公众根据公众对组织的态度,可分为顺意公众、逆意公众和中立公众,根据组织对公众的价值判断,可分为受欢迎公众、不受欢迎公众和被追求公众 根据公众构成的稳定程度,可分为临时公众、周期公众和稳定公众,公众的横向分类:内部公众、政府公众、消费者公众、与组织目标一般相关的公众、社区公众、媒介公众、同行公众、事件性公众,公众的纵向分类:非公众、潜在公众、知晓公众、行动公众,组织的主要公众,员工公众股东公众消费者

28、公众媒介公众社区公众政府公众,公共关系的手段传播,1、公共关系传播的概念2、公共关系传播媒介,公共关系传播的概念,在公共关系中,传播是社会组织利用各种媒介手段,将自身的信息或观点有计划地与公众进行交流的沟通活动。传播是一个完整的行动过程,同时也是一种信息的分享活动。,公共关系传播媒介,符号媒介实物媒介人体媒介大众传媒,第三节 公共关系的工作程序,一、公共关系调查二、公共关系策划三、公共关系实施四、公共关系评估,公共关系调查,公共关系调查和其他社会调查不同,它是就公众对组织形象的评价进行统计分析,用数据或文字的形式显示公众的整体意见,或者就某一具体公共关系活动条件进行实际考察。,公共关系策划,公

29、共关系策划是公共关系人员根据组织自身形象的现状和目标要求,分析现有条件,对拟议中的公共关系活动的主题、手段、形式和方法等进行构思和设计,从而制定出最佳活动方案的过程。,公共关系实施,公共关系实施是指在公共关系工作(或活动)方案被审定通过后,将方案付诸实施,将方案所确定的目标变成结果的具体操作过程。,公共关系评估,公共关系评估,就是根据特定的目标要求,对公共关系策划、实施及其最终结果进行检查评判,判断其优劣成败的工作过程。,第二章 公共关系的历史沿革,第一节公共关系在美国第二节公共关系在中国,第一节公共关系在美国,一、源起二、中间年代三、走向成熟,公共关系在美国的源起,1、革命之前2、独立运动3


31、公关部门的设立广告的广泛运用,战后繁荣时期(1945-1965),在产业界、研究机构、社会机构、政府部门和行业协会里稳步增长。独立咨询公司的数量日益稳定。数量惊人的著作、文章和杂志喷涌而出。从业人员组建许多新的协会。学院课程和学生数量以及相关课程的广度和深度都在增长。1955年国际公共关系协会成立。,全球信息化时代(1965年至今),政府事务成为公共关系的主要任务新技术新媒体,第二节公共关系在中国,一、中国公共关系事业的发展历程 二、现代公共关系发展的基本趋势,引进和开创时期(1980-1985),20世纪80年代初,南方特区的一些中外合资酒店仿照海外模式设立了公关部。1984年,广州白云山制


33、关专著;正式的高等公关课程和专业教育开始实施,1994年经国家教委批准中山大学创办我国第一个公关专业本科。中国优秀公关案例评选活动持续开展,持续发展阶段(2000年以后),公关管理已进入中国社会的各个领域公关咨询业进入相对成熟、稳定的发展阶段公关教育基本形成立体多维的学历和非学历交叉并存的局面。,现代公共关系发展的基本趋势,Manipulation External counselor Marketing Program Craftsperson Items Output Firefighter Illegitimacy,Adaptation Internal team memberManagement Process Manager Issues Input Fire preventer Legitimacy,


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