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1、2014年7月13日,第一次课,一、英语句子结构,1、简单句:句子的主语和谓语只能有一个。例:He reads in the morning everyday.I got up at 7 oclock this morning.2、复合句:句子的主语和谓语可以有多个,但是两个句子之间一定要有连接词来连接。例:Hurry up,or you will miss the bus.I gave her a candy(糖果),so she laughed.,主语 谓语 状语 状语,主语 谓语 状语,谓语 主语 谓语 宾语,主语 谓语 间宾 直宾 主语 谓语,一、英语句子结构,3、复合句:含有一个或一

2、个以上从句的句子例:My favorite hobby was swimming when I was a child.If you read more books,you will learn more.,时间状语从句,条件状语从句,*关于从句会用一次课的时间帮你详细讲解一次。这方面的知识有点难度,也是整个初中英语的难点。但是从句的知识一直到高中和大学英语的考试频率都很高,所以初中一定要把基础打好。,一、英语句子结构,关于并列句的连接词:连接两个同等概念的句子:and,not onlybut also,then,neithernor例:I love him,and he loves me.连

3、接两个有选择意思的句子:or,eitheror例:You must get up now,or you will be late.连接两个有转折关系的句子:but例:I love him,but he does not like me.连接两个有因果关系的句子:so,for 例:He is handsome,so I like him.,二、英语基本五个句型,1、主语+谓语(+状语)2、主语+谓语+宾语(+状语)3、主语+系动词+表语4、主语+谓语+直接宾语+间接宾语5、主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语,二、英语基本五个句型,1、主语+谓语(+状语)2、主语+谓语+宾语(+状语)3、主语+系动词+


5、说明名词或代词特征。定语是用来修饰名词的!不是修饰动词的!,特别说明一下谓语,谓语一般是动词,动词又分成两类:及物动词和不及物动词。,谓语(动词),及物动词 这种后面可以直接加名词的动词作谓语时,这个名词就是宾语,组成的句型为:主语+谓语+宾语,不及物动词 这种动词后面不可以直接加名词,所以当这种动词作谓语时,组成的句型为:主语+谓语,谓语的形式:过去时:did一般时:do,does进行时:is doing将来时:will do,*除了这些形式以外都不能做谓语,也就是说,to do和doing不能做谓语。,特别说明一下定语,1、介词短语定语The boy in the classroom ne

6、eds a pen of yours.(in the classroom 是修饰boy的定语;of yours是修饰pen的定语)The boy in blue is Tom.穿蓝色衣服的孩子是汤姆。(in blue是修饰boy的定语)2、形容词定语:所有的形容词,只要后面加名词,都是定语a beautiful girl,a new book,a delicious dish(一盘好吃的菜)3、副词定语The boy there needs a pen.(there是修饰boy的定语)The best boy here is Tom.(here是修饰boy的定语),特别说明一下定语,4、不定式

7、定语The boy to write this letter needs a pen.写信的男孩需要一支钢笔。(to write this letter 为定语,修饰boy)There is nothing to do today.今天没有事要做。(to do为定语,修饰nothing)5、分词(短语)定语(这部分目前超纲,可忽略)The smiling boy needs a pen bought by his mother.那个微笑的男孩需要一支他妈妈买的钢笔(smiling为定语,修饰boy;bought by his mother为定语,修饰pen)。There are five bo

8、ys left.有五个留下的男孩(five为定语,修饰boy;left为定语,修饰boy),二、英语基本五个句型,系动词:是用来帮助说明主语的动词,但后边必须跟表语,说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况,才会使这个动词有实际意义。1、be动词例:He is a teacher.2、表示持续意思的动词:keep,stay,lie,stand 例:He kept silent(沉默的)at meeting.The leaves stay green.3、表示“看起来像”的动词:appear,look 例:He looks happy.4、感官动词:feel,smell,sound,taste,例:Th

9、is flower smells very sweet.5、表示变化意思的动词:become,fall,get,go,come,run.例:He became smart.She gets taller.6、表示终止意思的动词(超纲,可忽略):turn out例:His plan turned out a success.他的计划终于成功了。,二、英语基本五个句型,1、主语+谓语(+状语)2、主语+谓语+宾语(+状语)3、主语+系动词+表语4、主语+谓语+直接宾语+间接宾语5、主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语,修饰,修饰,修饰,补充说明,再复习一遍,下一页举例。,二、英语基本五个句型,1、主语+谓

10、语(+状语)例:The telephone rang.Class begins.The sun rises.I am laughing.(注意:不要看见be动词就判断为系动词,这句话的句子成分是应该是“am laughing”为谓语,这是laugh的现在进行时作谓语。)She said happily.2、主语+谓语+宾语(+状语)例:They ate apples yesterday.He is reading books in the classroom.I like banana very much.,补充一个常用的新单词:angry生气的,一定要记住!,二、英语基本五个句型,3、主语+

11、系动词+表语(举例略,回看第9页PPT,那里写得很详细了)4、主语+谓语+直接宾语+间接宾语(双宾结构)可以加双宾的动词一般有:give,pass,buy,bring,send例:I give the girl a pen./I give a pen to the girl.a pen是give这个动作的直接接受者,所以a pen是直接宾语。Mary passes John a book./Mary passes a book to John.My mother buy me a new toy./My mother buy a new toy to me.Tom sent Kate an e

12、-mail./Tom sent an e-mail to Kate.(看了那么多例句有没有发现有神马规律呢?)5、主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语例:We call him Bob.我们叫他Bob。Bob是名词,但不是call这个动作的接受者,只是补充说明him,所以是宾语补足语。),三、表示频率的几个副词,Never 从不Often 经常Sometimes 有时Usually 通常Always 总是,副词只是用于修饰,所以一般是状语,四、祈使句,祈使句用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子。祈使句通常都省略主语。例如:Go and wash your hands.(去洗手。命令)Be qu

13、iet,please.(请安静。请求)Be nice to our sister.(对姊妹要和善。劝告)Watch out.(小心。警告)No parking.(禁止停车。禁止)Dont smoke here.(不要在此吸烟禁止),练习划分句子成分,不要太快做完,每天一点点。有不懂的单词要查清楚。有不懂的地方可以随时在QQ问我,或者直接给我短信。至于答案,看你什么时候做完咯。如果做得快的话我就把答案发给你对吧,如果做得慢的话就见面时候才对吧。,第一篇,It is about half past four.The students are on the playground.They are p

14、laying a football match.John is one of them.He is good at football.He plays well.He is on the school football team.John says,“I like playing football.It is my favorite sport.”Johns friends,Tom and David say,“Hes a football fan.”Look at the boys around the basketball court.Many boys are watching a ba

15、sketball match.The tall boy,Bob,is very good at playing basketball.He is very fast and he plays well.His favorite basketball player is YaoMing.His team is sure to win.I hope they can be the good players of our country,too.,第二篇,I am 13 years old now.Yesterday was my birthday.My parents had a birthday

16、 party.I invited some friends to the party.In the morning,my mother got up early and began to cook.My father helped her with cooking.They were so busy that they had no time to talk with me.When all my friends arrived,my mother brought delicious food and a big birthday cake.My father gave me new clothes and some books as presents.I was moved to tears.My friends sang birthday songs for me and gave me some presents.I had a wonderful birthday.,


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