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1、办 公 室 英 语,发 传 真,1.发传真必备第一句:你能把它传真给我吗,经典表达:Could you please fax the invoice/invitation/quotation to me?你能把发票/邀请函/报价单传真给我吗?举一反三:Would you like to fax XXX to me?Please send me a fax.My fax number is XXX.传真机号码的构成国内传真号码:区号(北京010,广州020,上海021,天津022)+传真号码国际传真号码:国际代码(00)+国家代码(中国86,美国1,日本81,德国49)+区号(去掉区号前的0)+

2、传真号码,2.发传真必备第二句:我要给XXX发传真,请给我个信号,经典表达:Im sending a fax to XXX.Please give me a signal.我要给XXX发传真,请给我个信号。举一反三:I guess there is something wrong with their fax machine.It is unavailable now.Ill send it later.,3.发传真必备第三句:传真已发,请查收,经典表达:I have faxed you XXX.Please have a check.我已经把XXX传真给您,请查收。举一反三:It would

3、 be great if you sign it and fax it back to me.须知:有些文件需要对方在收到传真后签名、批注,那么就请对方稍后再把以签名或批注的传真再发还给你。,4.发传真必备第四句:传真有些问题,请再发一次,经典表达:I have received your fax.But some pages were missing.Could you please fax it again?传真已收到,不过有缺页,请再发一次。举一反三:There were some pages too blurred to read.Please send it again.Im afr

4、aid you have sent the wrong file.Could you check it and send it again?,办 公 室 英 语,写 邮 件,电子邮件不应是人际交流首选的方式,面谈是促成有效沟通的最好方式。在双方不熟悉的情况下,一个半小时的面谈最能促成有效的沟通。在不具备面谈的条件下,应首选电话。如果面谈和电话的方式都不可能,才会选择电邮。尤其是办公室同事之间的交流,最好是走到对方的座位或者办公室,面对面交流最有效。首选电邮的情况包括:传递文件资料、留下书面证据、通知多人某项工作的进展等。,写邮件的四个基本原则,数据准确逻辑清晰信息全面礼貌周到,1.写邮件必备:

5、详细信息我会发电邮告诉你。,经典表达:Ill email you tomorrow with the details.我明天发电邮说明详细信息。举一反三:Ill send an email to the parties concerned ASAP.Ill write an email to explain the details.Let me check the email and report to you later.,2.邮件常用英文缩写,TO:收件人,主要阅读邮件的人。CC:CC的全名是Carbon Copy,即抄送。只要是和该邮件所涉及信息相关的人,需要了解该邮件信息的人都要去CC

6、。BCC:BCC的全名是Blind Carbon Copy,即加密抄送。FW:FW的全名是Foward,即转发。你在发邮件给某人的时候,同时转发给其他很多人。,2.邮件常用英文缩写,ASAP:as soon as possible PS:Post scriptAOB:any other businessThks:thanks BR:best regardsBTW:by the wayFYI:for your information FYR:for your reference,addressee收件人 address地址 subject主题 attachment附件 mailinglist邮件

7、列表 inbox收件箱 outbox发件箱 spam垃圾邮件,3.邮件开头称呼要恰当,经典表达:Dear Sir/Madam 亲爱的先生/女士举一反三:Dear Mr.Johnson 亲爱的约翰逊先生Hi Sue 苏,你好Hello Fred 你好,福瑞德,4.直奔主题,经典表达:Im working on an article about XXX,and wondered if you had a few minutes to answer the following three questions.我现在正在写一篇关于XXX的文章,不知道您有没有时间回答3个问题呢?举一反三:Id like

8、 to discuss the revisions with you.Would Tuesday at 2pm be a good time?我想和你谈谈修订的事。这周二下午两点您有空吗?Ive attached the documents you requested at our meeting yesterday.昨天会议上您要求的文件已附上,请查收。,5.咨询信息/建议,经典表达:Shall you have any problem accessing the folders,please let me know.如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。举一反三:Thank you and l

9、ook forward to having your opinion on the schedule。谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对日程计划的建议。Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon。期待您的反馈建议!Feel free to give your comments。请随意提出您的建议。,6.意见反馈,经典表达:Please see comments below。请看下面的评论。举一反三:My answers are in blue below。我的回答已标蓝。I add some comments to the document

10、for your reference。我就文档添加了一些备注,仅供参考。,7.附件,经典表达:Please see comments below。请看下面的评论。举一反三:I enclose the evaluation report for your reference。我附加了评估报告供您阅读。Please check the attached file for todays meeting notes。今天的会议记录在附件里查收。The attachment is the design document,please review it。设计文档在附件里,请评阅。,8.感谢,经典表达:Thank you so much for the cooperation。感谢你的合作!举一反三:I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project。对如此紧急的项目您做出的努力我表示十分感谢。Thanks for your attention!谢谢关心!Your kind assistance on this are very much appreciated。我们对您的协助表示感谢。Really appreciate your help!非常感谢您的帮助!,Thank you!,


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