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2、文体大体多是涉及介绍情况、提供信息、解释事物、阐述观点、表达见解等的记叙文、议论文或说明文。书写工整、保持卷面整洁,给评卷人员留一个好的印象非常重要。不要乱涂乱画,若有删节,在文字的中间画道横线。,段落按要求写,一般情况下,中间一段长,首段和结尾段较短,给人第一感觉就是内容充实。按要求的字数写,可以比要求的字数稍微多一点。字数少了给人感觉缺乏内容,字数太多,文章显得繁琐,阅卷老师会烦,你的分数会受影响。,许多考生的作文错误虽然不多,相当符合语法要求,但用词贫乏,过多使用如more and more,I think,as you know等表达,并且句子结构过于单一。统计结果表明,差的作文中简单



5、1.要求:主要要求考生对某一社会现象进行解释并加以评论。具体:描述社会生活中存在的一种现象,通常会要求考生对这种现象做出说明,同时表明该种现象反映的社会问题;进而会要求考生解释这种不良现象存在或发生的原因,较为常见的方式是要求在第二段对现象做细致的分析,表述现象发生的原因,或表述现象变化的原因;在第三段中,又往往要求考生针对现象做出评论,表明自己的态度、观点或做法,以及如何在日常生活中有效地实践以消除这种现象或其不利方面。因为所有段落都围绕这种现象为核心展开,所以称之为现象解释型试题。,EgRecently the problemphenomenon of has causedaroused

6、publicpopularwideworldwide concern.2.recently the issue of the problem of the phenomenon of has been brought into fobus.(has been brought to public attention),Recently/presently the phenomenon/issue/problem ofhas been brought into focus/aroused public attention/become a heated topic/been in the lime

7、light.Nowadays,our society is witnessing more and moreNowadays,many have been faced/troubled/confronted withIn the recentyears,has experienced an alarming increase/growth/rise/decline in,Practice1,Campus security近年来发生在校园的意外事件不断增加,校园安全问题备受关注对此我们应该采取哪些措施,Practice 2(05年真题),Parents and Children As can b

8、e seen from the picture,an old man is crouching there.The father is in rags while the four children wear expensive clothes.All of his four children regard him as a ball and want to kick him off.The four children are all good goalkeepers and successfully keep the father outside their doors.Thus,the f

9、ather becomes homeless.,As can be observed from the picture,in the centre of a football playground is crouching an elderly man,who is dressed in rags,while,in striking contrast,the four children wear expensive name brand.All of his four children reckoning with him as a ball and want to kick him off.

10、The four children are all excellent goalkeepers and triumphantly keep the father outside their doors.Thus,the father turns out homeless.,Campus security,Recently the problem of camous security has been in the limelight.Nearly every day there are reports to the security,开头写法2:对立法,一般包括引出讨论问题、呈现两种不同的观点

11、。主要适用于对比选择性作文。要求:本题型要求考生比较两种观点或两种做法,进而表明自己对该问题或事物的态度(事观点),也就是做出选择。1.when it comes to,some people believe that,but others argue/claim thatThere is probably some truth in both arguments/statements,but(I tend to agree/wold prefer to theformer/latter),Nowadays there is no agreement among people as to so

12、me people focus on/advocate/favorwhile others may think.from my point of view,When faced with/in the face of,quire a few people claim thatbut other people argueas far as I am concerned,the former/latter point holds more weight.,Practice2,Is it better to study alone or in a group?1.有些学生喜欢单独学习2.另外有一些学

13、生则喜欢组成小组学习3.我的观点,Is it better to study alone or in a group?,When it comes to the issue that students should study alone or in a group,different people have different ideas.Some students prefer to study alone,while others think it is better to study in a group.,对比选择型模拟题,Directions:For this part,you a

14、re allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic:Lectures and Discussions.You should write at least 120 words,and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:1)一些学生赞成讲座式教学2)另一些学生偏爱讨论式教学3)我的看法,对比选择型模拟题范文(套用模版一),对比选择型模拟题范文(套用模版一),2012年6月真题,Sample Writing,Should the University

15、Campus Be Open to Tourists?(2005年12月)1)名校校园正成为旅游新热点;2)校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同3)我认为,Paragraph1,Nowadays,there is an increasing interest in visiting campuses of famous universities.Therefore,a hot debate arises over whether the university campus should be open to tourists.,Paragraph2,Some people are in favo

16、r of the idea of opening it to the public.They believe that the atmosphere of famous universities can motive students visitors to seek more knowledge.They also argue that as more tourists come to visit,these universities can make themselves known to more people.,Paragraph3,However,other people hold

17、an opposite viewpoint.They consider that with tourists pouring into campuses,the beauty of the campus will be ruined.Whats more,they firmly point out that the normal teaching activities will be disturbed.,Paragraph4,There is some truth in both arguments.But I think the advantages of opening them out

18、weigh the disadvantages.In my opinion,university campuses should be open to tourists.,1.要求:本题型要求考生从描述文字/图表入手,解释试题文字/图表反映出社会生活中存在的一个现实问题,指出问题的危害性或解决这一问题的紧迫性;然后在第二段对问题展开分析,提出解决问题的方案或应对措施;最后一段要求考生表明自己对待这一问题的态度、做法等。这种试题,因为所有的段落都以某个问题为核心展开,以提出问题分析问题解决问题为主线,所以称之为问题解决。这类作文包括图表式作文和提纲式作文,所以,引用数据要有典型性、解释原因要注意

19、连贯性、解决问题要突出可行性。,三、问题解决型,问题解决性试题回顾,08年12月Limiting The Use of Disposable Plastic Bags2011,6Online shopping2012,6 exceeding pacakaging,A Model,Nowadays,there are more and more 某种现象 in 某种场合.It is estimated that 相关数据.Why have there been so many 某种现象?Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first on

20、e is 原因一.Besides,原因二.The third one is 原因三.To sum up,the main cause of 某种现象 is due to 最主要原因.It is high time that something were done upon it.For one thing,解决办法一.On the other hand,解决办法二.All these measures will certainly reduce the number of 某种现象.,解决问题型特点总结,1.目前存在某个问题2.这种问题的危害或产生的原因3.给出解决的方法,A Sample,P

21、aragraph 1-Introduction Nowadays,there are more and more people finding jobs on Internet instead of looking for a job in the ads of the newspaper or in a job market某种现象 某种场合.It is estimated that 1 out of 1,000 job seekers prefer getting their jobs on Internet by browsing for a job相关数据.,Paragraph 2Bo

22、dy/illustration,Why have there been so many people favoring Internet job hunting more than the traditional way某种现象?Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first one is its convenience.A job hunter can find a job without bothering to ask help from his relatives or friends,or register at an emp

23、loyment agency.原因一.Besides,it is efficient.A job seeker can get a job by simply browsing among the want ads online and sending his or her resumes via an E-mail.原因二.The third one is the success rate is usually higher and even if one fails to find a job,it can spare him the embarrassment of being refu

24、sed原因三.,Paragraph 3-Conclusion,To sum up,the main cause of job-hunt on Internet某种现象 is due to its convenience,efficiency and high success rate最主要原因.With the increasing popularity of the Internet,this new approach of job-hunt will gain more and more popularity among college graduates and laid-off wor

25、kers.,观点论证型作文,什么是观点论证型作文?,观点论证型作文一般要求考生根据题目所给论点,按照提纲要求,通过摆事实、讲道理的方式对论点进行论证。其基本结构是:1.首先提出要论证的论点2.然后提出论据对其进行论证3.最后表明自己的立场和看法,写作思路(三段式):,1.提出观点段引言句(背景)+主题句(论点)+扩展句(正确性表现)+结尾句2.论证观点段主题句+扩展句一(论据一)+扩展句二(论据二)+扩展句三(论据三)3.总结观点段主题句+扩展句(正确态度或做法)+结尾句,结构模板:,论点背景.It is true that 论点.No one can deny that 正确性表现.Ther

26、efore,重申论点.Many remarkable reasons contribute to this argument.First of all,论据一.For example,支持论据一的事例.Besides,论据二.In addition,论据三.All mentioned above tell us that 重申观点.Therefore,there is no denying that 正确态度或做法.In a word,观点总结.,例如:It pays to be honest,当前社会存在许多不诚实的现象诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实,范文:It pays to be hones

27、t,Nowadays there still exist many dishonesties,such as cheating,over-charging,fake commodities,etc.,which ruin our moral life.It is true that being honest is not only beneficial to others but also to ourselves.No one can deny that honesty is a traditional virtue of Chinese people.Therefore,we should

28、 value honesty highly.,It pays to be honest,Many remarkable reasons contribute to this argument.First of all,honesty can build up a more stable society.For example,Singapore,which is a society of trustworthiness and integrity,has a comparatively low criminal rate.Whats more,honesty can make our life

29、 easier and more harmonious.Besides,only honest people can be truly respected by others and can have more friends.,It pays to be honest,All mentioned above tells us that being honest is of benefit to both state and the individual.Therefore,there is no denying that we should foster the spirit of hone

30、sty and let dishonesty have no place to stay in our society.In a word,laying stress on honesty will become one of the public morals in our society.,观点论证型模拟题,Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic:Wealth and Happiness.You should write at least 120 word

31、s,and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:1)每个人都想获得财富,财富似乎就是幸福2)其实世界上有许多东西是财富换不来的,观点论证型模拟题范文(套用模板一),观点论证型模拟题范文(套用模板一),观点论证型模拟范文(套用模板二),观点论证型模拟范文(套用模板二),2010年6月四级作文,1.如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写,2.出现这种现象的原因是3.为了改变这种状况,我认为。Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling,Due Attention Should Be

32、 Given to Spelling新东方,They say“mind breeds physiognomy”,which implies the importance of ones appearance.Similarly,a correct and neat spelling of a composition can not only reflect a success of the composition but embody the decent disposition of the writer as well.Unfortunately,a great number of stu

33、dents pay little attention to their spelling though their composition turns out quite good either in content or in logic,thus leaving the teacher in a dilemma whether to give a high score or not.,Tracing the reasons hidden behind,we can easily find it is mainly because some students are unaware of t

34、he importance of the spelling.In their minds,the content absolutely outweighs the form so the attention to spelling can be pleasantly spared.Objectively speaking,in the examination,the limited time and urgent situation make students have no more effort to care about their spelling and the fact is th

35、at they have to write as quickly as possible to finish it on time,leaving some characters vague or incorrect.,Just as is said above,spelling,in a sense,mirrors the content,so a direct result of the bad spelling is the low academic score in the exam for it is hard to expect a text full of undistingui

36、shable words toreceive a good appreciation.Further,once the habit of lax松懈的 spelling was formed,in a long run the quality of being negligence could also be gradually shaped,which would undoubtedly exert negative impact for our future work and life.,满分范文:Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling文都,No

37、wadays,students attach less importance to the spelling of words in the process of English study.This phenomenon greatly influences students writing and brings on worries among teachers.,There are possibly three reasons contributing to this phenomenon.First,exam-oriented education应试教育 makes the stude

38、nts pay less attention to spelling.Second,some teachers should also be responsible for it because they dont emphasize the importance of spelling during teaching.Last but not least,some students are too lazy to recite words.,Since spelling is one of the most important factors in English study,due att

39、ention should be given to it.As for me,I think,first,exams should be modified to add some factors into it,which would help students pay more attention to spelling.Then,schools should also set effective mechanisms to help teachers as well as the students to realize the importance.Finally,for students

40、 themselves,they can,through other ways,make them be interested in word spelling.Only by these can we surly realize the importance of spelling and make improvement,2011年6月四级题,Online Shopping1.现在网上购物已成为一种时尚2.网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题3.我的建议,Online Shopping,Nowadays,with the rapid development of information te

41、chnology,online shopping has gained great popularity among more and more web users.For example,it is fashionable for youngsters to purchase daily essentials,such as books,clothes,electrical equipment,on some famous websites,like Taobao,EBay and Alibaba.,Undoubtedly speaking,online shopping has many

42、advantages.Firstly,compared with traditional shopping,its very convenient.What you need to do is just clicking your mouse and waiting instead of going out by foot or driving.Secondly,more choices than real store are another attraction to customers.,However,in spite of convenience and more choices of

43、 online shopping,we cannot turn a blind eye to its disadvantages.Obviously,quality problem is its first disadvantage.Its common that articles arent so good just as they are described online that customers always buy fake commodities.In addition,its troublesome and annoying for many customers to make

44、 a change when they are not satisfied with what they bought online.,As a college student,I like online shopping but I expected that effective measures should be taken to make it better.Specifically speaking,government should work out strict regulations and rules to prevent unfaithful and unlawful ac

45、tivities of online shop owners.Only by this way can online shopping become really safe and attract an increasing number of customers.,图表作文,描写图表常用句型:1.according to figures shown in the table/graph/chart/pie,we can see/conclude that2.the graph/picture shows/tells/reveals that3.as is shown/can be seen/

46、observed in the chart/table/picture that4.the table is/gives information that,5.the table represents the development and changes in 6.after considering the information in the table we might conclude that,阐述观点一二三原则,如果只有两点用 for one thingfor anotherOn the one handon the other hand,如果是三点用下列表述:,First,sec

47、ond,third,Firstly,secondly,thirdlyTo begin with,then/furthermore/besides/moreover/in addition,last but not the leastFirst and foremost,besides,last but not leastMost important of all/first of all,moreover,finally,结尾段开始常用词组,1.In short2.To conclude3.To sum up4.To summarize5.In a word6.In brief,大学英语四级考

48、试 作文常用句式,开头,Recently,the problem of has aroused peoples concern.最近,问题已引起人们的关注.Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.互联网已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色.它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题.,开头,Nowadays,(o

49、verpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了.It is commonly believed that/It is a common belief that 人们一般认为 Many people insist that 很多人坚持认为,开头,With the development of science and technology,more and more people believe that 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为 A lot of people seem to think

50、 that 很多人似乎认为,引出不同观点,Peoples views on vary from person to person.Some hold that.However,others believe that.人们对的观点因人而异.有些人认为.然而其他人却认为 People may have different opinions on 人们对可能会有不同的见解.Attitudes towards(drugs)vary from person to person.人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异.,引出不同观点,There are different opinions among people


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