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1、CET 4解题技巧,听力,四级听力的三个思路:1学习基于学生的角度,一定是抱怨学习2生活poor,很穷。Student ID 学生证 用于discount 打折,bargain 讨价还价3学习vs 生活忙,忙于学习(就是说,解题从这三个思路出发,如果听不清题目说什么,就用这三个思路往上套),Part I 短对话,一But 题型形式:A:B:,but.重点听第二个说话人B说话,but 后面所说的话为重点,出题点往往在but后面。四级听力题中,But 后面的为重点的占95%,之前的为重点的占5%。e.g.(这题是反例,考的居然是but之前的内容,不过这种情况很少出现的)A:I suppose yo

2、uve bought some gifts for your family.B:Well,Ive bought a shirt for my father and two books for my sister.But Ive not decided what to buy for my mother.Probably some jewels.Question:Who did the man buy the book for?Answer:His sister.,A)He has some work to do.B)The woman is going to do that.C)His bos

3、s is coming to see him.D)He doesnt feel like eating any bread today.,W:I wonder if you have time to go to the food store today.We have almost run out of bread.M:You d better do that.I havent got my report ready yet,but my boss needs it tomorrow.Q:Why isnt the man going to do the shopping?注:1.第二人的回答都

4、是充满了遗憾。,二.场景题(1)每一类场景,常考出题思路用于解题(2)线索词,无论每个考题的具体内容是什么,考题的题型总在重复。我们要培养解类型题的能力。比如在态度方向题中,每个考题的内容肯定不同。但题型高度一致,解题的方向也必然相同。如:Would you go to dance with me tonight?第二人的回答只有两种Yes或No。我们要听的是第二个人的态度方向。这个题问去跳舞吗?而另外的一个完全不同的考题可能会问去看电影吗?去音乐会吗?去野餐吗?去看比赛吗?这些不同的考题在我们的耳朵里就应该是同一类考题。我们要听的是:他在问去还是不去?第二人要回答Yes还是No。而解题点即正

5、确选项一定就在第二人的回答的开头。,听力范围:Campus life1.rush hour 高峰时间,尖峰时刻(交通堵塞,上课迟到)2.cheer up 使振奋,使高兴;(成绩好或者毕业)3.check(it)out 借书;办理出院手续;彻底检查;退房(check in 开房);(图书馆)4.travel agent 旅行社(travel agency,travel bureau);(放假旅游)5 financial aid 经济资助;(生活困难)6.turn down 关掉,拒绝;turn on 打开(打开,关掉收音机,灯),例如:1.tape 胶带;cassette 磁带。2.projec

6、t 作业(homework,assignment);工程;项目;计划;任务。3.awful 糟糕的;terrific 特别棒的,好极了(口语中);可怕的,恐怖的(阅读中)。4.I can tell that.我能看得出。5.I understand that.我听说。,6.I have got this one.have=have got have to=have got to(gotta)7.must 在口语中表猜测 8.Ill take this one.我要买这个。9.I wont buy that.=I wont believe that.我才不信呢。,表示推测:必定,一定 The l

7、ight is still on,so he must be at home.灯还是亮的,他一定在家。The light was out.They must have gone to bed.灯都熄了,他们必定睡了。注意:1.must表示推测时的否定式是cant或couldnt(不可能),因为must只用于肯定句,语气很强。2.若对过去情况的推测用must have加过去分词。,各类场景(把各类场景容易出现的词给记住,选选项时往常考思路上靠)1.抱怨的作业:1)paper a.论文 b.=newspaper 报纸 c.document文件 d.纸张project 作业(homework,ass

8、ignment);工程;项目;计划;任务。写论文的步骤:a.choose a topic选题area:The area is too board for me.题目的范围太广了 narrow the topic down 把题目范围缩小b.do some research 做调查(去图书馆library 做调查)c.type it out打印typewriter打字机,computer,lap top手提电脑,printer打印机,laser printer激光打印机,ribbon色带,2)presentation口头演讲oral form=speech=report=addressa.时间性

9、 20分钟,一般演讲18-19分钟,留下几分钟时间别人发问b.正式着装formal clotheschange(穿的衣服不合适就要换)You cant go like that.You need a change.你这样穿不行,要换一套衣服。c.内心感受nervous(演讲前心里很害怕),3)Reading assignment/list 阅读作业/清单Do you think the reading list is enormous?你觉不觉要读的书太多了?4)ResearchFinancial Aid经济资助a.Tuition wavier学费减免b.RAResearching Assis

10、tant助研 TATeaching Assistant 助教Fellowship奖学金,第一类,有关学习的考题基于学生身份去猜题。关于考试:考试难,时间紧,能否延期。作业难做。论文没做完。选课多。对老师评价:讲课boring,老师strict,作业多。She is one in a million.当老师要退休的时候对老师的评价才会高。第二类,生活。学生穷poor,要省钱。时时带着学生证。购物时一定要bargain。杂志不订应该去图书馆读,如:A:Maybe I ought to subscribe(捐献,订购)to the magazine.B:Why dont you save the m

11、oney and read it in the library?。在家看比赛没钱买票。第三类,学生忙,当话题中既包含学习又包含娱乐时体现学生忙,一定选择学习方面。,2餐厅1)cafeteria学校饭堂:meal card/ticket饭卡/饭票,helping一人份2)restaurant:fancy高档的,menu菜谱,manager经理,waiter book/reserve预订,make a reservation预定,上菜顺序:soup汤 main course主菜 salad沙拉(chef salad招牌沙拉)dessert甜点(pudding布丁,cheese,fruit),赞美人

12、家做菜好吃:1)Even my mothers cant match this.即使我妈妈做的也比不上这个好吃。2)I took the last one and it was out of the world(无比优秀的,极好地).(太好吃了以至于)我把最后一块也吃掉了。3)You wouldnt have to force me to help another one.你不用叫我吃,我自己也会拿来吃的。,3.罚款 fine校内:library里面,书过期(out of date,back numbers or back issues)校外:break the traffic rules违反

13、交通规则,(laws regulations)go speeding超速各种费用:fare交通费(车费,船费),fee杂费,tuition学费,tuition and fee学杂费,rent 房租,post rate=postage邮资,bus fare 公共汽车票钱;公车票;公车费率 air fare 飞机票价;航空费用;航空票价 taxi fare 的士收费;出租汽车费 ticket fare 票价 full fare 全程票价;全价票,票价,4.机场常考思路:1)票已售完2)接人(飞机)晚点3)送人伤感 see somebody off机场线索词:airplane 飞机;flight 航

14、班;take off 起飞;land 降落;circle 盘旋;,注:1.receptionist 前台,接待员 2.air hostess 空姐 3.shop assistant 售货员,常见线索词:wing:a.建筑物的附属楼 b.飞机的翅膀 c.鸡翅terminal:a.终端(机房里面 Should I use this terminal?)b.=final station公交站最后一站c.候机大厅domestic terminal国内候机大厅,international terminal国际候机大厅,5.交通常考思路:1)交通堵塞 traffic jamheavy back up:a.

15、备份 b.倒车 c.back somebody up支持某人 2)交通违章fine罚款 break the traffic rule违反交通规则,go speeding超速 3)晚点 behind schedule,6.打电话 常考思路:1)约人约不到2)约会去不了sth comes up/Id like to reschedule/Could you fit me in(the doctors schedule)?3)电话打不通(包括打错电话),come up1.走近;走过来;到来:A beggar came up to us and ask for money.一个乞丐走过来向我们要钱。C

16、hristmas is coming up soon.圣诞节很快就要来到。2.提及;被提出:The question of wage increases came up at the board meeting.增加工资问题已在董事会上提出。3.发生;出现:I shall write to you if anything comes up.如果发生了什么事情我将写信告诉你。4.长出来;升起:I sowed some seeds last week,but they havent come up yet.上星期我种了点种籽,但现在还没长出来。,fit in适应,适合Fit sb.in安排时间见某

17、人,线索词:run out of coins(在公共电话亭里)没钱了,cut off被迫断线,hang up主动挂断电话,She hung up on me.他挂断了我的电话。Mom hung up the phone.妈妈挂断了电话。receiver听筒,operator接线员英pret 美pret,打电话步骤:Look up the number in the yellow pages.在黄页里查找电话。Drop the coins in the slot.把硬币投入投币口。Then dial the number you want it.然后拨打你所需要的电话.,7医院常考思路:1)医生

18、难找2)病情如何(getting better/worse)3)有病耽误课(miss the class),线索词:treat治疗(表过程),cure治疗,治愈(表结果)【study 表过程;learn 表结果。search 表过程;find 表结果。try 表过程;manage 表结果】help center学校的医院,clinic诊所,hospital,ward 病房,prescribe开药方,prescription处方,Send him to Ward Three.把他送去3号病房。Send him toward three.把他送到东方去。(因为时钟三点指向东(上北下南左西右东)fi

19、ll the prescription按方抓药,refill the prescription继续按方抓药,cough咳嗽,fever,influenza(flu)流感急诊室 emergency department呕吐 vomit英vmt 美vmt,8.缺课缺课原因:1)get ill 由于生病而缺课2)oversleep睡过头了3)traffic jam交通堵塞/(car)break down车抛锚,9.买东西1)supermarket超级市场:supplies生活用品,price tag价格签,special offer/on sale打折,Cart手推车,vender售货员,Cashi

20、er收银员,9.买东西2)department store百货商店:appliance家用电器,costume服装,floor 层,mens 男装区,sports goods体育用品,for sale 热卖中,待售中,discount打折,折头,70%off三折,9.买东西produce 农产品,英prdjus 美prdusproduct工业产品,英prdkt 美prdktproduction产品(总称)英prdk()n 美prdkn,熟词的多种用法:run into sb.=happen to sb.碰巧碰到某人 My nose has been running the whole morn

21、ing.我整个早上都在流鼻涕 run it down to me=tell me the whole story 告诉我,娓娓道来 Ive got the runs.拉肚子,10.修理东西TV,refrigerator(fridge)冰箱,oven电烤炉,11.关于工作常考思路:1)找到工作高兴(找到这份工作非常的不容易,有很多的竞争对手)2)失去工作伤心 a.被解雇 b.离开旧工作(后悔,觉得还是以前的工作好,清闲,同事关系好处)3)拒绝工作令人感到奇怪(觉得自己能力不够,无法承担,自己很伤心,失去这么好的一次机会),找工作的过程:1)信息来源a.classified ads分类广告(分类广

22、告(Classified Ads):以往是报纸广告的主要形式,但网络分类广告具有数据库的功能,可以迅速进行检索、显示,并按产品、行业或者地区的信息的不同,.)help and wanted section供求关系栏b.bulletin board公告栏找房途径-学校住宿网站,学校公告栏(notice board),报纸,校内学生张贴的广 告,朋友,中介,大型购物中心的notice board 等等。英bltn 美bltnc.flyer传单,找工作的过程:2)make a phone call Is the position still available?工作职位还仍然空缺吗?,vacant,

23、3)resume个人简历resume 英rzjumn.摘要;履历,简历(该释义发音rezju:mei)certification英,stfken学历证明,ID身份证Identification Card,Qualification,kwlfke()n资历recommendation letter,rekmende()n推荐信英rekmend reference letter英ref()r()ns,4)fill out=fill in=fill up填表格5)interview面试interviewer 美ntvjuinterviewee,ntvjui,complete a form form-

24、filling,打电话确认工作是否还available:make a phone call。准备工作简历resume v.重新开始;n.个人简历。面试interview:需携带证书certificates;需出示身份证明identification;判断你是否具有qualification;出示推荐信reference letter。,12人性的缺点1)健忘 forgetful,absent-minded,slip ones mindHes forgetful./Isnt he forgetful?/How forgetful he is!2)害羞 shy害羞,embarrassed尴尬,se

25、lf-conscious自觉的,keep ones mind/thought to oneself=keep to oneself保守秘密;不交际,13.租房子常考思路1)房难找2)房太贵3)房太嘈线索词for rent房子出租,house,living-room厅,rest-room厕所,14.理发线索词cut大剪,trim小修剪,bang男生刘海,parting分头(I want parting to the left.我想要左分头。)plaitplt 辫子,fringe女生刘海,pigtail麻花辫,ponytail马尾辫,ripple 波浪卷发,三.重复反问题型形式:A:B:(形容词,

26、重复A部分话),.Q:直接把B所说的形容词加深程度的选项为正确选项例1:A:Its a little bit warm out today.B:Warm.You could fry an egg on the sidewalk.正确选项应是强调warm的。例2:A:Mary sees happy with her grades.B:Happy.She could hardly contain herself.她简直乐翻了。正确选项应该是强调happy的。,四态度方向题 Yes/No?A:讲述一个idea/opinion(一般疑问句)B:Yes/No,(阐述理由)选项特点:有两个两两相反的选项(

27、另外提醒一下,在听力题四个选项中,如果有其中两个选项说的内容刚好是相反的,那么正确答案必定为其中一个),A:Creativity could be born with.B:It is difficult to have creativity.C:Creativity has to be trained.D:Creativity is a skill of art.,W:What is the creativity in your idea?M:Let me put it in this way:my grandfather never had any training in art,yet h

28、is painting works are displayed in some galleries(美术馆)in town.Q:What does the man mean?,A:They should buy a lot of coffee.B:Theres room to stack up(堆积)the cans of coffee.C:They should wait for a better deal on coffee.D:The store they are talking about is out if coffee.,W:The supermaket down the stre

29、et is selling everything half price because they are going out of business(停业,破产).M:Sounds like an ideal time to stock up(储存)on coffee.Tell you what,how about we go there after class?Q:What does the man mean?,五建议题A:trouble(讲述一个trouble)B1:Dont worry./Calm down./Take it easy.B2:Advice.B:先安慰,后给advice.表

30、示建议的表达方式You should./shouldnt.You ought to.Why not/why dont?If I were you,I would.How about doing/What about doing?Its(about/high)time that(用过去时)。,A:Ask the professor when he will be available.B:Help the woman to contact the professor.C:Solve the problem for the woman.D:Ask the professor to clarify t

31、he question.,W:I really need to get in touch with Professor Nelson.I have got a chemistry problem I cant solve.But there are always students in his office.M:I am attending an evening coursee given by Professor Nelson.Why dont you give me your question an let me ask him instead?Q:What will the man mo

32、st probably do?,A:The hat is of the right size.B:He doesnt think the hat is fit for the woman.C:The woman should bring an umbrella with her.D:The color of the hat is just right for the woman.,W:What do you think of my new hat?M:I am sure you will never need to bring an umbrella with you wearing it.A

33、nd besides,do you think the color is right for your age?Q:What does the man mean?,在四级考试题中1)apple pie 一定好吃,pizza 一定不好吃因为苹果批是traditional American的,The picnic is as American as apple pie.这是一个地道的美式野餐。另外,apple pie virtue=traditional American virtue表美国人乐观等好品德2)film通常是不好看的,concert通常是好的film:waste of time/mo

34、neyIt has got an awful review.影评书评说它很差很烂。Concert:worth the price of admission,老外特点:1)不谦虚2)崇尚个人奋斗体现在场景里面是借钱或借笔记,老外通常是不会借的Dont look at me.别指望我。/Do you think I was made of money?/Do you think I inherited a fortune?你以为我继承了一笔财产啊?3)老外好象很有钱的原因a.外国福利好b.可以向银行贷款c.由于生活习惯(如付小费不吝啬)4)表达思想非常直接注:长对话是短对话的扩展,所以以上技巧也基

35、本上适合长对话。,段子题:词汇(很少考生词含义)题材(抛弃题材,注重结构)抓共性,总结规律,Part II段子题一文章类型1介绍性(1)讲故事(2)说明性对现实生活的影响2讨论性 conclusion说出一个结论3.对比性my opinion.讲述我的观点,三解题步骤1听之前看选项1)看选项长短2)找出选项中的相同词以便确定文章的内容和范围3)找数字题年代,时间,数目,金钱(听到什么选什么)注意:在第一部分短对话中,听到什么不选什么,一般都要通过运算才能的出正确结论。这一点与段子题刚好相反。,2抓两头1)听到结尾回忆结尾的一两句话2)重复词(重复出现的词就是文章所讲述的重点内容),同时提示文章

36、快要结束了3)As a result,so,therefore,thus均提示文章快要结束了,做题原则:听到什么选什么。1、适合边听边看选项:选项短,问的是细节题,问题的顺序与行文顺序一致。2、集中精力听完文章:选项长,主线题,问的是中心思想。,3中间抓小词1)要牢记以下七个小词:first,most,because出现,99%会出考题only,just也会出考题but,however也会出考题2)常考的逻辑关系:并列:and因果:because转折:but,however递进:the more,the more让步:despite,although,though,用常识猜题:正常思维推理。听

37、力考试的Section A的短对话是学生生活的场景对话。问其中一人的观点,诸如:What does the man mean?或What does the woman imply?不难发现,这样的考题是在问第三人的想法,非常主观。而相比之下,Section B的段子则截然不同,段子叙述的都是客观的事实。针对事实性的文章,我们应学会运用常识来推出正确选项。,文章开头抓名词,名词概念为文章讨论的对象。如一题中问:What is the topic of this talk?选项中找electric car。What is the advantage of the electric car over

38、 the traditional gas-fueled car?我们不需要对段子听得很清楚就可以轻易地想出答案:没污染!比如:silk。再比如问:如果南极洲的冰帽融化,将对地球产生什么影响?What will happen if the ice cap of Antarctica melts?我们立即会想到海平面会上升!所以,听段子时,我们需要客观冷静。有时,要跳出原文来客观地审视考题。,4.补救措施如果没听清楚文章内容,就必须听清楚题目问什么,然后用common sense常识来判断正误,四题型1)主观态度题:讲facts,选正态度(就是说,选一个积极的,赞扬的,好的态度)Whats the

39、 speakers attitude toward sth?Whats the speakers impression of sth?主观态度题常常不会考太过细致的选项(就是说,说得太精确的选项一般都是用来迷惑人的),考题特点:选项出现四个形容词。解题方向:Speaker的态度反映在文中的形容词或副词。注重fortunately,luckily,unfortunately这样的具感情色彩的词。但凡听力中的段子,Speaker对于谈论的对象,不论是人物还是事物,都可能有双向评论。但在CET听力中,如果未能听出态度方向。只要选正态度就可以了!因为反驳的文章要比介绍性的文章复杂的多。典型的段子往往会

40、说一个人对人类社会,或对某一团体有着伟大的贡献。或叙述某个组织,某个机构有创新性的,划时代意义的活动。,2、客观题 比如数字题。问及时间,多少,年代。问:When;How many.;How much?在Section A中的数字题的对策是听到什么不选取什么,即把听到的数字在选项中要排除掉,因为Section A这部分要考察对数字的进一步运算能力。你听到的一定是原始数据,而不是最终结果(正确选项)。但是,在Section B的段子中,对策完全要反过来。即听到哪个数字就要选那个数字。段子中的数字不考运算。考题特点:比较明显。选项都有数字(或年代,或时间等)。解题对策:听题前第一步看选项时,如果看

41、到数字题,把笔入在此题处,随时准备记录。听到什么,选什么。如有两个数字出现。先都记下来。在听问题时再进一步排除,2)中心思想题Whats the passage mainly talking about?Whats the main idea of this passage?Whats the topic of this passage?当这些词出现在中心思想题中时,选项常为正确:development.evolution进化,演化(缓慢的过程),formation形成过程,effects,and,Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you

42、have just heard.14.Why is Toluker prison called an open prison?考开头 15.What is the essential characteristic of Toluker prison?考结尾“Because”16.How long did Barb Crook stay in the Toluker prison?客观数字题 17.What is the speakers attitude toward this type of prison?态度方向题 注:work 起作用。同义词help;do some good;do an

43、y good。注:1.gonna=going to 2.wanna=want to,3、宏观题 宏观题考察文章的整体思想把握,即中心思想题(Main idea/Topic题)。一篇文章的首尾是这篇文章的灵魂,体现Speaker的观点。考题特点:What is the passage mainly about?What is the passage talking about?What is the main idea of this talk?等。解题对策:对于中心思想题。我们可以从三方面来把握。,一、从选项入手。选项中出现的多次重复的词一定是中心词(Key word),正确的main ide

44、a选项应该包括,围绕这个中心词来叙述。二、从段子入手,要特别注意文章的两头。尤其是文章的开始两个句子最重要。开头一定出考题!具体需要听的是文章开头的名词。选答案时要优先选含有该名词的选项。三、从段子后面的问题入手。这样也可以提供中心词的线索。大多数的考题都问及的词一定就是此段的中心词。,线索词:(1)段子开头的名词(2)文章中间的高频词(3)选项中有如下小词出现:development;evolution;formation;new;effect;and。,paraphrase替换题1)词组与词的替换cancel=call offlate/delay=behind schedule2)词与词的

45、替换a.同义词interesting=stimulating=fascinating=excitingb.反义词,口语中常用短语:1.mess 脏乱 His dormitory is in a big mess.2.meet=come across=run into=bang into 遇见。happen to meet 恰巧碰到 3.与动词搭配使用最多的是out,因为out代表一种极端的状态,很彻底。,run out of 用完了 check out 借书;办理出院手续;彻底检查;退房(check in 开房);结帐离开 wear out 穿破 be worn out(物)破旧;(人)疲惫

46、make out 辨认出 figure out 想清楚,弄明白 She has a figure that kills.身材很棒。She has a face that kills.长得非常漂亮,work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题;(gym场景)拼命锻炼 help out 帮个大忙 find out 打听,查明真相 dine out 外出吃饭,下馆子 cook out 在外野餐 hang out 闲逛 turn out(to be)事实证明,A)He cant find his new apartment.B)He had a bigger apartment before.C)He

47、finds the new apartment too big for him.D)Hes having a hard time finding an apartment.W:How do you find your new apartment?M:Well,its quite nice really,although I have a hard time getting used to living in a big place.Q:What is the mans problem?,注 1.dormitory 宿舍 apartment 公寓 laboratory secretary 房子难

48、找;房租贵;房太吵 2.How do you find.=How do you like.3.be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 选项中找be accustomed to doing sth.或adapt used to do sth 过去常常 选项中找 was always 或找否定句+now,A)He meant she should make a phone call if anything went wrong.B)He meant for her just to wait till help came.C)He was afraid something would

49、 go wrong with her car.D)He promised to give her help himself.W:Could you tell me what I should do if my car breaks down?M:Well,Im sure you wont have any trouble,Mrs.Smith,but if something should happen,just call this number.Theyll see that you get help.Q:What does the man really mean?注:谈论车的最大话题一定是坏

50、掉 break down.,A)He has edited three books.B)He has bought the wrong book.C)He has lost half of his money.D)He has found the book that will be used.M:Hey,Louise,Ive got a used copy of our chemistry textbook for half price.W:Im afraid you wasted your money,yours is the first edition,but were supposed


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