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1、1.冠词:a/an 的用法。a用在辅音开头的名词前,an用在元音(aeiou)开头的名词前。如:an apple2.人称代词及物主代词3.名词所有格(s)表示的。如:brothers4.一般疑问句及回答:一般疑问句是由be(am,is,are),can,do,does等开头引导的问句,用yes或no回答。如:Do you like swimming?Yes,I do./No,I dont.,1.my your her his our This is my sister._ name is Lucy.This is your new teacher._ names David.-Whats _

2、name?My names Lily.-Is this your brother?No,hes _ friend.He is my _ _ son.A.Uncle John B.Uncle Johns C.Uncles John-Can you jump?-_ A.Yes,he can.B.Yes,she can.C.Yes,I can.-Are you Miss Fang?-_ A.Yes,Im.B.Yes,I am.C.Yes,she is.-Is this your new classmate?-_ A.Yes,he is.B.Yes,I can.C.Yes,it is.,Her,His

3、,your,my,B,C,B,A,5.There be 句型的结构:There is+单数名词或不可数名词。There are+复数名词。用is还是are要看紧跟着的名词是单数/不可数,还是复数,根据“就近原则”判断。6.can结构的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句;can+动原 如:I can ride a bike.I cant ride a bike.Can you ride a bike?7.like结构的句型:like+名词(复数);like+动词ing形式;like to+动原。如:I like apples.I like running.I like to run.8.have、has

4、结构的句型(第三人称单数用has,其他用have)如:He has a pair of brown trousers.I have a T-shirt.9.What would you like?回答:I would like aansome 一般疑问句:Would you like aansome?Yes,please./No,thank you.,1.there,school,are,classrooms,twenty-four,in,my(.)2.library,there,in,our,is,a,school(?)3.doors,classroom,how,there,the,in,a

5、re,many(?)4.Can you _?A.some B.swim C.swimming5.I cant _my bike.A.rides B.riding C.ride6.用所给词的适当形式填空。I like summer.I like _(ice cream).I like_(swim).I like to_(swim).,There are twenty-four classrooms in my school.,Is there a library in our school?,B,C,ice creams,swimming,swim,How many doors are ther

6、e in the classroom?,1.-What would you like?-_ A.I like some tomatoes.B.Id like some tomatoes.2.Would you like _ apple juice,Kitty?Yes,please.A.a B.some C.any3.have/hasYou _ a big family.I like red,so I _a red T-shirt.Kitty likes blue.She _ a blue skirt.Alice _ a pair of green shorts.We _ a big class

7、room.-Do you _ any meat?Yes,we do.,B,B,have,have,has,has,have,have,10.how many问数量 how much问价钱 如:How many squares are there/do you have?How much is it/are they?11.Hows the weather?Whats the weather like?回答:Its+天气形容词。(hot/cold/rainy/snowy)12.Where is it/are they?Its/Theyre+方位介词+地点。如:Its/Theyre+on Gree

8、n Street/beside the table.13.some和any 的用法 some和any都能修饰可数名词和不可数名词,但some 用在肯定句中,而any用在否定句和疑问句中。14.特殊疑问词 Where问地点/在哪儿 What什么 Why为什么 Who谁 How怎么样,1.How many _ are there?A.stars B.egg C.apple2.-_ _ is it?Its fifteen yuan.A.How many B.How much C.How tall3.How much _ _?Theyre twenty-four yuan.A.they are B.i

9、s it C.are they 4.Hows the _?-Its sunny.A.shape B.sweater C.weather5.-Where do you live?I live _ Black Street.A.in B.under C.on6.Where is the cat?Its _ the chair.A.in B.under C.behind7.Hows the weather?Its_.A.sun B.cloudy C.rain,A,B,C,C,C,B/C,B,some/any填空1.I have _brothers.But I dont have _ cousins.

10、2.-Do you have _ sisters?Yes,I have _ sisters.3.-Do you have _ uncles?-No,I dont have _uncles.4.I dont have _ good friends.But I have _ friends.How;Where;Hows;Wheres;What;Whats_do your parents do?2._your name?3.-_many circles are there?There are five circles.4.-_the weather?Its rainy and cold.5.-_ar

11、e you?Im in the park.6.-_the cat?Its under the table.,some,any,any,some,any,any,any,some,What,Whats,How,Hows,Where,Wheres,15.名词变形容词。rain wind snow cloud sun 16.数词。,rainy,windy,snowy,cloudy,sunny,1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 24 26 27 28 29 3040 50 6070 80 90100,one four sevententhirteensixteennineteentwenty-twotwenty-fivetwenty-eight,three sixnine twelve fifteen eighteen twenty-one twenty-four twenty-seven thirty,two five eight eleven fourteen seventeen twenty twenty-three twenty-six twenty-nine,forty fifty sixtyseventy eighty ninety one hundred,


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