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1、subject,A plain Jane,7,6,5,4,3,2,Uncle Sam,A cup of Joe,Not know someone from Adam,John Hancock,for Petes sake,A doubting Thomas,Your life can be enhanced,and your happiness enriched,when you choose to change your perspective.,Uncle Sam,Uncle Sam,the American government or the United States,an elder

2、ly white man white hair and a goateea white top hat with white stars on a blue banda blue tail coatred-and-white-striped trousers,The precise origin of the Uncle Sam character is unclear.A popular legend:The name Uncle Sam was derived from Samuel Wilson,a meatpacker who supplied rations for American

3、 soldiers during the War of 1812.,Photograph of Samuel Wilson of Troy,New York,the popular legend,Samuel Wilsons packages were labeled E.A US.A co-worker jokingly said,Elbert Anderson the contractor and Uncle Sam,referring to Samuel Wilson,though the US actually stood for United States,other images

4、of Uncle Sam,Your life can be enhanced,and your happiness enriched,when you choose to change your perspective.,A plain Jane,A plain Jane,We can draw a lesson from Ugly Betty that even a plain Jane can live a wonderful life.我们从丑女贝蒂中可以了解到,即使相貌平凡女生也可以有一个美妙的人生。,A plain Jane,A Plain Jane is a woman who i

5、s of unattractive appearance.plain Jane:外表平凡的女孩子长相不起眼,外貌平凡的女人。这里的plain是“不惹人注目的,朴素的”,而Jane是一般女人名,plain与Jane合辙押韵。,example,I would rather marry a plain Jane who causes no trouble than a pretty face who may be come a jailbait.我宁愿和一个相貌平平但是安稳的女孩子结婚也不愿意娶个招灾惹祸的漂亮妞。,Your life can be enhanced,and your happine

6、ss enriched,when you choose to change your perspective.,A cup of Joe,A nickname for a cup of coffee,Origin-how did coffee getthis nickname?,a few theories:1.Josephus Daniels,Secretary of the Navy2.joe can simply mean an ordinary man.a cup of joe,a drink for the common man,or the average person.3.US

7、soldiers in World War I and instant coffee“a cup of George”“a cup of Joe”,Example sentences,This place has the best tasting coffee in town;Ill definitely be ordering all of mycups of Joefrom this spot in the future!This morning,I made myself a steaming hotcup of joe;its the only drink that fuels me

8、for the rest of the day.,Your life can be enhanced,and your happiness enriched,when you choose to change your perspective.,A doubting Thomas,a skeptic who refuses to believe without direct personal experience(formally called the Incredulity of Thomas),meaning,Duccio,a panel from his Maest,scene in B

9、ible.A resurrected Jesus Christ appears in front of the apostles for the first time.Thomas scoffed at his fellow apostles words when they told him what happened.Thomas said he would only believe Jesus was indeed resurrected if he could see and feel wounds received by Jesus on the cross for himself.,

10、The Incredulity of Saint Thomas by Caravaggio,A week later,Thomas had gained the proof he demanded,for he immediately referred to Jesus as“my Lord and my God.”He acknowledged Jesus divinity after his resurrection.,The idiom“doubting Thomas”can be used in a sentence as a predicate adjective.,My frien

11、d is of the doubting Thomas type.How can I avoid being a doubting Thomas?He was a doubting Thomas about the coming merger,not believing it would ever happen.Lisas husband was a real doubting Thomas when she told him shed won the lottery.He demanded to check the ticket himself.Mary wont believe that

12、I have a dog until she sees it.Shes such a doubting Thomas.The doctor had told grandfather many times that he needed an operation,but being a doubting Thomas,he refused till it was too late.,下面一张可做拓展(可删),“Thomas the believer”He was the first person to acknowledge Jesus divinity after his resurrectio

13、n and,in a complete reversal,was known after this as“Thomas the believer.”“Thomas”In Christian teachings,Thomas is often viewed as a pessimist.He is also often used as an example of how people should not suffer from lack of faith simply because they had not seen Jesus with their own two eyes.,Your l

14、ife can be enhanced,and your happiness enriched,when you choose to change your perspective.,John Hancock,John Hancock,1.Prominent Patriot of the American Revolution2.Was remembered for his large and stylish signature on the United States Declaration of Independence.3.A synonym for a signature in the

15、 United States.,Your life can be enhanced,and your happiness enriched,when you choose to change your perspective.,for Petes sake,for petes sake天啊!看在老天爷的份上!Used to expressesfrustration,exasperation恼怒,annoyance(idiomatic,euphemistic委婉的,eg.For Petes sake,get off thecomputer!Youve been on there for ages

16、!-exasperation,origin,For Petes sake-For St.Peters sakea euphemistic phraseMinced oathsare a sub-group of euphemisms used to avoid swearing when expressing surprise or annoyance.They are usually,although not exclusively,religious in nature and date from the days when it wasnt acceptable to use the n

17、ame of God,Jesus or other religious notables in everyday speech.To mince your words,or mince matters,means to choose words so as not to offend anyone.,St.peter,one of theTwelve ApostlesofJesus Christ,leaders of the early ChristianGreat Church.You cant swear,else the local priests will have you up be

18、fore the Bishop and the Lord alone knows what the outcome of that will be,so you exclaim,in appropriate tone of voice,For Saint Peters sake and carry on erecting the shelves.This phrase was amended to For Petes Sake in later,less religiously oppressive,times.,Your life can be enhanced,and your happi

19、ness enriched,when you choose to change your perspective.,Not know someone from Adam,Not know someone from Adam,Meaning:To have never met someone and not know anything about themThe form commonly used is not to know one from Adams off ox.Example:Why should she lend me money?She doesnt know me from A

20、dam.After working at the company for nearly ten years,and Jakes boss still didnt know him from Adam.,Adam,Adam is the name used in the opening chapters of the Book of Genesis for the first man created by God,but it is also used in a collective sense as mankind and individually as a human.,off ox,The

21、 off ox was the one on the off-side of the vehicle.This ox would be the farthest from the driver.It appears to more strongly emphasize just how much you dont know about the person.,Origins,In terms of dating,almost nothing is known about this phrases origins except that it is likely an Americanism.I

22、n 1848 the author of a book on Nantucketisms recorded a saying then in use on that island,Poor as Gods off ox,which,he said,meant very poor.,quit,1.He said that he wouldnt like to marry.他说他可不想和一个不起眼的女孩子结婚。2.Each morning on the way to the office I stop at a little cafe for _and a quick look at the ne

23、wspaper.每天早晨在上班的途中,我都会到一家小咖啡馆停留,和一杯热咖啡,浏览一下报纸。3.You are just.You won t believe what I tell you.你这个人真多疑,我说什么你都不信。4.When I met her again a few days later,it appeared that she didnt.当我几天后遇见她的时候,她似乎完全不知道我姓甚名谁了。5.!Who made this mess in the kitchen?老天!谁把厨房弄得一团糟?。,quit,1.He said that he wouldnt like to mar

24、ry a plain Jane.他说他可不想和一个不起眼的女孩子结婚。2.Each morning on the way to the office I stop at a little cafe for _and a quick look at the newspaper.每天早晨在上班的途中,我都会到一家小咖啡馆停留,和一杯热咖啡,浏览一下报纸。3.You are just.You won t believe what I tell you.你这个人真多疑,我说什么你都不信。4.When I met her again a few days later,it appeared that s

25、he didnt.当我几天后遇见她的时候,她似乎完全不知道我姓甚名谁了。5.!Who made this mess in the kitchen?老天!谁把厨房弄得一团糟?。,quit,1.He said that he wouldnt like to marry a plain Jane.他说他可不想和一个不起眼的女孩子结婚。2.Each morning on the way to the office I stop at a little cafe for a cup of Joe and a quick look at the newspaper.每天早晨在上班的途中,我都会到一家小咖啡

26、馆停留,和一杯热咖啡,浏览一下报纸。3.You are just.You won t believe what I tell you.你这个人真多疑,我说什么你都不信。4.When I met her again a few days later,it appeared that she didnt.当我几天后遇见她的时候,她似乎完全不知道我姓甚名谁了。5.!Who made this mess in the kitchen?老天!谁把厨房弄得一团糟?。,quit,1.He said that he wouldnt like to marry a plain Jane.他说他可不想和一个不起眼

27、的女孩子结婚。2.Each morning on the way to the office I stop at a little cafe for a cup of Joe and a quick look at the newspaper.每天早晨在上班的途中,我都会到一家小咖啡馆停留,和一杯热咖啡,浏览一下报纸。3.You are just a doubting Thomas.You won t believe what I tell you.你这个人真多疑,我说什么你都不信。4.When I met her again a few days later,it appeared that

28、 she didnt _.当我几天后遇见她的时候,她似乎完全不知道我姓甚名谁了。5.!Who made this mess in the kitchen?老天!谁把厨房弄得一团糟?。,quit,1.He said that he wouldnt like to marry a plain Jane.他说他可不想和一个不起眼的女孩子结婚。2.Each morning on the way to the office I stop at a little cafe for a cup of Joe and a quick look at the newspaper.每天早晨在上班的途中,我都会到一

29、家小咖啡馆停留,和一杯热咖啡,浏览一下报纸。3.You are just a doubting Thomas.You won t believe what I tell you.你这个人真多疑,我说什么你都不信。4.When I met her again a few days later,it appeared that she didnt know me from Adam.当我几天后遇见她的时候,她似乎完全不知道我姓甚名谁了。5.!Who made this mess in the kitchen?老天!谁把厨房弄得一团糟?。,quit,1.He said that he wouldnt

30、 like to marry a plain Jane.他说他可不想和一个不起眼的女孩子结婚。2.Each morning on the way to the office I stop at a little cafe for a cup of Joe and a quick look at the newspaper.每天早晨在上班的途中,我都会到一家小咖啡馆停留,和一杯热咖啡,浏览一下报纸。3.You are just a doubting Thomas.You won t believe what I tell you.你这个人真多疑,我说什么你都不信。4.When I met her again a few days later,it appeared that she didnt know me from Adam.当我几天后遇见她的时候,她似乎完全不知道我姓甚名谁了。5.For Petes sake!Who made this mess in the kitchen?老天!谁把厨房弄得一团糟?。,


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