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1、()1.In China,almost all rail transport is handled by the government.()2.The first railroad in China did not exist until the establishment of New China.()3.Zhan Tian You was a great railway engineer in China.()4.Chinas rail transport volume is one of the worlds largest,having six percent of the world

2、s operating railways,and carrying 25 percent of the worlds total railway workload.()5.China railway is developing very quickly to meet the demand of its economic development.,F,T,T,I.Decide wether the following statements true or false.,T,T,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,1.Rail transport i

3、s the most commonly used mode of long-distance transportation in China.,铁路运输是中国最常用的长途运输方式。,2.The chief engineer of this railway was Zhan Tianyou,who is known as the Father of Chinas Railway.,这条铁路的总工程师是詹天佑,他被誉为“中国铁路之父”。,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,3.Not only has the Chinese railway netwo

4、rk expanded in size since 1949,but it has also seen great technological advances.,自1949年以来,中国铁路不仅规模扩大,而且也见证了巨大的技术进步。,4.After the establishment of new China,the new government invested heavily in the railway network.,中华人民共和国成立之后,新政府大力投资铁路网建设。,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,5.China also lead

5、s in terms of the growth rate of transport volume and use of transport equipment.,中国在运量增长及运输设备使用方面遥遥领先。,1.As opposed to rapid transit,a light rail system is a fully grade-separated with lower capacity and higher speed.()2.A metro system is a grade-separated railway usually in an urban area with a hi

6、gh capacity and frequency of service.()3.The traditional track is consisted of two parallel rails while a monorail is a railway with single-railed track.()4.A metro or rapid transit train generally runs on separate tracks(underground or elevated)with a higher frequency,whereas a commuter rail train

7、often shares tracks with intercity rail and freight trains and tends to travel at lower speeds.()5.Different from conventional wheeled trains,a Maglev train is suspended a short distance away from a guideway using magnetic levitation.(),F,F,T,T,T,I.Decide wether the following statements true or fals

8、e.,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,1.Urban rail transit is a wide term for various types of local rail systems providing passenger service within and around urban or suburban areas.,城市轨道交通是一个包含范围较大的概念,泛指各种在市区、近郊及其周边区域提供客运服务的地方轨道系统。,2.A light rail system is a form of urban rail public transp

9、ortation with a lower capacity and speed than a metro system,but higher capacity and speed than a traditional street-running tram.,轻轨交通运输系统是一种比地铁运力低、运输速度慢,但比传统的沿街行驶有轨电车运量大、速度快的城市轨道公共交通系统。,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,3.A metro or rapid transit system is a passenger transport railway syst

10、em in an urban area with a high capacity and frequency of service,and grade separation from other traffic.,地下铁道或捷运系统是在市区运行的客运轨道系统,运力较大,运营班次密集,并和其他交通系统分层行驶。,4.A monorail is a rail transportation system based on a single rail,which acts as its sole support and its guideway.It is opposed to the traditi

11、onal track with two parallel rails.,独(单)轨交通是运行于单个轨道的交通系统,通过单一轨道梁支撑车厢并提供引导作用,有别于传统的有两条平行轨的轨道。,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,5.Automated guideway transit(AGT)is a fully automated,driverless,grade-separated transit system in which vehicles,often rubber-tired,are automatically guided along a“

12、guideway”.,新交通系统(简称AGT)是完全自动运行的,无人驾驶的,分层的交通系统,其车辆常常用橡胶轮胎,车辆自动沿着导轨被引导着运行。,1.Trains with self-propelled payload-carrying vehicles are not normally considered locomotives.()2.Steam locomotives were very common in regular use before the end of the Second World War.()3.Characterized by their different tr

13、ansmission types,there are three types of diesel locomotives,such as diesel-mechanical locomotive,diesel-hydraulic locomotive and diesel-electric locomotive.()4.Locomotives that are electrically driven with on-board fuelled prime mover are also classified as electric locomotives.()5.Although electri

14、c locomotives have many advantages,they can not completely displace diesel locomotives due to the high cost of electrifying tracks.(),F,F,T,T,T,I.Decide wether the following statements true or false.,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,1.A locomotive is a railway vehicle that provides the motiv

15、e power for a train.A locomotive has no payload capacity of its own,and its sole purpose is to move the train along the tracks.,机车是为列车提供动力的铁路车辆,本身不具备运输载重的能力,其唯一用途是牵引列车沿轨道行驶。,2.By the end of the 20th century,the steam power still in routine passenger use in most parts of the world was on tourist rail

16、ways mainly aimed at tourists and railroad hobbyists(rail-fans).,到了二十世纪末,在世界大部分地区仍然用于日常客运的蒸汽机运行在主要为游客和铁路爱好者(铁路迷)们服务的旅游线路上。,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,3.A diesel locomotive is a type of railway locomotive in which the prime mover is a diesel engine.There are three kinds of diesel locomo

17、tives:diesel-mechanical locomotive,diesel-hydraulic locomotive and diesel-electric locomotive.,内燃机车是一种以内燃机(柴油发动机)为原动力的铁路机车,可分为三类:机械传动内燃机车、液力传动内燃机车、电力传动内燃机车。,4.In China and North America,where heavy haulage and high speed are regarded as the tendency of railway development,most of the diesel-powered

18、locomotives are diesel-electric.,在铁路发展趋势为重载和高速的国家和地区中国和北美洲,大部分的柴油机车采用电力传动。,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,5.While the cost of electrifying tracks is high,electrification results in less pollution,higher performance,lower maintenance costs and lower energy costs for electric locomotives tha

19、n steam or diesel power.,虽然电气化铁道的成本较高,但能使电力机车比蒸汽机车或内燃机车污染少,性能更好,维修成本和动力成本更低。,1.HSR is a type of passenger rail transport that operates faster than the normal speed of rail traffic.()2.According to U.S.Department of Transportation,HSR is expected to reach the speeds of 250km/h(155mph)or even faster.(

20、)3.High speed trains travels at their maximum speed on specific tracks,with at-grade crossings and a few curves.()4.Although high-speed rail is designed for passenger travel,some high-speed systems also carry some freight service.()5.According to the passage,La Poste is a company of mail service.(),

21、T,T,T,F,F,I.Decide wether the following statements true or false.,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,1.High-speed rail is a type of passenger rail transport that operates significantly faster than the normal speed of rail traffic.,高铁是一种速度远远超过普通火车的客运铁路运输方式。,2.Actual maximum commercial speed is

22、about 300km/h(186mph)for majority of national high speed railways,大部分国家的高铁实际最大营运速度在大约300公里/小时(186英里/小时)。,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,3.High speed trains travels at their maximum speed on specific tracks,generally using standard gauge(except Russia),with no at-grade crossings,and few cur

23、ves.,高铁在特定轨道才能达到其最快速度,通常这种轨道采用标准轨距(俄罗斯除外),没有地面平面交叉口和曲线。,4.While high-speed rail is usually designed for passenger travel,some high-speed systems also carry some kind of freight service.,通常高速铁路是作为一种旅客运输方式使用,但亦有少数能同时担当某种货运服务。,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,5.Additionally,a slower class of trains running at 250km/h(155mph)would be operated,making more stops and with lower fares.,此外,运营速度在250公里/小时(155英里)的列车组将会开通,这类高铁会增多停靠站点,相应地其票价也会降低。,


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