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1、Module 1,Nice to meet you,Unit 1,The first English lesson,点击此处,视频欣赏,meetfirstEnglishlessonclassstudentMisstwelve,v.认识;遇见adj.第一n.英语n.(一节)课n.班级n.学生n.女士;小姐(对未婚女性)num.十二,Words and expressions,yearthirteentoofromcloseopenmatchwritepractise,n.岁num.十三adv.也prep.从来v.关闭v.打开v.相称;匹配v.写v.练习,Words and expressions

2、,be,am Isare,I,She He It,WeYou They,not,isnt,arent,S(主语),否定形式,They are having a class.,She is a _.,Her name is _.,Miss Li,teacher,They are from _.,China,Listen and check()how manypeople speak.,123,Look at the picture.Which words can you use to describe it?,Chinese classfather friendmother schoolstud

3、ent teacher,Listening,Listen and read.,翻译下列词组。,from Beijing my name twelve years old in Class One Nice to meet you.,来自北京 我的名字 12岁 在 1 班 见到你很高兴。,Language Points,1.Im from Wuhan.我来自武汉。(我是武汉人。)这里be from表示“来自哪里”、“从哪里来的”或“是哪里人”。They are from England.他们是从英国来的。(他们是英国人。)如果不强调从哪里来,只是要说明身份,也可以说:Hes a Beijinge

4、r.他是北京人。Theyre English.他们是英国人。,2.Im a student and Im twelve years old.我是一名学生,十二岁了。这里years old 用来表述年龄,表示“岁”。有时,years old可以省略。只用数字表达年龄即可。My sister is five.我妹妹五岁了。,英语里经常把两个或更多意思上关系很紧密的句子合并成一个句子,形成并列句。并列句中的分句可以用and连接。eg:Hes English and hes in Class One.他是英国人,他在(一)班。,3.Im from China and Im Chinese.我来自中国,

5、我是中国人。在表达来自某个国家时,要使用国名。如:China,Canada等等。如果要强调是某国人时,则要用其形容词形式。如:Chinese,English等等。另:be from=come fromeg:Tom is from America.=Tom comes from America.汤姆来自美国。,Fill in the blanks.,My name is Lingling.Im _ Beijing.Im _ years old.Im _.Miss Li is a _.She _ from Wuhan.Daming is my _.Were _.Wang Hui is _ year

6、s old.She is from Shanghai.She is _ Class _.,from,friend,twelve,Chinese,teacher,is,students,thirteen,in,One,课堂练习答案,Listen and check()the true sentences.,1.Miss Li is a teacher.2.Lingling is from Beijing.3.Daming and Lingling are friends.4.Daming and Lingling are English.5.Wang Hui is twelve years ol

7、d.,Listen again.Then complete the table.,teacher,Wuhan,China,twelve,student,Beijing,China,twelve,student,Beijing,China,thirteen,student,Shanghai,China,Introduce them according to the table.,Ask and answer.,A:Whats your name?B:My namesA:How old are you?B:ImA:Where are you from?B:Im fromA:What class a

8、re you in?B:Im inA:Nice to meet you,B:Nice to meet you,too.,Introduce your partner.,His/Her name isHe/She is years old.,Listen and repeat.Can you see these in your classroom?,bags desksbooks studentschairs teachers,Match the words with the pictures.,2,read,close,open,stand up,sit down,match,write,pr

9、actise,listen,形容词性物主代词 我的 my 你的 your,我们的是 our。男他的是 his,女她的是 her。Its 它的牢记着,他们的 their 指复数。,趣味学堂,Be 是原形,摇身一变成 is,am,are。下面介绍一则口诀,帮你熟记“动词 be的构成”:我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is连着他(he),她(she),它(it)。单数名词用 is,复数名词全用 are。变否定,更容易,be 后not 加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。,Practice,_s Liu Xiang.,Whats her name?,Whats

10、 his name?,_ Guo Yue(郭跃).,His name,Her names,Wheres she from?,Shes from _.,China,He is in Rocket Team(火箭队).,Which team is Yao Ming in?,Whats his name?,Li Jiacheng(全球华人首富李嘉诚).,Whats his name?,Li Yundi(钢琴王子李云迪).,Yang Lan(著名主持人杨澜).,Whats her name?,Hes Zhao Benshan(赵本山).,Whats his name?,Whats his name?,

11、His names Obama(奥巴马).,Wheres he from?,Hes from Taiwan.,Quiz,I.指出并改正下列各句的错误。(1)Whats you name,please?(2)My name is Zhang Mei Mei.(3)Wei Fang!Hello!,you 改为 your。,Mei Mei 改为 Meimei。,Hello 与 Wei Fang 位置互换。,1.Whats your name?My name is Gina.2.Jim:Hello/Hi,Jane!Jane:Hello/Hi,Jim!3.Whats your phone number?

12、Its 2842942.,你叫什么名字?我叫吉娜。,你的电话号码是多少?2842942。,你好,简!,你好,吉姆!,II.英汉翻译。,III.根据问句写出答语或根据答语写 出问句。,1._?My name is Li ping.2._?Im from China.3.Nice to meet you._.,Whats your name,Where are you from,Nice to meet you,too,4._?Im thirteen years old.5.How are you?_.,How old are you,Im fine.Thank you,IV.根据汉语提示完成句子

13、。,1.我是中国人。Im _ _.Im _.2.他来自北京。He _ _ Beijing.He _ _ Beijing.,from,China,Chinese,is,from,from,comes,3.王海12岁了。Wang Hai _ _ _ _.Wang Hai _ _.4.我叫琳达。My name _ _.I _ _.,is,twelve,years,old,is,twelve,is,Linda,am,Linda,V.用方框中所给的词正确形式填空,注意大小写。,old how your hello whats be meet Im name nice,A:Hello!Whats _ na

14、me?B:_.My _ is Tony.A:_ Time.Nice to _ you,Tony.B:_ to meet you,too.Where _ you from?,your,Hello,name,Im,meet,Nice,are,A:I am from Wuhan._ _ are you?B:I am twelve._ your number?A:88576569.,How,old,Whats,old how your hello whats be meet Im name nice,Homework,抄写词组和句子。my name your name his name her name Whats your name?My name is Miss Li.Im Chinese.Im in Class One.Nice to meet you!,Byebye!,


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