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1、中文演讲稿英译的思路,典型中文演讲稿的组成,开篇(高兴、感谢、祝贺)故事和个人经历(拉近和听众或所参加活动的距离,营造友好、亲切的氛围)历史、文化(回顾两国关系、交往史、介绍中国文化)主要信息(政策宣示、国情介绍、针对某些问题的分析、举措等)结尾(前景展望、希望),翻译的基本原则,信、达、雅忠实、严谨,具体处理方法,开篇 中文遵循国际惯例写成,英译文亦应循惯例,或借鉴常用说法。,开篇(例1),主席女士:Madam President,祝贺阁下荣任第61届联合国大会主席,相信在你的领导下,本届联大将取得丰硕成果。我向第60届联大主席埃里亚松阁下和安南秘书长表示敬意。I wish to begin

2、 by congratulating you on your election as president of the 61st Session of the UN General Assembly.I am confident that under your guidance,this session will achieve full success.I also wish to pay tribute to H.E.Jan Eliasson,president of the last session,and to Secretary-General Kofi Annan.,开篇(例1),

3、借此机会,我对黑山共和国加入联合国表示祝贺。I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Republic of Montenegro on becoming a member of the United Nations.(李肇星外长在第61届联合国大会一般性辩论中的发言,2002年9月22日),开篇(例2),(温家宝总理访美期间在美国友好团体举行的盛大欢迎午宴上的演讲,2008年9月23日)首先,我要感谢共同举办这场活动,使我们有机会同各位老友新朋再次相聚,共叙情谊。I would like to begin b

4、y thanking you for hosting this event,which brings together friends,both old and new,for a delightful gathering.,具体处理方法,故事和个人经历准确体现气氛,语言口语化。,故事和个人经历(例1),(温家宝总理访美期间在美国友好团体举行的盛大欢迎午宴上的演讲,2008年9月23日)记得2003年我对美国进行正式访问期间,你们在华盛顿也举办了这样盛大的宴会。那次我发表了题为共同谱写中美关系新篇章的演讲,对中美关系作出三条结论:I cherish the fond memory of the

5、 gracious dinner you held for me in Washington during my official visit to the United States back in 2003.On that occasion,I made a speech entitled Working Together to Write a New Chapter in China-US Relations,in which I drew three conclusions.,故事和个人经历(例1),转眼5年过去了,我高兴地看到,这三条结论经受住了时间的检验,中美关系取得了重要的发展。

6、Five years have passed since then and I am happy to see that these three conclusions have stood the test of time.China-US relations have made significant progress.,故事和个人经历(例2),(出处同上)记得大地震发生后的第二天,我在受灾最严重的北川县察看灾情时,偶遇三个美国青年。I remember running into three young Americans in Beichuan,one of the hardest hi

7、t areas,when I was overseeing rescue and relief work there the day after the quake struck.,故事和个人经历(例2),交谈中得知,他们是从成都赶来的美国志愿者。这是我在灾区见到的第一批外国志愿者。Ilearned from my conversation with them that they were American volunteers rushing to the quake zone from Chengdu,capital city of Sichuan.They were the first

8、group of volunteers from foreign countries that I met in the afflicted areas.,故事和个人经历(例2),后来,由美国国际开发署牵头,美国一些著名企业和机构的代表冒着余震危险,前往重灾区考察,为恢复重建工作出谋献策。这在两国交往中也是首次,我在北京会见了他们。Their visit was the very first of its kind in the history of exchanges between our two countries,and I later had a meeting with them

9、in Beijing.,故事和个人经历(例3),(温总理访英期间在剑桥大学的演讲,2009年2月2日)我年轻时曾长期工作在中国的西北地区。在那浩瀚的沙漠中,生长着一种稀有的树种,叫胡杨。Earlier in my career,I worked in northwest China for many years.There,in the boundless desert,grows a rare variety of tree called euphrates poplar.,故事和个人经历(例3),它扎根地下50多米,抗干旱、斗风沙、耐盐碱,生命力及其顽强。它“生而一千年不死,死而一千年不倒

10、,倒而一千年不朽,”世人称为英雄树。Rooted over 50 meters down the ground,they thrive in hostile environments,defying droughts,sandstorms and salinization.They are known as the“hero tree”,because a euphrates poplar can live for a thousand years.Even after it dies,it stands upright for a thousand years,and even after

11、it falls,its stays intact for another thousand years.,故事和个人经历(例3),我非常喜欢胡杨,它是中华民族坚忍不拔精神的象征。I like euphrates poplar because they symbolize the resilience of the Chinese nation.,历史、文化,在达意的同时,如何做到语言优美,体现特色和深度是难点。,历史、文化(例1),(出处同上)中华传统文化底蕴深厚、博大精深。The traditional Chinese culture is rich,extensive and profo

12、und.,历史、文化(例1),我们的民族,既能像大地承载万物一样,宽厚包容;又能像苍天刚健运行一样,彰显正义。The Chinese nation is generous and tolerant,just as Mother Earth cares for all living things.She is in constant pursuit of justice,just as the eternal movement of the Universe.,历史、文化(例2),(戴秉国国务委员在布鲁金斯学会纪念中美建交30周年晚宴上的讲话,2008年12月11日)(中美关系)我们感谢勇敢艰辛

13、的破冰者,我们更需要大智大勇的扬帆者。让我们携起手来,乘着时代的劲风,高扬起友谊合作的风帆,推动中美关系的航船,沿着建设性合作的大方向,乘风破浪,驶向更美好的明天。We feel indebted to the courageous and hard-working ice-breakers who opened China-US relations.More importantly,we need wise and brave sailors who can take our relations forward.Let us join hands to ride the wind of th

14、e times,raise the sail of friendship and cooperation and steer the ship of China-US relations in the direction of constructive cooperation so that it will move toward a better future.,主要信息,主要特点:国情特色突出公文特征明显主要要求:准确,全面,主要信息,主要技巧:长句变短句,长段按意群分为短段把按时间顺序组织的中文句子变为按主次顺序组织的英文句子中文的隐性逻辑变为英文的显性逻辑多主语句和无主语句补充信息或去

15、除重复部分,主要信息例1:长句变短句,(此部分例句除标注外均引自,温家宝总理在达沃斯世界经济论坛2009年年会上发表的特别致辞,2009年1月28日)中国政府推出了总额达4万亿元的两年计划,规模相当于2007年中国GDP的16%,/主要投向保障性安居工程、农村民生工程、铁路交通等基础设施、生态环保等方面的建设和地震灾后恢复重建,/既有“十一五”规划内加快实施的项目,/也有根据发展需要新增的项目。,主要信息例1:长句变短句,The Chinese Government has rolled out a two-year program involving a total investment o

16、f RMB 4 trillion,equivalent to 16%of Chinas GDP in 2007.The investment will mainly go to government-subsidized housing projects,projects concerning the well-being of rural residents,railway construction and other infrastructural projects,environmental protection projects and post-earthquake recovery

17、 and reconstruction.Some of them are identified as priority projects in Chinas 11th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development.The rest are additional ones to meet the needs of the new situation.,例2:重新组织句子顺序,突出主次关系和逻辑关系,我们必须从中认真吸取教训,正确处理储蓄与消费的关系,金融创新与金融监管的关系,虚拟经济与实体经济的关系,从根本上找到化解危机之策。We must

18、 draw lessons from this crisis and address its root causes.In other words,we must strike a balance between savings and consumption,between financial innovation and regulation,and between the financial sector and real economy.,例3:中文的隐性逻辑变为英文的显性逻辑,金融监管能力与金融创新不匹配,金融衍生品风险不断积聚和扩散。the failure of financial

19、 supervision and regulation to keep up with financial innovations,which allowed the risks of financial derivatives to build and spread.,例4:多主语句选择单一主语组织句子,无主语句的被动处理,经过努力,在战胜两场突如其来的特大自然灾害的同时,2008年中国经济保持了平稳较快发展。We managed to maintain steady and relatively fast economic growth in 2008 despite two unexpe

20、cted massive natural disasters.,多主语句选择单一主语组织句子,无主语句的被动处理,(例子5和6来自李肇星外长在第61届联合国大会一般性辩论中的发言,2002年9月22日)例5:改革应是全方位的,在安全、发展和人权等诸多领域均应有建树,特别要加大在发展领域的投入,推动落实千年发展目标。The UN reform should be comprehensive in coverage and progress should be made in security,development,human rights as well as other fields.Mor

21、e input should be made in development to facilitate the realization of the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs).,无主语句的被动处理,例6:改革应最大限度地满足会员国,尤其是广大发展中国家的要求。坚持发扬民主,充分协商,努力寻求广泛一致。对有分歧的重大问题,要采取谨慎态度,深入磋商。The UN reform should satisfy,as far as possible,the needs of its member states,particularly those from t

22、he developing world.It should be a democratic process and full consultation should be conducted to reach extensive consensus.Major issues of controversy should be handled with caution and dealt with through in-depth consultation.,例7:补充信息或去除重复部分,中国经济能不能继续保持平稳较快发展?有些人可能会有疑虑。我可以给大家一个肯定的回答:我们对此充满信心。Will

23、 Chinas economy continue to grow fast and steadily?Some people may have doubts about it.Yet I can give you a definite answer:Yes,it will.We are full of confidence.,去除重复部分,求和平、谋发展、促合作是当今世界发展不可阻挡的潮流The pursuit of peace,development and cooperation is the irreversible trend in todays world.我再次重申,中国将始终不渝

24、地谋求和平的发展、开放的发展、合作的发展。I want to reaffirm here Chinas abiding commitment to peaceful,open and cooperative development.,例8:综合处理,本届年会意义特殊,/在历史罕见的国际金融危机之中,各国政要、企业家和专家学者聚集在这里,围绕“重塑危机后的世界”这一主题,共同探讨维护国际金融稳定、促进世界经济增长的举措,探索全球综合治理之道,/既有重要的现实意义,也体现了会议举办者的远见卓识。各方面热切期盼从这里听到富有智慧的声音,凝聚战胜危机的力量。我们有责任向世界传递信心、勇气和希望。,例8

25、:综合处理,This annual meeting has a special significance.Amidst a global financial crisis rarely seen in history,it brings together government leaders,business people,experts and scholars of different countries to jointly explore ways to maintain international financial stability,promote world economic

26、growth and better address global issues.Its theme“Shaping the Post-Crisis World”is highly relevant.It reflects the vision of its organizers.People from across the world are eager to hear words of wisdom from here that will give them strength to tide over the crisis.It is thus our responsibility to s

27、end to the world a message of confidence,courage and hope.,中国特色的概念,城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均现金收入Per capita disposable income of urban residents and per capita cash income of farmers,中国特色的概念,谨慎借鉴不动摇,不懈怠,不折腾We will not tire,we will not falter,and we will not fail。(布什9/11演讲),中国特色的概念,We should not sway back and

28、forth,relax our efforts or get sidetracked.(新华社)“So long as we dont falter,dont flag and dont get sidetracked,so long as we stick to the reform and opening policy and the path of building socialism with Chinese characteristics,we are sure to realize this great goal.”(施燕华)(只要我们不动摇、不懈怠、不折腾,坚定不移地推进改革开放,坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路,就一定能够胜利实现这一宏伟蓝图和奋斗目标。),*,谢谢!,


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