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1、,小型熔断器的发展,市场及存在问题Miniature Fuses Development,Market and Issue,小型熔断器的发展历史Miniature Fuses Developing History,1880年代,爱迪生发明了保险丝 In 1880s,Edison invented fuse四次革命性创新发展 Four times of innovative developments北美和欧洲两大体系 Two standard systems:UL and IEC彩电开始向国际标准靠拢 CTVs standard tends toward internationalization

2、.小型熔断器国家标准GB9364 Chinese standard GB9364,小型熔断器的四代产品Four Eras of Miniature Fuses,1.传统管状熔断体 Miniature Cartridge fuse2.微型熔断器 Micro/Sub miniature fuse3.表面贴装熔断体 Surface mount fuse4.多层独石表面贴装熔断体 Solid Matrix chip fuse,传统管状熔断体Miniature Cartridge Fuse,传统产品,品种丰富 Traditional products with rich variety常用尺寸 Gene

3、ral size 3.6x10,4.5x15,5.2x20,6.3x32,10 x38常用规格:General specification 32mA16A/125350V,10 x38:30A/600V,微型熔断器Micro/Sub Miniature Fuse,20世纪5,60年代换代产品 Regenerated products between 1950s and 1960s晶体管式 Transistor type:6.5x6(金属/玻璃)8.5x8(圆形塑料)8X6x4(方形塑料)metal/glass shell circular plastic shell bladed plasti

4、c shell 0.510A/63250V电阻式 Resistance type:2x7(环氧包封)3x10(塑料)epoxy envelopment plastic shell 0.510A/63V250V,表面贴装熔断体Surface Mount Fuse,20世纪8,90年代新一代产品,适宜PCB板上表面贴装 New generations products of 1980s to 1990s suitable to PCBs surface mount薄膜式 1206/0603/0402 方管式 快断/慢断 聚合体/陶瓷体基板 Thin film NANO fast acting/sl

5、owblow Polymer/ceramic substrates,多层独石表面贴装熔断体 Solid Matrix Chip Fuse,21世纪革命性新产品,多层独石结构,提高灭弧性能/可靠性/额定容量 Innovative products in 21 century,multiple matrix configuration,with high arc-extinguishing/reliability/rating capacity1206/0603/0402 快断/慢断/增强I2t fast acting/slow blow/Hi I2t,车用熔断器Automotive Fuse,汽

6、车电器盒内,30-50个/车(片式35/条式15)30-50 fuses per vehicle in automotive electronic subassemblies(35 pcs for blade fuses or 15 pcs for strip fuses)片式:0.550A/32V 条式:40300A/80125V Blade fuses:0.5-50A/32V Strip fuses 40-300A/80-125V也有用其他小型熔断器 Other kinds of subminiature fuses used,工业熔断器 Industrial Fuses,10 x38 陶

7、瓷管状也应用于大电流电子电路中 10 x38 ceramic tube fuses is also suitable to high current circuit.工业熔断器有美规和欧规的许多不同系列 Industrial fuses also have a lot of American standard and Europe standard series.,小型熔断器的认证Miniature Fuses Certification,安全认证也分美规和欧规两大体系.Safety certification is also classed into American and Europe

8、standard two series.UL/CSA列名和UL/CSA认可 UL.CSA Listed and UL/CSA Recognized VDE(德)/SEMKO(瑞)/BSI(英)/FEMKO(芬)IEC standard:VDE/SEMKO/BSI/FEMKO CCC属欧规体系,可以利用CB来转换其他认证.CCC certification is belong to Europe system Rransferred to other certifications by CB certificate,小型熔断器的主要供应商Miniature Fuses Main Vendors,


10、沈雄,常州振晖,武汉保险丝,天津保安,吴江威文 南京新建,中山蓝宝,深圳旭程,西安鸿雁,柳市茗熔,西安鸿雁 荣城荣福,青岛富士端子,镇江建豪,小型熔断器的主要应用领域Miniature Fuses Main Application,仪器仪表/工业控制/试验测量/电机等各种电器中;Instrument/Industry control/Measure Equipments/Power Machine and others Electronics Apparatus;各类家用电器/视听设备/厨卫电器/小家电中;Household appliances/Audio Personal Computer

11、/Notebook/All Kinds of Computer Peripheral Apparatus and Subassemblies.,小型熔断器的主要应用领域Miniature Fuses Main Application,电子通信/交换机/终端机/机站及相关产品中;Telecommunication/Exchanger/End-terminal Machine/Station and Related Products.网络设备/接入分配及网络周边设备或附件中;Network Instrument/Delivery Distribution and Network Periphera

12、l Apparatus and Subassemblies.交通设施/交通工具/各种车船及车载电子电器设备中;Traffic Infrastructure Equipments/Traffic Tools/All Kinds of Vehicles,Automobile Electronic Apparatus.金融系统包括银行证券设备/存取款及刷卡装置等;Finance System Including in Bank Securities Apparatus/Depositing&Withdrawing System and Subscriber Line Interface Card a

13、nd so on.,小型熔断器的主要应用领域Miniature Fuses Main Application,商业系统包括各类服务行业的计算器/收银机等设备 Business System Including in All Kinds of Service Computers/Payee Machines and so on.电子游戏/电子玩具等娱乐设施及附件中 Electronic Games/Electronic Toys and Entertainment Infrastructures and Subassemblies.各种类型的电源器/变换器/冲放电器等 All Kind of P

14、ower Suppliers/Exchangers/Chargers.医疗设备/军工设备/高科技含量的各种设备中 Medical Electronics/Army Equipments/Many Kinds of High Technology Equipments.,过电流保护的多种产品 Products of Overcurrent Protection,PPTC/CPTC等类热敏电阻 Thermal Sensitive Resistances PPTC/CPTC保险电阻 Safety Resistances温度熔断器 Temperature Fuses断路器 Breaker 带自身的保护

15、功能的IC(efuse)IC with Self-Protection function(efuse)安全控制保护器(SCP)新型保护元件 New components of safety control protection(SCP),小型熔断器的发展趋势Miniature Fuses Developing Trend,特快动作/特强耐脉冲能力/微小额定电流/更大额定电流/耐高电压/特小体积 Fast action/strong pulse-resisting ability/minor rating current/high voltage-resisting/minor volume微型

16、化,表面贴装,无铅化,多功能多回路的集成化等 Subminiature,surface mount,lead free,multi-functional or multi-integrated circuits and so on 兼有过流过压的保护元件及电路保护模块 Components&modules with over-current and over-voltage protection function.智能电路保护元件/模块 Intelligent circuit protection components&modules.,全球小型熔断器的总需求Total Requirement

17、 of Global of Miniature Fuses,全球总需求量就有150亿颗/年左右(近五亿美元),40%多-传统管状,30%多-表面贴装,20%其它 The total requirement of global miniature fuses is 15 billion pieces(about$0.5 billion)every year,and traditional tube type,face mount type and other type takes up 40%,30%and 20%respectively.价格竞争加剧,应用市场扩大发展 More drastic

18、 price competition and more broad application market development.全球市场容量可见表格内容(Panmanok Group,Inc.提供)The global market capacity takes the sheet offered by Panmanok Group.Inc for reference.,20002003的品种市场Product Market by Type:2000-2003,2000,2003,20002003的区域市场Product Market by Region:2000-2003,2000,200

19、3,20032008年的品种市场Product Market by Type:2003-2008,2003,2008,20032008年的区域市场Product Market by Region:2003-2008,2003,2008,中国小型熔断器行业现状Chinese Miniature Fuse Industry Status,中国整体行业水平较低 Total miniature fuse industry level is low in china.市场向中国转移,供应商把工厂搬到中国 Marketing and vendors factories transfer to China.

20、中资企业在市场竞争中处于弱势和守势 In marketing competition,Chinese capital corporation is weak and guarding.新材料/新工艺/新功能外资一统天下 Foreign capital corporation with new material/new process technology/new function is dominant.表面贴装没有中资企业生产 No Chinese investment corporation produces surface mount fuses.,小型熔断器的环保要求Environme

21、nt Protection Requirement of Miniature Fuses,保护环境的要求 Environment protection requirement无铅化要求开始对供应商提出 Lead free&Rohs严峻的课题,很大的工程 Severe task and large engineering.含铅产品将不能再用 Products with lead cant be used.大部分生产企业都已开展这项工作 Most of manufacturers have started to develop this task.,中国市场的特点Chinese Marketing

22、s Characteristics,EMS是美规产品的最大用户,存在CCC认证问题 EMS,the largest user of American standard series of products,has CCC certification issue.日本是电子/数码产品大国,需求量大,导入有一定难度,需要相当长时间,重视质量/业务稳定 Japan,the main manufacture and requirement country of electronic/digital products,attach importance to quality and business s

23、tability.It is difficult to enter into.台湾是又一大市场,笔记本电脑占到全世界70-80%,大部分设计/认定在台湾,生产都搬大陆,两地联动,全球最低价 70-80%of the global notebooks come from Taiwan,another largest market with the lowest price.Taiwan and mainland communicate with each other due to most of design from Taiwan and production from mainland.中资

24、企业不规范:生产不稳定,暗箱操作,货款回笼三大问题.Chinese capital corporations have problems of no criterion,un-stablity,private operation and payment calling back difficultly.,中国各区域小型熔断器的总需求Total Requirement of Miniature Fuse in China:by Region,2003,2008,中国各类小型熔断器的总需求Total Requirement of Miniature Fuse in China:by Type,20

25、03,2008,当前面临的主要问题The current main problems,1.安规认证 Safety certification 2.产品无铅 Lead free 3.市场秩序 Market order 4.技术进步 Technology improvement 5.技术标准 Technical products standard 6.用户认知 User recognition 7.全 球 化 Globalization 8.本 地 化 Localization,安规认证Safety Certification,美规产品不能获CCC,美规产品在中国进口/生产/销售/使用的合法性成问

26、题 American series of products cant obtain CCC certificate.There are legalization issue for American series of products entering into Chinese market or manufacturing/selling/using in china.UL列名和UR认可产品都能合法地进入欧洲市场 UL/CSAs certification has two forms with the same effectiveness,UL and UR.These series of

27、 products can enter into Europe legally.欧洲各国对美规产品的进口/生产/销售/使用都具有可行通道.Most of Europe countries approve ULs authority.American series of products import/production/sale/use in these countries are feasible,产品无铅化Lead-free Products,制造工艺带来影响 Material brings effect on manufacture and process.1)改变熔断器某些性能.Ch

28、ange fuses some properties,2)产品设计调整,重新测试和评估 Re-adjust from design,re-test and re-estimate.重新申请安规认证 Apply for safety certification repetitively产品成本变化 Products cost changes 新料号与旧料号的过渡措施 Need take measures during new&old product numbers transition.,市场秩序Market Order,市场价格竞争连绵不断相当激烈 Continual and drastic

29、price completion国内市场鱼龙混杂,参次不齐,甚至假冒伪劣,造成中国小型熔断器的不好名声 Unorderly,irregular and even imitated domestic markets results in Chinese miniature fuses disrepute需要行业组织来进行规范和协调,帮助维护好一个良好的市场秩序,保障小型熔断器的行业发展.Need a trade organization to make criteria and coordination,help to maintain orderliness and ensure miniat

30、ure fuses development.,技术进步Technology Improvement,中国整体水平与国际有差距:Gap between Chinese and international average level-新品开发(New products development)-产品质量(Products quality)-制造工艺(Manufacturing technology)-试验技术(Test technology)-创造发明(Creation and invention)-科学研究(Science research)缺乏基本技术/开拓创新能力 Lack for basi

31、c technology/deploitation&innovation ability,技术标准Technology Standard,中国CCC认证的覆盖面太小 CCC certifications coverage is too small.GB9364.1/.2/.3-97实施八年需要及时修定,GB9364.4要尽快发布,GB9364.5/10要早日编制 GB9364.1/.2/.3-97 has been used for 8 years and need be revised.IEC standard has renewed greatly.GB9364.4 should be i

32、ssued as soon as possible.GB9364.5/9/10 should keep up with the speed soon.美规产品还没有技术标准 There are no GB standards for America seriese fuses,用户认知User Recognization,许多工程师对熔断器产品认识非常欠缺,对其功能和技术参数不甚了解,对小型熔断器与其他类似保护元件的特点差异不很清楚,在准确选用上存在一定困难和误解 There are difficulty and misunderstanding in fuses accurate selec

33、tion for many engineers with little knowledge of fuses,who are unfamiliar with fuses function Many engineers without enough knowledge in fuses protection function and necessity,use arbitrarily unqualified low-quality fuses or even cancel fuses use,which goes against fuses healthy development.,全球化Glo

34、balization,地方/民族/国家保护意识限制了产品流通,不利于技术交流 Region/nationality/countrys protection consciousness limits products circulation,which goes against technology communication.欧规和美规产品走向统一的进展步伐缓慢,迄今通用模件式小型熔断器(MFU)还只有个别品种 The development speed of Europe and American standard series of products unification is slow

35、.Till now the universal mold fuse units(MFU)only are some special types.,本地化Localization,技术/管理优势缺少纵横向交流 Technology/administration advantage lacks transverse and vertical communication.部分材料/技术/工艺/设备依靠进口 Parts of materials/technology/process/equipment rely on import.管理层/技术业务骨干仍用外来人士 Administration/technology business key persons still come from foreign.本地化问题值得引起重视 It is worthy to pay attention to localization,谢 谢 大 家!Thank you!,


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