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1、2008年6月六级作文,Will e-books replace traditional books?1.随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多;2.有人认为电子图书将会取代传统图书,理由是.3.我的看法。,Will e-books replace traditional books?,Recent decades have seen the rapid development of information technology,and thereby E-book have wound their way into our daily life.Because of the wide and

2、quick population of E-books,there has been an increasing controversy over the question of whether E-books will replace traditional books or not.,Will e-books replace traditional books?,Recent decades have seen(have witnessed)the rapid(soaring)development of information technology,and thereby E-book

3、have wound their way into(become indispensable)our daily life.Because of the wide and quick population of E-books,there has been an increasing controversy there over the question of whether E-books will replace traditional books or not.,Will e-books replace traditional books?,Many people hold the id

4、ea that it will not take long for E-books to replace traditional books because E-books have quite a few advantages over traditional ones.First,E-books are more accessible to readers,because the readers just need to log onto the internet and read online.Second,thanks to the advanced technology,the co

5、st of E-book is much lower,so it takes readers far less money to buy E-books.Last but not the least,reading E-books has developed into part of our daily life,which is particularly appealing to young users,who are the body part of the users of electronic products.,Will e-books replace traditional boo

6、ks?,Many people hold(argue)the idea that it will not take long for E-books to replace traditional books because E-books have quite a few advantages over traditional ones.First,E-books are more accessible to(are more exposed to)readers,because the readers just need to log onto(surf online/click the m

7、ouse and will be buried by E-books if they want to read)the internet and read online.Second,thanks to the advanced technology,the cost of E-book is much lower,so it takes readers far less money(or they are even absolutely free)to buy E-books.Last but not the least,reading E-books has developed into

8、part of our daily life,which is particularly appealing to(fashionable and cool for young people to read anytime and anywhere via an E-reader like MP3 or MP4)young users,who are the body part of the users of electronic products.,Will e-books replace traditional books?,As far as Im concerned,it is not

9、 likely for E-books to replace traditional books for lots of reasons.For example,long time of reading E-books will do more harm to our eyes,and readers will find themselves more accessible to printed materials because computers and the internet havent yet been popularized to every corner of our life

10、.,Will e-books replace traditional books?,As far as Im concerned,it is not likely for E-books to replace traditional books for lots of reasons(at least at present/for the time being).For example,long time of reading E-books will do more harm to our eyes,and readers will find themselves more accessib

11、le(convenient and comfortable/they will feel special and familiar with the traditional printed books)to printed materials because computers and the internet havent yet been popularized to every corner of our life.,六级作文模拟训练一:,Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay

12、entitled Should We Advocate Conservation-oriented society or Consumption-oriented Society?.You should write at least 150 words following the outline give below.1.有人建议我们应当倡导节约型社会;2.有人认为我们应当倡导消费型社会;3.我的观点。,Should we advocate conservation-oriented society or consumption-oriented society?,Should we advo

13、cate conservation-oriented society or consumption-oriented society?The debate is becoming a hot issue with no common consensus among the people as to the view of it.Some people claim that we should encourage a conservation-oriented society.They are more convinced that thrift is a traditional virtue

14、that has been passed from generation to generation.So,we all need to practice thrift in order to build a prosperous(overall well-off)country.,Should we advocate conservation-oriented society or consumption-oriented society?,However,others counter the view that consumption-oriented society is an irre

15、versible trend.As is seen,consumption expands domestic demand and thus boosts economic growth.Moreover,the motivation to work harder lies in an ironic truth that all of us want to consume more in our lives.From my standpoint,we should advocate the fact that consumption makes a better balanced societ

16、y,while the former argument merely shares with us a kind of virtue which is no cornerstone of economic development.Admittedly,we shall reduce side effects to ensure that none of us indulges in excessive or useless consumption.,2007年12月六级作文,The digital age1.如今,数字化产品越来越多,如2.使用数字化产品对于人们学习工作和生活的影响。,The

17、digital age,At present,it is common to see digital products everywhere,ranging from mobile phones in the hands of young college students to various facilities in modern office buildings and family houses.That is to say,digital products have become extremely popular in our daily life.,The digital age

18、,At present,it is common to see digital products everywhere,ranging from mobile phones(DC,DV,MP3,MP4)in the hands of young college students to various(kinds of)facilities in modern office buildings and family houses.That is to say,(the urban life even can not go without digital products in a sense)d

19、igital products have become extremely(excessively)popular in our daily life.,The digital age,Obviously,these wonderful inventions have exerted profound influence on us in more than one way.On the one hand,digital products surely perform significant functions in peoples lives.For example,no office wo

20、rk could continue without computers and many other devices.Besides,more of them may even get addicted to them.Take some young people for example,they have been wasting too much time playing computer games owing to lack of self-discipline and proper supervision.,The digital age,Obviously,these wonder

21、ful inventions have exerted(had deep)profound influence on us in more than one way.On the one hand(For one thing),digital products surely perform significant functions in peoples lives.For example(For instance),no office work could continue without computers and many other devices.Besides(On the oth

22、er hand/For another),more of them may even get addicted to them.Take some young people for example,they have been wasting too much time playing computer games owing to(thanks to)lack of self-discipline and proper supervision.,The digital age,In a word,digital products,like everything else,have both

23、favorable and unfavorable aspects.Whatever effects they have,one thing is certain:digital products themselves are neither good nor bad.We are supposed to make the most use of them while trying to avoid the possible side-effects.,Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short es

24、say on the topic of Should We still Cherish Chinese Traditional Virtues?You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:1.当今的年轻人越来越强调个性发展;2.发展个性是否意味着忽视中国的传统美德;3.你的观点。,Should We still Cherish Chinese Traditional Virtues?,Todays youth do things in their own ways,spending money on

25、 whatever they want and talking to people in their own languages-personality development is overstated by young people these days.To some of them,personality means to be totally different from who their parents used to be.,Should We still Cherish Chinese Traditional Virtues?,But the problem is that

26、during their pursuit of their personal goals they ignore some of the traditional virtues of which their forefathers were/used to be proud.Take the question of fidelity to elders for example.With better education and different experiences,some young people find its hard to agree with their parents an

27、y longer.They have a feeling of superiority and even sometimes turn their back on their elder parents.,Should We still Cherish Chinese Traditional Virtues?,To me,personality development and traditional virtues have nothing to do with right or wrong.In our society,we need them both.These virtues help

28、 you become a better Chinese,while personality development will improve your own character.,2007年6月六级作文,Direction:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?You should write at least 150 words following the outline given

29、 below.1、有人做好事期望得到回报;2、有人认为应该像雷锋那样做好事不图回报;3、我的观点。,Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?,A great many people presume upon a reward when conducting a good deed.First and foremost,there is a natural tendency to equate doing good deeds with a certain amount of pecuniary reward,and reward wi

30、th a certain sum of money.What is more,they maintain that since the basis of contemporary society is money,one of the major means of earning money is getting reward by conducting good deeds.,Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?,Conversely,the vast majority of people assume that doing a

31、 good deed should be based on peoples individual consciousness of responsibility.Hence,conducting a good deed is fulfilling itself and little significance should be attached to monetary reward.Numerous illustrations can be given,but this will suffice.Leifeng lived an austere life dedicated to doing

32、good deeds without expecting any reward and helping people from all walks of life,yet he was remembered as one of the most successful idols of our time.,Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?,Generally speaking,it is imperative for us to conduct good deeds without expecting any rewards.F

33、or one thing,we should appeal to the authorities to legislate strict laws and regulations to encourage people to do good deeds.For another,we should cultivate(develop)peoples awareness that conducting good deeds is extremely crucial to us.It is universally acknowledged that we do this for enjoyment,

34、self-fulfillment and spiritual enhancement,not only for the purpose of pecuniary reward.,Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Change of Entrance Exams for Graduate Schools.You should write at least 150 words based on the chart and outline given below:该图

35、所示为1997年、2002年、2007年参加研究生入学考试的情况,请描述其变化,并请说明这些变化的原因;,Change of Entrance Exams for Graduate Schools,This graph is about the increase of the numbers of people taking part in the entrance exams for graduate schools.From it we can see that during the first five years,from 1997 to 2002,the change is grad

36、ual.In 1997 there were 500,000 people,while in 2002 there were 1,500,000,showing an increase of one million people.But during the second five years,from 2002 to 2007,the growth is sharp2.5 million,with 4 million people sitting the exams in 2007.,The reasons for this change may be as follows.First,19

37、99 was the starting year of the college expansion plan,which obviously means that after four years,in 2003,more students graduated from universities and colleges.Secondly,with a fiercer competition,to find a satisfactory job has become more severe in recent years.Therefore,to be equipped with a high

38、er degree will improve/enhance/create the chances of applicants finding a better job.Thirdly,not only new graduates feel the competition but also some people who already have a job do feel the situation.In order to get a promotion or to perform better in their jobs,lots of them have come back to sch

39、ools to fight for better career prospects.,2006年12月24日六级作文,The Importance of Reading Classics 1、阅读经典著作对人的成长至关重要2、现在人们越来越少阅读经典著作,原因是3、作为大学生,你应该怎么做,The Importance of Reading Classics,It is widely acknowledged that reading the classics is both important and beneficial to the character development and p

40、ersonal growth of the young people.To me,nothing can bring more joy and happiness than reading those masterpieces created by great figures like Confucius and Cao Xueqin.I believe works like The Dream in the Red Chamber and The Legend of Three Kingdoms can drastically elevate ones aesthetic taste and

41、 deepen the understanding of the glorious history of Chinese culture.,The Importance of Reading Classics,However,the modern society is full of temptations.Compared with TV soap operas,sport events,and video games,classical literary works are old fashioned and time-consuming.In bookstores,“Fast-food”

42、reading materials are replacing classics,and young writers with sensational and“cool”remarks win the support of a large number of fans.,The Importance of Reading Classics,As college students,we should be fully aware of the important role the classics play in broadening ones vision.Therefore,we shoul

43、d start reading and studying the treasuries our ancestors left and absorbing the essence of those classical works.We should also advocate to the public the importance of classics so that an increasing number of general people can enjoy the pleasure of reading.,图表作文写作攻略,对于线性图表的描述1.上升a.可以使用的动词或动词词组:to

44、 increaseto go upto riseto growto jumpto leapto soarto shootto pick upb.可以使用的名词:an increasea growtha jumpa soaran upward trend,2.对于上升到某个位置的描述:a.1.a.中的动词to具体数据。b.1.a.中的动词tothe peak of具体数据。c.1.a.中的动词reaching the peak of+具体数据。d.1.a.中的动词reaching+具体数据。e.to peak at 具体数据f.to climb to+具体数据,对于线性图表的描1.下降a.可以使

45、用的动词或动词词组:to fallto decreaseto go downto slideto collapseto declineto dropb.可以使用的名词:a collapsea decreasea falla declinea drop,2.对于下降到某个位置的描述:a.1.a.中的动词to具体数据。b.1.a.中的动词tothe bottom of具体数据。c.1.a.中的动词reaching the bottom of+具体数据。d.1.a.中的动词reaching+具体数据。,3.对于平稳的趋势的描述:to hardly changeto have little chang

46、eto keep steadyto level offto remain constantto stay the same,表示程度的副词:,1.程度较大:considerablydramaticallygreatlymarkedlyobviouslyquicklyrapidlysharplysignificantlysuddenly2.程度较小:slightlygraduallyslowlysteadily,时间的嵌入,嵌入时间时所使用的介词和介词词组:infromtobetween.andduringandat the start of by the end of over at the

47、end of throughout,上升和下降趋势的组合描述(嵌入了时间和程度之后):,1.先上升后下降的句型:.increased slowly during and but fell sharply in.,上升和下降趋势的组合描述(嵌入时间和程度之后),2.先下降后上升的句型:fell before began to make a recovery continue the recovery,climbing to dropped during but increased again in fell and then pick up during collapsed before ris

48、ing to at the end of A steady fall in during and followed the sharp increase in.,上升和下降趋势的组合描述(嵌入了时间和程度之后):,3.起伏波动的句型:fluctuated sharply all through 4.波动不大的句型:hardly changed through the period between and,百分比,对于百分比进行描述所使用的句型:%the is/has/have/are accounts for%of the total takes up%in the whole chart,趋

49、势的比较,1.表示相似的句型(实例):Both share prices rose sharply in January.Neither company has made a profit yet.Like X,Y fell in June.X rose just as sharply as Y.,趋势的比较,2.表示差异的句型(实例):X fell sharply whereas/while Y remained steady.X fell quickly compared to Y.Unlike Y,X rose by 10%.X rose far more dramatically th

50、an Y.3.表示倍数的句型:the doubled/tripled in compared with those in 4.客观比较的句型:is in contrast to,一点点补充,一.开头 图表类型:table;chart;diagram;graph;column chart;pie graph 描述:show;describe;illustrate;can be seen from;clear;apparent;reveal;represent 内容:figure;statistics;number;percentage;proportion,二.数据 一般:have 10%;at


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