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1、12星座的秘密,水瓶座,双鱼座,白羊座,金牛座,双子座,巨蟹座,狮子座,处女座,天秤座,天蝎座,射手座,摩羯座,Lucky flower:The cherry grass spends幸运花:樱草花 Good luck figure:4,7,8,13,22,31吉祥数字:4、7、8、13、22、31 The day of the good luck:Wednesday吉祥日:星期三 Positive quality:The independent dispassion is mysteriou特质:冷酷、不合群、孤僻、不稳定、无法捉摸、反叛,The horoscope-Gemini appre

2、ciated most最欣赏的星座双子座 The horoscope-Libra trusted most 最信任的星座天秤座 The horoscope-Pisces,Taurus and Sagittarius controled most easily 最易掌握的星座双鱼座、金牛座、射手座 Most horoscope-Aries,Cancer and Scorpio,Virgo and Capricorn that need to be noted 最需注意的星座白羊座、巨蟹座、天蝎座、处女座、摩羯座,Is lucky to spend:Violet,dont forget me幸运花

3、:紫罗兰、勿忘我 Lucky country:France,Italy and Australia 幸运国度:法国、意大利、澳大利亚 Good luck figure:7,16,25,34 吉祥数字:7、16、25、34,Form couples most romantically-Scorpio 最浪漫的配对天蝎座 Fall in love at first sight most easily-Virgo 最易一见钟情处女座 The horoscope-Gemini trusted most 最信任的星座双子座 The best operate partner-Aries 最佳工作搭档白羊座

4、,Lucky thing:Phoenix,poker,the ice arouses a Ling 幸运物:凤凰,扑克牌,冰激凌 Lucky tea:black tea幸运茶:纯红茶,Lucky day:On Tuesday,on Friday幸运日:星期二、星期五Is frightened:Is afraid be Forgotten by the other people害怕:怕被别人忘记,Is the best study object-Libra 最佳学习对象天秤座 Be effected a horoscope-Capricorn most easily 最容易被影响星座摩羯座,Ho

5、roscope-Taurus,Cancer,and Aquarius controled most easily 最易掌握的星座金牛座、巨蟹座、水瓶座,Lucky color:Blue,green,powder color 幸运色:蓝色,绿色,粉色 Beneficial condition:Beg for a person to like,cleverness,personal status higher 有利条件:讨人喜欢,聪明,品位高,Disadvantageous condition:The anti loves to move,stubborn不利条件:不爱动,固执,The horos

6、cope-Sagittarius decreed by destiny most 最有缘的星座射手座 Most horoscope-Libra,Aquarius and Scorpio that need to be noted 最需注意的星座天枰座、水瓶座、天蝎座,100%moderates horoscope-Virgo,Capricorn 100%协调星座处女座、摩羯座,Lucky figure:2 幸运数字:2 Personality:Double personality,double personality 性格:双重性格,双重个性 Match the flavor of Chen

7、most:Jasmine,rambling rose,lotus flower 最合衬的香味:茉莉,蔷薇,荷花,Is the most suitable to match the horoscope-Sagittarius of creating the family 最适合建立家庭的星座射手座Trust a horoscope-Virgo most 最信任星座处女座 Together type(breeze elephant)horoscope-Gemini,Libra and Aquarius 同型(风象)星座双子座、天秤座、水瓶座,The biggest character:Feel 最

8、大特征:感觉 Gold sentence:My mummy!金句:我妈咪!,Four elephants:Water 四象性:水 The gold belongs to:Gold金属:金,Be effected horoscope-Aries Libra most easily 最容易被影响星座白羊座 天秤座 The horoscope-Capricorn mutually absorbed and mutually scolded相吸又相斥的星座摩羯座 100%moderates a horoscope-Scorpio,Pisces and Virgo 100%协调星座天蝎座、双鱼座、处女座

9、,Guard planet:The sun 守护行星:太阳 Horoscope sentence Jue:I will 星座句诀:我将要 Noble Leo says:I wants I want.高贵的狮子座说:“我想要我要”Lucky figure:5,9 幸运数字:5、9 Lucky country:France and Italy 幸运国度:法国、意大利,The horoscope-Leo trusted most 最信任的星座Leo Is the best study object-Aquarius 最佳学习对象水瓶座 Most horoscope is Virgo 最需注意的星座

10、处女座,Lucky flower:Crape myrtle,hyacinth幸运花:紫薇、风信子The horoscope-Taurus Scorpio appreciated most 最欣赏的星座金牛座、天蝎座 The best operate partner-Capricorn 最佳工作搭档摩羯座 Be effected a horoscope-Gemini most easily 最容易被影响星座双子座,100%moderates a horoscope-Capricorn,Taurus and Pisces 100%协调星座摩羯座、金牛座、双鱼座 90%moderates horos

11、cope-Scorpio,Cancer 90%协调星座天蝎座、巨蟹座 80%moderates a horoscope-Virgo 80%协调星座处女座 Stand opposite a horoscope-Pisces 对立星座双鱼座,Personality:Steady and rational 性格:稳健而理智 Represent a style:Gifted elegant elegant appearance,excellent earth only beautiful consciousness 代表风格:与生俱来的优雅风采,优异的唯美意识 Lucky color:Blue,pur

12、ple color and wine red,dark red 幸运色:蓝色、紫色、酒红色、暗红色 Guard a fairy:The justice fairy Themis 守护女神:正义女神忒弥斯,Most horoscope-Sagittarius,Pisces,Aries and Cancer that need to be noted 最需注意的星座射手座、双鱼座、白羊座、巨蟹座The same kind type(breeze elephant)horoscope-Aquarius,Gemini同类型(风象)星座水瓶座、双子座,Lucky fondness for:A fondn

13、ess for that is classic幸运爱好:古典的爱好 Like:Make the best oneself 喜欢:做最棒的自己 IQ index:160-245IQ指数:160-245,Represent:Is mysterious,insight and ability to make judgment,bring to life,rebirth代表:神秘、洞察力和判断力、复活、重生 Live a condition:Concealment and full of mysterious color,the thou is fragrant thou the furniture

14、of the color,become intimate with great universe 居住条件:隐蔽而富有神秘色彩,古香古色的家具,亲近大自然,Patron saint:The king-Zeus of many absolute being守护神:众神之王宙斯 Guard a flower:Lavender 守护花:薰衣草 Lucky figure:3,4,7,9,12,21,22,32 幸运数字:3、4、7、9、12、21、22、32,Favor a horoscope-Sagittarius most 最支持星座射手座Be good friends with horoscop

15、e-Taurus Pisces most 最要好星座金牛座、双鱼座 The person-Aries caring most 最在乎的人白羊座,Have a responsibility most最具责任心 Will do business most 最会做生意 Is the worthest to trust最值得信赖 Afraid disgusting最怕肉麻,Be effected a horoscope-Libra most easily 最容易被影响星座天秤座 Most horoscope-Gemini,Libra and Sagittarius that need to be noted 最需注意的星座双子座、天秤座、射手座 Vs the temple horoscope-Cancer 对宫星座巨蟹座,


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