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1、第一题 Week 3Signs 标识,Features(1)往往全部用大写字母,不加句号。NO SMOKING,NO PARKING(2)字数通常都很少,最少的只有一个词,不超过十几个词。(3)语言精练,常用名词(动名词)或名词短语:NO LEFT TURN(4)有时使用祈使句,Commonly used signs,交通标识(Traffic Signs)、商用标识(Business Signs)、公共场所常用标识(Public Signs)Company signs/promoting signs,一、短语类标示语,1.名词性短语(n.phrase)问讯台;夜间服务窗 Night-Servi

2、ce Window;收发室Dispatchers Office;太平门 办公时间Business Hours;建筑工地 Construction Site;无购物通道Non-purchase exit,Information Desk,Emergency Door;,2.动词性短语(v.phrase),(1)“禁止”类标示语。“Dont pick the flowers”(禁止摘花)“Dont tread on the lawn”(禁止践踏草坪)“Dont make noise”(禁止喧哗)Revised ones“Keep away from the flowers,please.”“Tak

3、e care of the flowers/the grass,please.”“Quiet,please.”,汉语表示禁止的标识语一般用“禁止/请勿+动词”结构,而在英语标识语中常用“No+名词或动名词”的形式。任何时间不准停车 No stopping at any time;禁止通行 No thoroughfare;未经允许货车禁止通行 No trade or business vehicle unless authorized。,2.动词性短语,(2)“指导”类标示语,凭票入场 Admission by Ticket Only;谢绝儿童入场 Children Not Admitted;全

4、已预定 All Reserved;此路封闭The Road Closed,2.动词性短语,二、祈使句式imperative,请为残疾人让开此座 PLEASE VACATE THIS SEAT FOR A DISABLED PERSON IF REQUIRED 请勿向河中投掷垃圾 PLEASE DO NOT THROW RUBBISH INTO THIS RIVER,三、主谓句式(S+P),法规要求系安全带 The law requires you wear a seatbelt 随时停车 This vehicle stops frequently,公共场所常用标识语(1),公共场所常用标识语(

5、2),公共场所常用标识语(3),Traffic signs交通标识,Traffic signs交通标识(1),Avoid the Jams 避免交通堵塞Dangerous Bend 弯道危险 Diverted Traffic 交叉路口 Entry To Motorway 高速入口Left Junction 左交叉口 Pedestrian Crossing 人行横道,Traffic signs交通标识(2),Speed Limit of 48kmh 限速每小时48公里 No Parking In Front of This Gate 门前禁止停车 Parking Permitted 允许停车St

6、rictly No Parking 严禁停车Bus Stand 公共汽车停车处 In case of fire,stay in vehicle 如遇火警,请呆在车内,Traffic signs交通标识(3),Departure Time 离港时间Departure Times On Reverse 返航时间Destination Airport 到达机场Exit to All routes 各通道出口,Traffic signs交通标识(4),When the bus is moving,do not speak to the driver 汽车行使中,严禁与司机交谈Please Keep G

7、ateways Clear 请保持过道畅通Single or Return Tickets Only 单程或往返程票,商场促销标识(Promoting Signs)(1),50%Off on Selected Lines 部分商品降半价 Accessories&Spares Delivered to Your Door 配件送货上门As Many Repairs As You Need,Free of Charge 随时免费维修Brighter Shopping,Brighter Prices 明智的购物,透明的价格,Buy One and Get Anyone Free 买一赠一 Closi

8、ng Sale 关门大甩卖Customer care is our top priority 顾客至上Final Clear Out 清仓大甩卖,商场促销标识(Promoting Signs)(2),商场促销标识(Promoting Signs)(3),Free Delivery to Your Door 免费送货上门Sale at Breakdown Price跳楼价甩卖 Save Up to 40%Special Offer 特价,6折优惠,Section 4 英汉标识语对比英汉标识语有如下四点相似之处:1以 为中心 登记处 Registration 咨询台 Information des

9、k消防通道 Fire Engine Access 机场休息室 Airport lounge 美食街 Food Court,名词,2以 为中心 推杠报警 Push for Alarm 小心碰头 Mind Your Head 登记入住 Check In 小心轻放 Handle with Care,动词,3.结构标识语经常向人们发出一些号召,提出 一些请求或要求以创建舒适有序的环境。请爱护公共设施 Please Protect Public Facilities 请节约用水 Please Save Water 请出示证件 Please Show Your ID 请排队等候入场 Please Line

10、 Up,请,4.非 结构 标识语的社会功能是对公众进行提示和指示。或对其行为进行限制和禁止,语料分析显示,英汉标识语都常用肯定句式进行提示或指示,句式简洁,意思清晰;而用否定句式进行约束和限制,语气郑重、严肃,有较强的警示性和权威性。,请字,2不同的表达角度 禁止摆卖 No Vendors 非公莫入 Staff Only 伸手出水 Automatic Tap 当心触电 Danger!High Voltage,在表达方式上汉英两种标识语常采用相反的表达角度,汉语通常采用否定句式对某种动作或行为 进行禁止,而英语则直接用肯定句式表达;汉语通常 用祈使句提示公众对某事物作出反应,而英语则习惯直接用名

11、词短语进行提示。,3.对称结构与非对称结构(汉语四字成语对偶)Offer is subject to availability 现货优惠,卖完为止 Keep Away for Safety 注意安全,请勿靠近Escalator Out of Service 电梯维修,暂停使用Fire escape to be clear of obstruction 安全出口,保持通畅,4“禁止请勿+动词”结构与“No+名词”结 构 汉语表示禁止的标识语一般用“禁止请勿+动词”结构,而在英语标识语中常用“No+名词或动名词”的形式。例如:禁止吸食摇头丸 No Drugs 请勿将软包装的饮料带入场内 No Dr

12、inks from Outside 请勿乱扔废弃物 No Littering 不准停车 No Parking,5主动形式与被动形式 英语民族由于其客观思维习惯,语言表达上多 用被动结构,标识语也不例外;而汉民族的主观思维 模式使得其在标识语的表达上也惯用主动语态,很 少或根本看不到汉语标识语中出现被动语态。例 如:车位已满 Occupied 已预定 Reserved 暂停 Temporarily closed 此工地必须戴安全帽 Safety helmets must be worn on this site 保证干净舒适 Cleanness and comfort assured,4礼貌性原

13、则,多用“please”“Thank you”“Sorry”“welcome”等。如:“电梯故障停运,正在维修,请原谅”译作“Escalator under repairSorry for the inconvenience”,“请爱护公共财产”译作“Please Protect Public Property”。,5跨文化传统原则“Please offer your seats to the seniors,children,pregnant women,the sick and the disabledThank you”考虑到外国老年人不想被人 看作老而无用的心理感受,这里最好用the

14、seniors”而不用“the old”来译“老人”,6警示性原则转弯慢行”虽然汉语中没有警示性字眼,英译时还 是加上“Caution”一词为好,可以译成“Caution!Turn Ahead Slow Down”,以突出其警示作用。,Practice,请为下列图形配上英文及中文说明。,(1),(2),(3),(3),First Street 第一大街,(1)(2)(3)(4),Do Not Enter请勿入内,Stop 停,Yield 请让行,(1)Dangerous Bend(2)Entry To Motorway(3)No Parking Except For Loading(4)Fre

15、e Prize Draw(5)Please Join The Main Queue(6)Private(7)Do Not Speak To The Driver While Bus Is In Motion,翻译下列英文标识。(1),弯路危险,汽车行驶过程中请勿与司机交谈,机动车道入口,此处卸货 禁止停车/装卸区域 禁止停车,免费抽奖,请排队,私人(住宅/车道禁止入内),(8)Mens Restroom(9)Fewer Lanes Ahead(10)No Goods Vehicles Over Maximum Gross Weight Shown(11)Keep Upright/Stand O

16、n End(12)Dogs Must Be On Leashes(13)Leisure Time Bowling Center(14)In Case Of Fire/Use Stairways/Do Not Use Elevators,翻译下列英文标识。(2),男厕,禁止超出所标示最高载重量的货车驶入,前方并线,狗必须系上皮带(绳子),请勿倒置/直立放置,如遇火警/请走楼梯/勿乘电梯,保龄球馆,(15)Abusive Language Prohibited On Campus(16)Used Car Dealer(17)Hairdressing Salon(18)Locksmith(19)bu

17、siness hours,翻译下列英文标识。(3),校园内不准说粗话,美发沙龙/美发中心,二手车行/旧车市场,营业时间,修锁(锁匠),翻译下列汉语标识(1),(1)免税商店(2)车道暂时禁止通行(3)注意防潮/保持干燥(4)欲过马路,请按按钮/等候过马路的信号(5)装卸区域/消防区域/建筑工地,严禁停车(6)禁止携犬入内(7)内有消防水带和灭火器,Duty Free,Guard Against Damp/Keep dry,Temporary Lane Closed,Loading Zone/Fire Zone/Construction No Parking,Cross Street/Push

18、Button/Wait For walk Signal,Fire Hose/Fire Extinguisher Inside,No Dogs Allowed,翻译下列汉语标识(2),(8)此处不准使用手机(9)请使用旋转门(10)服务台兼彩票出售台(11)注意:旅客专用,扶好扶手,搀好孩子,别靠扶梯边太近(12)除非危险情况否则不准按喇叭(13)无烟校区,No Cellular seljlPhone Allowed/Turn Off Cellular Phone,Service Desk/Lottery,Please Use Revolving Door,No Horn Blowing Exc

19、ept For Danger,Caution:Passengers Only/Hold Handrail/Attend Children/Avoid Risk,Drug-Free School Zone,翻译下列汉语标识(3),(14)红灯亮时,不准转弯(15)随时照看好你的物品(16)请协助我们,保持地铁清洁卫生(17)请保留车票待检(18)机场休息室(19)失物招领,No Turn On Red,Help us to keep the tube litter free,Never Leave Your Property Unattended,Airport lounges,Please r

20、etain your ticket for inspection,Lost Property/Lost and Found,请为下面的标识找出正确的翻译。(1),货品标识,EXPLOSIVES,LIQUID,FRAGILE,POISON,PERISHABLE,RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCE,COMPRESSED GAS,请为下面的标识找出正确的翻译。(3),交通标识语,UNLAWFUL TO LITTER HIGHWAYS,TOW AWAY,SPEED CHECKED BY RADAR,YIELD,ROAD WORK AHEAD,第三题Week 7 letters 书信,中文信封格

21、式,Writers address,Receivers address,英文信封格式,Writers address,Receivers address,Form 形式,English Letters take three forms:The blocked formThe indented formThe modified form,School of Foreign LanguagesSouthwest University of Science and TechnologyMianyang,Sichuan 621000China10 September,2007Mr.Ronald Pur

22、visDepartment of EducationMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing,MI 48824USA Dear Sir,A a A aYours sincerely,(Signature),The blocked form,School of Foreign Languages Southwest University of Science and Technology Mianyang,Sichuan 621000 China 10 September,2007Mr.Ronald Purvis Department of Education

23、Michigan State University East Lansing,MI 48824 USADear Mary,aa AAaa AA aa AAaa AA Yours sincerely,(Signature),The indented form,School of Foreign Languages Southwest University of Science and Technology Mianyang,Sichuan 621000 China 10 September,2007Mr.Ronald PurvisDepartment of EducationMichigan S

24、tate UniversityEast Lansing,MI 48824USADear Sir,XX.a XXXX a Yours sincerely,(Signature),The modified form,Blocked Style Indented Style Modified,_ _ _,_ _,_ _+_ _ _ _ _,Parts,1)the heading(信头)2)the inside address(信内地址)3)the salutation(称呼)4)the body(正文)5)the complimentary close(信尾谦语)6)the signature(署名

25、)7)the enclosure(附件)8)the postscript(附言),The Heading 寄信人地址+日期,sample,October.2,2013 Dear Mr.Qian,According to our travel plans,we will arrive in Shanghai around January 12.We understand that your school holidays may be starting around that date so that it might be impossible for us to observe classe

26、s at that time.Nevertheless,we would like very much to visit your school.If it is convenient,we would appreciate being able to stay at the school guest house during our stay in Shanghai.Were looking forward to receiving a reply soon.Sincerely yours,Pamela Smith,第四题Announcement,The announcement is on

27、e kind of proclamatory(公告的)practical writing.If some organizations,groups or individuals want to illustrate something to the public,or want to ask help,or have some requirements to tell the masses,they can write what they want to express briefly into an announcement.There are various kinds of announ

28、cements,such as Found,Lost,and House for Renting,etc.,Oral 宣布一件事Written 启事,May I have/call your attention,please?请注意啦!2.Attention,please,everybody!大家请注意啦!3.I have an announcement to make.我要宣布一个通知。4.I have something to tell you.我有事情要告诉你们。5.I have some good news for you!我有好消息要告诉你们。,Some commonly-used

29、sentences:,6.There will be a talk this afternoon.今天下午有一个报告。7.The Student Union has decided that.学生会决定8.We shall have a lecture on.我们将要听一个关于的报告。9.It has been decided that well pay a visit to.我们已决定要参观10.Please take your notebook with you.请随身带着笔记本。,11.Well gather at the school gate at eight tomorrow.我们

30、明天八点在校门口集合。12.Please be there on time and dont be late.请准时到达那儿,不要迟到。13.I hope you can have a good time.我希望你们能过得愉快。14.Thats all.Thank you.完了,谢谢。,ANNOUNCEMENT A TALK ON“ENGLISH TEACHING IN SHENZHEN”will be given byComrade Wu Mingliangon Saturday,May 10at 8:30 a.m.in Room C510 English Department Office

31、,Sample 1,Sample 2 ANNOUNCEMENT,CONCERNED STUDENTS!We need volunteers to work with kids between the ages of 7&17 years.You would be able to gain valuable experiences while working in an activity of your choice(i.e.pool,gym,photography,dancing,weight lifting,etc.).For further information,please conta

32、ct Barb Graham at the Memorial Boysand GirlsClub(434-6054).,1.称呼:同学们2.口头通知开头套语3.具体内容(事由、时间、地点、参与人等):明天是3月12日植树节。为了保护我们的环境,校学生会(The Students Union)决定二年级全体学生明天乘车去西山植树。早晨7:00在校门口集合,别忘了穿上旧衣服,自带工具和午餐。4.结尾套语。,请按以下提示给全班同学做一个口头通知,How to make an announcement?,Boys and girls,Tomorrow is March the 12thTree Pla

33、nting Day.In order to protect our environment,well go to the West Hill to plant trees there.Please meet at 7:00 in the morning at the school gate.Well go there by bus.Youd better put on your old clothes and bring tools and lunch with you.Dont be late.Thank you.,A possible version for reference:,第五题(

34、安慰信)常用词汇:,sorry 遗憾、难过,regret 遗憾,unexpected 料想不到,relief 安慰、慰藉,involvement 卷入,misfortune 不幸,stun 使震惊,consolation 安慰,spare 使幸免于,assistance 帮助,1.Sorry to learn your failure in.得知你在中失败,深感遗憾2.I was so sorry to hear that听说我很难过。3.I regret to hear that 听说我很遗憾。4.I couldnt find words to express how sad I was w

35、hen I learned that 得悉悲伤之情难以言表。,常用句型:,8.Im sure your trouble will be over soon.我相信不久困难就会过去的。9.I could imagine how sorry you are,but I do want you to take it easy.我能想象你有多么难过,但希望你千万要放宽心。10.I hope things will be all right soon.我希望不久一切都会好的。11.Please let me know if theres anything that I can do for you.有什

36、么事情我可以帮忙的,请尽管告诉我。,常用句型:,(1)给病人的慰问信(typical):Dear Joe,We are distressed to hear that you have been take into hospital,and on behalf of everyone I send you best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.We will visit you when you are feeling better.Please let us know if there is anything you need while in

37、 hospital.Please do not worry about your work,as we are looking after everything for you during your absence.Yours Sincerely*,(2)给蒙受物质损失者的慰问:Dear Auntie,I was so saddened and shocked to know that your house caught fire last week and great property loss was caused.But dont worry too much about it.You

38、r property is insured and so you can claim loss.And we kinsfolk will surely do our best to help you.Youll have a new and better house built quite soon.Ill come to see you next Monday and we can make arrangements for the rebuilding then.Take care.Affectionately,Jimmy,第六题Week 4 Diploma,Certificate,Sam

39、ples of Certificates,a birth/death certificate a marriage certificate a health certificate a schooling certificate a certificate of honor a notarial certificate a certificate of relationship,(Doctors certificate)Doctors Certificate June.18,2000 This is to certify that the patient,Mr.Tomas,male,aged

40、41,was admitted into our hospital on June.9,2000,for suffering from acute appendicitis.After immediate operation and ten days of treatment,he has got complete recovery and will be discharged on June.19,2000.It is suggested that he rest for one week at home before resuming his work.Jack Hopkins Surge

41、on-in-charge,Sample Certificate of Honor This is to certify that Mr.Zhang Ming has won the first prize at the English Speech Contest sponsored by the English Association of CCBUPT.English Association of CCBUPT April,2007,第七题3.Invitation cards 请柬,Points in Invitations,Occasion:open house,awards banqu

42、et,anniversary celebration,dinner-dance,retirement partyDate and time:month,day,year,day of week,a.m.or p.m.(In formal invitations,the time is written out:“Seven oclock in the evening”;a.m.and p.m.are never used.)Address:If necessary,include driving instructions or map.,Points in Invitations,Beginni

43、ng Generally three kinds A:X invites you to a reception(party,etc.)at(place)on(date)at(time)B:you are warmly(cordially)invited to attend a reception(party,etc.)at(place)on(date)at(time)C:X request(s)the pleasure of your company(the company of Mr.Y)at a reception(dinner,etc.)at(place)on(date)at(time)

44、-this one is formal,注:除了上述基本内容外,在请柬左右下角还会附有其他说明:一种是写(请答复),再写电话号码;R.S.V.P.“请回复”=Rpondezsilvousplat.(法语)=Reply,ifyouplease.For regrets only,意思是:若不能参加请回话(反过来,若能参加可不必答复)。一种是注明穿哪类服装,如写Dress formal,Dress Informal/Dress Optional,意思是衣着随便;一般场合可不加注。,formal invitation,行文不用第一人称,而是使用第三人称。书写格式不是普通书信那样一行接一行,而是以中线为

45、准,左右均匀的形式出现。,范文一:,本人具名请柬 某某先生(女士、小姐):我们定于月日下午时假座饭店厅举行婚宴 恭请 光临 某某(新人名)谨邀 年 月 日,嫁女,先生:小女八月十日于归,荷蒙厚仪,谨订于是日下午五时淡酌候教 鞠躬 席设聚宝酒楼餐厅 恕不介催,Mr.And Mrs.John Smithrequest the honor of your presenceat the marriage of their daughterElizabeth Smith toMr.John Frederick Hamilton Saturday,the twenty-ninth of September

46、 at four oclock p.m.Church of Heavenly Rest New York,布朗先生及夫人:兹定于九月二十九日(星期六)下午四时在纽约天安教堂为小女伊丽莎白史密斯与约翰弗雷德里克汉密尔顿先生举行婚礼。届时恭请 光临。约翰史密斯夫妇谨订。,两点不同:第一,英文请柬从头至尾都采用第三人称,译成中文时,一般应改用第一人称,如:“the marriage of their daughter”译成“为小女”;第二,英文请柬中星期应写在日期之前,译成汉语时,星期应写在日期后面的括号内。有时请柬下角有一些备注,提醒被邀请人应注意的事项,如:R.S.V.P.:法语缩写,即“Ple

47、ase reply”,“请复函”;For regrets only:“若不能来请告知”(regrets意为“谢绝邀请的短柬”);Dress code:着装要求。,Practice,清华校长Gu Binglin代表校方邀请(Mr.Gary Hopkin)参加中央乐团(State Orchestra)演出的音乐会,时间是9.28,星期二晚七点,地点是人民大会堂(the Great Hall)。,President Gu Binglin Tsinghua University requests the pleasure of the company of Mr.Gary Hopkin At a St

48、ate Orchestra on Tuesday,Sept.28,2008,at 7:00 p.m.in the Great Hall R.S.V.P.Tel:6278001 Sept.20,2008 Dress:optional,第八题Week 13 Notice,1.What is a notice?,A notice is a sheet of paper giving written or printed information,usually put in a public place.通知是上级读对下级;一单位告知其他单位或个人某种信息而使用的一种应用文。,Three Catego

49、ries of Notices,notifications and warnings,brief notices,detailed notices,Notices are mainly classified into three categories:,about certain events in formal terms,with precise structure and concise words,about meetings and activities(such as speeches,games and parties)including the time,place and c

50、ontents of the meetings or activities,on activities with background information about a certain person,organizations and arrangement of activities.,NOTICE Sep.8,2005 All teachers are requested to meet in the school conference room on Friday(Sep.10)at 4 p.m.to celebrate Teachers Day.Please arrive on


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