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1、Wireless LANs in Academy Curricula,Presenter:Gratitude KudyacheteEA-CATC,Agenda,Current Academy offerings that teach(some)WirelessA Different Model for WLANsSome concepts only taught in CCNPA New Wireless Certification,2,Existing Academy Offerings,Networking Academy Product Portfolio,Student Network

2、ing Knowledge and Skills,Network InstallerBasic IT SupportSystem Admin,Small and Medium Business Networking,Enterprise Networking,CAREERS,CCNA-DiscRouting,Switching,WANs,Intro to Adv Tech,CCNPScalable InternetworksSecure Converged WANs Multilayer Switching Converged Networks,FWLAN,FUNDAMENTALS ITE:P

3、C HW&SW,CCNA-ExpRouting,Switching,WANs,Intro to Adv Tech,CCNA-Security,?,ITE&Wireless,PART13.Install the Physical WNIC(like any other interface card)8.Briefly describe WLAN&Wireless Ethernet Standards(mention media&802.11 standards)9.Describe Wireless Security(mention security in Wireless)PART213.La

4、ptops-Describe Wi-Fi technology(repeat media,standards&security)15.Install&Configure Wireless NIC(brief overview),ITE-Theory,PART13.Install the Physical WNIC-PHYSICAL HW INSTALL ONLY8.Briefly describe WLAN&Wireless Ethernet Standards9.Describe Wireless SecurityPART213.Laptops-Describe Wi-Fi technolo

5、gy15.Install&Configure Wireless NICINSTALL WNIC&DRIVERSCONNECT TO AP,ITE-Practical,ITE Equipment needed,Recommended:1 X Linksys WRT300N Wireless Router per 2 PCs1 X Compatible Wireless NIC per PCMinimum:1 X Linksys WRT300N Wireless Router for the class2 PCs with Compatible Wireless NICs,CCNA&Wireles

6、s,CCNA Exploration,CCNA Exp LAN Switching&Wireless chapter 7 Theory,CCNA Exp LAN Switching&Wireless chapter 7 Practical,Build an extension WLAN to an existing fixed-wired NWConfigure basic parameters on APConfigure Client for WLAN connectivityTest connectivity,2 X Linksys wireless routers(WRT300N or

7、 similar)OR SOHO equivalent Per PODImplied some Wireless NICs(2 per Wireless Router recommended),CCNA Equipment needed,FWLAN&Wireless,Focuses on the design,planning,implementation,operation,and troubleshooting of Wireless LANs.,FWLAN,Introduction to Wireless LANs802.11(a,b,g)and Network Interface Ca

8、rdsWireless Radio TechnologyWireless TopologiesAccess PointsBridgesAntennasSecurityApplication Design and Site Survey PrepSite SurveyTroubleshooting Management,Monitoring,and DiagnosticsEmerging Technologies(OLD),FWLAN-Theory,All of itClient,AP,Bridging,Repeating,Security,etc.,FWLAN-Practical,Bundle

9、 no longer availableUsed to be:2 APs2 Bridges8 PC NICs(for notebooks)4 PCI NICs(for PCs),FWLAN Equipment Needed,So what do/should we know at this stage?,Wireless LAN(WLAN),Similarities between WLAN and LAN,Wireless LAN Topologies,Wireless Mesh Networking,Wireless Mesh Networking,Wireless VLAN Suppor

10、t,Client Association connect to AP,Offload Authentication,Evolution of WLAN security,There is more however,Wired Ethernet vs.WLAN,Access Layer100 MbDistribution Layer1 GbCore Layer10 Gb,Access Layer11/54 MbDistribution LayerN/ACore LayerN/A,30,Cisco WLAN Implementation,2 WLAN Solutions:,Autonomous W

11、LAN Solution,Autonomous AP Configuration,Initial configuration,Lightweight WLAN Solution,WCS,Lightweight WLAN Controller Configuration,Configuring the WLC,Configuring the WLC,CCNP&Wireless,Building Multi-Layer Scalable NWsWLANsIntroducing WLANsWLAN topologiesWLAN StandardsConfiguring WLAN ClientsImp

12、lementing WLANsAutonomous APsLW APs&WLAN ControllerOptimizing Converged NWsImplement WLAN Security&ManagementWLAN QoSWLAN SecurityManaging WLANs(WLSE&WCS),CCNP-Theory,Configuring the WLCConfiguring Wireless Clients,CCNP-Practical,Bundle:1 Internal or External WLAN Controller2 X LWAPs with Antennas2

13、X PCI Wireless NICs,CCNP Equipment Needed,What else is out there?,CCNA Wireless:Configuring,monitoring and troubleshooting basic tasks of a Cisco WLAN in SMB and Enterprise networks.Certification:640-721 IUWNE Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Networking EssentialsExam Number:640-721Pre-requisite:

14、CCNA,The future CCNA Wireless,WLAN RF principlesWLAN technologies and topologiesAntennae concepts802.11 protocolsWireless media accessWired to wireless network packet deliveryCisco Unified Wireless Networks basic architectureController discovery,association,and configurationAdding mobility with roamingMigrating standalone AP to LWAPPMobility Express architectureWireless clientsInstalling and configuring the WCSSecuring,maintaining,and troubleshooting wireless networks,CCNA Wireless Topics,So when will we see the Academy version of this course?,Questions?,


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