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1、高职高专英语立体化系列教材,外语教学与研究出版社,Unit 3,职场素质英语,Unit 3,Warming-up,Reading,Language Lab,Writing,Further Study,Honesty is the Best Policy,Warming-up,Home,Task 1 Listen to the song“Honesty”,and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.,Back,Next,Return,If you search for tenderness n.亲切,温柔It isnt hard to findY

2、ou can have the love you need to liveBut if you look for 1._ n.真实,真诚You might just as well be blindIt always seems to be so hard to give,声音,truthfulness,Task 1,Honesty is such a 2._ wordEveryone is so 3._4._ is hardly ever heardAnd mostly what I need from you,I can always find someoneTo say they sym

3、pathize vi.同情,怜悯If I wear my heart out v.疲乏 on my sleeve n.袖子But I dont want some pretty faceTo tell me pretty liesAll I want is someone to 5._(Chorus),lonely,untrue,Honesty,Return,believe,Task 1,I can find a loverI can find a friendI can have 6._Until the bitter endAnyone can comfort meWith 7._ aga

4、inI know I know I know ohWhen Im deep inside of me,Dont be too concerned adj.有关的;关心的I wont ask for nothin while Im goneBut when I want 8._ adj.sincere 真诚的Tell me where else can I turnBecause youre the one that I depend upon(Chorus),security,promises,sincerity,Return,Task 1,Task 2 Read the following

5、statements and find out whether the statements about you are true or false.Compare with your partner and find out how honest you are.,Back,Next,Return,Task 2,Back,Next,I have never cheated in exams,orroutine adj.日常的class tests.I dont like to take credit for接受荣誉 something that I havent done.I study h

6、ard with or without the teachers supervision.n.监督,管理I have never borrowed things from my classmates without their approval.,Return,Task 2,Back,Next,I would not leave work early,even if I were sure that it would not be found out 发现.If I had access to可以利用 the Internet at my workplace,I would only use

7、it for work.I would not slip v.滑动,动用any office supplies n.物资,供应品 for my personal use.I would use work facilities like free adj.免费的 phones or paid luncheonslntn n.午宴,午餐 only for official purposes.,Return,Task 2,Reading,Home,Text,Honesty means being truthful,adj.真实的;诚实的 fair and upright in all our act

8、ions.Sadly,it is a fact that dishonesty overflows in the modern society:cheating in exams,academic plagiarism,false adj.虚假的 advertising,broken adj.未被遵守的,被违背的contracts,lies and even stealing.However,honesty still has its merits=values,and this is no less true in the workplace than anywhere else.Indee

9、d,its often best to put your honest foot forward把拿出来(put forward 提出,建议)in the office in particular.Here are some of the benefits of maintaining a true tongue in the workplace.,Return,The Benefits of Honesty in the Workplace,Colleagues will have strong faith n.信任,信赖,信仰in us if we have a reputation n.

10、n.名声,名誉for being honest.When a problem arises=appears at work,colleagues are more likely to倾向于,很有可能 back up=support the honest party n.一群人.Likewise,adv.同样地when in trouble,we will gain more sympathy and understanding from them.Honesty earns=gains respect and respect brings trust.It also engenders=pro

11、duce successful team spirit,a happy work environment and a feeling of self-worth n.自我价值and self-confidence.,Text,Return,Text,Bosses always want people in senior adj.高级的,高管的positions who they can trust.That is,if they think we are trustworthy,they will likely be willing to entrust more responsibiliti

12、es to us,which usually leads to=result in promotion.Also,more responsibilities probably mean an increase in salary as well,so being honest will lead in most cases大部分情况下to financial benefits for us,especially if we are loyal adj.忠诚的,忠心的and dedicated to one company for years.Furthermore,if we need a r

13、ecommendation n.推荐;建议 for promotion or a letter of reference for another employer,we can be sure that it will be readily=easily available and will definitely confirm our virtue.,Return,Text,By telling the truth we avoid all the problems that come packaged with lies.One lie usually leads to 导致 anothe

14、r and then another until we are caught in遇到,陷入a web from which it can be hard to free(free from使摆脱;免于;解放)ourselves,and,there is nothing more horrible adj.可怕的 than having past lies come back to haunt you again.Being honest,we are able to go home each day with a clear conscience and can sleep soundly

15、adv.香甜地(soundly asleep酣睡)without the nightmares n.恶梦of being caught,losing our reputation and our friends.,Return,Text,Therefore,honesty is always the best policy.It is beneficial to 有益于 our careers as well as our peace of mind.,Return,Think about the following questions while you read the passage.,

16、Thinking Point,1.Suppose youre a doctor,one of your patients is suffering from遭受;患病 a fatal adj.致命的disease.Would you tell him/her the truth about the serious case or conceal knsil vt.隐藏;隐瞒the fact from him/her?Do you feel puzzled adj.困惑的;茫然的in dealing with the dilemma n.困境;进退两难?And in what case do y

17、ou think white lie善意的谎言is acceptable?2.Do you agree with the saying that even a small hint n.迹象of dishonest behavior can damage ones reputation and ability to succeed on the job?Can you offer a story to illustrate vt.阐明,举例说明the saying?,Return,New Words,New Words&Expressions,1.upright=honest/righteou

18、s rats a.正直的,诚实的(垂直的,笔直的)n.支柱 e.g.luggage upright拉杆箱 2.overflow=inundate nndet(洪水的)泛滥 v.泛滥,充满 e.g.inundate crops 淹没农田 overflow pipe 建 溢流管3.academic a.学术的,理论的 e.g.academic degree 学位 academy n.学院;研究院;学会;专科院校4.plagiarism=piracy/cribbing n.剽窃,剽窃物5.merit=asset/importance/virtue/price/value n.优点,价值;功绩 e.g

19、.merit student 三好学生;merit pay 绩效工资,Return,New Words,New Words&Expressions,6.arise=occur/come out v.发生,出现 e.g.arise suddenly 突如其来 7.sympathy=compassion 复数 sympathies n.同情,同情心e.g.sympathy for 的同情;对;同情 express sympathy 表示同情;表示哀悼 8.engender=produce v.产生,引起9.trustworthy=reliable/dependable a.可靠的,值得信赖的e.g

20、.trustworthy product 信得过产品10.entrust=commit/refer v.信赖;委托e.g.Entrust Cost 委托费,Return,New Words&Expressions,11.promotion=advancement/acceleration n.晋升,提升;促销e.g.sales promotion 促销;promotion opportunity 提升机会 12.financial=fiscal/monetary a.财政的,金融的13.readily=easily ad.迅速地,容易地e.g.readily comprehensible 容易

21、理解的 14.confirm=verify/authenticate/validate v.确认,证实15.virtue=morality/asset n.美德,优点e.g.civic virtue 公民道德/美德16.package=parcel v.打包,包装 n.包裹17.haunt=linger/hover v.缠住,萦绕 e.g.haunt about 经常出没于 18.conscience n.良心,道德心 e.g.guilty conscience 内疚,Return,Phrases&Expressions1.in particular=especially/particular

22、ly 特别,尤其2.back up=support 支持,援助3.dedicate to 奉献,贡献(时间、精力等)e.g.dedicate oneself to 致力于做某事4.letter of reference 推荐信5.a clear conscience 问心无愧6.peace of mind 内心的宁静,怡然自得,New Words&Expressions,Return,Task 1 Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the passage.,Exercises,F

23、,T,F,T,T,1.Honesty loses its value in the modern society full of dishonesty.,2.Most bosses tend to promote the employees with honesty.,3.Honest employees are more likely to gain trust from both bosses and colleagues.,4.Once honest employees are in trouble,their colleagues will lose faith in them.,5.

24、Honesty also contributes to ones mental health.,Return,Task 2 Here is a summary of the benefits of honesty in the workplace.Choose the appropriate answer to fill in the blanks.You can add more examples to justify.,Exercises,A.Sleep sweetly B.Avoid a pack of liesC.Gain support D.Get salary increasedE

25、.Get strongly recommended,Return,Exercises,E,D,Gain trust from the colleagues:1.Gain sympathy and understandingGain trust from the boss:Get promoted2.3.,C,Return,Exercises,B,A,4.Have a clear conscience5.,Return,1.A(n)_ seldom feels guilty adj.内疚的 of his plagiarism.2.The salesmen always talk about th

26、e _of computers.3.The _ is famous for its academic atmosphere.,Task 3 Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases given in the box.Change the form if necessary.,Exercises,plagiarist,merits,academy,academicplagiarismmeritpromotionback upsympathyfinancialengenderconfirmhaunt,Return,Exer

27、cises,4.The Sales Manager was _ after the successful sales promotion.5.Some young office ladies like to work with the colleagues of the opposite gender,for it _ efficiency as well as romance.6.He is not financially independent.That means he still depends on his parents in terms of在方面_.7.They are onl

28、y _ listeners.They expressed their sympathy,but dont count on指望;依靠 them to give you a cent.一分钱,promoted,engenders,finance,sympathetic,Return,Exercises,8.He phoned from the firm to _ his appointment with me.9.He used many examples to _ his major point要点.10.Memories of the old days _ her.,confirm,back

29、 up,haunts/haunted,Return,Task 4 Rewrite the following sentences after the given models.,Exercises,Model 1:Like anywhere else,this is true in the workplace.This is no less true in the workplace than anywhere else.,Return,Exercises,1.Like most kids,Tom had a happy childhood.Tom had no less a happy ch

30、ildhood than most kids.2.Like a horse,a whale n.鲸 is a mammal.哺乳动物 A whale is no less a mammal than a horse.,3.Like the girls,the boys in our class are active.The boys in our class are no less active than the girls.4.Like her parents,little Mary gets up early.Little Mary gets up no less early than h

31、er parents.,Return,Exercises,Model 2:Having past lies come back to haunt you again is the most horrible thing.Theres nothing more horrible than having past lies come back to haunt you again.,Return,Exercises,1.Preparing the eggs and serving them just the way the customers wanted made me feel the bes

32、t.Nothing made me feel better than preparing the eggs and serving them just the way the customers wanted.2.He is most interested in sports in our class.No one in our class is more interested in sports than he.3.This book is the best one written in this field.No book in this field is better written t

33、han this one.4.Guilin can produce the most memories of Chinas beauty.No place can produce more memories of Chinas beauty than Guilin.,Return,Task 5 Translate the following Chinese into English.,Exercises,1.我们需要你的前雇主的推荐信。(letter of reference)We need a letter of reference from your former boss.2.在所有的电

34、视节目中,我对纪录片特别感兴趣。(in particular)Among all the TV programs,I am interested in documentaries in particular.,Return,Exercises,3.我喜欢和诚实正直、工作投入的人一起工作。(dedicate to)I like to work with people who are honest,upright and dedicated to their work.4.遗憾的是没有一个人来为他们的说法作证。(back up)Unfortunately none will back up the

35、ir story/back them up.5.为了使自己安心,安娜每隔几分钟查看一下婴儿。(peace of mind)Every few minutes,Anna would have a look at the baby for her own peace of mind.,Return,Language Lab,Home,Model 1:Dishonesty overflows in the modern society.“Overflow”means“flow over the edges n.边缘 or limits n.范围;极限,or spread beyond the ord

36、inary or usual area”.The prefix“over-”usually expresses the following meanings:(1)excess n.超额;过度,过量,too much;(2)on or above the surface;(3)indicating motion n.动作,移动 from an upright adj.垂直的 position,from one side to the other,or so that a different side is seen.,Return,Model 1,Task 1 Use the words wi

37、th the prefix“over-”to fill in the following sentences and point out the usage of“over-”in each sentence.,1.This 10-year-old boy is 120 pounds n.磅 in weight.He is really _.2.Mr.Smith worked 14 hours every day.His health suffered a lot from _.3.Crowds of people rushed into the train and soon it was _

38、.,overweight(1),overwork(2),overcrowded(1),Return,Model 1,4.It was bitterly adv.刺骨地 cold outside.Mary took off her thin coat and put on her thick _.5.Passengers n.乘客 are required to put their belongings n.行李 under their seats or in the _ compartments n.隔间 after boarding.6.When you _v.俯瞰;远眺;(忽视)the c

39、ity from the tower,it takes on a new look.7.But prices of agricultural commodities(commodity n.产品,商品)are low because of _.,overcoat(2),overhead(2),overlook(2),overproduction(1),Return,Model 1,8.They threw out(throw out v.否决)the plan to _ vt.推翻;打倒;倾覆the government.9.He turned out to be 结果是 alive alth

40、ough his boat _ v.翻转 in the storm.10.In this restaurant,they usually charge 10%of the bill n.账单 as a tip.n.小费 If customers are _,they can dial 12315 to make a complaint.,overthrew(3),overturned(3),overcharged(2),Return,Model 1,Model 2:If they think we are trustworthy“Trustworthy”is a compound word,w

41、hich is composed of“trust”and“worthy”,and thus means“worthy of trust,reliable”.,Return,Model 1,Task 2 Match the words in Column A with the appropriate words in Column B to form new compound words.Fill in the blanks with the compound words.,there team suit any up like under work,A,B,whereforewisemate

42、caserightplacestand,Return,Model 2,upright,likewise,understand,workplace,1.Prof.Beamer is open-hearted adj.坦率的 and _.2.We will be sharing our information about the event that we have and I think the other groups will do _.3.I dont fully _ his reasons for giving up the job in our company.4.Computers

43、have brought about(v.带来,引起)many changes in the _.,Return,Model 2,anywhere,suitcase,therefore,teammate,5.I felt much relaxed after coming back from the trip to China.Did you go _ during the summer vacation?6.Tom managed to squash(挤压)all his belongings into the _.7.He has broken his leg heavily and _

44、he cant enter his name for the sports meeting.运动会 8.Bob often tells me how much he enjoys having Martin as a(n)_.,Return,Model 2,Writing,Task 1,Introduction,Task 2,Home,Honesty in Society,Being honest can be very beneficial for both individuals and companies.However,deception n.欺骗,欺诈is spreading acr

45、oss传遍;席卷the whole population currently.It permeates vt.弥漫;渗透 the healthcare n.医疗保健field,employees and management n.管理人员within organizations,shoppers,job applicants求职者,students in examinations,journalists n.记者 in their publications n.出版;发表 and competing athletes,n.运动员 etc.So,its high time we stopped

46、it;otherwise our society will suffer a lot from it.,Return,Introduction,Task 1 Look at the following pictures and discuss what has happened within your group.Try to find out the ways of motivating people to do the right thing.,1,2,3,Return,Task 1,Task 2 Write a short passage about dishonesty,analyze

47、 the reasons and try to find the solution.,Your passage should include the following points:1.the dishonest phenomena at present;2.the benefits of honesty;3.the ways to build an honest society.,Return,Task 2,Task 6,Task 5,Task 4,Task 3,Task 2,Task 7,Task 1,Listening&Speaking,Home,Task 1 Sarah is rep

48、orting a problem to Mr.White.Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.,_ 1.A.The service of the salesperson is poor.B.Some out-of-date food is for sale.C.The customers are overcharged.D.The products on the shelves are in a mess._ 2.A.To invite customers to test

49、.B.To follow the trial of the product.C.To sell to the customers.D.To display what they have in store._ 3.A.Hurting the reputation of the supermarket.B.Harming the health of the customers.C.Making no profits.D.Attracting more customers.,B,C,D,声音,Script,Return,Task 1,Script,S:Mr.White,Im afraid I hav

50、e something to tell you.W:Whats the matter,Sarah?S:When I was stocking v.进货;库存,储存the shelves,I found some packs n.包装of milk powder n.奶粉 that are past their sell-by date.保质期Have you seen them?W:Yes,I know.S:Shall I take them off the shelf immediately?W:Er,no,leave them there,they can still be sold.S:


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